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传感器网络是目前国际上的一个热点研究领域,被认为是将对21世纪产生巨大影响的技术之一.详细分析了广域传感器数据库中的查询处理技术,并针对多查询间存在的查询冗余问题,提出一种多查询优化算法.首先,把原查询等价分解为与之对应的多个子查询,然后,将所有的子查询作为输入构建一个查询属性图,并利用消除重复子查询算法将全部子查询中存在的重复查询操作删除.最后,根据原查询与子查询的包含关系,把对应的子查询结果进行组合,得到用户最终的查询结果.统计结果表明,此方法可有效地缩短用户查询的响应时间,减少网络内部消息传递的数量.  相似文献   

从查询角度而言,无线传感器网络可以看作是一个以节点感知、存储数据为基础的分布式数据库系统。通过实验数据验证了Pull-Push查询处理算法,可以有效节省传感器网络能量的消耗,进而延长网络的生命周期。  相似文献   

本文根据应用需要,讨论了构建无线传感器网络数据库的必要性,分析了它与传统数据库管理系统在功能上的差别,以及在实现上面临的问题;详细分析了系统的体系结构,主要包括数据库前端和网络节点上的功能组成,以及节点之间协同完成查询请求的关键技术。  相似文献   

无线传感器网络中数据查询处理算法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
提出一种改进的定向扩散路由,将传感器网络分簇,查询兴趣由sink节点发,只在各簇头节点扩散,簇头以广播的方式在簇内发散兴趣消息,簇成员将感知数据传送到簇头节点,簇头负责将收到的数据进行融合后传到sink节点。仿真结果表明,改进后的查询路由比典型的查询路由定向扩散具有更高的能量有效性和更低的时延,能较好地延长网络的生命周期,提高了传感器网络数据查询处理效率。  相似文献   

庄绪路 《计算机时代》2015,(3):25-26,29
广域传感器数据库是当前国际上备受关注的由多学科高度交叉的新兴热点研究领域。广域传感器数据库具有巨大的应用价值,应用前景十分广阔。基于缓存技术和预取技术,提出了一种缓存技术与预取技术相结合的体系结构。对体系结构中各个模块的功能和实现算法进行了详细阐述,对算法进行了复杂性和实例分析,有效地解决了广域传感器数据库系统中,低频结点数据进入缓存替换出高频结点数据所造成的缓存命中率低和系统资源浪费问题。  相似文献   

传感器网络中的查询处理体系结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了传感器网络中查询处理的一些基本概念和性质,形象地描述了查询处理的体系结构,并对其中用到各项技术进行了介绍和分析,同时还对该领域的研究热点进行了分析和展望。  相似文献   

传感器网络中多近似连续范围查询的处理技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无线传感器网络为数据库研究开辟了新的研究领域,高效利用节点的有限能量是当前研究的主要目标.如果发布到网络中多个近似连续范围查询不经优化处理而独立执行,会造成节点为不同查询重复发送相同感知数据,从而降低网络寿命.针对近似连续范围查询研究了多查询优化技术,设计了一种索引多维范围查询的多叉树结构rq-kd-tree,通过获取多查询的公共查询部分(查询相交区域)以及基于查询相似度合并相交区域上的多个查询、重写查询.最后,实验证明了所提的算法可以实现能量有效的多查询处理过程.  相似文献   

提出了一个无线传感器网络多查询的节能优化方案。该方案通过建立相似查询判断算法把多查询中的相似查询分为一组,并在每一组找一个能使传输能耗达到最小的中继节点作为处理节点。组内节点的数据都传送到该处理节点,并由该节点利用数据处理函数处理数据,然后再传到基站。这样就减少了网络中数据的传输量,从而有效地节省了网络的能量,达到能量的最大化利用。  相似文献   

在面向对象数据库(OODB)中,查询处理是其中重要的部分.在联系关系数据库(RDB)查询处理的基础上,综合考虑了数据模型、查询模型和查询处理等因素,提出了一种全新的面向对象数据库系统(OODBS)查询策略.运用关系数据库系统(RDBS)实现技术可以有效地解决OODB领域的许多问题,使得OODB无论从语义上还是效率上都有可能成为最有前途的数据库系统.  相似文献   

