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A double-blind randomized crossover study of 0.125 mg Pergolide (Lilly) at bedtime versus 250mg L-Dopa + Carbidopa (Roche) was conducted in 16-day phases in 11 patients with idiopathic restless legs syndrome. Two patients reported a partial and 9 patients a complete relieve of motor restlessness while receiving Pergolide. Only 1 patient experienced an improvement of restlessness after L-Dopa. The patients showed polysomnographically a mean decrease in NMS cluster disturbed time by 45% from control on L-Dopa (p < 0.025) and by 79% from control on Pergolide (p < 0.001). In addition, Pergolide increased the total sleep time compared to L-Dopa (p < 0.05). In conclusion, the dopamine agonist Pergolide is superior to L-Dopa in the treatment of RLS and NMS.  相似文献   

This second report on a follow-up study of drug users focuses on changes that occurred on a number of variables between intake and follow-up and during the follow-up period. The length of abstinence from opiates was considered as a proportion of the total follow-up period. Overall there was a reduction in opiate use, in injecting and sharing equipment at follow-up. There had been, however, a high level of these risky activities during the follow-up period. Sustained abstinence from opiates was associated with increased employment, enhanced social stability and mental health. Intake drug use was strongly related to follow-up drug status. In particular, those who were injectors of multiple drugs at intake were far less likely to be long term opiate abstainers at follow-up than those who were not injectors at intake or injectors of opiates only.  相似文献   

A fair test of the Dodo bird conjecture that different psychotherapies are equally effective would entail separate comparisons of every pair of therapies. A meta-analysis of overall effect size for any particular set of such pairs is only relevant to the Dodo bird conjecture when the mean absolute value of differences is 0. The limitations of the underlying randomized clinical trials and the problem of uncontrolled causal variables make clinically useful treatment differences unlikely to be revealed by such heterogeneous meta-analyses. To enhance implications for practice, the authors recommend an intensified focus on patient–treatment interactions, cost-effectiveness variables, and separate meta-analyses for each pair of treatments. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The article reports the 2–year follow–up of patients suffering persistent symptoms of schizophrenia who entered a single blind randomized controlled trial. Patients were randomly allocated to cognitive–behavioral therapy (CBT) plus routine care (RC), supportive counseling (SC) plus RC, or RC alone. Treatment took place over 3 months, and follow-up was made 12 and 24 months after treatment finished. Sixty-one patients were available to the 2-year follow-up and assessed for positive and negative symptoms and clinical improvement; all of the 87 patients who entered the trial were assessed for relapse over the follow-up period. On all measures, patients who received RC alone did significantly worse at 2 years. There were no significant differences at 2 years between the CBT and SC groups. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors previously reported that chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) showed a striking bias to select the larger of 2 candy arrays, despite a reversed reward contingency in which the animals received the smaller, nonselected array as a reward, except when Arabic numerals were used as stimuli. A perceptual or incentive-based interference occurred that was overcome by symbolic stimuli. The authors of the present study examined the impact of element size in choice arrays, using 1 to 5 large and small candies. Five test-sophisticated chimpanzees selected an array from the 2 presented during each trial. Their responses were not optimal, as animals generally selected arrays with larger total mass; thus, they received the smaller remaining array as a reward. When choice stimuli differed in size and quantity, element size was more heavily weighted, although choices reflected total candy mass. These results replicate previous findings showing chimpanzees' difficulties with quantity judgments under reverse reward contingencies and also show that individual item size exerts a more powerful interference effect. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

