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The synthesis and characterization of hydrolysable, antimicrobial cross-linked polyurethanes are described. Cross-linking of isocyanate-terminated urethane oligomers with glycol-modified silanes was used as a novel method for imparting enhanced mechanical integrity and hydrolytic potential to polyurethane coating systems. By combining these cross-linkers with a variety of biocidal quaternary ammonium salts and polyisocyanates, a library of hydrolysable polyurethanes were developed with controllable mechanical, thermal, hydrolytic, and antimicrobial properties. Up to a 3-log reduction of viable microbes was observed and correlated with the surface content of side chain quaternary ammonium salt moieties. Diminished antibacterial characteristics of completely amorphous systems are attributed to the segregation of low surface energy constituents at the material:air interface and relegation of biocidal species to within the bulk material.  相似文献   

Electrospinning was utilized to generate antimicrobial Nylon and polycarbonate fibers for potential applications including self-decontaminating fabrics, wound dressings, and filtration media. The effects of quaternary ammonium salt concentration on fiber morphology, diameter, and antimicrobial activity of the resulting fiber mats were investigated. Fibers were characterized utilizing scanning electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, while antimicrobial activity was evaluated against Staphylococcus aureus. The co-electrospinning of soluble quaternary ammonium biocides within polymeric solutions generated uniform fibers with diameters ranging from 91 to 278 nm for Nylon and 0.55–2.34 μm for polycarbonate. Fiber morphology and diameter of the resulting fibers were shown to be dependent on polymer type and biocide concentration. A positive correlation between surface concentration of quaternary ammonium salts and antimicrobial activity was observed as fibers loaded with biocides exhibited up to a 7 log reduction of viable bacteria.  相似文献   

A quantitative paper chromatographic method was worked out for determining small amounts of trimethyloctadecyl quaternary ammonium chloride in dimethyldioctadecyl quaternary ammonium chloride. With a mixed solvent containing methanol, acetone, and water, the trimethyl-type quaternary travels just behind the solvent front, whereas the dimethyl-type quaternary and other components move very little. The trimethyl quaternary spot is developed with bromphenol blue and the resulting color is measured photometrically at 607 mμ. Standards are run on either side of the sample spot and are used for quantitative calibration. Accuracy and reproducibility of the method appears to be within 0.4% absolute. Paper No. 248 Journal Series, Central Research Laboratories, General Mills Inc.  相似文献   

γ-氯丙基三甲氧基硅烷季铵盐的合成工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以γ-氯丙基三甲氧基硅烷、12/14叔胺为原料,碘化钾为催化剂,采用一步反应直接合成出三甲氧基硅烷季铵盐;考察了催化剂用量、原料配比、反应时间以及温度对反应的影响。确定的最佳反应条件为:用乙醇作溶剂,反应温度80℃,在氯气保护下反应39h,叔胺、硅烷、催化剂的量之比为1:1:0.01。  相似文献   

有机硅季铵盐是一类新型阳离子表面活性剂,它除具有有机硅的质地柔软、生理惰性、表面张力低、耐高温及防水透气等特点外,还具有季铵盐的杀菌、抑菌功能.综述了有机硅季铵盐的合成方法及应用,并对各种合成方法进行了评价,展望了有机硅季铵盐的发展趋势.  相似文献   

Optically active and racemic quaternary ammonium cationics containing a chiral alkyl group, such as N,N-dimethyl-N-(1-phenylethyl)alkylammonium bromides were prepared and showed excellent antimicrobial properties against Gram positive and negative bacteria, with some exceptions, and against fungi. The influence of optical isomerism on their antimicrobial properties showed that the antimicrobial properties between racemic and optically active cationics were obscure. The order of activity of substituted alkyl groups was tetradecyl > dodecyl ° hexadecyl.  相似文献   

季铵化硅烷的合成与应用   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
利用γ-氯丙基三甲氧基硅烷与N,N-二甲基十八胺反应,合成了N,N-二甲基-N-十八烷基氨丙基三甲氧基硅烷季铵盐(BFS),对其抑菌性能及与氨基硅微乳同浴使用的效果进行了测定和研究。结果表明:BFS用量为10g/L条件下,能使整理后的棉织物对金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌的抑菌率分别达到99.82%和99.12%;而与氨基硅微乳同浴使用,所整理的织物不仅抑菌效果显著,柔软性良好,而且具有舒适的手感;另外,弱酸性使用条件有助于BFS和氨基硅微乳的协同效应,表现出最佳的整理效果。  相似文献   

介绍了分析羟丙基季铵盐含量的几种方法,并以实验证明了酸碱分析法最佳.  相似文献   

考察了不同平均EO数的乙氧基化二酯基季铵盐的柔软性、再润湿性、去污力和对织物白度的影响等性能,并分别与单、双、三和混合酯基季铵盐进行了对比。结果表明,3EQDMS-6EO是一种性能良好的新型柔软剂,其柔软性与MEQDMS相近,再润湿性优于MEQDMS、EQDMS和2EQDMS,多次处理后对织物白度影响不大,具有酯基季铵盐所不具备的去污力。  相似文献   

壳聚糖季铵盐研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李荣春 《化学试剂》2011,33(10):895-898
壳聚糖是应用广泛的天然多糖,资源丰富,壳聚糖化学改性后得到的衍生物改善了壳聚糖的功能,并保留了壳聚糖本身的可生物降解性、生物相容性等优点.其中壳聚糖的季铵盐改性明显提高了其抑菌、抗氧化等活性,并增强了壳聚糖的水溶性,近年来研究较多,介绍了壳聚糖季铵盐的化学改性及应用研究进展,这些化学改性方式均在一定程度上提高了壳聚糖的...  相似文献   

