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Burbot (Lota lota), are native Lake Superior piscivores that share similar habitat and food resources with other predators including lean and siscowet lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush). To better understand their ecological role in the fish community, we combined fisheries assessment information from 1970 to 2002 with a bioenergetics model to estimate their predatory impact in the Apostle Islands region of Lake Superior. Relative abundance declined in the Apostle Islands region from 3.41 fish/1,000 m in 1978 to 0.27 fish/1,000 m in 1998. Fishing mortality was minimal based on creel estimates and observed bycatch in the commercial fishery. Burbot < 400 mm consumed a higher fraction of small prey items such as Mysis relicta, fish eggs and sculpins (Cottidae) while larger burbot were almost exclusively piscivorous. Overall diet composition (by mass) was represented primarily by Coregonus spp. (64%) and rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) (17%). We estimated the burbot population size in the Apostle Islands between 1970 and 2000 at 56,541 to 1,585,035 age 1+ fish. This population consumed between 56 and 1,584 metric tonnes (0.13 to 3.54 kg/ha) of prey. Increases in both lean and siscowet lake trout abundance have likely contributed to the decline in burbot abundance through predation and/or competition for food resources. Given the current burbot population in the Apostle Islands, this species is unlikely to control production of prey fish or invertebrate taxa.  相似文献   

The siscowet Salvelinus namaycush is a deepwater morphotype of lake trout in Lake Superior. As part of a standardized lake-wide survey in 2006 to assess siscowet populations, bottom-set, multi-mesh gill nets were fished at 36.6 m depth intervals from near shore areas to the deepest waters in south-central Lake Superior. Siscowet length distributions, diet compositions, and sea lamprey wounding rates were compared for three depth zones: shallow (< 200 m), deep (200–394 m), and deepest (395–399 m). There were 39 siscowets collected in proximity to Lake Superior's greatest recorded depth of 405 m. To our knowledge, this is the greatest depth that fish have been collected in the Great Lakes. Higher proportions of siscowets ≤ 500 mm were caught in the shallow zone compared to deeper zones. Deepwater sculpins were the dominant prey for small siscowets (< 600 mm) across all depth zones. The diet of large siscowets (≥ 600 mm) among all depth zones comprised mostly of coregonines and burbot Lota lota. Terrestrial insects were observed in the diet of siscowets in all depth zones, indicating migration to the surface. Type A sea lamprey wounding rates were higher for large (≥ 600 mm) than small siscowets among all depth zones. The highest wounding rate was observed on large siscowets in the deep zone. Recent work indicates that siscowets are the most abundant lake trout form and this research indicates that siscowets use the maximum depths of Lake Superior.  相似文献   

Hydroacoustics can be used to assess zooplankton populations, however, backscatter must be scaled to be biologically meaningful. In this study, we used a general model to correlate site-specific hydroacoustic backscatter with zooplankton dry weight biomass estimated from net tows. The relationship between zooplankton dry weight and backscatter was significant (p < 0.001) and explained 76% of the variability in the dry weight data. We applied this regression to hydroacoustic data collected monthly in 2003 and 2004 at two shoals in the Apostle Island Region of Lake Superior. After applying the regression model to convert hydroacoustic backscatter to zooplankton dry weight biomass, we used geostatistics to analyze the mean and variance, and ordinary kriging to create spatial zooplankton distribution maps. The mean zooplankton dry weight biomass estimates from plankton net tows and hydroacoustics were not significantly different (p = 0.19) but the hydroacoustic data had a significantly lower coefficient of variation (p < 0.001). The maps of zooplankton distribution illustrated spatial trends in zooplankton dry weight biomass that were not discernable from the overall means.  相似文献   