R. Elliott and M. M. Wexler (see record 1994-27938-001) have introduced the Session Impacts Scale (SIS), and W. B. Stiles et al (see record 1994-27969-001) have undertaken a new factor analysis of the Session Evaluation Questionnaire (SEQ) with a British sample of clients. These 2 measures of session-level psychotherapy effects have great potential as research tools. In this comment on the 2 articles, issues of retest reliability, the connection of session-level measures to research strategies based on other units of analyses, and suggested uses of the SIS and the SEQ are discussed. The importance of context-sensitive session impact research and of a comprehensive theory relating session impacts to therapy outcome is also stressed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Stereotype research emphasizes systematic processes over seemingly arbitrary contents, but content also may prove systematic. On the basis of stereotypes' intergroup functions, the stereotype content model hypothesizes that (1) 2 primary dimensions are competence and warmth, (2) frequent mixed clusters combine high warmth with low competence (paternalistic) or high competence with low warmth (envious), and (3) distinct emotions (pity, envy, admiration, contempt) differentiate the 4 competence-warmth combinations. Stereotypically, (4) status predicts high competence, and competition predicts low warmth. Nine varied samples rated gender, ethnicity, race, class, age, and disability out-groups. Contrary to antipathy models, 2 dimensions mattered, and many stereotypes were mixed, either pitying (low competence, high warmth subordinates) or envying (high competence, low warmth competitors). Stereotypically, status predicted competence, and competition predicted low warmth. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article discusses specific areas of cohesion research and expands the focus by examining other research on the beneficial components of therapeutic group processes. Exploring the P. C. Terry et al (see record 2000-12222-004) article and other outcome-based studies in the field provides direction for future research on group cohesion and other therapeutic factors. Similarly, the excellent piece of measurement development by P. A. Estabrooks and A. V. Carron (see record 2000-12222-003) generates discussion of issues in relation to other group measurement research. Cautions about producing research with limited generalizability are discussed in the context of unifying a broad spectrum of group investigations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In 2 experiments, 12 adult squirrel monkeys and 10 adult titi monkeys were studied in tasks involving reaching for food in near space (arm's reach). Although performance by Ss of the 2 species differed in several ways consistent with previous studies, the species did not differ in the tendency to adopt a habitual position or limb during reaching. The findings contrast with previous work on spatial preferences in these species in tasks involving movement of the whole body. Together with the results of previous studies on movement patterns in these 2 species, the present findings are placed in a comparative psychological framework of the proximate sources of use of space in nature. (29 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

M. A. Clark, V. Anand, and L. Roberson's (see record 2000-12222-001) article is a welcome addition to the growing literature on the nature, dynamics, and effects of diversity on small groups. Their model linking diversity with communicative practices and subsequent group and member outcomes provides an important conceptual framework that can help to synthesize existing research and suggest directions for future research. This article notes the contributions and limitations of the proposed model. Concerns are raised about what constitutes diversity, how best to conceptualize communicative behavior in groups, and methodological practices appropriate for studying diverse groups. Alternative conceptual lens and methodological procedures are offered for diversifying the study of diversity and communication in groups to ensure that the process mirrors the desired outcome. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Evidence of a reciprocal exchange of grooming and agonistic support in primates is mixed. In this study, the authors analyzed a large database of grooming and coalitions in captive female Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) to investigate their within-group distribution and temporal relations. Macaques groomed preferentially those individuals that groomed them most and supported preferentially those individuals that supported them most. They also supported preferentially those individuals that groomed them most and groomed preferentially those individuals that supported them most. These results were not explained by covariation of grooming and support with third variables such as kinship, rank, or time spent in proximity. However, receiving grooming did not increase the short-term probability of supporting a partner, and being supported did not increase the short-term probability of grooming a partner. The proximate mechanisms underlying the exchange of services were discussed in relation to the time frame of the behavioral choices made by the monkeys. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

D. Gorman-Smith, P. H. Tolan, A. Zelli, & L. R. Huesmann (see record 83:27124) highlight important issues for the treatment of conduct problems. Their results suggest that the concept of family and the family treatment of serious delinquency should target two dimensions: parenting practices and family characteristics. Additionally, they raise important questions about the meaning, and hence the measurement, of family. The debate articulated in this comment focuses on whether the family is considered to be a collection of individuals with unique perspectives, a unique whole with its own beliefs and emotions, or both a collection of individuals and a whole. In this article, the author argues that family research can be improved if researchers specify three components of the measurement of family: (a) target of the assessment, (b) method of the assessment, and (c) method of aggregation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

