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Ran  Qiwen  Wang  Ling  Ma  Jing  Tan  Liying  Yu  Siyuan 《Quantum Information Processing》2018,17(8):1-24

We investigate in detail the dynamics of decoherence, free and bound entanglements, and the conversion from one to another (quantum state transitions), in a two non-interacting qutrits system initially entangled and subject to independents or a common classical noise. Both Markovian and non-Markovian environments are considered. Furthermore, isotropic and bound entangled states for qutrits systems are considered as initial states. We show the efficiency of the formers over the latters against decoherence, and in preserving quantum entanglement. The loss of coherence increases monotonically with time up to a saturation value depending upon the initial state parameter and is stronger in a collective Markov environment. For the non-Markov regime the presence or absence of entanglement revival and entanglement sudden death phenomena is deduced depending on both the peculiar characteristics of the noise, the physical setup and the initial state of the system. We demonstrate distillability sudden death for conveniently selected parameters in bound entangled states; meanwhile, it is completely absent for isotropic states, where entanglement sudden death is avoided for dynamic noise independently of the noise regime and the physical setup. Our results indicate that distillability sudden death under the Markov/non-Markov noise considered can be avoided depending upon the physical setup.


We study on the tripartite entanglement dynamics when each party is initially entangled with other parties, but they locally interact with their own Markovian or non-Markovian environment. First we consider three GHZ-type initial states, all of which have GHZ-symmetry provided that the parameters are chosen appropriately. However, this symmetry is broken due to the effect of environment. The corresponding \(\pi \)-tangles, one of the tripartite entanglement measures, are analytically computed at arbitrary time. For Markovian case while the tripartite entanglement for type I exhibits an entanglement sudden death, the dynamics for the remaining cases decays normally in time with the half-life rule. For non-Markovian case the revival phenomenon of entanglement occurs after complete disappearance of entanglement. We also consider two W-type initial states. For both cases the \(\pi \)-tangles are analytically derived. The revival phenomenon also occurs in this case. On the analytical ground the robustness or fragility issue against the effect of environment is examined for both GHZ-type and W-type initial states.  相似文献   

In this work, we mainly analyze the dynamics of geometric quantum discord under a common dissipating environment. Our results indicate that geometric quantum discord is generated when the initial state is a product state. The geometric quantum discord increases from zero to a stable value with the increasing time, and the variations of stable values depend on the system size. For different initial product states, geometric quantum discord has some different behaviors in contrast with entanglement. For initial maximally entangled state, it is shown that geometric quantum discord decays with the increasing dissipated time. It is found that for EPR state, entanglement is more robust than geometric quantum discord, which is a sharp contrast to the existing result that quantum discord is more robust than entanglement in noisy environments. However, for GHZ state and W state, geometric quantum discord is more stable than entanglement. By the comparison of quantum discord and entanglement, we find that a common dissipating environment brings complicated effects on quantum correlation, which may deepen our understanding of physical impacts of decohering environment on quantum correlation. In the end, we analyze the effects of collective dephasing noise and rotating noise to a class of two-qubit X states, and we find that quantum correlation is not altered by the collective noises.  相似文献   

We analyze the effect of a classical random telegraph noise on the dynamics of quantum correlations and decoherence between two non-interacting spin-qutrit particles, initially entangled, and coupled either to independent sources or to a common source of noise. Both Markovian and non-Markovian environments are considered. For the Markov regime, as the noise switching rate decreases, a monotonic decay of the initial quantum correlations is found and the loss of coherence increases monotonically with time up to the saturation value. For the non-Markov regime, evident oscillations of correlations and decoherence are observed due to the noise regime, but correlations, however, avoid sudden death phenomena. The oscillatory behavior is more and more prominent as the noise switching rate decreases in this regime, thus enhancing robustness of correlations. Similarly to the qubits case, independent environments coupling is more effective than a common environment coupling in preserving quantum correlations and coherence of the system for a Markovian noise; meanwhile, the opposite is found for the non-Markovian one.  相似文献   

