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平原湖区水资源系统除涝优化调度的复合—分解方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出一种复合-分解方法,用以解决平原湖区具有多个湖泊、多个排水闸和外排站的除涝系统优化调度问题。其要点是:先将多个湖泊复合成一个湖泊,再按目标将其分解成二个子系统,最后通过大系统协调求得总体最优解。实例研究表明:模型和求解方法可行,成果合理,为高维问题降维提供了新的途径。  相似文献   

第 9 届国际湖泊大会将于 2001 年 11 月 11 日至 16 日在日本滋贺召开,大会由日本滋贺县政府和国际湖泊环境委员会联合举办. 会议的目的是交流和讨论管理、保护湖泊环境的先进经验和成功实践,鼓励各有关方面建立伙伴关系,促进有效的、可持续的湖泊管理和保护. 水利部国际合作与科学技术司届时将组织有关单位专家参加会议. 现将有关会议事项初步介绍如下.一、会议议题第九届国际湖泊大会分为两次全体大会和 5 个专题会. 主要专题包括:文化和工业演变——寻求与环境和谐相处的生活方式;环境教育的新发展——学习、教育和行动:饮用…  相似文献   

西藏是我国湖泊最多的省区,全自治区约有*千五百个湖泊。这个数字远远超过有“千湖之省”之弥的湖北。西藏湖泊的总面积占全国湖泊总面积的三分之一左右。在西藏众多的湖泊中,面积大于一平方公里的有、大百多个。由于资料介绍不够!西藏湖泊的真面目长期为许多世人所不知。被大多数誉为世界最古门湖泊的位于南美洲玻利维亚和秘鲁交界处的“的的喀喀湖”和西藏湖泊比起来.真是微不足道。一的的喀略湖」海拔仅三千八百一十.一米.而在西藏.海拔在四千米以上的湖泊就有近千个.海拔超过五千米的约有二十个。在平均海拔四千五百米左右的高…  相似文献   

李明然  赵本龙 《河北水利》2013,(3):31-31,33
河北省河流湖泊基本情况清查分为两个阶段:一是河流湖泊对象清查阶段.主要任务是查清河流和湖泊的名称、位置和数量.编制河流湖泊名录,为后续普查工作提供参考。二是河流湖泊特征清查阶段.主要任务是清查河流和湖泊的各种特征。包括河流基本特征、流域水系自然特征和水文特征、湖泊的基本特征和湖泊形态特征。河流湖泊基本情况清查由国务院水利普查办河湖组、各流域和省(自治区、直辖市)水利普查办交互配合完成。  相似文献   

水库群优化调度新思路——逐级模拟复合法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对某一利用湖泊群作为调蓄水库的多级调水工程优化调度问题提出逐级模拟复合法。求解表明:具有一定调度规则的模拟方法在水库优化调度中有着与动态规划法几乎相同的择优效果,即两者所得的最优调度轨迹完全一致或十分接近,但模拟方法大大减少了计算时间。  相似文献   

跨区域湖泊管理的条块分割、责任落实不明确、监督机制缺失等问题严重影响其功能的正常发挥。以湖北省长湖为研究对象,总结了跨区域湖泊管理存在的共性问题,分析了问题成因,提出了从体制、管理和功能三个方面突破,以整合部门管理权限为基础,建立一个主体、多点派驻的管理模式,切实推进湖泊资源的安全管理和持续利用,为我国众多跨区域湖泊的管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

袁业飞 《长江建设》2010,(11):20-25
10月18日,武汉市汉口江滩广场上,该市水务局主要职能部门负责人在征求意见台前与市民面对面交流,开展水务工作和相关法律法规咨询活动。该市自八月开始实施《武汉市湖泊整治管理办法》以来,湖泊整治问题得到了广犬市民的空前关注。在交流会上,水务局作出承诺:今年底.该市城区40个湖泊基本实现截污。  相似文献   

现有子流域划分方法一般通过虚拟河网将湖泊划分为若干部分,每个部分分属不同的子流域,并未考虑湖泊范围的完整性和独立性,不利于湖泊水量平衡分析。为解决这一问题,提出一种考虑湖泊范围的子流域划分和编码方法,包括湖区子流域(湖泊子流域和湖滨带子流域)划分和非湖区子流域划分方法,以及根据栅格流向和河道汇流关系,确定子流域间的上下游拓扑关系并生成其拓扑关系表。黄河源区(唐乃亥以上区域)有鄂陵湖和扎陵湖两大湖泊,采用该方法对黄河源区进行子流域划分和编码,并基于流域分布式水文模型(WEP-L模型)进行模拟验证,结果表明该方法可实现研究区湖泊区域的自动识别、子流域划分及编码,水文模拟结果和湖泊水量平衡计算结果合理。  相似文献   