针对无线传感器网络中多个Top-k查询问题,提出了一种Top-k多查询处理的算法,对接收到的多个Top-k查询请求进行预处理,预处理依据是约束条件,得出两类不同的查询集合:单约束条件的多查询和多约束条件的多查询。针对单约束条件的多查询提出了ETOP算法,该算法首先对排在时间序列最前面的Top-k查询请求进行基于网内处理,然后把查询结果存入基站缓存,并把结果的最小值设定为阈值传输到各个节点,再根据后续查询请求的查询范围进行相应的查询,从而快速地获得Top-k查询结果。实验表明:Top-k多查询方法在能够很好地实现查询的同时,减少了无线传感器网络中的传输消耗和能量消耗。  相似文献   

Continuous K nearest neighbor queries (C-KNN) are defined as finding the nearest points of interest along an enitre path (e.g., finding the three nearest gas stations to a moving car on any point of a pre-specified path). The result of this type of query is a set of intervals (or split points) and their corresponding KNNs, such that the KNNs of all points within each interval are the same. The current studies on C-KNN focus on vector spaces where the distance between two objects is a function of their spatial attributes (e.g., Euclidean distance metric). These studies are not applicable to spatial network databases (SNDB) where the distance between two objects is a function of the network connectivity (e.g., shortest path between two objects). In this paper, we propose two techniques to address C-KNN queries in SNDB: Intersection Examination (IE) and Upper Bound Algorithm (UBA). With IE, we first find the KNNs of all nodes on a path and then, for those adjacent nodes whose nearest neighbors are different, we find the intermediate split points. Finally, we compute the KNNs of the split points using the KNNs of the surrounding nodes. The intuition behind UBA is that the performance of IE can be improved by determining the adjacent nodes that cannot have any split points in between, and consequently eliminating the computation of KNN queries for those nodes. Our empirical experiments show that the UBA approach outperforms IE, specially when the points of interest are sparsely distributed in the network.  相似文献   

Many modern applications in diverse fields demand the efficient manipulation of very large multidimensional datasets. It is evident, that efficient and effective query processing techniques need to be developed, in order to provide acceptable response times in query processing. In this paper, we study the processing of similarity nearest neighbor queries in large distributed multidimensional databases, where objects are represented as vectors in a vector space, and are distributed in a multi-computer environment. The departure from the centralized case embodies a number of advantages and (unfortunately) a number of difficulties that need to be successfully overcome. In this perspective, four query evaluation strategies are presented, namely Concurrent Processing (CP), Selective Processing (SP), Two-Phase Processing (2PP) and Probabilistic Processing (PRP). The proposed techniques are compared analytically and experimentally, in order to discover the advantages of each one, as well as the best cases where each one should be applied. Experimental results are presented, demonstrating the performance of each method under different parameters values. Also, we investigate the impact of derived data that should be maintained in order to process similarity queries efficiently.  相似文献   

在线无线射频识别(radio frequency identification,RFID)数据流上的复杂事件处理技术是一个新的课题。现有研究工作仅是针对单一的复杂事件查询,没有考虑多复杂事件同时查询的处理策略。在复杂事件语言SASE(stream-based and shared event processing)的基础上设计了专门针对多查询的自动机及相关的优化技术,解决了RFID数据流上多复杂事件查询的问题。实验结果表明,算法在查询数量较大时,时间与空间上较传统算法有更好的表现。  相似文献   

在外包空间数据库模式下,数据持有者委托第三方数据发布者代替它来管理数据并且执行查询.当发布者受到攻击或者由于自身的不安全性,它可能返回不正确的查询结果给用户.基于已有的反向k近邻(ReversekNearest Neighbor,RkNN)查询方法,采用将反向k近邻查询验证转化成k近邻查询验证和范围查询验证的思想,提出一种反向k近邻查询验证的方法,并且设计了相应的算法,用于验证返回给客户端结果的正确性(没有结果点被篡改),有效性(结果点都满足用户的查询要求)和完整性(没有遗漏符合查询要求的结果点).实验验证了算法的有效性和实用性.  相似文献   

