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Some of the most compelling characters are morally ambiguous, but little research has examined these characters. This study (N = 313) empirically tests the effects of good, bad, and morally ambiguous characters (MACs) on audience responses. Findings of an experiment reveal that different character types are appealing for different reasons. Specifically, good characters are enjoyed because they are well liked; bad characters are liked the least, but they are equally as transporting, suspenseful, and thus cognitively engaging as other characters. MACs, on the other hand, are liked less than good characters, but they are nevertheless equally as transporting, suspenseful, cognitively engaging, and thereby enjoyable as good characters. The implications of these findings on various media effects theories are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an integrated approach to corporate planning and budgeting. The paper starts with an answer to the question of "why is planning necessary?" Then the difference between "plans" and "forecasts" is explained. The whole planning and budgeting process is described in terms of a series of decision making processes. The proposed budgeting process is an integration of flexible budgeting, zero base budgeting, participative budgeting, management by objectives, and feedback information. The roles of managerial skills, quantitative techniques, computers, and behavioral sciences in the budgeting process are discussed. Finally, conditions necessary for effective budgeting are presented.  相似文献   

基于模糊综合评价的最优路径求解   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
就具有模糊信息的最优路径的求解提出了一般的解决方法。首先利用忖家意见通过模糊算法和一种排序法求得在单目标下的平均综合效益值和该的要重,然后利用动态规划进行具体求解。  相似文献   

Satellite Navigation and Communications: An Integrated Vision   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper addresses advanced layered architectures for the development of integration scenarios between satellite navigation and communications systems and services. This synercic cooperation represents – in author's vision – the core of future global networks. The concept of integration and its translation into an integrated network is displayed, together with examples of possible architectures for navigation-communications applications. In this frame, the paper addresses also the possible exploitation of stratospheric platforms (HAP) as permanent and on-demand blocks concurring to the effective deployment of the integrated vision. Marina Ruggieri graduated in Electronics Engineering in 1984 at the University of Roma. She was: with FACE-ITT and GTC-ITT (Roanoke, VA) in the High Frequency Division (1985–1986); Research and Teaching Assistant at the University of Roma Tor Vergata (RTV) (1986–1991); Associate Professor in Telecommunications at Univ. of L'Aquila (1991–1994) and at the University of RTV (1994–2000). Since November 2000 she is Full Professor in Telecommunications at the RTV (Faculty of Engineering), teaching DSP, Information and Coding. Since 2003 she directs a Master in “Advanced Satellite Communications and Navigation Systems” at RTV.Since 1999 she has been appointed member of the Board of Governors of the IEEE AES Society.Her research mainly concerns space communications and navigation systems (in particular satellites) as well as mobile and multimedia networks.She is the Principal Investigator of satellite scientific communications missions (DAVID, WAVE) of ASI, national research programs (CABIS) on CDMA integrated mobile systems and on satellite-HAP integrated networks for multimedia applications (SHINES), co-financed by MIUR. She co-ordinates RTV Unit in various European Projects: EU FP6 IP MAGNET (My personal Adaptive Global NET); EU ASIA LINK EAGER-NetWIC (Euro-Asian Network for Strengthening Graduate Education and Research in Wireless Communications); EU Network NEXWAY; GALILEO JU 1st Call: VERT (VEhicular Remote Tolling); and in the ASI program on V-band payloads (TRANSPONDERS).She is Editor of the IEEE Transactions on AES for “Space Systems”, Chair of the IEEE AES Space Systems Panel. Since 2002, she is co-chair of Track 2 “Space Missions, Systems, and Architecture” of the AES Conference; she has been re-appointed in the IEEE Judith A. Resnik Award Committee for 2004; she has been member of TPC for PLANS 2004.She was awarded the 1990 Piero Fanti International Prize and she had a nomination for the Harry M.Mimmo Award in 1996 and the Cristoforo Colombo Award in 2002.She is author of about 220 papers, on international journals/transactions and proceedings of international conferences, book chapters and books.She is an IEEE Senior Member (S'84-M'85-SM'94).  相似文献   

