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Zador, Moshman and Marcus estimated an increase in right-turn accidents of 21% following the adoption of right turn on red. However, their study contained property damage only accidents, as well as injury accidents, and the change in injury accidents was not reported. An insignificant decrease (?0.7%) in accidents involving incapacitating injury was reported, however. It is suggested that Zador et al. report on the change in injury accidents in their sample.  相似文献   

In this study, the generalized estimating equations with the negative binomial link function were used to model rear-end crash frequencies at signalized intersections to account for the temporal or spatial correlation among the data. The longitudinal data for 208 signalized intersections over 3 years and the spatially correlated data for 476 signalized intersections which are located along different corridors were collected in the state of Florida. The modeling results showed that there are high correlations between the longitudinal or spatially correlated rear-end crashes. Some intersection related variables are identified as significantly influencing rear-end crash occurrences at signalized intersections. Intersections with heavy traffic on the major and minor roadways, having more right and left-turn lanes on the major roadway, having a large number of phases per cycle (indicated by the left-turn protection on the minor roadway), with high speed limits on the major roadway, and in high population areas are correlated with high rear-end crash frequencies. On the other hand, intersections with three legs, having channelized or exclusive right-turn lanes on the minor roadway, with protected left-turning on the major roadway, with medians on the minor roadway, and having longer signal spacing have a lower frequency of rear-end crashes.  相似文献   

Motorcycles are overrepresented in road traffic crashes and particularly vulnerable at signalized intersections. The objective of this study is to identify causal factors affecting the motorcycle crashes at both four-legged and T signalized intersections. Treating the data in time-series cross-section panels, this study explores different Hierarchical Poisson models and found that the model allowing autoregressive lag-1 dependence specification in the error term is the most suitable. Results show that the number of lanes at the four-legged signalized intersections significantly increases motorcycle crashes largely because of the higher exposure resulting from higher motorcycle accumulation at the stop line. Furthermore, the presence of a wide median and an uncontrolled left-turn lane at major roadways of four-legged intersections exacerbate this potential hazard. For T signalized intersections, the presence of exclusive right-turn lane at both major and minor roadways and an uncontrolled left-turn lane at major roadways increases motorcycle crashes. Motorcycle crashes increase on high-speed roadways because they are more vulnerable and less likely to react in time during conflicts. The presence of red light cameras reduces motorcycle crashes significantly for both four-legged and T intersections. With the red light camera, motorcycles are less exposed to conflicts because it is observed that they are more disciplined in queuing at the stop line and less likely to jump start at the start of green.  相似文献   

Efficient geometric design and signal timing not only improve operational performance at signalized intersections by expanding capacity and reducing traffic delays, but also result in an appreciable reduction in traffic conflicts, and thus better road safety. Information on the incidence of crashes, traffic flow, geometric design, road environment, and traffic control at 262 signalized intersections in Hong Kong during 2002 and 2003 are incorporated into a crash prediction model. Poisson regression and negative binomial regression are used to quantify the influence of possible contributory factors on the incidence of killed and severe injury (KSI) crashes and slight injury crashes, respectively, while possible interventions by traffic flow are controlled. The results for the incidence of slight injury crashes reveal that the road environment, degree of curvature, and presence of tram stops are significant factors, and that traffic volume has a diminishing effect on the crash risk. The presence of tram stops, number of pedestrian streams, road environment, proportion of commercial vehicles, average lane width, and degree of curvature increase the risk of KSI crashes, but the effect of traffic volume is negligible.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes gender differences in crash risk severities using data for signalized intersections. It estimates gender models for injury severity risks and finds that driver condition, type of crash, type of vehicle driven and vehicle safety features have different effects on females’ and males’ injury severity risks. Also, it finds some variables which are significantly related to females’ injury severity risks but not males’ and others which affect males’ injury severity risks but not females’. It concludes that better and more in-depth information about gender differences in injury severity risks is gained by estimating separate models for females and males.  相似文献   

Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) is often considered as a main covariate for predicting crash frequencies at urban and suburban intersections. A linear functional form is typically assumed for the Safety Performance Function (SPF) to describe the relationship between the natural logarithm of expected crash frequency and covariates derived from AADTs. Such a linearity assumption has been questioned by many researchers. This study applies Generalized Additive Models (GAMs) and Piecewise Linear Negative Binomial (PLNB) regression models to fit intersection crash data. Various covariates derived from minor-and major-approach AADTs are considered. Three different dependent variables are modeled, which are total multiple-vehicle crashes, rear-end crashes, and angle crashes. The modeling results suggest that a nonlinear functional form may be more appropriate. Also, the results show that it is important to take into consideration the joint safety effects of multiple covariates. Additionally, it is found that the ratio of minor to major-approach AADT has a varying impact on intersection safety and deserves further investigations.  相似文献   

This paper presents a before-after study of bike boxes at 10 signalized intersections in Portland, Oregon. The bike boxes, also known as advanced stop lines or advanced stop boxes, were installed to increase visibility of cyclists and reduce conflicts between motor vehicles and cyclists, particularly in potential "right-hook" situations. Before and after video were analyzed for seven intersections with green bike boxes, three intersections with uncolored bike boxes, and two control intersections. User perceptions were measured through surveys of cyclists passing through five of the bike box intersections and of motorists working downtown, where the boxes were concentrated. Both the observations and survey of motorists found a high rate of compliance and understanding of the markings. Overall, 73% of the stopping motor vehicles did not encroach at all into the bike box. Both motor vehicle and bicycle encroachment in the pedestrian crosswalk fell significantly at the bike box locations compared to the control intersections. The bike boxes had mixed effects on the motorists' encroachment in the bicycle lane. The number of observed conflicts at the bike box locations decreased, while the total number of cyclists and motor vehicles turning right increased. Negative-binomial models based upon the data predict fewer conflicts with the boxes, particularly as right-turning motor vehicle volumes increase. Observations of yielding behavior at two bike box and one control intersection found an improvement in motorists yielding to cyclists at the bike box locations. Differences in the traffic volumes and location contexts make firm conclusions about the effects of green coloring of the boxes difficult. Higher shares of surveyed motorists felt that the bike boxes made driving safer rather than more dangerous, even when the sample was narrowed to respondents who were not also cyclists. Over three-quarters of the surveyed cyclists thought that the boxes made the intersection safer.  相似文献   

The safety of a flashing amber signal for all directions at off-peak hours as a replacement for regular traffic signal operations was evaluated. The proposed control strategy was motivated by the need for energy conservation through reduced amounts of acceleration and of idling time of vehicles. The methodology of the study employed as a measure a broadened definition of "conflict" that freed observers from the need to detect only emergency evasive manoeuvres and decreased their subjective interpretations. Observations were carried out by trained observers at a sample of intersections, using two control strategies: full signal operation and flashing amber phase. Stationed at each leg of an intersection, the observers noted the travel direction of any two vehicles involved in a conflict. The results showed that the most frequent type of conflict under full signal operation was of the rear-end type; during the flashing amber operation, crossing and merging conflicts were dominant. It was concluded that up to a volume of 600 vehicles per hour, flashing operation does not increase the number of conflicts.  相似文献   

The development of a quantitative intersection aggressiveness propensity index (API) is described in this paper. The index is intended to capture the overall propensity for aggressive driving to be experienced at a given signalized intersection. The index is a latent quantity that can be estimated from observed environmental, situational and driving behavior variables using structural equations modeling techniques. An empirical study of 10 major signalized intersections in the greater Washington DC metropolitan area was conducted to illustrate the approach. The API is shown to provide (a) an approach for capturing and quantifying aggressive driving behavior given certain measurements taken at a particular intersection, (b) understanding of the factors and intersection characteristics that may affect aggressiveness, and (c) an index for the cross comparison of different traffic areas with different features. This index has the potential to support safety policy analysis and decision-making.  相似文献   

