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Numerical and experimental measurements of the laminar burning velocities of biogas (66% CH4 – 34% CO2) and a biogas/propane/hydrogen mixture (50% biogas – 40% C3H8 – 10% H2) were made with normal and oxygen-enriched air while varying the air/fuel ratio. GRI-Mech 3.0 and C1–C3 reaction mechanisms were used to perform numerical simulations. Schlieren images of laminar premixed flames were used to determine laminar burning velocities at 25 °C and 849 mbar. The mixture's laminar burning velocity was found to be higher to that of pure biogas due to the addition of propane and hydrogen. An increase in the laminar burning velocities of both fuels is reported by enriching air with oxygen, a phenomenon that is explained by the increased reactivity of the mixture. Additionally, an analysis of interchangeability based on both the Wobbe Index and the laminar burning velocity between methane and a biogas/propane/hydrogen mixture is presented in order to consider this mixture as a substitute for natural gas. It was found that the variations of these properties between the fuels did not exceed 10%, enabling interchangeability.  相似文献   

The combustion characteristics and reaction mechanism of mixtures containing nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) were investigated. Burning velocities for H2/NF3/N2, CH4/NF3/N2, and C3H8/NF3/N2 flames were determined for the first time at various equivalence ratios and N2 mole fractions. The burning velocities of the latter two flames were similar and showed peaks at equivalence ratios of ∼1.0, while those of the H2/NF3/N2 flames had the pronounced peak at low equivalence ratios where the formation of the wrinkled flames was observed. A detailed kinetic model was constructed to simulate the laminar burning velocities of H2/NF3/N2 and CH4/NF3/N2 flames. The model accurately reproduced the experimental results. Analyses of the reaction mechanism revealed the major reaction pathways that involve the decomposition of NF3, the oxidation and chain-fluoridation of H2 and CH4, and the formation of N2.  相似文献   

Experimental measurement of the laminar burning velocities of H2/CO/air mixtures and equimolar H2/CO mixtures diluted with N2 and CO2 up to 60% and 20% by volume, respectively, were conducted at different equivalence ratios and conditions near to the sea level, 0.95 atm and 303 ± 2 K. Flames were generated using contoured slot-type nozzle burners and Schlieren images were used to determine the laminar burning velocity with the angle method. Numerical calculations were also conducted using the most recent detailed reaction mechanisms for comparison with the present experimental results. Additionally, a study was conducted to analyze the flame stability phenomenology that was found in the present experiments. The increase in the N2 and CO2 dilution fractions considerably reduced the laminar burning velocity due to the decrease in heat release and increase in heat capacity. At the same dilution fractions this effect was higher for the case of CO2 due to its higher heat capacity and dissociation effects during combustion. Flame instabilities were observed at lean conditions. While the presence of CO in the fuel mixture tends to stabilize the flame, H2 has a destabilizing effect which is the most dominant. A higher N2 and CO2 dilution fraction increased the range of equivalence ratios where unstable flames were obtained due to the increase in the thermal-diffusive instabilities.  相似文献   

Combustion of lean and ultra-lean synthetic H2/CO mixtures that are highly diluted in inert gases is of great importance in several fields of technology, particularly in the field of post combustion for combined heat and power (CHP) systems based on fuel cell technology. In this case H2/CO mixtures occur via hydrocarbon reforming and their complete conversion requires efficient, compact and low emission combustion systems. In order to design such systems, knowledge of global flame properties like the laminar burning velocity, is essential. Using the heat flux burner method, laminar burning velocities were experimentally determined for highly N2 diluted synthetic H2 and H2/CO mixtures with low calorific value, burning with air, at ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure. Furthermore, numerical 1-D simulations were performed, using a series of different chemical reaction mechanisms. These numerical predictions are analysed and compared with the experimental data.  相似文献   

The addition of dimethoxymethane (DMM or methylal) and diethoxymethane (DEM or ethylal) to a rich ethylene/oxygen/argon flame has been investigated by measuring the depletion of soot precursors. Three rich premixed ethylene/oxygen/argon (with and without added methylal or ethylal) flat flames have been stabilized at low-pressure (50 mbar) on a Spalding–Botha type burner with the same equivalence ratio of 2.50. Identification and monitoring of signal intensity profiles of species within the flames have been carried out by using molecular beam mass spectrometry (M.B.M.S.). The replacement of some C2H4 by C3H8O2 or C5H12O2 is responsible for a decrease of the maximum mole fractions of the detected intermediate species. This phenomenon is noticeable for C2–C4 intermediates and becomes more effective for C5–C10 species, mainly when C3H8O2 added.A new kinetic model has been elaborated and contains 546 reactions and 107 chemical species in order to simulate the three investigated flames: C2H4/O2/Ar, C2H4/DMM/O2/Ar and C2H4/DEM/O2/Ar. The reaction mechanism well reproduces experimental mole fraction profiles of major and intermediate species, and underlines the effect of methylal and ethylal addition on species concentration profiles for these flames.  相似文献   