With the exception of lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis), relatively little is known about the early life history of larval coregonines in the Laurentian Great Lakes. For example, our knowledge of the feeding ecology of larval coregonines (excluding lake whitefish) is based on only 900 stomachs reported in the literature. Here, we describe the diets and demographics of larval coregonines from ice-out to late July, and the contemporaneous zooplankton community, in the Apostle Islands region of Lake Superior in 2018. Exogenous feeding was evident among the smallest larvae (down to 6 mm). Percent of larvae with food in their stomachs increased and yolk reserves decreased as larvae grew from 10 to 13 mm. A majority of the diet (58%) was copepod nauplii, with generally positive selection for adult copepods and Holopedium. The patterns in exogenous feeding and yolk sac absorption were similar to observations in Lake Superior in the 1970s. Diets were also generally similar, although Limnocalanus, Holopedium, and zooplankton eggs were more prevalent in 2018 than the 1970s. Demographic data suggested at least two distinct cohorts and/or coregonine species in 2018. Post-hoc genetic testing of larvae in a parallel study suggested our samples comprised a mix of predominantly cisco (C. artedi), kiyi (C. kiyi), and bloater (C. hoyi). Early life history studies, when coupled with emerging genetic techniques that can identify larval coregonines to species, will provide a powerful combination to better understand population dynamics of coregonines at a time of ongoing restoration and rehabilitation efforts throughout the Great Lakes.  相似文献   

Assessing all pertinent environmental variables to categorize a skill level to safely navigate the water environment can be difficult for inexperienced kayakers, especially at a remote site where internet access is limited. A real-time kayaker safety assessment of water environmental conditions at the Mainland Sea Caves of the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore, Lake Superior is achieved. We present a new cyberinfrastructure that provides kayakers with real-time data access and a Safety Index (SI) with consideration of multiple environmental factors to characterize the degree of navigational difficulty for classifying kayaker skill levels. Specifically, radar reflectivity is added to improve forecasts of dangerous conditions caused by convective storms using state-of-the-art weather and wave modeling. Spectral characteristics of surface waves are employed to correlate the occurrences of extreme and freak waves. In addition, unexpectedly dangerous conditions like coastal upwelling and freak wave occurrence due to changing wind directions are considered. A contingency plan is implemented to handle the issue of possibly missing required environmental data. Display of the SI and visualization of other real-time environmental data are communicated by a power-efficient kiosk. Web analytics demonstrates a public interest in real-time water conditions and the need for the on-site kiosk to provide the latest information before kayakers enter the water. The new real-time water environment cyberinfrastructure for kayaker safety in the Apostle Islands, Lake Superior has been successfully operated since 2014.  相似文献   

We describe the diet and prey selectivity of lean (Salvelinus namaycush namaycush) and siscowet lake trout (S. n. siscowet) collected during spring (April–June) from Lake Superior during 1986–2001. We estimated prey selectivity by comparing prey numerical abundance estimates from spring bottom trawl surveys and lake trout diet information in similar areas from spring gill net surveys conducted annually in Lake Superior. Rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) was the most common prey and was positively selected by both lean and siscowet lake trout throughout the study. Selection by lean lake trout for coregonine (Coregonus spp.) prey increased after 1991 and corresponded with a slight decrease in selection for rainbow smelt. Siscowet positively selected for rainbow smelt after 1998, a change that was coincident with the decrease in selection for this prey item by lean lake trout. However, diet overlap between lean and siscowet lake trout was not strong and did not change significantly over the study period. Rainbow smelt remains an important prey species for lake trout in Lake Superior despite declines in abundance.  相似文献   

We demonstrate, for the first time, the ability to reliably assign an assemblage of larval coregonines [Salmonidae Coregoninae] to shallow and multiple deepwater species. Larval coregonines from the Apostle Islands, Lake Superior, were genotyped using restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RADseq) and were assigned to species using reference genotypes from adult corgonines from the same region. Of the 193 genotyped larvae, 101 were assigned as Coregonus artedi (average assignment probability = 97.6%), 57 were assigned as C. kiyi (average assignment probability = 95.5%), and 28 were assigned as C. hoyi (average assignment probability = 89.0%). Coregonus artedi were collected earliest in the season, followed by C. kiyi and then C. hoyi. Estimates of genetic diversity within each species provide a baseline for future monitoring in the Apostle Islands. Our success with species assignment indicates the promise of leveraging genomic data for larval coregonine identification, which could enable assessing and evaluating early life history dynamics and recruitment processes at the species level to the benefit of ongoing coregonine restoration and management efforts.  相似文献   

