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智能卡芯片存储了用户的敏感数据,提高智能卡的安全性与保密性显得至关重要,关系着运营商与用户的切身利益.通过对3G中认证和密钥协商协议(AKA)的安全性研究,阐述了USIM(COS的安全特性,分析了3G的安全体系,对智能卡芯片操作系统的安全模块进行了体系结构设计,实现了AKA鉴权算法,对文件访问控制、报文鉴别和数据加密通信等进行设计.实验结果表明该系统符合国际标准和行业标准,运行稳定,能进行数据出错检测和数据恢复,安全高效.  相似文献   

设计了一种高安全性的便携式USB存储加密系统。该系统基于嵌入式USB主机CH375设计,采用智能卡实现人机安全认证和密钥的安全存储,采用反熔丝型FPGA芯片AX250高速实现3DES算法,能够在完全脱离PC机的情况下对USB存储设备中的文件进行加解密,具有很高的安全性和整体性,并可满足野外或移动应用的需求。  相似文献   

身份认证中的关键技术是身份信息的安全存储、处理和传递,本文提出了一种基于智能卡的X.509身份认证方案,设计了一套基于X.509的身份认证协议,将智能卡作为存储身份信息的载体,密码运算都在智能卡内部进行,认证过程安全性好.在开放的网络环境中,此方案可较好地防止中间人攻击,验证用户身份.  相似文献   

文章在对NFS协议进行分析的基础上,针对于Linux用户设计并实现了基于NFS协议的存储加密代理——NFSA,以实现企业文件数据在网络存储设备上的加密存储。NFSA完成对于Linux用户数据文件的安全共享与存储,并提供多种访问控制规则相结合的访问控制机制、权限分离的安全审计机制,保证文件数据在网络存储设备上的安全。最后通过实验测试NFSA的基本功能,保证了NFSA自身功能的可用。  相似文献   

网络文件存储在方便信息共享的同时也带来了新的安全隐患,现有互联网上出现的文件共享系统,网络文件磁盘等很少涉及文件传输的安全性问题,为了加强网络文件传输和存储的安全性,该文设计了一种基于HTTP的安全网络文件存储系统,系统通过引RSA和AES加密体系对文件加密保护,以及文件密钥安全管理机制,保证了文件在传输和存储过程中的安全性,通过网页客户端插件,使得加密解密在客户端进行,不增加服务器负担,加密解密过程无需用户参与,在方便用户使用文件网络存储和共享的同时,提高了网络文件的安全性。  相似文献   

云存储安全增强系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
云存储是一种新型的网络存储形式,并逐步为大家所接受,企业和个人用户都开始使用云存储作为其网络存储媒介。目前很多著名的IT企业都推出了云存储服务,其中Amazon公司推出的SimpleStorageService(S3)就是商用云存储服务的典型代表。随着云存储的广泛使用,云存储中数据的安全问题,如数据泄漏和数据篡改,也成了用户广泛关注的问题。文章基于Amazons3的云存储服务,设计并实现了一款云存储安全增强系统,对用户上传至Amazons3的数据进行加密保护,使得文件以密文形式存储于Amazons3,可以有效防止数据在传输和存储过程中的泄漏;同时系统还对从s3下栽的文件进行完整性校验,检测其内容与上传时是否一致,以防止文件被篡改;最后,系统还提供了多用户访问控制支持,多个用户可以共享同一个S3账号,同时保证各自存储的内容互相隔离,禁止一个用户非授权访问其他用户存储的文件。  相似文献   

CIFS(Common Internet File System)协议是网络存储在应用层的核心协议,是应用于网络附加存储NAS(Network AttachedStorage)进行数据存储的通信协议。云存储是一种新型的网络存储形式,企业和个人用户都开始使用云存储作为其网络存储媒介。随着云存储的广泛使用,云存储中数据的安全问题,如数据泄漏和数据篡改,也成了用户广泛关注的问题。基于Amazon S3的云存储服务,设计并实现一款基于CIFS协议的云存储安全网关系统CSSGS(Cloud Storage Security Gateway System)。通过该网关,用户能够以访问NAS的访问习惯,使用Amazon S3云存储服务;该网关还对用户上传至Amazon S3的数据进行加密保护,可以有效防止数据在传输和存储过程中的泄漏;同时该网关还对从S3下载的文件进行完整性校验,检测其内容与上传时是否一致,以防止被篡改。  相似文献   