This study analyzes vehicle-pedestrian crashes at intersections in Florida over 4 years, 1999-2002. The study identifies the group of drivers and pedestrians, and traffic and environmental characteristics that are correlated with high pedestrian crashes using log-linear models. The study also estimates the likelihood of pedestrian injury severity when pedestrians are involved in crashes using an ordered probit model. To better reflect pedestrian crash risk, a logical measure of exposure is developed using the information on individual walking trips in the household travel survey. Lastly, the impact of average traffic volume on pedestrian crashes is examined. As a result of the analysis, it was found that pedestrian and driver demographic factors, and road geometric, traffic and environment conditions are closely related to the frequency and injury severity of pedestrian crashes. Higher average traffic volume at intersections increases the number of pedestrian crashes; however, the rate of increase is steeper at lower values of average traffic volume. Based on the findings in the analysis, some countermeasures are recommended to improve pedestrian safety.  相似文献   

In order to better understand the underlying crash mechanisms, left-turn crashes occurring at 197 four-legged signalized intersections over 6 years were classified into nine patterns based on vehicle maneuvers and then were assigned to intersection approaches. Crash frequency of each pattern was modeled at the approach level by mainly using Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) with the Negative Binomial as the link function to account for the correlation among the crash data. GEE with a binomial logit link function was also applied for patterns with fewer crashes. The Cumulative Residuals test shows that, for correlated left-turn crashes, GEE models usually outperformed basic Negative Binomial models. The estimation results show that there are obvious differences in the factors that cause the occurrence of different left-turn collision patterns. For example, for each pattern, the traffic flows to which the colliding vehicles belong are identified to be significant. The width of the crossing distance (represented by the number of through lanes on the opposing approach of the left-turning traffic) is associated with more left-turn traffic colliding with opposing through traffic (Pattern 5), but with less left-turning traffic colliding with near-side crossing through traffic (Pattern 8). The safety effectiveness of the left-turning signal is not consistent for different crash patterns; "protected" phasing is correlated with fewer Pattern 5 crashes, but with more Pattern 8 crashes. The study indicates that in order to develop efficient countermeasures for left-turn crashes and improve safety at signalized intersections, left-turn crashes should be considered in different patterns.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an original definition of the exposure to lateral collision in signalized intersections and discusses the results of a real world experiment. This exposure is defined as the duration of situations where the stream that is given the right-of-way goes through the conflict zone while road users are waiting in the cross-traffic approach. This measure, obtained from video sensors, makes it possible to compare different operating conditions such as different traffic signal strategies. The data from a real world experiment is used, where the adaptive real-time strategy CRONOS (ContRol Of Networks by Optimization of Switchovers) and a time-plan strategy with vehicle-actuated ranges alternately controlled an isolated intersection near Paris. Hourly samples with similar traffic volumes are compared and the exposure to lateral collision is different in various areas of the intersection and various traffic conditions for the two strategies. The total exposure under peak hour traffic conditions drops by roughly 5 min/h with the CRONOS strategy compared to the time-plan strategy, which occurs mostly on entry streams. The results are analyzed through the decomposition of cycles in phase sequences and recommendations are made for traffic control strategies.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an original definition of the exposure to lateral collision in signalized intersections and discusses the results of a real world experiment. This exposure is defined as the duration of situations where the stream that is given the right-of-way goes through the conflict zone while road users are waiting in the cross-traffic approach. This measure, obtained from video sensors, makes it possible to compare different operating conditions such as different traffic signal strategies. The data from a real world experiment is used, where the adaptive real-time strategy CRONOS (ContRol Of Networks by Optimization of Switchovers) and a time-plan strategy with vehicle-actuated ranges alternately controlled an isolated intersection near Paris. Hourly samples with similar traffic volumes are compared and the exposure to lateral collision is different in various areas of the intersection and various traffic conditions for the two strategies. The total exposure under peak hour traffic conditions drops by roughly 5 min/h with the CRONOS strategy compared to the time-plan strategy, which occurs mostly on entry streams. The results are analyzed through the decomposition of cycles in phase sequences and recommendations are made for traffic control strategies.  相似文献   