This paper proposes an integrated approach to corporate planning and budgeting. The paper starts with an answer to the question of "why is planning necessary? "Then the difference between "plans" and "forecasts" is explained. The whole planning and budgeting process is described in terms of a series of decision making processes. The proposed budgeting process is an integration of flexible budgeting, zero base budgeting, participative budgeting, management by objectives, and feedback information. The roles of managerial skills, quantitative techniques, computers, and behavioral sciences in the budgeting process are discussed. Finally, conditions necessary for effective budgeting are presented.  相似文献   

一种基于MMSE的码元数字解调判决算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据最小均方误差原理,对数字通信系统中获得码元同步的信号提出了一种新的码元判决算法,给出了在某无线通信设备中的应用结果。此算法在信噪比很低的情况下,都能很好地还原出原数字信号,具有高保真与强抗噪性能,且运算量小,易于高速单片机及DSP实现,适合软件无线电技术的应用。  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrated approach to the design of an ultrareliable memory system using a variety of coding and modularization techniques on each of the memory subsystem elements. The overall objective is to provide a properly operating memory system in spite of any single indigenous fault (regardless of the number of failures which might ensue). In other words, the system has the capability automatically to: (1) detect single faults and multiple failures, (2) mask failures to prevent malfunctions, without interrupting service, (3) isolate the fault to a replaceable module, and (4) reconfigure the faulty unit out of the system. The storage medium and retrieval circuits are checked and corrected by coding techniques. Some redundancy is used on the subunits, but the total redundancy is less than 20% of the system cost, and diagnostic software is eliminated.  相似文献   

Monolithic microwave integrated-circuit (MMIC) technology as it exists today has evolved from events that occurred during the middle-to-late 1950's and early 1960's. These events are reconstructed through a review of the published literature, government contract reports and proposals, U.S. patents, and private communications with individuals directly involved in early MMIC development. No single point in time can be viewed as that historical moment when the idea of an MMIC was formalized; rather, the idea evolved over a period of time as a direct result of the successful development of analog and digital IC's and the push by the military services (primarily the Air Force at Wright Patterson) to apply semiconductor technology in defense systems, the evolutionary period is presented in chronological order and includes a discussion of the role played by the Molecular Electronics for Radar Applications program. Early development activities were pursued, with both silicon and GaAs used as the monolithic material. These activities, the early problems encountered with both materials, and the influence the problems had in molding today's technology are described.  相似文献   

Most early research on entertainment defines media enjoyment in functional terms as the satisfaction of hedonic needs. Two studies demonstrate the value of including nonhedonic and hedonic need satisfaction in defining enjoyment. Both studies find support for a need‐satisfaction model showing that hedonic (arousal and affect) and nonhedonic (competence and autonomy) need satisfaction account for unique variance in enjoyment experienced during video game play. Study 2 extends the findings of Study 1 to account for noninteractive media entertainment enjoyment. Results show hedonic and nonhedonic need satisfaction to be distinct but complementary components of media enjoyment. Discussion focuses on the advantage of a needs‐based approach for understanding positive valuations of media and offers a new perspective on the enjoyment–appreciation distinction.  相似文献   

浙江华数按照既定计划结合《新型服务模型与跨界服务模式》研究理论,开发了华数智慧教育示范应用。通过电视、手机、电脑等终端将家庭和学校连接起来,将学校教育资源辐射至学生家庭,为学生提供同步课堂、学校通知、收看教学视频、查看成长报告、参加视频会议等服务。目前项目在浙江省多市县子公司进行了试点,得到广大师生和家长认可。主要描述跨界服务融合理论和相关示范应用。  相似文献   

集成电路可制造性工程与设计方法学   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
郝跃  焦永昌 《电子学报》1995,23(10):86-93
集成电路可制造性工怀设计是近年来发展很快的研究领域,它集IC设计、制造、封装和测试过程为一体,在统一框图(即产品制造成本和成品率驱动下)下,对产品进行规划和设计,应用该设计可以大大缩短IC产品研制周期,降低制造成本,提高成品率和可靠性,本文将综述该领域的研究进展,并阐述进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