The food habits of young lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) were studied by examining the digestive tracts of 293 young-of-the-year collected in Presque Isle Harbor, Lake Superior. Lake trout in the 25 to 27-mm length range started to eat food organisms before all of their yolk material was absorbed. Organisms consumed by the 25 to 27-mm young-of-the-year included Chironomidae, Copepoda (Harpacticoida, Calanoida, Cyclopoida), and Cladocerea (Daphnia spp., Bosmina sp., Chydorus sp.). Chironomid pupae and chironomid larvae accounted for 74% and 5%, respectively, of the total volume of food eaten by the young lake trout in Presque Isle Harbor. Although copepods, cladocerans, and mysids were present in many stomachs, their contribution to the total volume of food was only 15%. Some lake trout in the 32 to 54-mm length range had consumed fry of sculpin (Cottus spp.) or rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax), but the overall contribution of fish fry to the total volume of food was only 4% (frequency of occurrence, 10%). The lake trout in Presque Isle Harbor fed heavily on planktonic organisms, sparingly on benthic organisms, and were opportunistic feeders that appeared to prey on whatever forage organisms were available in the shallow nearshore waters.  相似文献   

Invasive sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) remain an important source of fish mortality in the Laurentian Great Lakes, yet assessing their impact is hindered by lack of quantitative diet information. We examined nitrogen and carbon stable isotope ratios (δ15N and δ13C) of sea lamprey and host species in six ecoregions of Lake Superior, mainly in 2002–2004. Data implied that most sea lamprey fed primarily on upper trophic level species, including forms of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush). However, in Ontario waters, particularly semi-enclosed Black Bay, sea lamprey relied heavily on lower trophic levels, such as coregonines (Coregonus spp.) and suckers (Catostomus spp.). Sea lamprey δ15N and δ13C generally increased with sea lamprey size, implying dependence on higher trophic levels later in life. Most parasitic sea lamprey that we captured were attached to either lean lake trout (35% of observed attachments), lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis; 25%), or cisco (C. artedii; 25%); the latter sea lamprey were typically < 15 g. Survey- and fishery-dependent wounding rate data compiled from 1986–2005 suggest that lean and siscowet lake trout were selectively parasitized by sea lamprey, which is consistent with our stable isotope data. Our results largely support the notion that lake trout are the principal host species in Lake Superior. However, stable isotope evidence that sea lamprey feed at lower trophic levels in some regions argues for comprehensive monitoring of sea lamprey impacts throughout the fish community in systems that sea lamprey have invaded.  相似文献   

Mercury was measured in accumulated snow (March 1982) sampled from around Lake Superior and in rainfall from Duluth, Minnesota (June–September 1982 and March–November 1983), Forbes Township, and Dorset in northwestern and central Ontario, respectively (May–September 1983). Methods of melting snow and collecting rain samples were investigated to avoid loss of mercury during the melting process and sample shipment and storage. Low concentrations in snow and rain required greater analytical sensitivity. A detection limit of 0.008 ± 0.004 μg/L of mercury (N = 26) was attained using the cold vapor technique; and by utilizing a gold gauze amalgam accessory for preconcentration, a detection limit of 0.005 ± 0.003 μg/L (N = 13) was attained. Regional comparisons of mercury accumulation in the snow pack across the northern parts of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ontario show highest values, 0.10 ± 0.17 μg/L Hg, in the Grand Rapids, Minnesota, area and lowest values in remote areas of Minnesota and Ontario. Rainfall concentrations of total mercury were substantially higher than snow accumulation and were mainly of inorganic forms (73%). The highest amounts of mercury were measured in rainfall at Duluth, Minnesota (3.4 μg/L) during June 1982 and at Forbes Township, Ontario, (1.2 μg/L) during July 1983. Substantially lower concentrations were observed in the other months of 1982 and 1983. There is no unique association of the observed mercury concentration with the air parcel history. However, the single highest mercury concentration in rainfall observed at Duluth, Minnesota, occurred when the 850-mb air parcel back trajectory indicated upwind corridors to the N-NW and the highest concentration at Forbes Township, Ontario, was associated with an 850-mb trajectory from W-NW. Significant positive correlation coefficients (0.05) were obtained with other measured components in rain at Duluth, Minnesota, including S, B, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Mn, and Zn in 1983. Mercury concentrations in precipitation and in lake water for precipitation-dominated lakes are similar and indicate that atmospheric deposition can be the major source of mercury for some lakes in the Lake Superior region.  相似文献   