An experimental study was conducted using outwardly propagating flame to evaluate the laminar burning velocity and flame intrinsic instability of diluted H2/CO/air mixtures. The laminar burning velocity of H2/CO/air mixtures diluted with CO2 and N2 was measured at lean equivalence ratios with different dilution fractions and hydrogen fractions at 0.1 MPa; two fitting formulas are proposed to express the laminar burning velocity in our experimental scope. The flame instability was evaluated for diluted H2/CO/air mixtures under different hydrogen fractions at 0.3 MPa and room temperature. As the H2 fraction in H2/CO mixtures was more than 50%, the flame became more unstable with the decrease in equivalence ratio; however, the flame became more stable with the decrease in equivalence ratio when the hydrogen fraction was low. The flame instability of 70%H2/30%CO premixed flames hardly changed with increasing dilution fraction. However, the flames became more stable with increasing dilution fraction for 30%H2/70%CO premixed flames. The variation in cellular instability was analyzed, and the effects of hydrogen fraction, equivalence ratio, and dilution fraction on diffusive-thermal and hydrodynamic instabilities were discussed.  相似文献   

Using a high-pressure shock tube facility, the ignition delay times of stoichiometric C2H6/H2/O2 diluted in argon were obtained behind reflected shock wave at elevated pressures (p = 1.2, 4.0 and 16.0 atm) with ethane blending ratios from 0 to 100%. The measured ignition delay times were compared to the previous correlations, and the results show that the ignition delay times of ethane from different studies exhibit an obvious difference. Meanwhile, numerical studies were conducted with three generally accepted kinetic mechanisms and the results show that only NUIG Aramco Mech 1.3 agrees well with the measurements under all test conditions. Sensitivity analysis was made to interpret the poor prediction of the other two mechanisms. Furthermore, the effect of ethane blending ratio on the ignition delay times of the mixtures was analyzed and the results show that ethane blending ratio gives a non-linear effect on the auto-ignition of hydrogen. Finally, chemical interpretations on this non-linear effect were made from the reaction pathway analysis and normalized H radical consumption analysis.  相似文献   

Correlations for the laminar burning velocity of premixed CH4/H2/O2/N2 mixtures were developed using the method of High Dimensional Model Representation (HDMR). Based on experiment data over a wide range of conditions reported in the literature, two types of HDMR correlation (i.e. global and piecewise HDMR correlations) were obtained. The performance of these correlations was assessed through comparison with experimental results and the correlation reported in the literature. The laminar burning velocity predicted by the piecewise HDMR correlations was shown to agree very well with those from experiments. Therefore, the piecewise HDMR correlations can be used as an effective replacement for the full chemical mechanism when the prediction of the laminar burning velocity is needed in certain combustion modeling.  相似文献   

The oxidation of laminar premixed natural gas flames has been studied experimentally and computationally with variable mole fractions of hydrogen (0, 20, and 60%) present in the fuel mixture. All flames were operated at low pressure (0.079 atm) and at variable overall equivalence ratios (0.74<?<1.0) with constant cold gas velocity. At the same global equivalence ratio, there is no significant effect of the replacement of natural gas by 20% of H2. The small differences recorded for the intermediate species and combustion products are directly due to the decrease of the amount of initial carbon. However, in 60% H2 flame, the reduction of hydrocarbon species is due both to kinetic effects and to the decrease of initial carbon mole fraction. The investigation of natural gas and natural gas/hydrogen flames at similar C/O enabled identification of the real effects of hydrogen. It was shown that the presence of hydrogen under lean conditions activated the H-abstraction reactions with H atoms rather than OH and O, as is customary in rich flames of neat hydrocarbons. It was also demonstrated that the presence of H2 favors CO formation.  相似文献   

