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生物医学工程是一门整合物理、数学、工程技术、生物医学科技与临床应用的跨领域工程科学,培养能够适应生物医学工程发展需要、熟悉国际规则和惯例、对生物医学产业发展具有影响力的国际化研究型、具有实践能力和创新精神的高素质复合型人才不仅符合生物医学工程专业的特点,对于满足就业市场的需求也具有十分重要的意义。研究以东北大学生物医学工程专业为例,通过生物医学工程专业研究生培养新模式的探索,找出优化的研究生培养规律和教育教学模式,在此过程中,揭示创新型人才培养的机制、方法,从而提高研究生教育的理论水平,提高教学质量和人才培养质量。  相似文献   

This project used Eberhardt's team functions as an observational protocol to examine the team process as it occurred in the Engineering Practices Introductory Course Sequence (EPICS) at the Colorado School of Mines. A design report scoring rubric was used to evaluate the quality of the team‐produced final report. The results of this study suggest that the gender composition of the teams impacted both the interactions that took place during the team process and the quality of the team's final report. Members of majority male teams were more likely to be witnessed clarifying and standard setting during team interactions than were members of majority female teams. During the first course, the final reports that were produced by majority male teams on average were judged to be of higher quality than were those that were produced by majority female teams. The reverse was found to be true in the second course.  相似文献   

This research investigates differences in how engineering and non‐engineering men and women perceive common speech acts in team settings. Participants completed surveys asking them to rate the speakers of three male typical and three female typical speech acts. Male engineering students were significantly harsher than other groups on female typical speech acts in which the speaker conceded weaknesses, even if this concession was for strategic purposes such as trying to help another teammate “save face.” This bias against female typical speech was consistent regardless of the speaker's gender, suggesting that students were reacting to speech patterns rather than to biological gender. These findings provide hope that women may be able to help manage perceptions of their everyday team interactions by avoiding statements that imply weaknesses, even if such speech is normal in other situations.  相似文献   

This paper highlights the role of the faculty member in recruiting students currently enrolled in B.S. programs in engineering and the sciences into full-time pursuit of a graduate-level engineering degree. The faculty member is demonstrated to be in a unique position to influence such students, providing strong counterforces to a confluence of attitudes and pressures experienced during the B.S. experience which effectively create a barrier to full-time engineering graduate study. We analyze this barrier via the method of force field analysis, and demonstrate that effective recruitment into full-time graduate study must be based on a four-fold strategy of education, expectations, improved B.S. experience and better control of the B.S. environment. Approaches to implement these strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper explores the causes behind the severe under‐representation of women in engineering. Based on national data on undergraduate engineering programs, this study presents cross‐sectional estimates of male and female student retention. Contrary to widespread beliefs, the study found that overall and in most disciplines there is no differential attrition by gender. Instead, results suggest that gender disparities in engineering are largely driven by inadequate enrollment (not inadequate retention) of women. The paper concludes that outreach—within institutions of higher education, across institutions (into two‐year colleges, middle and high schools), and into K‐12 curricular reform—are needed to address what is, at its very core, a recruitment problem.  相似文献   

目的 新时代“双碳”目标下,如何构建林业类高校工科研究生创新能力培养的新思路,是当下培养“双碳”目标特殊型专业人才的重要一环,为实现“双碳”目标提供智力支持和人才支撑。方法 本文重点探讨研究创新能力培养模式,阐述新时期林业高校工科研究生人才的培养方向。结果 通过分析研究生创新能力培养存在的问题,提出以立德树人为根本目标,依托产教融合和就业牵引为导向,培养具有大国工匠精神的“知林爱林”的行业复合型创新人才;精准定位,服务行业和区域经济发展,突出学科特色的林业高校生态文明建设的新优势,致力于全面提高研究生的创新能力,服务国家发展战略。结论 “双碳”目标背景下,全面提高林业高校研究生创新能力是一个长期的系统工程,在未来的研究生培养中应不断探索、不断实践、勇于创新。  相似文献   