We describe the diets of lake herring (Coregonus artedi) and rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) in western Lake Superior during the summers of 1996 and 1997. Both species consumed predominantly (> 71% by number) zooplankton, showing a preference for larger taxa. Diet overlap between the two species was low (Schoener's index = 0.42). Mysis was most important in rainbow smelt diets, whereas Diaptomus sicilis was most important in lake herring diets. Rainbow smelt selected larger taxa, and larger individuals within a taxon when compared to lake herring, although rainbow smelt tended to be smaller fish. Fish diets have changed relative to previous studies and may be reflecting changes in the zooplankton community. Continued changes in the fish and zooplankton community will alter predatorprey and energetic pathways, ultimately affecting growth and production of the ecosystem.  相似文献   

We determined maturity schedules of male and female lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in Lake Michigan from nearshore populations and from an offshore population on Sheboygan Reef, which is located in midlake. Gill nets and bottom trawls were used to catch lake trout in fall 1994 and 1995 from two nearshore sites and Sheboygan Reef. Each lake trout was judged immature or mature, based on visual examination of gonads. Probit analysis, coupled with relative potency testing, revealed that age-at-maturity and length-at-maturity were similar at the two nearshore sites, but that lake trout from the nearshore sites matured at a significantly earlier age than lake trout from Sheboygan Reef. However, length at maturity for the nearshore populations was nearly identical to that for the offshore population, suggesting that rate of lake trout maturation in Lake Michigan was governed by growth rather than age. Half of the lake trout males reached maturity at a total length of 580 mm, whereas half of the females were mature at a length of about 640 mm. Over half of nearshore males were mature by age 5, and over half the nearshore females matured by age 6. Due to a slower growth rate, maturity was delayed by 2 years on Sheboygan Reef compared with the nearshore populations. Documentation of this delay in maturation may be useful in deciding stocking allocations for lake trout rehabilitation in Lake Michigan.  相似文献   

Julian's Reef is an historical spawning ground for lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in southwestern Lake Michigan. It is a designated lake trout refuge and is the focus of lake trout restoration efforts in Illinois waters of the lake. We studied the reef to determine its potential as spawning habitat for stocked lake trout. We used side-scan sonar and a remotely operated vehicle equipped with a video camera to survey and map 156 ha of lake bed on the southeast portion of the reef, where an earlier study revealed the presence of loose-rock substrate potentially suitable for use by spawning lake trout. Our survey showed that the substrate on the reef that most closely resembled that described in the literature as suitable for spawning by stocked lake trout in the Great Lakes was rubble patches with interstitial depths greater than 20 cm. These rubble patches occupied about 2 ha of the 13-ha expanse of bedrock and rubble substrate near the reef crest in the surveyed area. We estimated that these rubble patches, if fully used by spawning lake trout, could accommodate egg deposition by at least 1,300–3,300 2.7-kg females.  相似文献   

