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BACKGROUND: Diagnostic laparoscopy plays a significant role in the evaluation of acute and chronic abdominal pain in the era of therapeutic laparoscopic surgery. METHODS: We referred to our personal series of laparoscopy for both acute and chronic abdominal pain. This is a retrospective review of data accumulated prospectively between 1979 and the present. RESULTS: In our series, 387 consecutive patients underwent laparoscopy because of abdominal pain. In a group of 121 patients with acute abdominal pain, a definitive diagnosis was made in 119 cases (98%). Two patients needed laparotomy to confirm the diagnosis; both had a disease process that did not require laparotomy to treat. A definitive therapeutic laparoscopic procedure was performed in 53 cases 944%). In 45 patients (38%), a diagnosis was made that did not require therapeutic laparoscopy or laparotomy to treat. In the remaining 21 patients (17.5%), exploratory laparotomy was needed to treat the condition. In a chronic abdominal pain group of 265 patients, the etiology was established laparoscopically in 201 cases (76%). A definitive therapeutic laparoscopic procedure was performed in 128 patients (48%). There was a normal laparoscopic examination in 64 patients (24%). There was one false negative laparoscopy that required laparotomy to treat 1 month later. CONCLUSIONS: Laparoscopy is an accurate modality for the diagnosis of both acute and chronic abdominal pain syndromes. These data support the use of laparoscopy as the primary invasive intervention in patients with acute and chronic abdominal pain.  相似文献   

This study was designed to identify the predominant serotypes of group A streptococci (GAS) responsible for rheumatic fever (RF) and rheumatic heart disease (RHD) in India. RF and RHD sera were screened for antibodies to M proteins retrospectively against known rheumatogenic M types and M types isolated from patients with acute RF. All GAS strains isolated from four patients with acute RF in a short outbreak of RF, were identical - serum opacity factor (SOF) negative, T-pattern 3/13 B3264 and M-non-typable. Because of this, M protein was isolated from only one of these four M-non-typable strain (S-399). This was done by limited pepsin digestion and purification by ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex, followed by gel filtration. Purified M protein was found to be homologous on SDS-PAGE (mol.wt 20 kDa), immunogenic in rabbits and to retain its antigenic structure. This purified M protein from an M-non-typable strain (pep-MNT) was used as an antigen to screen RF and RHD sera retrospectively by ELISA for the prevalence of the M-non-typable GAS strain. The prevalence of the M-non-typable strain was compared with that of the known rheumatogenic M types. Results suggest that the M-non-typable strain could be a provisional new rheumatogenic M type in India and could be a candidate for a multivalent M-protein vaccine to control RF and RHD.  相似文献   

K Miller  E Mayer  E Moritz 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1996,172(4):353-6; discussion 356-7
BACKGROUND: This study was designed to determine the efficacy of laparoscopy on patients with a history of recurrent and chronic abdominal pain longer than 3 months, of unknown origin. METHODS: From September 1990 to May 1994, we performed 66 laparoscopic treatments on 59 patients. The assessment of life quality ensured the disability score, the McGill pain questionnaire, and the visual analogue pain scale, which were completed preoperatively, then on the day of discharge, and finally at a mean period follow-up of 75.3 weeks. Laparoscopy provided diagnosis on 53 of 59 patients (89.8%). RESULTS: All 66 attempted laparoscopic procedures were completed successfully, no conversion to laparotomy was necessary, and no postoperative complication occurred. Five out of 59 patients (8.5%) revealed no improvement of pain postoperatively, and 6 out of 56 (10.7%) still suffer from pain at the time of the follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: The pain assessment and disability score was statistically significant postoperatively and at the time of the follow-up in relation to the preoperative score.  相似文献   

Postoperative necrotizing fasciitis of the anterior abdominal wall is a serious and life-endangering complication of an acute progressive synergistic infective process. There is an absolute increase in its incidence rate attributable to a number of situations in modern life. Morphological and clinical studies are carried out on personal case material of 28 patients, followed up over a 3-year period. The presence of aerobic-anaerobic mixed polyinfection, consisting of average 3.75 bacterial species of which 1.43 aerobes and 2.32 anaerobes, is demonstrated microbiologically. Of the latter non-spore-bearing obligate anaerobes predominate among which B fragillis is the most common. As shown by the study, the process is characterized by slow initial course with ensuring rapid spreading by neighbourhood. The process reveals all signs of a mixed aerobic-anaerobic polyinfection, thereby necessitating subordination of both antibiotic therapy and surgical tactics to the latter.  相似文献   

Examining 26 patients with early recurrent venous thrombophilias and ischemic attacks revealed that 6 cases had Va factor resistance to activated C protein. The latter suggests that thrombophilia associated with hereditary C- protein resistance is recorded in the Russian population, among the residents of West Siberia in particular.  相似文献   

