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The FE2 method is a renown computational multiscale simulation technique for solid materials with fine‐scale microstructure. It allows for the accurate prediction of the mechanical behavior of structures made of heterogeneous materials with nonlinear material behavior. However, the FE2 method leads to excessive CPU time and storage requirements, even for academic two‐dimensional problems. In order to allow for realistic three‐dimensional two‐scale simulations, a significant reduction of the CPU and memory usage is required. For this purpose, the authors have recently proposed a reduced basis homogenization scheme based on a mixed incremental variational principle. The approach exploits the potential structure of generalized standard materials. Thereby, important speed‐ups and memory savings can be achieved. Using high‐performance GPUs, the reduced‐basis method can be further accelerated. In the present contribution, our previous works are combined and extended to form the FE2‐reduced method: the FE2R. The FE2R can be used to simulate three‐dimensional structural problems with consideration of the nonlinearity and microstructure of the underlying material at acceptable computational cost. Thereby, it allows for a new level of complexity in nonlinear multiscale simulations. Numerical examples illustrate the capabilities of the chosen approach. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this article, the bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization (BESO) method based on the element-free Galerkin (EFG) method is presented for topology optimization of continuum structures. The mathematical formulation of the topology optimization is developed considering the nodal strain energy as the design variable and the minimization of compliance as the objective function. The EFG method is used to derive the shape functions using the moving least squares approximation. The essential boundary conditions are enforced by the method of Lagrange multipliers. Several topology optimization problems are presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed method. Many issues related to topology optimization of continuum structures, such as chequerboard patterns and mesh dependency, are studied in the examples.  相似文献   

There are several well-established techniques for the generation of solid-void optimal topologies such as solid isotropic material with penalization (SIMP) method and evolutionary structural optimization (ESO) and its later version bi-directional ESO (BESO) methods. Utilizing the material interpolation scheme, a new BESO method with a penalization parameter is developed in this paper. A number of examples are presented to demonstrate the capabilities of the proposed method for achieving convergent optimal solutions for structures with one or multiple materials. The results show that the optimal designs from the present BESO method are independent on the degree of penalization. The resulted optimal topologies and values of the objective function compare well with those of SIMP method.  相似文献   

This work is directed toward optimizing concept designs of structures featuring inelastic material behaviours by using topology optimization. In the proposed framework, alternative structural designs are described with the aid of spatial distributions of volume fraction design variables throughout a prescribed design domain. Since two or more materials are permitted to simultaneously occupy local regions of the design domain, small-strain integration algorithms for general two-material mixtures of solids are developed for the Voigt (isostrain) and Reuss (isostress) assumptions, and hybrid combinations thereof. Structural topology optimization problems involving non-linear material behaviours are formulated and algorithms for incremental topology design sensitivity analysis (DSA) of energy type functionals are presented. The consistency between the structural topology design formulation and the developed sensitivity analysis algorithms is established on three small structural topology problems separately involving linear elastic materials, elastoplastic materials, and viscoelastic materials. The good performance of the proposed framework is demonstrated by solving two topology optimization problems to maximize the limit strength of elastoplastic structures. It is demonstrated through the second example that structures optimized for maximal strength can be significantly different than those optimized for minimal elastic compliance. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Topology optimization of large scale structures is computationally expensive, notably because of the cost of solving the equilibrium equations at each iteration. Reduced order models by projection, also known as reduced basis models, have been proposed in the past for alleviating this cost. We propose here a new method for coupling reduced basis models with topology optimization to improve the efficiency of topology optimization of large scale structures. The novel approach is based on constructing the reduced basis on the fly, using previously calculated solutions of the equilibrium equations. The reduced basis is thus adaptively constructed and enriched, based on the convergence behavior of the topology optimization. A direct approach and an approach with adjusted sensitivities are described, and their algorithms provided. The approaches are tested and compared on various 2D and 3D minimum compliance topology optimization benchmark problems. Computational cost savings by up to a factor of 12 are demonstrated using the proposed methods. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In vibration optimization problems, eigenfrequencies are usually maximized in the optimization since resonance phenomena in a mechanical structure must be avoided, and maximizing eigenfrequencies can provide a high probability of dynamic stability. However, vibrating mechanical structures can provide additional useful dynamic functions or performance if desired eigenfrequencies and eigenmode shapes in the structures can be implemented. In this research, we propose a new topology optimization method for designing vibrating structures that targets desired eigenfrequencies and eigenmode shapes. Several numerical examples are presented to confirm that the method presented here can provide optimized vibrating structures applicable to the design of mechanical resonators and actuators. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The integrated optimization of lightweight cellular materials and structures are discussed in this paper. By analysing the basic features of such a two‐scale problem, it is shown that the optimal solution strongly depends upon the scale effect modelling of the periodic microstructure of material unit cell (MUC), i.e. the so‐called representative volume element (RVE). However, with the asymptotic homogenization method used widely in actual topology optimization procedure, effective material properties predicted can give rise to limit values depending upon only volume fractions of solid phases, properties and spatial distribution of constituents in the microstructure regardless of scale effect. From this consideration, we propose the design element (DE) concept being able to deal with conventional designs of materials and structures in a unified way. By changing the scale and aspect ratio of the DE, scale‐related effects of materials and structures are well revealed and distinguished in the final results of optimal design patterns. To illustrate the proposed approach, numerical design problems of 2D layered structures with cellular core are investigated. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The investigation aims to formulate ground‐structure based topology optimization approach by using a higher‐order beam theory suitable for thin‐walled box beam structures. While earlier studies use the Timoshenko or Euler beams to form a ground‐structure, they are not suitable for a structure consisting of thin‐walled closed beams. The higher‐order beam theory takes into an additional account sectional deformations of a thin‐walled box beam such as warping and distortion. Therefore, a method to connect ground beams at a joint and a technique to represent different joint connectivity states should be investigated for streamlined topology optimization. Several numerical case studies involving different loading and boundary conditions are considered to show the effectiveness of employing a higher‐order beam theory for the ground‐structure based topology optimization of thin‐walled box beam structures. Through the numerical results, this work shows significant difference between optimized beam layouts based on the Timoshenko beam theory and those based on a more accurate higher‐order beam theory for a structure consisting of thin‐walled box beams. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In many engineering problems, the behavior of dynamical systems depends on physical parameters. In design optimization, these parameters are determined so that an objective function is minimized. For applications in vibrations and structures, the objective function depends on the frequency response function over a given frequency range, and we optimize it in the parameter space. Because of the large size of the system, numerical optimization is expensive. In this paper, we propose the combination of Quasi‐Newton type line search optimization methods and Krylov‐Padé type algebraic model order reduction techniques to speed up numerical optimization of dynamical systems. We prove that Krylov‐Padé type model order reduction allows for fast evaluation of the objective function and its gradient, thanks to the moment matching property for both the objective function and the derivatives towards the parameters. We show that reduced models for the frequency alone lead to significant speed ups. In addition, we show that reduced models valid for both the frequency range and a line in the parameter space can further reduce the optimization time. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Multi-objective optimization of antenna structures is a challenging task owing to the high computational cost of evaluating the design objectives as well as the large number of adjustable parameters. Design speed-up can be achieved by means of surrogate-based optimization techniques. In particular, a combination of variable-fidelity electromagnetic (EM) simulations, design space reduction techniques, response surface approximation models and design refinement methods permits identification of the Pareto-optimal set of designs within a reasonable timeframe. Here, a study concerning the scalability of surrogate-assisted multi-objective antenna design is carried out based on a set of benchmark problems, with the dimensionality of the design space ranging from six to 24 and a CPU cost of the EM antenna model from 10 to 20 min per simulation. Numerical results indicate that the computational overhead of the design process increases more or less quadratically with the number of adjustable geometric parameters of the antenna structure at hand, which is a promising result from the point of view of handling even more complex problems.  相似文献   