For the testing of disinfectants at surfaces, the germs having survived at the surface are demonstrated by means of swabs according to the guide-lines of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Hygiene und Mikrobiologie (DGHM): after the period of exposure to the disinfectant, the surfaces were rubbed off with a damp swab, and the frictional surface of the swab was plated out on nutrient agar. The effectiveness of this technique was compared with the effectiveness of a rinsing method in a test model. In the rinsing process, the objects to be tested for surviving germs were shaken together with a suspension and with glass beads. Then the content of germs in the suspension was quantitatively determined by means of dilution tests and pour plates. The findings were evaluated according to the guide-lines for evaluation of the DGHM (less than or equal to 10 surviving germs = adequate efficacy). For the findings obtained by rinsing, the average number of surviving germs was also determined. For maldehyde solutions were used as disinfectants for the test models (time of exposure: 4 hours; temperature 22 to 25 degrees C). These disinfecting experiments were performed on raw smoothed as well as on varnished beech-wood. The experimental results showed that the criterion "less than or equal to X surviving germs" in itself does not mean clear evidence of the efficacy of a disinfectant. The one and only decisive criterion is the frequency of the statement that a certain disinfectant or a corresponding dilution of this disinfectant has shown adequate efficacy. Therefore, one single test according to the guide-lines of the DGHM is insufficient. The frequency of the finding "adequate efficacy" is not only dependent on the concentration of the disinfectant but also on the technique used for the demonstration of surviving germs. The swab method (according to the guide-lines of the DGHM) occasionally resulted in the finding "adequate efficacy" already if 10(4) to 10(5) surviving germs were demonstrable by the rinsing method. The range of formaldehyde concentrations for which the finding of adequate efficacy were present with a frequency between 20% (minimum) and 80% (maximum) amounted to 0.2-0.5% (varnished surface) and 1.1-2.5% (raw surface), respectively for the swab method. The respective figures for the rinsing method were 0.8-1.3% and 4.8-6.5%, respectively. When using the swab method, there is a slower increase in the efficacy of the disinfectant with concentration as compared with the rinsing method. The rinsing method is, therefore, more representative of the efficacy of a disinfectant than the swab method. On account of the results of this study, it is recommended for model experiments to recover the surviving germs quantitatively by the rinsing method and to determine their number.  相似文献   

The authors comment on D. Gorman-Smith, P. H. Tolan, A. Zelli, and L. R. Huesmann's (see record 83:27124) article and argue that the article builds on recent advances in juvenile delinquency research. This research provides a sound foundation for making progress toward the goals of (a) understanding diverse patterns of nonviolent and violent antisocial behavior over time, (b) integrating developmental theories with knowledge about risk variables associated with antisocial behavior, and (c) bridging the gap between research and policy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The research presented by L. A. Gray, N. Ladany, J. A. Walker, and J. R. Ancis (2001) and by M. L. Nelson and M. L. Friedlander (2001) offers an important leap forward in understanding what contributes to problematic clinical supervision. First, to organize and extend this line of inquiry, the author proposes that a distinction be made between bad supervision (ineffective supervision that does not harm or traumatize the supervisee) and harmful supervision (supervision that harms or traumatizes; the supervisee). Second, the author highlights the data from the 2 studies that were found most striking and disquieting (e.g., a sizable portion of the respondents experienced harmful supervision) and discusses the implications of these data. Third, the author offers 5 recommendations for research, practice, and the psychology profession. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Whereas psychological assessment remains a critical skill, it can demand considerable time and effort. In fact, it can often feel tedious and even laborious. As a partial outgrowth, short forms in psychological testing are intrinsically appealing. Unfortunately, many concerns can be raised regarding this practice. This article represents a response to A. P. Thompson, S. G. LoBello, L. Atkinson, V. Chisholm, and J. J. Ryan (see record 2004-95164-011) and is intended to strengthen the discussion on this practice. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In 2 recent studies on rats (J. M. Pearce, M. A. Good, P. M. Jones, & A. McGregor, see record 2004-12429-006) and chicks (L. Tommasi & C. Polli, see record 2004-15642-007), the animals were trained to search in 1 corner of a rectilinear space. When tested in transformed spaces of different shapes, the animals still showed systematic choices. Both articles rejected the global matching of shape in favor of local matching processes. The present authors show that although matching by shape congruence is unlikely, matching by the shape parameter of the 1st principal axis can explain all the data. Other shape parameters, such as symmetry axes, may do even better. Animals are likely to use some global matching to constrain and guide the use of local cues; such use keeps local matching processes from exploding in complexity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors comment on D. F. Hultsch, C. Hertzog, B. J. Small, and R. A. Dixon's (1999) report of the latest results of the Victoria Longitudinal Study, which are presented as a test of the engagement hypothesis, and on their reanalysis of the data from the Veterans Study (Pushkar Gold et al., 1995), which proposes an alternative model of intellectual function. Differences between the methodologies, variables, and concepts of engaged lifestyle in the 2 studies lead to different tests of the engagement hypothesis and different conclusions. Failure to report specified paths and unjustified assumptions lessen the credibility of the Hultsch et al. model for the Veterans Study data. The authors conclude that their original model, which indicates a small but significant effect of engaged adult lifestyle on the maintenance of intellectual verbal abilities in later life, provides a better explanation of the Veterans Study data. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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