A systematic procedure is presented for calibrating and validating a microscopic model of safety performance. The context in the model application is the potential for rear-end crashes at signalized intersections. VISSIM® v.4.3 provides the simulation platform for estimating the safety performance for individual vehicles and has been calibrated and validated using separate samples of observed vehicle tracking data extracted from the FHWA/NGSIM program. The calibration exercise involves four sequential steps: (1) heuristic selection of initial model inputs, (2) statistical screening using a Plackett–Burnman design, (3) fractional factorial analysis relating inputs to safety performance, and (4) genetic algorithm procedure for obtaining best estimate input values. Three measures of safety performance were considered: crash potential index, number of vehicles in conflict and total conflict duration per vehicle. Model consistency was assessed by comparing simulated and observed safety performance based on a separate validation sample of vehicle tracking data. The suggested procedure was found to effectively estimate model input parameters that closely matched safety performance measures in the observed validation data. This procedure yields an objective and efficient means for simulation model calibration applied for estimating safety performance at signalized intersections.  相似文献   

Many studies have shown that intersections are among the most dangerous locations of a roadway network. Therefore, there is a need to understand the factors that contribute to injuries at such locations. This paper addresses the different factors that affect crash injury severity at signalized intersections. It also looks into the quality and completeness of the crash data and the effect that incomplete data has on the final results. Data from multiple sources have been cross-checked to ensure the completeness of all crashes including minor crashes that are usually unreported or not coded into crash databases. The ordered probit modeling technique has been adopted in this study to account for the fact that injury levels are naturally ordered variables. The tree-based regression methodology has also been adopted in this study to explore the factors that affect each severity level. The probit model results showed that a combination of crash-specific information and intersection characteristics result in the highest prediction rate of injury level. More specifically, having a divided minor roadway or a higher speed limit on the minor roadway decreased the level of injury while crashes involving a pedestrian/bicyclist and left turn crashes had the highest probability of a more severe crash. Several regression tree models showed a difference in the significant factors that affect the different severity types. Completing the data with minor non injury crashes improved the modeling results and depicted differences when modeling the no injury crashes.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a multimodal approach to study safety at intersections by simultaneously analysing the safety and flow outcomes for both motorized and non-motorized traffic. This study uses an extensive inventory of signalized and non-signalized intersections on the island of Montreal, Quebec, Canada, containing disaggregate motor-vehicle, cyclist and pedestrian flows, injury data, geometric design, traffic control and built environment characteristics in the vicinity of each intersection. Bayesian multivariate Poisson models are used to analyze the injury and traffic flow outcomes and to develop safety performance functions for each mode at both facilities. After model calibration, contributing injury frequency factors are identified. Injury frequency and injury risk measures are then generated to carry out a comparative study to identify which mode is at greatest risk at intersections in Montreal. Among other results, this study identified the significant effect that motor-vehicle traffic imposes on cyclist and pedestrian injury occurrence. Motor-vehicle traffic is the main risk determinant for all injury and intersection types. This highlights the need for safety improvements for cyclists and pedestrians who are, on average, at 14 and12 times greater risk than motorists, respectively, at signalized intersections. Aside from exposure measures, this work also identifies some geometric design and built environment characteristics affecting injury occurrence for cyclists, pedestrians and motor-vehicle occupants.  相似文献   

Multi-vehicle rear-end accidents constitute a substantial portion of the accidents occurring at signalized intersections. To examine the accident characteristics, this study utilized the 2001 Florida traffic accident data to investigate the accident propensity for different vehicle roles (striking or struck) that are involved in the accidents and identify the significant risk factors related to the traffic environment, the driver characteristics, and the vehicle types. The Quasi-induced exposure concept and the multiple logistic regression technique are used to perform this analysis. The results showed that seven road environment factors (number of lanes, divided/undivided highway, accident time, road surface condition, highway character, urban/rural, and speed limit), five factors related to striking role (vehicle type, driver age, alcohol/drug use, driver residence, and gender), and four factors related to struck role (vehicle type, driver age, driver residence, and gender) are significantly associated with the risk of rear-end accidents. Furthermore, the logistic regression technique confirmed several significant interaction effects between those risk factors.  相似文献   