A continuum‐based shape and configuration design sensitivity analysis (DSA) method for a finite deformation elastoplastic shell structure has been developed. Shell elastoplasticity is treated using the projection method that performs the return mapping on the subspace defined by the zero‐normal stress condition. An incrementally objective integration scheme is used in the context of finite deformation shell analysis, wherein the stress objectivity is preserved for finite rotation increments. The material derivative concept is used to develop a continuum‐based shape and configuration DSA method. Significant computational efficiency is obtained by solving the design sensitivity equation without iteration at each converged load step using the same consistent tangent stiffness matrix. Numerical implementation of the proposed shape and configuration DSA is carried out using the meshfree method. The accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method is illustrated using numerical examples. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In gradient‐based design optimization, the sensitivities of the constraint with respect to the design variables are required. In reliability‐based design optimization (RBDO), the probabilistic constraint is evaluated at the most probable point (MPP), and thus the sensitivities of the probabilistic constraints at MPP are required. This paper presents the rigorous analytic derivation of the sensitivities of the probabilistic constraint at MPP for both first‐order reliability method (FORM)‐based performance measure approach (PMA) and dimension reduction method (DRM)‐based PMA. Numerical examples are used to demonstrate that the analytic sensitivities agree very well with the sensitivities obtained from the finite difference method (FDM). However, as the sensitivity calculation at the true DRM‐based MPP requires the second‐order derivatives and additional MPP search, the sensitivity derivation at the approximated DRM‐based MPP, which does not require the second‐order derivatives and additional MPP search to find the DRM‐based MPP, is proposed in this paper. A convergence study illustrates that the sensitivity at the approximated DRM‐based MPP converges to the sensitivity at the true DRM‐based MPP as the design approaches the optimum design. Hence, the sensitivity at the approximated DRM‐based MPP is proposed to be used for the DRM‐based RBDO to enhance the efficiency of the optimization. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodology for constructing low‐order surrogate models of finite element/finite volume discrete solutions of parameterized steady‐state partial differential equations. The construction of proper orthogonal decomposition modes in both physical space and parameter space allows us to represent high‐dimensional discrete solutions using only a few coefficients. An incremental greedy approach is developed for efficiently tackling problems with high‐dimensional parameter spaces. For numerical experiments and validation, several non‐linear steady‐state convection–diffusion–reaction problems are considered: first in one spatial dimension with two parameters, and then in two spatial dimensions with two and five parameters. In the two‐dimensional spatial case with two parameters, it is shown that a 7 × 7 coefficient matrix is sufficient to accurately reproduce the expected solution, while in the five parameters problem, a 13 × 6 coefficient matrix is shown to reproduce the solution with sufficient accuracy. The proposed methodology is expected to find applications to parameter variation studies, uncertainty analysis, inverse problems and optimal design. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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