Most of the PCB body burden in lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) of the Great Lakes is from their food. PCB concentrations were determined in lake trout from three different locations in Lake Michigan during 1994–1995, and lake trout diets were analyzed at all three locations. The PCB concentrations were also determined in alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus), rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax), bloater (Coregonus hoyi), slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus), and deepwater sculpin (Myoxocephalus thompsoni), five species of prey fish eaten by lake trout in Lake Michigan, at three nearshore sites in the lake. Despite the lack of significant differences in the PCB concentrations of alewife, rainbow smelt, bloater, slimy sculpin, and deepwater sculpin from the southeastern nearshore site near Saugatuck (Michigan) compared with the corresponding PCB concentrations from the northwestern nearshore site near Sturgeon Bay (Wisconsin), PCB concentrations in lake trout at Saugatuck were significantly higher than those at Sturgeon Bay. The difference in the lake trout PCB concentrations between Saugatuck and Sturgeon Bay could be explained by diet differences. The diet of lake trout at Saugatuck was more concentrated in PCBs than the diet of Sturgeon Bay lake trout, and therefore lake trout at Saugatuck were more contaminated in PCBs than Sturgeon Bay lake trout. These findings were useful in interpreting the long-term monitoring series for contaminants in lake trout at both Saugatuck and the Wisconsin side of the lake.  相似文献   

Bathythermal distributions of hatchery-reared lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) of three genetic strains (Lake Superior; Clearwater Lake, Manitoba; and Seneca Lake, New York) were described from catches with bottom trawls in Lake Ontario during April-May, June, July-August, and October, 1978–1984. This work was part of a program to evaluate post-stocking performance of hatchery-reared fish and identify strains for continued use in rehabilitation of lake trout in Lake Ontario. All age groups of Lake Superior fish were in deeper water in April-May than in June each year; mean depth of capture was greatest at age II and became progressively shallower at ages III and IV. Mean depth of capture in April-May was positively correlated with severity of the preceding winter as judged by heating degree days and average wind speed. During July-August, the fish were concentrated between the epilimnion and 50 m, with no consistent trend in depth by age; however, 92% were captured at water temperatures of 12°C or lower. Mean temperatures of capture for Lake Superior fish during the four respective sampling periods were 3.9, 7.5, 6.9, and 9.5° C for fish of age II and 3.9, 8.4, 6.9, and 8.7° C for fish of age III. The age-II Clearwater Lake fish were consistently at shallower depths than age-II Lake Superior fish. Mean temperatures of capture were 4.2, 9.7, 9.6, and 10.7° C during the four respective sampling periods; during July-August, 91% were taken in water of 12° C or lower. The distribution of Seneca Lake fish was similar to that of the Lake Superior strain. Mean temperatures at which the three strains were captured were well below published preferred temperatures of yearlings in the laboratory. Annual variations in depth distributions during a given season were probably due to differing thermal regimes resulting from annual variations in the weather.  相似文献   

Lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in Lake Mistassini, Quebec, were investigated to determine whether they resembled the lean and siscowet morphotypes of Lake Superior and Great Slave Lake. Lake trout caught in deep water were predicted to resemble the siscowet morphotype and to be better adapted for vertical migration (i.e., low percent buoyancy) than those caught in shallow water. The research objectives were to 1) identify groups based on shape, and 2) determine whether shape was associated with other morphological traits (fin length, buoyancy, color), ecology (habitat depth, diet), and life history (size at adulthood). Eighty-five lake trout were collected from three depth zones. At least two phenotypes exist in Lake Mistassini. A shallow-water form (< 50-m depth), identified by its streamlined shape, was dark in color and high in percent buoyancy. A deep-water form (> 50-m depth), identified by a deep anterior-body profile, was light in color and lower in percent buoyancy than the shallow-water form. Absolute buoyancies were relatively high in both forms; therefore, the deep-water form did not appear well-adapted for vertical migration. Opossum shrimp (Mysis relicta) were more frequent and abundant in stomachs of deep-bodied trout. All deep-bodied trout (minimum 32-cm SL) had reached adulthood, whereas immature streamlined individuals were as long as 49 cm in SL. The deep-bodied form resembled humper lake trout, a lesser-known third morphotype from Lake Superior. A humper-like morphotype in Lake Mistassini, and the apparent absence of a siscowet-like morphotype, challenges the previously-held hypothesis that humpers resulted from an introgression of leans and siscowets.  相似文献   