We investigate noise effects on the performance of entanglement distribution by separable state. We consider a realistic situation in which the mediating particle between two distant nodes of the network goes through a noisy channel. For a large class of noise models, we show that the average value of distributed entanglement between two parties is equal to entanglement between particular bipartite partitions of target qubits and exchange qubit in intermediate steps of the protocol. This result is valid for distributing two-qubit/qudit and three-qubit entangled states. In explicit examples of the noise family, we show that there exists a critical value of noise parameter beyond which distribution of distillable entanglement is not possible. Furthermore, we determine how this critical value increases in terms of Hilbert space dimension, when distributing d-dimensional Bell states.  相似文献   

The restoration of three-qubit entanglement is investigated under the amplitude damping (AD) decoherence with environment-assisted measurement (EAM) and reversal weak measurement (RWM). The results show that there exists a critical strength of RWM dependent of the initial three-qubit entangled state under a given damping rate of the AD channel, i.e., if the selected RWM strength is higher than the critical strength, the entanglement will be reduced compared to one without RWM. Some three-qubit entangled states cannot be restored. We calculated the restorable condition of the initial entanglement and illustrated the valid area for three-qubit GHZ state and W state. Fortunately, an optimal strength of RWM corresponding to a certain damping rate of AD channels can be found within the valid area for a restorable initial state, by which a noise-infected entanglement can be restored to its maximum value. Particularly, when three qubits of W state are subjected to their respective AD channels, due to the symmetry of three qubits, the W state cannot be decohered provided the EAM is successful, and no RWM is required. This is beneficial to quantum communication over the noisy channel. Applying this protection regime to tripartite QSS and taking appropriate initial entangled state as the quantum channel, the fidelity of the shared state can be improved to the maximum 1 probabilistically. Thus, the decoherence effect of the noisy channels can be significantly suppressed or even avoided.  相似文献   

Entanglement monogamy is a fundamental property of multipartite entangled states. We investigate the monogamy relations for multiqubit generalized W-class states. Analytical monogamy inequalities are obtained for the concurrence of assistance, the entanglement of formation, and the entanglement of assistance.  相似文献   

Entanglement criteria for multipartite entangled states are obtained by matching witnesses to multipartite entangled states. The necessary and sufficient criterion of separability for three qubit X states is given as an example to illustrate the procedure of finding a criterion. The result is utilized to obtain the noise tolerance of W state. The necessary and sufficient criteria of three partite separability and full separability for four qubit noisy cluster states, three partite separability for four qubit noisy GHZ states are obtained.  相似文献   

Different from the previous works on generating entangled states, this work is focused on how to transfer the prepared entangled states onto memory qubits for protecting them against decoherence. We here consider a physical system consisting of n operation qubits and 2n memory qubits placed in a cavity or coupled to a resonator. A method is presented for transferring n-qubit Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger (GHZ) entangled states from the operation qubits (i.e., information processing cells) onto the memory qubits (i.e., information memory elements with long decoherence time). The transferred GHZ states are encoded in a decoherence-free subspace against collective dephasing and thus can be immune from decoherence induced by a dephasing environment. In addition, the state transfer procedure has nothing to do with the number of qubits, the operation time does not increase with the number of qubits, and no measurement is needed for the state transfer. This proposal can be applied to a wide range of hybrid qubits such as natural atoms and artificial atoms (e.g., various solid-state qubits).  相似文献   

We propose a novel scheme for remote preparation of an arbitrary n-qubit state with the aid of an appropriate local \(2^n\times 2^n\) unitary operation and n maximally entangled two-qubit states. The analytical expression of local unitary operation, which is constructed in the form of iterative process, is presented for the preparation of n-qubit state in detail. We obtain the total successful probabilities of the scheme in the general and special cases, respectively. The feasibility of our scheme in preparing remotely multi-qubit states is explicitly demonstrated by theoretical studies and concrete examples, and our results show that the novel proposal could enlarge the applied range of remote state preparation.  相似文献   

