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Chip interleaving (CI) is a unique technique to exploit time diversity in direct sequence spread spectrum (DS/SS)‐based systems operating in fading environments. In order to facilitate design of CI systems in various fading situations, we present a performance analysis for CI DS/SS system over Rician multipath time‐varying fading channels. We derive the analytical bit error rate (BER) expression for CI DS/SS to allow fast and accurate evaluation of BER performance based on the interleaving depth selected, spreading codes employed, and the time correlation function of the channel. We then discuss some ideal cases by using the analytical results to reveal some of the insights presented in the performance analysis. For the purpose of comparison, we also obtain the BER expression for conventional DS/SS system as a special case of CI system with an interleaving depth of one. Using numerical examples, we verify the analytical results with computer simulations and illustrate the BER performance behavior of CI DS/SS system with varying interleaving depth for all possible combinations of two sets of spreading codes of different type and two different time correlation functions of the channel. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper proposes two bandwidth and power efficient multicode multicarrier spread spectrum (MCSS) system modes based on a new cyclic shift orthogonal keying (CSOK) scheme that leads to low peak‐to‐average power ratio (PAPR) signals. Both system modes can improve the bandwidth efficiency by loading more data bits per symbol block. The first system mode is the hybrid CSOK (HCSOK) mode, which combines phase shift keying (PSK) or quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) modulation symbol with the CSOK symbol, for example, the important hybrid quadrature PSK (QPSK)–CSOK case. The second is the quadrature CSOK (QCSOK) mode that transmits two parallel binary phase shift keying (BPSK)–CSOK branches at the same time. For both modes, maximum likelihood receivers are derived and simplified, leading to efficient fast Fourier transform‐based structures for maximum ratio combining and cyclic‐code correlation. Theoretical bit error rate (BER) analysis is conducted for the hybrid QPSK–CSOK case. Simulation results demonstrate that both the two system modes considerably outperforms the traditional Walsh‐coded MCSS system in terms of bandwidth efficiency, PAPR, BER, and antijamming capability. Furthermore, in indoor channel, QCSOK performs slightly worse than QPSK–CSOK, but it has almost twice the data rate when the code length is large. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, the authors derive symbol error probability (SEP) expressions for coherent M‐ary frequency shift keying (MFSK) modulation schemes in multipath fading channels. The multipath or small‐scale fading process is assumed to be slow and frequency non‐selective. In addition, the channel is also subjected to the usual degradation caused by the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). Different small‐scale fading statistics such as Rayleigh, Rician (Nakagami‐n), Hoyt (Nakagami‐q), and Nakagami‐m have been considered to portray diverse wireless environments. Further, to mitigate fading effects through space diversity, the receiver front‐end is assumed to be equipped with multiple antennas. Independent and identically distributed (IID) as well as uncorrelated signal replicas received through all these antennas are combined with a linear combiner before successive demodulation. As the detection is coherent in nature and thus involves phase estimation, optimum phase‐coherent combining algorithms, such as predetection maximal ratio combining (MRC), may be used without any added complexity to the receiver. In the current text, utilizing the alternate expressions for integer powers (1≤n≤4) of Gaussian Q function, SEP values of coherent MFSK are obtained through moment generating function (MGF) approach for all the fading models (with or without MRC diversity) described above. The derived end expressions are composed of finite range integrals, which can be numerically computed with ease, dispenses with the need of individual expressions for different M, and gives exact values up to M=5. When the constellation size becomes bigger (M≥6), the same SEP expressions provide a quite realistic approximation, much tighter than the bounds found in previous literatures. Error probabilities are graphically displayed for each fading model with different values of constellation size M, diversity order L, and for corresponding fading parameters (K, q, or m). To validate the proposed approximation method extensive Monte‐Carlo simulations were also performed, which show a close match with the analytical results deduced in the paper. Both these theoretical and simulation results offer valuable insight to assess the efficacy of relatively less studied coherent MFSK in the context of the optimum modulation choice in wireless communication. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It is well known that orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is sensitive to carrier frequency offset (CFO) and suffers from a high peak‐to‐average ratio. In addition, the performance of OFDM is severely affected by strong co‐channel interference and strong narrowband interference. To mitigate the limitations of OFDM, we propose a new multi‐carrier transceiver based on frequency‐shift filter. A frequency‐shift filter can separate spectrally overlapping sub‐carrier signals by exploiting the spectral correlation inherent in the cyclostationary modulated signals. To increase spectral efficiency, we increase the percentage of spectral overlap between two adjacent sub‐channels. We derive an upper bound and a lower bound on the bit error rate performance of the proposed multi‐carrier transceiver in additive white Gaussian noise channel and frequency‐nonselective Rayleigh fading channel, respectively. Compared with OFDM, our simulation results show that the proposed multi‐carrier transceiver is much less sensitive to CFO and has a lower peak‐to‐average ratio; moreover, without any additional interference suppression technique, the proposed transceiver has the advantage of being able to mitigate strong co‐channel interference with CFO from the intended multi‐carrier signal and mitigate strong narrowband interference in additive white Gaussian noise channel and in Rayleigh fading channel in which a large CFO between the transmitted signal and the received signal often occurs. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We analyze a peak‐to‐average power ratio (PAPR) reduction property based on a hidden training sequence‐aided precoding scheme for MIMO‐OFDM systems. In addition to the benefits of a hidden training sequence‐aided precoding scheme such as improvement in bandwidth efficiency and frequency diversity gain, we address that power amplifier efficiency can be improved without any additional complexity burden. By mathematically analyzing PAPR of the precoded MIMO‐OFDM signal with a hidden training sequence, we demonstrate that PAPR reduction can be obtained by varying the allocated power to the hidden training sequence. Because of the low PAPR property of this scheme, it is possible to utilize a low‐cost power amplifier, resulting in the reduction in the total cost for hardware implementation. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对低信噪比下同步多用户非周期长码直扩信号的扩频序列估计问题, 提出了一种基于嵌套迭代最小二乘投影算法的扩频序列估计方法.首先, 将同步多用户非周期长码直扩信号等效为含有缺失数据的相应的短码直扩信号.然后, 利用最大似然估计理论对相应的短码直扩信号进行数学分析, 构建扩频序列估计的数学模型.最后, 利用一种嵌套迭代最小二乘投影算法来实现扩频序列的估计.研究表明, 该算法在低信噪比(小于-10 dB)情况下, 对多用户(多达10路)扩频序列的估计有着良好的性能表现.  相似文献   

Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a popular transmission technique in wireless communication. Although already widely addressed in many studies, OFDM still has flaws, one of which is the occurrence of high peak‐to‐average power ratio (PAPR) in the transmission signal. The partial transmit sequence (PTS) technique is one method adopted to reduce high PAPR in OFDM systems. However, as PTS utilizes phase factors to generate multiple candidate signals, large amounts of calculation and time are required to search the candidate signal with the minimal PAPR, which will then be adopted as the final transmission signal. This paper proposes a novel PAPR reduction method, which can be applied in OFDM systems with M‐ary phase‐shift keying modulation. It not only requires less computation but also possesses error correction capabilities. More precisely, the proposed method is to divide a block‐coded modulation code into the direct sum of a correcting subcode for encoding information bits and a scrambling subcode for generating phase factors. Our proposed method is a suboptimal technique with low computation, because it uses a genetic algorithm with a partheno‐crossover operator as the transmitted signal selection mechanism. Simulation results show our proposed method has better PAPR performance than the GA‐PTS scheme. Based on the simulation results in Figures 5 and 6, it is evident that our proposed method can be employed in any OFDM system by using M‐PSK modulation.Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Single‐carrier transmission with frequency‐domain equalization (SC‐FDE) is widely known as a promising transmission technique providing low error probability with low peak‐to‐average power ratio (PAPR) of transmit signal. However, the low‐PAPR property of SC‐FDE cannot be maintained if multi‐level data modulation is introduced. The low‐PAPR property of SC‐FDE can be maintained by applying transmit filtering with roll‐off factor at the expense of spectrum efficiency. In this paper, we propose two types of selected mapping (SLM) to reduce the PAPR of SC‐FDE transmit signal. The first SLM technique is conducted in the frequency domain, where the phase rotation is applied to subcarriers similar to the SLM technique for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing transmission. The second SLM technique is conducted in the time domain, where the phase rotation is applied directly to data‐modulated symbol sequence. Computer simulation confirms that both SLM techniques are able to reduce the PAPR of SC‐FDE signal without significant degradation of bit‐error rate performance and spectrum efficiency. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The orthogonal frequency‐division multiplexing (OFDM) is a multicarrier modulation system that is used to transmit the large volume of data to the receiver. Reducing the peak‐to‐average power ratio (PAPR) in OFDM system is one of the demanding and crucial task in recent days. For this reason, various precoding and companding mechanisms are developed in the traditional works, but it remains with the limitations of increased complexity, reduced performance, and nonlinear distortion. The reduction of PAPR is achieved by minimizing the companding distortion with the enhancement of the bit error rate (BER) performance significantly. Then, in order to avoid clipping in OFDM, a multilateral piecewise exponential companding transform (MPECT) method has been utilized rather than using piecewise exponential companding transform (PEC) where PAPR is getting reduced. The OFDM is very sensitive to synchronizing error. To overcome this sensitivity, employ the Zadoff‐Chu sequence to carrier frequency offsets. Zadoff‐Chu matrix transform (ZCMT) has numerous merits among the other ODFM systems such as the improvement in the performance of the channels that are fading away and provides an ideal periodic autocorrelation and a constant magnitude periodic cross correlation. Both of these techniques provide improvement in the ODFM systems. To get more efficiency, this paper aims to develop a hybrid technique by integrating the ZCMT and MPECT techniques for reducing the PAPR in OFDM systems. Further, convolutional encoding is applied for better BER and PAPR. The simulation results of the proposed ZCMT‐MPECT technique are evaluated and compared with the conventional OFDM and other precoding methods.  相似文献   

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