In this work, the explosion behavior of stoichiometric CH4/O2/N2/CO2 and H2/O2/N2/CO2 mixtures has been studied both experimentally and theoretically at different CO2 contents and oxygen air enrichment factors. Peak pressure, maximum rate of pressure rise and laminar burning velocity were measured from pressure time records of explosions occurring in a closed cylindrical vessel. The laminar burning velocity was also computed through CHEMKIN–PREMIX simulations.  相似文献   

The onset of cellular instability in adiabatic H2/O2/N2 premixed flames anchored to a heat-flux burner is investigated numerically. Both hydrodynamic instability and diffusional-thermal instability are shown to play an important role in the onset of cellular flames. The burner can effectively suppress cellular instability when the flames are close to the burner, otherwise the burner can suppress the instabilities only at large wavenumbers. Because of differential diffusion, local extinction can occur in lean H2/O2/N2 flames. When the flames develop to take on cellular shapes, the surface length, the overall heat release rate and the mean burning velocity are all increased. For near stoichiometric fuel-rich flames the mean burning velocity can increase by as much as 20%–30%. For lean flames with an equivalence ratio of 0.56, the mean burning velocity can be 2–3 times of the burning velocity of the corresponding planar flame.  相似文献   

Turbulent nonpremixed H2/N2 and H2/CO syngas flames were simulated using 3D large eddy simulations coupled with a laminar flamelet combustion model. Four different syngas fuel mixtures varying from H2-rich to CO-rich including N2 have been modelled. The computations solved the Large Eddy Simulation governing equations on a structured non-uniform Cartesian grid using the finite volume method, where the Smagorinsky eddy viscosity model with the localised dynamic procedure is used to model the sub-grid scale turbulence. Non-premixed combustion has been incorporated using the steady laminar flamelet model. Both instantaneous and time-averaged quantities are analysed and data were also compared to experimental data for one of the four H2-rich flames. Results show significant differences in both unsteady and steady flame temperature and major combustion products depending on the ratio of H2/N2 and H2/CO in syngas fuel mixture.  相似文献   

Experimental measurements of adiabatic burning velocity and NO formation in (CH4 + H2) + (O2 + N2) flames are presented. The hydrogen content in the fuel was varied from 0 to 35% and the oxygen content in the air from 20.9 to 16%. Nonstretched flames were stabilized on a perforated plate burner at 1 atm. The heat flux method was used to determine burning velocities under conditions when the net heat loss of the flame is zero. Adiabatic burning velocities of methane + hydrogen + nitrogen + oxygen mixtures were found in satisfactory agreement with the modeling. The NO concentrations in these flames were measured in the burnt gases at a fixed distance from the burner using probe sampling. In lean flames, enrichment by hydrogen has little effect on [NO], while in rich flames, the concentration of nitric oxide decreases significantly. Dilution by nitrogen decreases [NO] at any equivalence ratio. Numerical predictions and trends were found in good agreement with the experiments. Different responses of stretched and nonstretched flames to enrichment by hydrogen are demonstrated and discussed.  相似文献   

Experimental and numerical study on laminar burning velocity of H2/CO/N2/CO2/air mixtures was conducted by using a constant volume bomb and Chemkin package. Good agreement between experimental measurements and numerical calculations by using USCII Mech is achieved. Diffusional-thermal instability is enhanced but hydrodynamic instability is insensitive to the increase of hydrogen fraction in fuel mixtures. For mixtures with different hydrogen fractions, the adiabatic flame temperature is not the dominant influencing factor while high thermal diffusivity of hydrogen obviously enhances the laminar burning velocity. Laminar burning velocities increase with increasing hydrogen fraction and equivalence ratio (0.4–1.0). This is mainly due to the high reactivity of H2 leading to high production rate of H and OH radicals. Reactions  and  play the dominant role in the production of H radical for mixtures with high hydrogen fraction, and reaction R31 plays the dominant role for mixtures with low hydrogen fraction.  相似文献   