In this paper we address the multi-clip query optimization problem where a multi-clip query requests multiple video clips. We propose a new heuristics called Restricted Search Interval that maximizes clip sharing between queries and consequently reduces the network bandwidth of a video server for a multicast system. An adaptation of our heuristics for optimizing the response time of the query is also presented. The experimental results show that the suggested heuristics reduces the server workload by about 28% on the average in comparison to a classical heuristic approach.  相似文献   

An adaptive probe-based optimization technique is developed and demonstrated in the context of an Internet-based distributed database environment. More and more common are database systems which are distributed across servers communicating via the Internet where a query at a given site might require data from remote sites. Optimizing the response time of such queries is a challenging task due to the unpredictability of server performance and network traffic at the time of data shipment; this may result in the selection of an expensive query plan using a static query optimizer. We constructed an experimental setup consisting of two servers running the same database management system connected via the Internet. Concentrating on join queries, we demonstrate how a static query optimizer might choose an expensive plan by mistake. This is due to the lack of a priori knowledge of the run-time environment, inaccurate statistical assumptions in size estimation, and neglecting the cost of remote method invocation. These shortcomings are addressed collectively by proposing a probing mechanism. An implementation of our run-time optimization technique for join queries was constructed in the Java language and incorporated into an experimental setup. The results demonstrate the superiority of our probe-based optimization over a static optimization. Received 6 February 1999 / Revised 15 February 2000 / Accepted 10 May 2000  相似文献   

Let a tuple of n objects obeying a query graph (QG) be called the n-tuple. The D_distance-value of this n-tuple is the value of a linear function of distances of the n objects that make up this n-tuple, according to the edges of the QG. This paper addresses the problem of finding the K n-tuples between n spatial datasets that have the smallest D_distance-values, the so-called K-multi-way distance join query (K-MWDJQ), where each set is indexed by an R-tree-based structure. This query can be viewed as an extension of K-closest-pairs query (K-CPQ) [8] for n inputs. In addition, a recursive non-incremental branch-and-bound algorithm following a depth-first search for processing synchronously all inputs without producing any intermediate result is proposed. Enhanced pruning techniques are also applied to n R-trees nodes in order to reduce the total response time and the number of distance computations of the query. Due to the exponential nature of the problem, we also propose a time-based approximate version of the recursive algorithm that combines approximation techniques to adjust the quality of the result and the global processing time. Finally, we give a detailed experimental study of the proposed algorithms using real spatial datasets, highlighting their performance and the quality of the approximate results.  相似文献   

Fast Nearest-Neighbor Query Processing in Moving-Object Databases   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
A desirable feature in spatio-temporal databases is the ability to answer future queries, based on the current data characteristics (reference position and velocity vector). Given a moving query and a set of moving objects, a future query asks for the set of objects that satisfy the query in a given time interval. The difficulty in such a case is that both the query and the data objects change positions continuously, and therefore we can not rely on a given fixed reference position to determine the answer. Existing techniques are either based on sampling, or on repetitive application of time-parameterized queries in order to provide the answer. In this paper we develop an efficient method in order to process nearest-neighbor queries in moving-object databases. The basic advantage of the proposed approach is that only one query is issued per time interval. The time-parameterized R-tree structure is used to index the moving objects. An extensive performance evaluation, based on CPU and I/O time, shows that significant improvements are achieved compared to existing techniques.  相似文献   

针对连续多范围查询处理,结合多核多线程技术和大容量内存技术,通过将移动对象和查询放在内存中处理,提出了一种基于多线程的连续多范围查询处理框架.该框架基于多核处理器平台采用多线程技术周期性地处理查询和移动对象的更新,并周期性地计算多范围查询的结果.提出了基于移动对象数据均匀划分的多线程连续多范围查询处理算法,该算法以为查询建立的格网索引为基础.给出了该索引的构建思想和更新算法.考虑到基于内存的算法受Cache访问性能影响,提出了基于空间填充曲线的移动对象存储优化方法.实验证明,基于多核平台的多线程处理能够高效地处理连续多范围查询,同时通过移动对象存储优化能够提高算法运行中Cache访问命中率,进而提高算法性能.  相似文献   

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