我国应用生态技术修复富营养化湖泊的研究进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
我国湖泊、水库的营养化非常严重,且呈发展之势。在众多的治理方法中,生态方法以其效果好,费用低等优点,越来越受到人们的重视,成为国内外富营养化湖泊治理与研究的热点。本文将富营养化湖泊治理的生态技术分为控制营养盐的技术和直接控制藻类的技术,并分析了各种技术的生态原理、技术应用条件、实例应用情况以及技术优点和缺点等。湖泊富营养化是一个典型的生态问题,应综合各项技术的优点,科学地运用各项技术.宴旌富营养化湖泊的治殚。  相似文献   

1概况中国河流总长度约43万km,其中流域面积在1000km2以上的河流有1500多条.绝大多数河流分布在东部和南方,西北地区因干旱少雨,河流稀少,并有范围较大的无流区.河流中,最重要的7大江河的流域面积为437万km2,占国土总面积的45.5%.中国水面面积在1km2以上的湖泊有2300多个,其中面积在1000km2以上的大湖有12个.湖泊总面积7.2万km2,占国土面积的0.8%.湖泊储水总量7088亿m3,其中淡水储量2260亿m3,占总储水量的30.1%.中国水资源总量为28000亿m3,列世界第6位.人均占有水资源量2300m3,不足世界人均占有量的1/4,水资源供…  相似文献   

In Short-term Cascade Reservoirs Optimal Operation (SCROO), the flow from upstream reservoir to downstream reservoir which propagates in the natural channel can be generalized as not only transposition but also attenuation. In order to get the relative accurate inflow series of downstream reservoir, the paper tries to adopt the Muskingum model to simulate the inflow of the downstream reservoir instead of the easier processing in most papers of SCROO: ignoring the flow attenuation in natural channel. Considering the flow attenuation between the cascade reservoirs, the SCROO problem do not satisfy the “Principe of Optimality” anymore, so the Dynamic Programming(DP) is no longer applicable. The paper proposes a new improved DP named Multi-Stage Dynamic Programming (MSDP) based on DP. In MSDP, multi-stage’s outflow of upstream reservoir is taken into account at the same time and then inflow of downstream reservoir can be calculated by the Muskingum model, which can include much more flow information than the easier processing with DP, and the inflow of downstream reservoir will be closer to the actual one. The paper takes the cascade hydro-power stations consisting of Jindong and Guandi in Yalong river basin as an example to solve the SCROO problem with MSDP. By comparing the operation result of MSDP and DP with the easier processing, the operation strategy of MSDP can gain further benefits than DP’s in actual operation.  相似文献   

泛函分析具有高度抽象性和概括性,因此可用来对某些复杂的问题进行建模,进而采用更加简便的数学方法进行求解。本文针对动态规划算法在水库优化调度中计算规模大和时间长的问题,引入泛函分析思想,构建了时段平均出力的泛函计算模型,并基于此提出了一种改进的动态规划算法,该算法省去了传统动态规划算法中大量重复的计算过程,减小了计算规模,从而提高求解效率。分别以我国某流域中M水电站和M、N组成的梯级水电站为例进行实例研究,从多年平均发电量和计算用时等方面将改进动态规划算法与传统动态规划算法以及逐步优化算法进行了详细的对比分析。结果表明,该算法能在保证全局收敛的基础上减少动态规划计算量,缩短计算时间。  相似文献   

Dynamic Programming (DP) is considered as a good technique for optimal reservoir operation due to the sequential decision making and ease in handling non-linear objective functions and constraints. But the application of DP to multireservoir system is not that encouraging due to the problem `curse of dimensionality'. Incremental DP, discrete differential DP, DP with successive approximation, incremental DP with successive approximation are some of the algorithms evolved to tackle this curse of dimensionality for DP. But in all these cases, it is difficult to choose an initial trial trajectory, to get at an optimal solution and there is no control over the number of iterations required for convergence. In this paper, a new algorithm, Folded DP, is proposed, which overcomes these difficulties. Though it is also an iterative process, no initial trial trajectory is required to start with. So, the number of iterations is independent of any initial condition. The developed algorithm is applied to a hypothetical reservoir system, solved by earlier researchers.Operating policy obtained using the present algorithm has compared well with that of the earlier algorithm.  相似文献   

罗志辉  陈惠源  冯尚友 《水利学报》1998,29(1):0029-0033
考虑到梯级电站联合运行及电站投入运行过程容量增长的跳跃性特征,建立了以折现投资和累计过剩容量最小化为目标、嵌入水库联调优化问题的多目标复合排序模型.电站投入的序及投入时间的两维优化问题转化成只需对序进行优化的一维问题给出了理论证明.提出多目标动态规划的非劣解生成技术-直接向量优化法,并给出了理论证明。  相似文献   

考虑到梯级电站联合运行及电站投入运行过程容量增长的跳跃性特征,建立了以折现投资和累计过剩容量最小化为目标、嵌入水库联调优化问题的多目标复合排序模型.电站投入的序及投入时间的两维优化问题转化成只需对序进行优化的一维问题给出了理论证明.提出多目标动态规划的非劣解生成技术———直接向量优化法,并给出了理论证明.  相似文献   