A threshold quantum state sharing scheme is proposed. The dealer uses the quantum-controlled-not operations to expand the d-dimensional quantum state and then uses the entanglement swapping to distribute the state to a random subset of participants. The participants use the single-particle measurements and unitary operations to recover the initial quantum state. In our scheme, the dealer can share different quantum states among different subsets of participants simultaneously. So the scheme will be very flexible in practice.  相似文献   

The pure quantum entanglement is generalized to the case of mixed compound states to include the classical and quantum encodings as particular cases. The true quantum entanglements are characterized as transpose-CP but not CP maps. The entangled information is introduced as the relative entropy of the mutual and the input state and total information of the entangled states leads to two different types of entropy for a given quantum state: the von Neumann entropy, which is achieved as the supremum of the information over all c-entanglements, and the true quantum entropy, which is achieved at the standard entanglement. The q-capacity, defined as the supremum over all entanglements, doubles the c-capacity in the case of the simple algebra. The conditional q-entropy is positive, and q-information of a quantum channel is additive.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel multi-party quantum private comparison protocol with a semi-honest third party (TP) is proposed based on the entanglement swapping of d-level cat states and d-level Bell states. Here, TP is allowed to misbehave on his own, but will not conspire with any party. In our protocol, n parties employ unitary operations to encode their private secrets and can compare the equality of their private secrets within one time execution of the protocol. Our protocol can withstand both the outside attacks and the participant attacks on the condition that none of the QKD methods is adopted to generate keys for security. One party cannot obtain other parties’ secrets except for the case that their secrets are identical. The semi-honest TP cannot learn any information about these parties’ secrets except the end comparison result on whether all private secrets from n parties are equal.  相似文献   

We study the degree of entanglement of arbitrary superpositions of mn photon-added coherent states (PACS) \(\mathinner {|{\psi }\rangle } \propto u \mathinner {|{{\alpha },m}\rangle }\mathinner {|{{\beta },n }\rangle }+ v \mathinner {|{{\beta },n}\rangle }\mathinner {|{{\alpha },m}\rangle }\) using the concurrence and obtain the general conditions for maximal entanglement. We show that photon addition process can be identified as an entanglement enhancer operation for superpositions of coherent states (SCS). Specifically for the known bipartite positive SCS: \(\mathinner {|{\psi }\rangle } \propto \mathinner {|{\alpha }\rangle }_a\mathinner {|{-\alpha }\rangle }_b + \mathinner {|{-\alpha }\rangle }_a\mathinner {|{\alpha }\rangle }_b \) whose entanglement tends to zero for \(\alpha \rightarrow 0\), can be maximal if al least one photon is added in a subsystem. A full family of maximally entangled PACS is also presented. We also analyzed the decoherence effects in the entangled PACS induced by a simple depolarizing channel . We find that robustness against depolarization is increased by adding photons to the coherent states of the superposition. We obtain the dependence of the critical depolarization \(p_{\text {crit}}\) for null entanglement as a function of \(m,n, \alpha \) and \(\beta \).  相似文献   

We have proposed a scheme of the generation and preservation of two-qubit steady-state quantum correlations through quantum channels where successive uses of the channels are correlated. Different types of noisy channels with memory, such as amplitude damping, phase damping, and depolarizing channels, have been taken into account. Some analytical or numerical results are presented. The effect of channels with memory on dynamics of quantum correlations has been discussed in detail. The results show that steady-state entanglement between two initial qubits whose initial states are prepared in a specific family states without entanglement subject to amplitude damping channel with memory can be generated. The entanglement creation is related to the memory coefficient of channel \(\mu \). The stronger the memory coefficient of channel \( \mu \) is, the more the entanglement creation is, and the earlier the separable state becomes the entangled state. Besides, we compare the dynamics of entanglement with that of quantum discord when a two-qubit system is initially prepared in an entangled state. We show that entanglement dynamics suddenly disappears, while quantum discord dynamics displays only in the asymptotic limit. Furthermore, two-qubit quantum correlations can be preserved at a long time in the limit of \(\mu \rightarrow 1\).  相似文献   