The cationic monomers, MPDMAC16 and MPDMAC18, were obtained by quaternization of methacrylamidopropyl–N,N′‐dimethylamine with n‐alkyl iodides (1‐iodohexadecane and 1‐iodooctadecane) in ethyl acetate. Hydrophobic ionomers of MPDMAC16 and MPDMAC18 with N‐substituted acrylamides were prepared at 60 ± 0.1°C in DMF using AIBN initiator. The cationic monomers and ionomers were characterized by 1H‐ and 13C‐NMR spectroscopy. The copolymer composition was evaluated from elemental analysis data using carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio. The molecular weight distributions of ionomers were obtained from GPC analysis. Both the dilute solution and concentrated solution properties of ionomers were studied by viscometry at 30°C. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 98: 1100–1105, 2005  相似文献   

夏世威  郑时国  詹豪强 《陕西化工》2012,(10):1738-1740,1744
以邻氨基苯甲酸为原料,与氯乙醇反应生成2-氨基苯甲酸氯乙酯,然后用三乙胺季铵化合成了苯胺季铵盐,并将其聚合,通过红外光谱、紫外-可见光谱、X-射线衍射、循环伏安法和热重分析等对其结构与性能进行了研究。  相似文献   

通过3-氯-2-羟丙基三甲基氯化铵(CTA)改性壳聚糖(CS)制备壳聚糖季铵盐(CS-CTA),并将其应用在混凝-微滤工艺中来研究其对出水水质和膜污染的影响。结果表明,在CS-CTA投加量为4 mg/L时,出水水质最好,此时UV254去除率为81.8%,浊度去除率为99%以上;在CS-CTA投加量为3 mg/L时,混凝出水引起的不可逆膜阻力最小,膜通量最高;与PAC相比,CS-CTA作为混凝剂能更有效地减缓膜污染。  相似文献   

季铵盐型阳离子沥青乳化剂的合成方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢筱薇  傅和青  黄洪  陈焕钦 《粘接》2005,26(2):39-40,43
介绍了乳化沥青的分类及发展现状,就目前我国主要的季铵盐型沥青乳化剂的品种对其合成方法进行了总结。指出阳离子乳化沥青发展前景广阔,应大力发展阴阳离子复合乳化沥青和聚合物改性阳离子乳化沥青。  相似文献   

Quaternary ammonium borodiglycolates and borodioxalates were prepared by the reaction of quaternary ammonium tetrahydroxyborates with glycolic acid and oxalic acid, respectively. These compounds are used as the electrolyte salts of aluminum electrolytic capacitors. Their molar conductivities, limiting molar conductivities and oxidation potentials in γ-butyrolactone were higher than those of borodisalicylates and borodicatecholates due to the lack of aromatic rings. Their film-forming ability of anodic aluminum oxide in γ-butyrolactone electrolytes containing a small amount of water was poor, because both anodic dissolution and oxidation occurred simultaneously.  相似文献   

季铵盐纤维素对苯胺废水的吸附行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用柚子皮纤维素为载体制成一种新型吸附剂季铵盐纤维素,对苯胺进行静态吸附,探讨了其吸附机理。结果表明:合成的季铵盐纤维素对苯胺有较好的吸附效果,吸附平衡遵守Langmuire和Freundlich方程,吸附剂对苯胺的吸附速率符合拟二级反应动力学,吸附反应的吉布斯函数变、焓变、熵变均为负值,说明该吸附反应属于自发进行的放热反应,反应容易进行,并很快达到吸附平衡。  相似文献   

季铵盐型双子表面活性剂的合成和性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以烷基二甲基叔胺R(CH32N(R为C12H25、C14H29和C16H33)、盐酸、环氧氯丙烷为原料合成了系列季铵盐型双子表面活性剂GnCl2(n=12,14,16),样品经核磁共振及元素分析证实其结构.研究了其水溶液的表面活性、泡沫性能和杀菌性能.结果表明,所合成的双子阳离子表面活性剂具有较高的表面活性,烷基链越长,临界胶束浓度越小;不同链长的GnCl2体系中,G12Cl2溶液的起泡和稳泡效能最高,起泡和稳泡效率最低;通过纸片扩散法测定其杀菌性能表明,双季铵盐型表面活性剂具有优良的杀菌能力.  相似文献   

Insoluble crosslinked polystyrenes (PS) grafted with different quaternary ammonium groups were synthesized as antibacterial agents. Their antibacterial activities against Staphylococcus aureus were investigated by a colony count method. It was found that when the concentration of the insoluble antibacterial agent was low, the antibacterial activity was different from that of the typical soluble antibacterial agent. The antibacterial activity was bacteriostatic rather than bactericidal. A model for explanation of the antibacterial activity of the insoluble ammonium salt was set up. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2006  相似文献   

糖基季铵盐表面活性剂的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
糖基季铵盐表面活性剂是一类含有糖结构单元的新型阳离子表面活性剂.针对糖基季铵盐结构的不同和合成方法的差异,进行比较和归纳,阐述了单疏水基双亲水基、双疏水基双亲水基和聚糖基3类糖基季铵盐表面活性剂合成方法的研究现状,并对其性能如表面活性、抗硬水性、与阴离子表面活性剂的配伍性、对人体的毒性和生物降解性以及应用作了介绍.  相似文献   

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