The regional water resources planning contains a variety of proposed projects. Precisely estimating the regional system yield could be difficult. Incorrectly computed system yield will cause the scheduling strategy to be not correctly screened. This research imbedded a combined regional simulation-optimization model, namely Generalized Water Allocation Simulation Model (GWASIM), for evaluating system yield in binary dynamic programming (DP) analysis as a scheduling model to determine the optimal development strategy of the master plan of a regional water supply system. To achieve a complete scheduling analysis, this paper investigated: (1) applying GWASIM to effectively and efficiently determine the precise system yields of many different combinations of proposed projects while meeting design criteria of acceptable shortage; (2) solving a non-pure sequencing problem with a DP based scheduling model since some projects may not be necessarily developed, or even no feasible combination of proposed projects can meet the demand; (3) clarifying the amortized construction cost to be accounted in economic analysis if the economic life of a project exceeds the scheduling horizon. In addition, the computation efficiencies of scheduling analysis and system yield analysis, which are significantly improved with DP and simulation-optimization model respectively, are discussed in the paper. This study devised the master plan of the Jilong river system in northern Taiwan as an example. The optimal scheduling strategy of minimum developing cost was precisely determined.  相似文献   

He  Zhongzheng  Wang  Chao  Wang  Yongqiang  Zhang  Hairong  Yin  Heng 《Water Resources Management》2022,36(4):1481-1497

Integrating the characteristics of hydropower reservoir operations into optimization methods is an effective approach. Based on the concavity and monotonicity of hydropower reservoir operation with dynamic programming (DP), improved DP (IDP) with monotonicity in optimal decision-making can quickly search for an approximate optimal solution. However, IDP may not converge to the optimal solution of the long-term power generation scheduling (LPGS) problem of hydropower station due to the analysis conclusion of approximate monotonicity. Therefore, the relaxation strategy for expanding the search space based on the monotonicity of optimal decisions is introduced into IDP, which is named DP with a relaxation strategy (DPRS). The experimental results of Xiluodu, Xiangjiaba, and Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) show that 1) the time complexity of DPRS and IDP decreases from the quadratic growth of DP with an increasing number of discrete states to linear growth; 2) DPRS and DP can obtain the optimal solution of the long-term power generation scheduling (LPGS) problem of hydropower station under the given discrete precision, whereas IDP searches for only an approximate optimal solution. Combined with the discussion with other relevant literature, all these results indicate that the DPRS has the strongest competitiveness in solving the LPGS problem of hydropower station, both in convergence accuracy and in calculation speed.


动态规划法是一种求解多阶段决策优化问题的常用方法,在水库优化调度计算中应用广泛。该方法最大的缺陷就是用于水库群优化调度时易出现"维数灾"问题。逐次逼近动态规划法(DPSA)可以有效克服这一问题,它采用逐次迭代逼近的思想,将一个多维问题分解为多个一维问题求解。本文以水库运行模拟模型为基础,建立了基于DPSA的梯级水库群中长期优化调度模型,以汉江上游梯级水库群为研究对象,选取发电量最大为目标,对各水库库容进行离散,从而求解水库优化运行过程,其结果对于水库优化调度运行具有指导意义。  相似文献   

This study evaluates the effect biochemical storage on the denitrification potential (N(DP)) of acetate. The fate of bacterial storage is evaluated in a sequencing batch reactor system operated in a sequence of anoxic/aerobic phases, fed with acetate as a pulse and continuously under anoxic conditions. N(DP) is defined based on system stoichiometry both for direct growth and storage on acetate. Experimental results do not support conceptual calculations based on system stoichiometry, yielding a higher denitrification potential, N(DP), for continuous feeding than the N(DP) obtained with pulse feeding, due to partial utilisation of the stored PHB within the anoxic phase. The nitrate, acetate and poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) profiles obtained in the experimental studies were used in model calibrations for two different feeding patterns. Results of model simulations confirm the experimental results and evaluate the effects imposed on the denitrification potential by sludge age and the anoxic volume ratio.  相似文献   


The water distribution network (WDN) design comprises determining optimal pipe sizes to achieve minimum cost pipe network to meet the required demands and performance levels. However, with time, the water demand for any region changes due to population, migration, and lifestyles, so interventions need to be made to the existing WDNs. Therefore, the capacity expansion problem consists of determining the suitable interventions at various stages such that the required demands are met at minimum cost. The present study proposed a novel methodology for planning such interventions based on Dynamic Programming (DP) formulation and presented a combined Self-Adaptive Differential Evolution and DP (SADE-DP) methodology for solving the WDN expansion problems considering life cycle costs. The methodology is applied and tested on three benchmark WDNs, namely New York Tunnel (NYT), Two loop (TL), and Blacksburg (BLA) networks, and also for a real case study of the Badlapur WDN in Maharashtra, India. The proposed model solutions are validated by comparing them with other WDN expansion methods taken from the literature. The results indicate that the proposed SADE-DP approach is computationally efficient and provides cost-effective solutions by meeting desired performance levels at various stages, and can serve as a potential alternative for solving real-world WDN expansion problems.


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