We develop a generalized teleportation scheme based on quantum walks with two coins. For an unknown qubit state, we use two-step quantum walks on the line and quantum walks on the cycle with four vertices for teleportation. For any d-dimensional states, quantum walks on complete graphs and quantum walks on d-regular graphs can be used for implementing teleportation. Compared with existing d-dimensional states teleportation, prior entangled state is not required and the necessary maximal entanglement resource is generated by the first step of quantum walk. Moreover, two projective measurements with d elements are needed by quantum walks on the complete graph, rather than one joint measurement with \(d^2\) basis states. Quantum walks have many applications in quantum computation and quantum simulations. This is the first scheme of realizing communicating protocol with quantum walks, thus opening wider applications.  相似文献   

We discuss how to calculate genuine multipartite quantum and classical correlations in symmetric, spatially invariant, mixed n-qubit density matrices. We show that the existence of symmetries greatly reduces the amount of free parameters to be optimized in order to find the optimal measurement that minimizes the conditional entropy in the discord calculation. We apply this approach to the states exhibited dynamically during a thermodynamic protocol to extract maximum work. We also apply the symmetry criterion to a wide class of physically relevant cases of spatially homogeneous noise over multipartite entangled states. Exploiting symmetries we are able to calculate the non-local and genuine quantum features of these states and note some interesting properties.  相似文献   

A master equation has been constructed for a global system–bath interaction in the both absence and presence of non-Markovian noise. For the memoryless case, it has been exactly solved for a paradigmatic class of two qubit states in high- and zero-temperature thermal environment. For the non-Markovian model, it has been solved for zero-temperature bath. The evolution of quantum coherence and entanglement has been observed in the presence of the above-mentioned interactions. We show that the global part of the system–bath interaction compensates for the decoherence, resulting in slowdown of coherence and entanglement decay. For an appropriately defined limiting case, both coherence and entanglement show freezing behavior for the high-temperature bath. In case of zero-temperature bath, the mentioned interaction not only stabilizes the non-classical correlations, but also enhances them for a finite period. For the memory-dependent case, we have seen that the global interaction enhances the backflow of information from environment to the system, as it enhances the regeneration of coherence and entanglement. Also we have studied the generation of quantum Fisher information by the mentioned process. An intuitive measure of non-classicality based on non-commutativity of quantum states has been considered. Bounds on generated quantum Fisher information have been found in terms of quantumness and coherence. This gives us a novel understanding of quantum Fisher information as a measure of non-classicality.  相似文献   

In this paper, the dynamics of tripartite entanglement via \(\pi \)-tangle in independent non-Markovian environments is investigated. The results indicate that the \(\pi \)-tangle vanishes periodically as decoherence time increases with a damping of its revival amplitude due to the memory of the non-Markovian environments. In addition, we present a scheme to protect entanglement of W state from non-Markovian environments by means of the quantum partially collapsing measurements. It is worth mentioning that our scheme is a successful protection for the tripartite quantum system and the effect is better for the larger measurement strength, while the stronger decoherence suppression induces smaller success probability.  相似文献   

We propose an optical scheme to prepare large-scale maximally entangled W states by fusing arbitrary-size polarization entangled W states via polarization-dependent beam splitter. Because most of the currently existing fusion schemes are suffering from the qubit loss problem, that is the number of the output entangled qubits is smaller than the sum of numbers of the input entangled qubits, which will inevitably decrease the fusion efficiency and increase the number of fusion steps as well as the requirement of quantum memories, in our scheme, we design a effect fusion mechanism to generate \(W_{m+n}\) state from a n-qubit W state and a m-qubit W state without any qubit loss. As the nature of this fusion mechanism clearly increases the final size of the obtained W state, it is more efficient and feasible. In addition, our scheme can also generate \(W_{m+n+t-1}\) state by fusing a \(W_m\), a \(W_n\) and a \(W_t\) states. This is a great progress compared with the current scheme which has to lose at least two particles in the fusion of three W states. Moreover, it also can be generalized to the case of fusing k different W states, and all the fusion schemes proposed here can start from Bell state as well.  相似文献   

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