This paper describes an engineering graduate option in Systems Engineering designed to overcome some of the effects of specialization and compartmentalization by building a link between technical and ethical training. Students in this option produce case studies that emphasize ethical issues in the design process. The goal of the program is to turn out ethical professionals who are able to reflect on the moral implications of technology. The proposed approach uses realistic or real‐hypothetical hybrid case studies as a type of vicarious mentoring, and, when supplemented with readings in ethical theory and codes, may serve as a starting point for a deeper understanding of behavioral dilemmas. The developers of this approach are a multi‐disciplinary team from the Engineering School and the Darden Graduate School of Business Administration at the University of Virginia. The paper describes how the graduate option is structured and provides data on student outcomes.  相似文献   

This paper describes the structure, material, and techniques used in a course that introduces non-engineering students to the tasks and tools of the engineering profession. The primary components of the course include differentiation between engineering and science, heuristic and computational problem solving, experimentation, conservation principles, and a design experience.  相似文献   

As college students experience the challenges of their classes and extracurricular activities, most undergo a developmental progression in which they gradually relinquish their belief in the certainty of knowledge and the omniscience of authorities and take increasing responsibility for their own learning. At a high developmental level (which few reach before graduation), they recognize that all knowledge is contextual, gather and interpret evidence to support their judgments from a wide range of sources, and willingly reconsider those judgments in the light of new evidence. This paper reviews several models of intellectual development, discusses their applicability to science and engineering education, and defines the difficulties that confront instructors seeking to promote the development of their students. A companion paper formulates an instructional model for promoting development that addresses those difficulties.  相似文献   

The multi‐dimensional effort in the pursuit of excellence in engineering education at Kuwait University is described. The engineering program curricula have continuously been modified to provide engineering students with an intellectual foundation that is broad, well‐rounded, and multi‐disciplinary. He pursuit of excellence in engineering education has earned the College ABET's “substantial equivalency” rating for six of its programs. Women constitute more than forty percent of the incoming engineering student body in recent years. A comprehensive questionnaire survey of the alumni of the College of Engineering was performed. Nearly all of engineering women alumnae are presently employed and a majority feel that the education and training, which they received from the engineering programs, were excellent and responsive to the needs of their jobs. A clear majority of women alumnae also feel equal (or even superior), to their male counterparts with regard to job‐related factors. The feeling of equality is positively and significantly correlated with GPA, field of specialization, and years of experience.  相似文献   


The authors consider the empirical validity of the graduate record examination (GRE) as a predictor of various measures of performance in a graduate engineering management program. The performance criteria include first-quarter graduate school grades, first-year graduate school grades, cumulative graduate school grades, and faculty committees' ratings of students' theses. Tests indicated that the GRE verbal and quantitative test scores were useful in predicting first-year and cumulative grade point averages (GPAs). The implications of these findings are discussed to include the idea of a theory-based test and measures of graduate student performance.  相似文献   

In a typical engineering curriculum students and faculty rarely have the opportunity to take a real problem, extract its essence, apply an analysis, and then make design decisions based on this analysis. This extractive link between fundamentals and design is particularly critical to a smooth transition from engineering study at the university to engineering practice in industry. Historically, universities have taken the responsibility for rigorous theoretical and technical training in subjects that include the basic sciences and fundamentals of engineering, while industry has been responsible for making engineering graduates contributors to specific tasks important to the company and its core competency. In this division of training, however, no one teaches students how to apply fundamental engineering principles to practical problems. To make matters worse, faculty often ignore engineering relevance of basic theory and the students then reject these fundamentals; in both cases engineering performance suffers. One solution to this missing bridge is being developed in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) in the form of the “Engineering Design in Industry” program.  相似文献   

As college students experience the challenges of their classes and extracurricular activities, they undergo a developmental progression in which they gradually relinquish their belief in the certainty of knowledge and the omniscience of authorities and take increasing responsibility for their own learning. At the highest developmental level normally seen in college students (which few attain before graduation), they display attitudes and thinking patterns resembling those of expert scientists and engineers, including habitually and skillfully gathering and analyzing evidence to support their judgments. This paper proposes an instructional model designed to provide a suitable balance of challenge and support to advance students to that level. The model components are (1) variety and choice of learning tasks; (2) explicit communication and explanation of expectations; (3) modeling, practice, and constructive feedback on high‐level tasks; (4) a student‐centered instructional environment; and (5) respect for students at all levels of development.  相似文献   

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