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Hai Long Jennifer Clark Hassiba Benyounes Weifeng Shen Lichun Dong Shun'an Wei 《化学工程与技术》2016,39(6):1077-1086
In an effort to reduce costs, a systematic optimization approach is proposed to address the energy consumption of dividing‐wall columns (DWCs). This iterative optimization procedure begins by minimizing the overall heat duty using an innovative objective function within a constrained design space. A sensitivity analysis is then carried out on the manipulated variables to obtain their optimal ranges. Optimal operating parameters are obtained through the evaluation of the total annualized cost (TAC). For the separation process of benzene/toluene/o‐xylene, the optimal DWC flow sheet exhibits a significant decrease in TAC when compared to conventional flow sheet optimum designs. The applied optimization method and sensitivity analysis have proven to produce results at the global optimum. This method is both practical and easily applied to other systems, even to systems with more than three components. 相似文献
A modified fully thermally coupled distillation column is proposed, with utilization of the existing distillation columns of the conventional system, and its control scheme is suggested here. The proposed distillation system is applied to a benzene‐toluene‐xylene (BTX) separation process, of which the system design and control performance evaluation are conducted using the HYSYS software. The performance of the suggested 3 × 3 control is examined in the set‐point tracking of product specification and the regulation for the changes of feed flow and composition. The pairings of three proportional‐integral control loops are the reflux flow and the specification of overhead product, the prefractionator vapor flow and that of the side product, and the vapor boil‐up rate and that of the bottom product. The multi‐variable controllability using various indices is investigated for the proposed control scheme, and the controllability is compared with that of the cross‐pairing between the control loops of the side and bottom products. 相似文献
The feasibility and feasible range of operating parameters for double‐feed reactive distillation columns are evaluated, based on the combination of pinch point map analysis for the middle‐section in the compositional space and the feed angle method as an efficient shortcut design method. Limiting bounds for operating parameters are determined where the properties of singular points change. The existence and values of such bounds may vary in double‐feed reactive distillation columns depending on the nature of the system under study. The methodology is illustrated by production of methyl acetate and ethyl acetate. An efficient method is described to identify the most promising candidates of double‐feed reactive distillation columns and to study the design flexibility in terms of operating parameters. 相似文献
Multiple Analysis in a Reactive Distillation Column for the Synthesis of tert‐Amyl Methyl Ether
tert‐Amyl methyl ether (TAME) is produced via reactive distillation. A simulation is set up and controlled on Aspen HYSYS v 8.0 for generating the highest purity of TAME. This simulation includes a plug‐flow reactor and a reactive distillation column. Emphasis was put on finding the optimal operating conditions of the reactive distillation column in order to get the maximum purity of TAME. The operational parameters were reflux ratio, number of reactive stages in the distillation column, and condenser pressure. The results indicated the optimal reflux ratio and condenser pressure which could be adapted to industrial scale. 相似文献
The impact of start‐up procedures on the behaviour of simple distillation columns with multiple steady states is analyzed. A well‐known system with hysteresis is studied in this paper and transient responses for a binary distillation column yielding different steady states during the start‐up operation are shown. Several dynamic simulation results showing an interesting behaviour are presented. Through the examination of the profile evolutions corresponding to given start‐up policies, it can be seen how the column arrives to different steady states. It is shown that it is possible to identify a set of critical values for the start‐up supervision. Also, guidelines of general validity are achieved with the aim of finding the appropriate start‐up policy to obtain the desired solution. 相似文献
F. I. Gómez‐Castro J. G. Segovia‐Hernández S. Hernández C. Gutiérrez‐Antonio A. Briones‐Ramírez 《化学工程与技术》2008,31(9):1246-1260
The optimal design of dividing wall columns is a non‐linear and multivariable problem, and the objective function used as optimization criterion is generally non‐convex with several local optimums. Considering this fact, in this paper, we studied the design of dividing wall columns using as a design tool, a multi‐objective genetic algorithm with restrictions, written in MatlabTM and using the process simulator Aspen PlusTM for the evaluation of the objective function. Numerical performance of this method has been tested in the design of columns with one or two dividing walls and with several mixtures to test the effect of the relative volatilities of the feed mixtures on energy consumption, second law efficiency, total annual cost, and theoretical control properties. In general, the numerical performance shows that this method appears to be robust and suitable for the design of sequences with dividing walls. 相似文献
Erika Fabiola Abad‐Zarate Juan Gabriel Segovia‐Hernndez Salvador Hernndez Agustín R. Uribe‐Ramírez 《加拿大化工杂志》2006,84(3):381-385