The protective effect of ceftriaxone on isepamicin-induced nephrotoxicity was investigated. For 14 d, Wistar rats were administered either ceftriaxone 100 mg/kg intraperitoneally, isepamicin 300 mg/kg subcutaneously, or ceftriaxone isepamicin in combination. The animals given 300 mg/kg of isepamicin showed a significant increase in urine NAG (N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase) levels as compared with the control animals which received saline (p<0.01). However, the increase in NAG level was markedly less when isepamicin was administered in combination with ceftriaxone (p<0.01). Ceftriaxone alone had no effect on urine NAG activity. Serum creatinine levels were significantly higher in animals treated with isepamicin alone than in control animals (p<0.01) or animals receiving the isepamicin ceftriaxone combination (p<0.01). After 14 d of treatment, ceftriaxone had not accumulated in renal tissue, but it did reduce the renal intracortical accumulation of isepamicin (p<0.01). Histopathologically, ceftriaxone induced very few cellular alterations and considerably reduced the manifestation of typical signs of isepamicin nephrotoxicity. This investigation demonstrates that ceftriaxone protects animals against isepamicin-induced nephrotoxicity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Diagnostic laparoscopy through the right lower abdominal incision following open appendectomy for suspected acute appendicitis may help in making the correct diagnosis in the absence of pathology of the appendix. METHODS: Fourteen patients with a clinical diagnosis of acute appendicitis underwent diagnostic laparoscopy through the right lower quadrant incision after open appendectomy to exclude further pathology in the case of a noninflamed appendix. RESULTS: In 10 of the 14 patients, laparoscopy helped to correct the diagnosis. In two patients, the etiology of the acute right lower abdominal pain remained unclear. In two others, histological examination showed acute appendicitis despite a normal macroscopic appearance. CONCLUSIONS: Diagnostic laparoscopy through the right lower quadrant incision may help to correct the diagnosis in patients who are operated on for clinically acute appendicitis but in whom no acute appendicitis or other pathological findings are seen.  相似文献   

One hundred consecutive cases of confirmed anterior abdominal wall defect, identified prenatally in the Oxford Prenatal Diagnosis Unit over 11 years, were studied. Fifty nine per cent of cases were suspected omphaloceles and 41% suspected gastroschisis. Fifty four per cent of omphaloceles were accompanied by other defects compared with 5% of those with gastroschisis. Overall, 29% of fetuses with omphalocele had an abnormal karyotype, and of those with another abnormality identified on scan (excluding four cases with no karyotype performed), 54% had an abnormal karyotype. Of the 27 cases with suspected isolated omphalocele, 14 were live born, all of whom have survived. If the 11 whose parents opted for termination of pregnancy are excluded, survival to birth was 88%. Six of the suspected isolated omphaloceles have Beckwith Wiedemann syndrome (BWS). Eight (57%) of the live born babies with omphaloceles had major problems up to the age of 2, but only one (7%) has long term major problems. This child has BWS and is deaf. Of the 39 cases of suspected isolated gastroschisis, 33 (85%) pregnancies resulted in live birth and one in neonatal death after surgery. Survival rate (excluding terminated pregnancies) was 97%. Gastroschisis was associated with a younger maternal age than omphalocele (p < 0.001) and lower birthweight centile (p < 0.01). Fifteen per cent of the gastroschisis babies had major problems up to the age of 2 years and 12% long term developmental problems. Ninety three per cent of the omphalocele babies and 88% of those who had gastroschisis have no long term problems. Over the study period there have been major changes in scanning equipment and expertise. Since 1991 no woman with a suspected isolated lesion has opted for termination of pregnancy.  相似文献   

Most trocars currently used to place a cannula through the abdominal wall have a conical or pyramidal tip. Because the risk of inadvertent injury along with removal of the cannula is probably related to (a) the force needed to traverse the abdominal wall, (b) the force needed to remove the trocar, and (c) the defect in the abdominal wall, the optimum configuration of the penetrating tip should be determined. The entry force needed to perforate the abdominal wall, the removal force necessary to remove the trocar, and the defect in the abdominal wall were measured in a porcine model under standardized conditions (general anesthesia, 12 mmHg pneumoperitoneum). Nineteen trocars (six disposable, seven reusable, six custom-made) have been tested. They were divided into six groups according to the shape of the tip (conical, pyramidal, or a combination). The entry force (F = 25.6, p < 0.0001) and the removal force (F = 5.1, p < 0.01) were related to the shape of the tip. Conical tips needed a higher force than purely pyramidal tips. The abdominal defect was also different between groups (F = 6.5, p < 0. 001). The trocar with a pyramidal shape caused a greater defect than conical tips. The defect in the abdominal wall was inversely related to the entry force (r = -0.55, p < 0.001) and to the removal force (r = -0.57, p < 0.001). There is not an optimum configuration of a simple push-through trocar with a low entry force and a high removal force. Some kind of a conical tip is recommended for insertion of trocars under direct view.  相似文献   