IEEE 802.11b wireless networks and Bluetooth networks provide complimentary services using the same unlicensed radio frequency band. As the benefits of utilizing these services become increasingly apparent, the likelihood of mutual interference also increases. The well-known frequency hopping algorithm and adaptive frequency hopping algorithm do not fully consider the interference level of the operating environment. In this paper an algorithm called interference-aware adaptive frequency hopping (IAFH) is presented and implemented on Bluetooth devices to mitigate the interference between IEEE 802.11b and Bluetooth wireless networks. An analytical model of IAFH is developed to evaluate the performance of 802.11b stations and Bluetooth devices in a mutual interference environment. The analysis comprises the collision probability, packet error rate, and throughput performance for both IEEE 802.11b and Bluetooth wireless networks. Simulation results confirm that 802.11b station and IAFH-enabled Bluetooth devices experience lower packet error rates and better throughput as compared to the frequency hopping and adaptive frequency hopping algorithms.  相似文献   

网构软件通常驻留在动态、开放的环境中,需根据环境变化展示自适应和自演化能力,代表了一类复杂系统.如何有效支持这类软件系统的开发是软件工程面临的一项重要挑战.本文介绍了一个基于Agent的网构软件集成开发环境SADE,它建立在一组网构软件关键技术基础之上,包括:基于Agent的网构软件抽象和构造,动态绑定的自适应和自演化机制,基于组织抽象的软件开发方法学ODAM,自适应和自演化策略描述语言SADL等.论文分析了SADE的技术框架以及各个组成部分,包括网构软件分析和设计工具集ODAMTools、编程工具集、运行支撑平台等;最后通过案例分析阐述了如何利用SADE来进行网构软件开发.  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrated approach for Web-based collaborative manufacturing, including distributed process planning, dynamic scheduling, real-time monitoring, and remote control. It is enabled by a Web-based integrated sensor-driven e-ShopFloor (Wise-ShopFloor) framework targeting distributed yet collaborative manufacturing environments. Utilizing the latest Java technologies (Java 3D and Java Servlet) for system implementation, this approach allows users to plan and control distant shop floor operations based on runtime information from the shop floor. The objective of this research is to develop methodology and algorithms for Web-based collaborative planning and control, supported by real-time monitoring for dynamic scheduling. Details on the principle of the Wise-ShopFloor framework, system architecture, and a proof-of-concept prototype are reported in this paper. An example of distributed process planning for remote machining is chosen as a case study to demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach toward Web-based collaborative manufacturing.  相似文献   

一种组合导航系统的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖立新 《电讯技术》2001,41(5):56-58
本文简要说明了导航设备的发展现状,并介绍了一种组合导航系统(惯性导航/多普勒导航/全球定位组合导航系统),同时给出了它的一种实现方案,并对其应用前景作了简单的讨论。  相似文献   

航空电子传感器的综合化   总被引:4,自引:7,他引:4  
车颖秋 《电讯技术》2002,42(3):145-151
本文说明了航空电子传感器综合化的重要性,介绍了国外航空电子传感器综合概况和国内现状,提出国内进行传感器综合的技术途径,并着重给出航空电子通信、导航、识别(CNI)子系统实现传感器综合化的一种技术途径。  相似文献   

Consistent with earlier research supporting the use of narratives to increase message persuasiveness, this study examined the role of guilt and happiness following exposure to organ donation narratives presented in professionally produced radio ads. As hypothesized, the loss‐frame narrative was significantly associated with heightened guilt, which was related to greater freedom threat perceptions and psychological reactance. Conversely, the loss‐frame narrative was negatively associated (p = .06) with increased happiness. Contrary to what was hypothesized, reactance was not significantly negatively associated with favorable attitudes toward registering as an organ donor. Instead, freedom threat was directly negatively related to favorable attitudes. Our results are discussed with an emphasis on the theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

The volt-ampere characteristics for a thin film transistor fabricated with vacuum deposited amorphous silicon as the semiconductor is presented. The substrate is single crystalline silicon with a 3000 Å layer of thermally grown silicon dioxide as the insulator. The gate is a buried N+ phosphorus diffused region while the source and drain contacts are interdigited fingers of aluminum. By using the Cohen-Fritzsche-Ovshinsky model for the density of localized states in the mobility gap, the VG vs ID characteristic at small values of VD is predicted and experimentally verified. This characteristic is used to theoretically predict the family of ID curves for the TFT over a range of VG and VD. The theory and experiment agree exceptionally well below the gate-drain pinch-off, thereby verifying the theory of a TFT with a uniform distribution of traps in the band-gap.  相似文献   

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