在对智能卡操作系统中的文件存储和安全访问控制机制深入分析的基础上,基于DES和3DES对称密钥加密算法,设计了采用Key和Secret Code对文件进行双重保护的安全校验算法,并给出了相应的文件存储格式,文中给出的应用示例表明这一方案有效地提高了整个文件系统的安全性。  相似文献   

针对目前云存储技术存在的数据泄露和数据篡改等安全问题,结合HDFS数据完整性校验机制的特点,设计并实现了一种基于HDFS的数据传输存储安全技术方案.对用户上传至HDFS中的数据文件实施AES加密,文件以密文形式存储,同时应用RSA算法保障AES密钥的安全,可有效防止数据在传输和存储过程中被泄露.设计了基于HDFS的文件密文和文件明文两种存储格式,用户可自主选择是否进行加密.通过安全性分析和性能测试,验证了方案的安全性和可行性.  相似文献   

什么是智能卡 大多数人对智能卡的印象是一个形状 与信用卡类似的矩形塑料片。虽然多数情况下是这样,但是智能卡也有许多形式,其中包括:信用卡、钥匙状令牌、GSM移动电话中的SIM芯片,智能卡中包 括一个内置的处理器,并且是可编程 的。智能卡能够安全地存储数据,这些数据包括私钥和公钥证书。  相似文献   

介绍PKI系统和智能卡系统的基本原理和安全技术,重点研究PKI安全体系在手机智能卡中的应用。利用存储在卡中的PKI安全插件,为手机卡和SP应用之间提供身份认证、数字签名等服务支持,有效确保了手机智能卡在网络数据传输中的安全性、完整性。  相似文献   

Due to the exponential growth of the Internet users and wireless devices, interests on home networks have been enormously increased in recent days. In digital home networks, home services including remote access and control to home appliances as well as services offered by service providers are alluring. However, the remote control services cause digital home networks to have various security threats. Hence, for digital home networks, robust security services, especially remote user authentication, should be considered. This paper presents a robust and efficient authentication scheme based on strong-password approach to provide secure remote access in digital home network environments. The proposed scheme uses lightweight computation modules including hashed one-time password and hash-chaining technique along with low-cost smart card technology. It aims to satisfy several security requirements including stolen smart card attack and forward secrecy with lost smart card as well as functional requirements including no verification table and no time synchronization. Comparing with the existing representative schemes, it can be validated that the proposed scheme is more robust authentication mechanism having better security properties. We have conducted formal verification of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

随着计算机网络的快速发展,传统的单服务器认证方案存在明显的不足。如果一个远程用户想要从不同的服务器获得网络服务,则必须分别向这些服务器提交注册信息。为解决这个问题,研究者提出了多服务器认证方案。然而,大部分多服务器认证方案不能抵抗某些密码攻击或者计算复杂度太高。本文提出一种高效、安全的多服务器认证与密钥协商协议。由于智能卡和读卡器使得实现这类方案的成本较高,新方案没有使用智能卡。与相关的多服务器认证方案相比,新方案同时具有高效性和安全性,因而更适合在实际环境中应用。  相似文献   

基于智能卡的嵌入式网络加密安全系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对C/S模式中传统的用户层网络通信方式效率低,安全性差的问题,全面考虑了系统整体的安全保密性能,提出了核心层实现方案.采用客户身份认证、数据完整性验证、传输信息加密安全策略,在智能卡的硬件支持和嵌入式uClinux平台下基于Microwindows GUI和TinyWidgets控件集设计实现加密系统.  相似文献   

为增强数字电视条件接收系统的安全性,用户端宜采用“机卡分离”的方法。其中,设计既安全又切实可行的机卡认证及密钥协商协议是一个重要环节。该文根据机卡分离环境的需求,设计了一个基于身份的双向认证及密钥协商协议。该协议可以抵抗中间人攻击、交错攻击与反射攻击。并且与基于证书的协议相比,无需可信第三方的介入,协议双方具有较少的通信量,在智能卡端也具有理想的计算量和较小的存储空间。  相似文献   