For many years, to reduce the crash frequency and severity at high-speed signalized intersections, warning flashers have been used to alert drivers of potential traffic-signal changes. Recently, more aggressive countermeasures at such intersections include a speed-limit reduction in addition to warning flashers. While such speed-control strategies have the potential to further improve the crash-mitigation effectiveness of warning flashers, a rigorous statistical analysis of crash data from such intersections has not been undertaken to date. This paper uses 10-year crash data from 28 intersections in Nebraska (all with intersection approaches having signal-warning flashers; some with no speed-limit reduction, and the others with either 5 mi/h or 10 mi/h reduction in speed limit) to estimate a random parameters negative binomial model of crash frequency and a nested logit model of crash-injury severity. The estimation findings show that, while a wide variety of factors significantly influence the frequency and severity of crashes, the effect of the 5 mi/h speed-limit reduction is ambiguous—decreasing the frequency of crashes on some intersection approaches and increasing it on others, and decreasing some crash-injury severities and increasing others. In contrast, the 10 mi/h reduction in speed limit unambiguously decreased both the frequency and injury-severity of crashes. It is speculated that, in the presence of potentially heterogeneous driver responses to decreased speed limits, the smaller distances covered during reaction time at lower speeds (allowing a higher likelihood of crash avoidance) and the reduced energy of crashes associated with lower speed limits are not necessarily sufficient to unambiguously decrease the frequency and severity of crashes when the speed-limit reduction is just 5 mi/h. However, they are sufficient to unambiguously decrease the frequency and severity of crashes when the speed-limit reduction is 10 mi/h. Based on this research, speed-limit reductions in conjunction with signal-warning flashers appear to be an effective safety countermeasure, but only clearly so if the speed-limit reduction is at least 10 mi/h.  相似文献   

In this study, the safety of cyclists at unsignalized priority intersections within built-up areas is investigated. The study focuses on the link between the characteristics of priority intersection design and bicycle–motor vehicle (BMV) crashes. Across 540 intersections that are involved in the study, the police recorded 339 failure-to-yield crashes with cyclists in four years. These BMV crashes are classified into two types based on the movements of the involved motorists and cyclists:
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    type I: through bicycle related collisions where the cyclist has right of way (i.e. bicycle on the priority road);
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    type II: through motor vehicle related collisions where the motorist has right of way (i.e. motorist on the priority road).
The probability of each crash type was related to its relative flows and to independent variables using negative binomial regression. The results show that more type I crashes occur at intersections with two-way bicycle tracks, well marked, and reddish coloured bicycle crossings. Type I crashes are negatively related to the presence of raised bicycle crossings (e.g. on a speed hump) and other speed reducing measures. The accident probability is also decreased at intersections where the cycle track approaches are deflected between 2 and 5 m away from the main carriageway. No significant relationships are found between type II crashes and road factors such as the presence of a raised median.  相似文献   

A recently developed machine learning technique, multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS), is introduced in this study to predict vehicles’ angle crashes. MARS has a promising prediction power, and does not suffer from interpretation complexity. Negative Binomial (NB) and MARS models were fitted and compared using extensive data collected on unsignalized intersections in Florida. Two models were estimated for angle crash frequency at 3- and 4-legged unsignalized intersections. Treating crash frequency as a continuous response variable for fitting a MARS model was also examined by considering the natural logarithm of the crash frequency. Finally, combining MARS with another machine learning technique (random forest) was explored and discussed. The fitted NB angle crash models showed several significant factors that contribute to angle crash occurrence at unsignalized intersections such as, traffic volume on the major road, the upstream distance to the nearest signalized intersection, the distance between successive unsignalized intersections, median type on the major approach, percentage of trucks on the major approach, size of the intersection and the geographic location within the state. Based on the mean square prediction error (MSPE) assessment criterion, MARS outperformed the corresponding NB models. Also, using MARS for predicting continuous response variables yielded more favorable results than predicting discrete response variables. The generated MARS models showed the most promising results after screening the covariates using random forest. Based on the results of this study, MARS is recommended as an efficient technique for predicting crashes at unsignalized intersections (angle crashes in this study).  相似文献   

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