The gas-phase combustion of H2/O2/N2 mixtures over platinum was investigated experimentally and numerically at fuel-lean equivalence ratios up to 0.30, pressures up to 15 bar and preheats up to 790 K. In situ 1-D spontaneous Raman measurements of major species concentrations and 2-D laser induced fluorescence (LIF) of the OH radical were applied in an optically accessible channel-flow catalytic reactor, leading to the assessment of the underlying heterogeneous (catalytic) and homogeneous (gas-phase) combustion processes. Simulations were carried out with a 2-D elliptic code that included elementary hetero-/homogeneous chemical reaction schemes and detailed transport. Measurements and predictions have shown that as pressure increased above 10 bar the preheat requirements for significant gas-phase hydrogen conversion raised appreciably, and for p = 15 bar (a pressure relevant for gas turbines) even the highest investigated preheats were inadequate to initiate considerable gas-phase conversion. Simulations in channels with practical geometrical confinements of 1 mm indicated that gas-phase combustion was altogether suppressed at atmospheric pressure, wall temperatures as high as 1350 K and preheats up to 773 K. While homogeneous ignition chemistry controlled gaseous combustion at atmospheric pressure, flame propagation characteristics dictated the strength of homogeneous combustion at the highest investigated pressures. The decrease in laminar burning rates for p ? 8 bar led to a push of the gaseous reaction zone close to the channel wall, to a subsequent leakage of hydrogen through the gaseous reaction zone, and finally to catalytic conversion of the escaped fuel at the channel walls. Parametric studies delineated the operating conditions and geometrical confinements under which gas-phase conversion of hydrogen could not be ignored in numerical modeling of catalytic combustion.  相似文献   

Adiabatic burning velocities of premixed flat flames and propagation speeds of adiabatic cellular flames of mixtures of ethane+oxygen+carbon dioxide are reported. The oxygen content O2/(O2+CO2) in the artificial air was varied from 26 to 35%. Nonstretched flames were stabilized on a perforated plate burner at 1 atm. A heat flux method was used to determine burning velocities under conditions when the net heat loss of the flame is zero. Under specific experimental conditions the flames become cellular; this leads to significant modification of the flame propagation speed. Measurements in cellular flames are presented and compared with those for laminar flat flames and also with qualitative predictions of a theoretical model. The onset of cellularity was observed throughout the stoichiometric range of the mixtures studied. Cellularity disappears when the flames become only slightly subadiabatic.  相似文献   

Quantitative measurements of hydrogen cyanide (HCN) were nonintrusively performed using mid-infrared polarization spectroscopy (IRPS) in atmospheric pressure flames. The lifted flat, laminar, premixed CH4/N2O/O2/N2 flames were stabilized on a 7 cm diameter home-built McKenna-type burner with variable proportion of N2O and O2. The characteristic spectral structure of HCN molecules was identified in the rotational line-resolved IRPS spectra collected in flames at around 3248 cm−1. The P20 line belonging to the CH stretching band was chosen for quantitative measurements and the line-integrated IRPS signal was recorded in a series of fuel-rich CH4/O2/N2O/N2 flames with equivalence ratios of 1.2, 1.4 and 1.6. Absolute mole fractions of HCN molecules in these flames were obtained through in situ calibration of the optical system with nonreactive gas flow of N2 seeded with known amount of HCN on the same burner. Moreover, the experimental results were compared with calculations performed using the Konnov detailed C/H/N/O mechanism, which implements NCN prompt-NO reactions. Generally good agreement was found with some discrepancies indicating the need for further model improvement.  相似文献   

The enhancement effect of ozone addition for H2/CO/N2/Air premixed flames at ambient condition is investigated both experimentally and computationally. Adiabatic laminar velocities under different amount of O3 addition were directly measured using the Heat Flux Method. The ozone concentration in the oxidizer is monitored online to ensure the precise control and stability of ozone injection. Experimental data shows significant enhancement of the burning velocities due to O3 addition. With 8500 ppm ozone seeded, maximum 18.74% of burning velocity enhancement is observed at equivalence ratio Φ = 0.7. Kinetic modeling works were conducted by integrating ozone sub-mechanism with three kinetic mechanisms: GRI-Mech 3.0, Davis mechanism and USC Mech II. The modeling results were compared with experimental data. GRI-Mech 3.0 + Ozone mechanism demonstrated the ability to reproduce the experimental data. Extra OH radicals promoted by ozone was found in the pre-heat regime which initiates the chain-branching reaction and results in the combustion enhancement.  相似文献   

A better knowledge of the combustion chemistry in very lean flames is required to improve flame stability and control the presence of oxygenated species as final products. In this work, the chemical structure of lean premixed propane-oxygen-nitrogen flames stabilized on a flat flame burner at atmospheric pressure was determined experimentally. The species mole fraction profiles were also computed by the Premix code (Chemkin II version) and three recently proposed mechanisms. Globally, the agreement between measured and computed mole fractions profiles is similar, despite large differences in the number of reactions in each mechanism. Pathways analyses show that only weak variations are observed in the relative importance of the main oxidation routes when the equivalence ratio is decreased from 0.9 to 0.5.  相似文献   

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