基于动态ID的远程用户身份认证方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用户身份认证作为网络安全和信息安全的第一道屏障,有着非常重要的作用.口令与智能卡相结合的认证方式可以克服传统口令认证方式的诸多弊端,能够提高网络和信息系统整体的安全性.对基于动态ID的远程用户身份认证方案进行了分析,指出了该方案在入侵者持有用户智能卡的情况下,即使不知道用户口令也能够伪装成合法用户通过远程系统的身份验证,获取系统的网络资源.提出了一种改进方案,能有效抵御重放攻击、伪造攻击、口令猜测攻击、内部攻击和伪装攻击.  相似文献   

Password authentication has been adopted as one of the most commonly used solutions in network environment to protect resources from unauthorized access. Recently, Lee–Kim–Yoo [S.W. Lee, H.S. Kim, K.Y. Yoo, Improvement of Chien et al.'s remote user authentication scheme using smart cards, Computer Standards & Interfaces 27 (2) (2005) 181–183] and Lee-Chiu [N.Y. Lee, Y.C. Chiu, Improved remote authentication scheme with smart card, Computer Standards & Interfaces 27 (2) (2005) 177–180] respectively proposed a smart card based password authentication scheme. We show that these two schemes are both subject to forgery attacks provided that the information stored in the smart card is disclosed by the adversary. We also propose an improved scheme with formal security proof.  相似文献   

In internet protocol television (IPTV) broadcasting, service providers charge subscribing fee by scrambling the program with conditional access system (CAS) using control words (CWs). A smart card is used to decrypt the CWs and transfer them back to set-top box (STB) to descramble the scrambled program. Secure communication between STB and the smart card is closely related with the benefit of service providers and the legal rights of users. In addition, secure key exchange with mutual authentication in the communication between STB and the smart card is an essential part of secure communication that will significantly improve the security of the system. To provide secure communication with mutual authentication in IPTV broadcasting, there are several schemes. The schemes proposed a secure and efficient method for the communication between STB and the smart card. Unfortunately, the schemes still have some security flaws. In this paper, we review that the previous schemes are vulnerable to several attacks. Further, we recommend some modifications to the schemes to correct these security flaws and present a formal analysis about our improved protocol using a logic based formal method.  相似文献   

Seamless roaming over wireless network is highly desirable to mobile users, and security such as authentication of mobile users is challenging. Recently, due to tamper-resistance and convenience in managing a password file, some smart card based secure authentication schemes have been proposed. This paper shows some security weaknesses in those schemes. As the main contribution of this paper, a secure and light-weight authentication scheme with user anonymity is presented. It is simple to implement for mobile user since it only performs a symmetric encryption/decryption operation. Having this feature, it is more suitable for the low-power and resource-limited mobile devices. In addition, it requires four message exchanges between mobile user, foreign agent and home agent. Thus, this protocol enjoys both computation and communication efficiency as compared to the well-known authentication schemes. As a special case, we consider the authentication protocol when a user is located in his/her home network. Also, the session key will be used only once between the mobile user and the visited network. Besides, security analysis demonstrates that our scheme enjoys important security attributes such as preventing the various kinds of attacks, single registration, user anonymity, no password/verifier table, and high efficiency in password authentication, etc. Moreover, one of the new features in our proposal is: it is secure in the case that the information stored in the smart card is disclosed but the user password of the smart card owner is unknown to the attacker. To the best of our knowledge, until now no user authentication scheme for wireless communications has been proposed to prevent from smart card breach. Finally, performance analysis shows that compared with known smart card based authentication protocols, our proposed scheme is more simple, secure and efficient.  相似文献   

一种基于智能卡的网络安全访问控制模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着网络应用的迅速发展,网络安全访问控制应用越来越重要,在了解和掌握常用访问控制技术的基础上,运用密码学的相关技术及其算法,并结合智能卡在网络访问控制技术实现上的优势,设计了一种实用、高效的基于智能卡技术的网络安全访问控制模型。  相似文献   

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