Composite samples of fish taken from some of the major tributaries and embayments of Lake Superior and Lake Huron were analyzed for halogenated xenobiotics with the objective of detecting potential environmental problem areas, point source discharges of toxic materials, and previously unrecognized pollutants. The analyses were done by gas chromatographic, methane enhanced, negative ion, mass spectrometry. A variety of halogen-containing organic compounds and pesticides were identified. The highest concentration and variety of compounds were found in the fish from the highly industrialized Saginaw Bay drainage basin; fish from Lake Superior tributaries showed much lower concentrations.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were measured in the water column of Lake Superior during the summers of 1978 to 1980. The total PCB water concentrations were relatively uniform areally and vertically within any one year: 1978, 1.3 ± 1.3 ng/L; 1979, 3.8 ±1.9 ng/L; 1980, 0.9 ±0.4 ng/L. The volume-weighted abiotic PCB burden in the water column fluctuated with climatic conditions between ~10,000 and 40,000 kg, but would be in the range of 10,000 to 20,000 kg most of the time. Analysis of 24 large volume, filtered samples from 1980 showed that 27±12% of the PCBs were in the paniculate phase. The distribution coefficient for PCBs, defined by use of a glass-fiber filter, ranged from 104 to 107 L/kg, exhibiting a strong, inverse log relationship to the suspended solids concentration. This behavior is partially attributed to the differences in the organic carbon content of the sampled particles in different regions of the lake and to artifacts of the filtration process. The elevated total PCB concentrations in the summer of 1979 in conjunction with the previous winter's severe weather conditions are evidence of seasonal fluctuations of PCBs in the water column resulting mostly from sediment resuspension.  相似文献   

Crayfish (Orconectes spp.) and sculpins (Cottus spp.) were collected at eight lake trout spawning reefs in Lake Ontario to assess abundance and potential to consume lake trout eggs. Abundance of crayfish ranged from a high of 9.5/m2 in eastern Lake Ontario to 0/m2 in western Lake Ontario where the absence or near absence at four reefs sampled was attributed to cold water upwelling. Sculpin abundance ranged from 4.2 to 50.1/m2. Mean daily egg consumption (eggs/stomach) for sculpins 50 to 75 mm in length, ranged from 0 to 0.9 but differences among reefs were not significant. At one reef, significantly more eggs (2.5 eggs/stomach) were consumed by large sculpins (> 75 mm) than by small (44–49 mm) sculpins (0.2 eggs/stomach). Estimated egg consumption (eggs/stomach/m2) for sculpins > 43 mm for the eight reefs for the period between estimated date of peak lake trout spawning and a standardized 30-d period post spawning, ranged from 0 to 496 eggs/m2 consumed or from 0 to 54% of estimated egg abundance. No lake trout eggs were found in crayfish stomachs, because of their mode of feeding. Estimated egg consumption by crayfish was indirectly estimated from a relationship developed between carapace length and egg consumption using published literature and experimental work. Using this procedure, estimated egg consumption by crayfish for a standardized 30-d period after the date of peak spawning ranged from 0 to 65 eggs/m2 consumed, or from 0 to 82% of potential egg abundance for the eight reefs. At low egg abundance (< 100/m2), the density of crayfish and sculpin observed in Lake Ontario could result in sufficient egg consumption to cause almost 100% mortality of lake trout eggs. At higher egg abundance, however, mortality due to crayfish and sculpins appears to be relatively low. Deposition was sufficiently low at 5 of 8 sites to suggest the possible importance of sculpin and crayfish predation on lake trout recruitment failure in Lake Ontario.  相似文献   

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