The results of diagnostics and treatment of the closed liver's injuries in 180 injured with combined trauma are analyzed. Was established, that the complexity of the diagnostics of the liver trauma and the heavy accompanying injuries, accomplishment of the diagnostic researches on the shock background, consciousness frustration, hemodynamics, breath, hypovolemia requires intensification of ultrasonic researches, computer tomography and laparoscopy, which reliability has made 91-95%. The injured with combined trauma and liver's injuries should be rendered the urgent specialized help. The volume of the operation on liver should be the most minimum, but reliable to stop hemorrhage. The surgical correction of other injuries of the abdominal and peritoneal cavities should be carried out. The operation is finished by cranial decompression trepanation and stabilization bone breaks of pelvis and extremities (under indications) as a preventive measure of shock, loss of blood and embolic complications.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE: Many studies on seasonality in Down syndrome (DS) have been performed and have come to different conclusions. It is suggested that seasonal variation in hormone production by the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis just before ovulation leads to seasonality in conception rates of DS. This study aimed to determine whether there is seasonal variation in the prevalence of DS at birth as a proxy for seasonality in DS at conception. DESIGN: All the English and Dutch articles on this topic were reviewed. Articles published between 1966 and January 1996 were traced by Medline, and by the reference lists. MAIN RESULTS: Twenty articles met the criteria for inclusion. Although seven of these studies reported seasonality in DS prevalence, no consistent seasonal pattern was found in DS at birth in these studies, or in the remaining studies. A seasonal pattern could not have been masked by the effects of maternal age, induced abortions, shortened gestation, or misclassification of DS. CONCLUSION: Seasonality in the prevalence of DS at birth does not exist. Evidence did not support the suggestion that DS occurrence is related to seasonality in hormone production.  相似文献   

Pentobarbital alone, pentobarbital plus 1% lidocaine solution, pentobarbital plus 2% lidocaine solution, and pentobarbital plus 3% lidocaine solution were each used to euthanatize 6 dogs. For each dog, time between the beginning of injection of the euthanasia solution and each of the following events was recorded: collapse, onset of apnea, flat-line electrocardiogram, flat-line electroencephalogram, loss of palpable heartbeat, and loss of palpable pulse. Any signs of pain or discomfort were also recorded. There were no significant differences among groups except for time to flat-line electrocardiogram. Dogs euthanatized with pentobarbital alone had significantly longer times than did dogs euthanatized with pentobarbital in combination with any of the lidocaine concentrations. We concluded that pentobarbital in combination with lidocaine was a reasonable alternative to pentobarbital alone when euthanatizing dogs.  相似文献   

In the period reviewed, the Royal Victoria Hospital received over 7000 casualties, representing approximately half of the civil disturbance injuries for the province. Primary resuscitation did not differ from that of road traffic accidents, but the surgical management did. Extensive débridement was essential, followed by delayed primary suture some days later. Two hundred and nine penetrating abdominal wounds were reviewed, and the necessity of exploring the abdomen in all such injuries is emphasized.  相似文献   

Clinico-statistical analysis of the treatment results of 624 injured persons for the period from 1990 till 1995 year was conducted. In 509 (81.6%) of them the combined closed thoracic trauma was revealed, in 15 (18.4%)--the isolated closed affection of the skull, thorax, abdomen and extremities have occurred. The anatomic-functional model of the injury severity and prognosis outcome estimation was elaborated, an optimal timing and surgical treatment methods of the thoracic cage bones injury was substantiated, what have promoted to lower lethality from 50%--in injured persons, operated on without taking into account the trauma severity and prognosis outcome, to 31.6%--in operated on in the postponed order.  相似文献   

Operative treatment of thoracolumbar burst fractures or fracture dislocations is a relatively modern development. Anterior decompression and stabilization play a significant role in the treatment of thoracolumbar burst fractures. This article reviews the clinical indications and describes a one-staged operative technique for anterior instrumentation following anterior decompression.  相似文献   

The results of operative intervention in 157 patients with recurrent peptic ulcer of gastroenteroanastomosis are studied up. The advantages of vagotomy with the ulcer substrate excision or the gastric remnant reresection are noted.  相似文献   

Wrist arthroscopy provides an ideal means of evaluating intraarticular soft-tissue injuries of the wrist. Many lesions such as tears of the triangular fibrocartilage complex can be treated by arthroscopic means as well. Reduction of articular fractures of the distal radius and pin fixation, reduction of scaphoid fractures and intramedullary fixation, and arthroscopic reduction and transcutaneous pin stabilization of acute carpal dissociation patterns can all be accomplished with minimally invasive techniques under arthroscopic control. These measures often provide the athlete with shorter periods of immobilization and earlier return to athletic competition. Wrist arthroscopy provides a very useful adjunct to the treatment armamentarium of all sports medicine physicians.  相似文献   

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