A Petlyuk distillation column, considering equilibrium and non‐equilibrium stage models, was studied. Rigorous simulations were conducted using Aspen Plus? RATEFRAC Module for the separation of ternary mixtures. According to the equilibrium model, the energy‐efficient design of the Petlyuk column requires that the intermediate component be extracted from the maximum point in the composition profile in the main column. It was found that, for the intermediate component, mass transfer occurs from the vapour to the liquid phase from the top of the column to the stage where the side stream is extracted, from this point mass transfer occurs in the opposite direction. This point, considering the non‐equilibrium model, corresponds to the stage in which the net mass transfer rate is zero. For the case of two segments per stage, it was found that the heat duties predicted by the equilibrium model are significantly lower than those obtained by using the non‐equilibrium model, which is consistent with previous reported results. However, it is important to say that despite the higher energy duty predicted by the non‐equilibrium model; both models predict significant energy savings. 相似文献
Fabricio Omar Barroso-Muñoz Salvador Hernández Héctor Hernández-Escoto Juan Gabriel Segovia-Hernández Vicente Rico-Ramírez Rosa-Hilda Chavez 《Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification》2010
Previous studies in the fields of process design and process control [1] have shown the potential benefits that can be achieved through the implementation of thermally coupled distillation sequences, in particular, the dividing wall distillation column. The dividing wall distillation column meets important goals of process intensification, including energy savings, reduction in carbon dioxide emissions and miniaturization. In this paper, an experimental study on the hydrodynamic behavior of a dividing wall distillation column is presented. Several different values for gas and liquid velocities were tested in order to measure pressure drops and identify operational regions; the air/water system was used as the basis for the experimental setup. Results regarding pressure drops (fitted to the model of Stichlmair et al.) provide operational limits for the operation of the packed dividing wall distillation column. According to the results, the experimental dividing wall column can be operated at turbulent regime that is associated to proper mass transfer. 相似文献
The time consumed in starting up the unit with appropriate holdups can form an important part of the total distillation time, particularly for reactive distillation systems with large holdups. Also, the products formed during the start‐up time are off specification, and are not easily recycled as for traditional distillation, but must be carefully disposed of, which can be very costly. A back‐propagation algorithm artificial neural network model is presented as a tool to assess the start‐up process for a given reactive distillation system. All the data required for training and testing the artificial neural network have been generated using the CHEMCAD simulator, version 5.2–0. The values for the learning rate, momentum term, and gain term of the artificial neural network have been taken as 0.01, 0.6, and 1.0, respectively. From the case studied in this work, it can be seen that a good start‐up policy can reduce both the energy and time requirements in the start‐up phase of reactive distillation processes. Results from predictions show the time consumed in the start‐up period has an average error of 2.833 %, and a maximum error of 7.600 %, for the case studied here. The accuracy of the model will depend upon the data available and the type of model being approximated. 相似文献
The performance of the reactive distillation dividing‐wall column for coproduction of ethyl acetate and butyl acetate was experimentally studied. n‐Butanol and ethanol are raw reaction materials that react with acetic acid in the reaction zone to produce n‐butyl acetate and ethyl acetate, respectively. n‐Butyl acetate is not only a product, but also acts to remove water generated by the esterification reactions. The effects of various parameters, such as catalyst loading per stage, reflux ratio, liquid split and molar feed ratios, ethyl acetate/n‐butyl acetate purity, pressure drop, and total energy consumption, are investigated. Results show that ethanol could be completely converted and the products could be easily separated, which shows great industrial application potential in the coproduction of ethyl acetate and n‐butyl acetate. 相似文献
通过对精馏塔操作过程中的能耗进行了分析,提出了节能思路和能耗优化的措施;并对精馏过程中对能量的需求、精馏系统的热力学效率、高效分离技术以及精馏-膜分离和精馏-吸收混合系统等方面进行了详细的分析、阐述其利弊;同时也对节能措施进行了展望。 相似文献
分析了焦油车间蒸馏塔腐蚀的情况,腐蚀的主要原因是固定铵盐、Cl^-、游离碳及过量的水分。采取了在焦油加工前加入Na2CO3溶液等多种防腐措施后,取得了良好的效果。 相似文献
全回流-全馏出与变塔压联合的间歇精馏过程 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A novel operation of batch distillation-combination of varying colum pressure and total reflux-total efflux is studied experimentally. In the operation, the product is accumulated at the top of the column under total reflux and then drained off completely, and the column pressure is varying in the whole process. This process has been industrialized successfully with large profits. The conventional mode of batch distillation is improved by this method effectively: the separation eficiency and the yield of product are increased greatly, the operation time is shortened and the production cost is cut down. Moreover, the amount of condensation water is decreased and the over-high reboiler temperature is lowered. 相似文献
利用Aspen-plus流程模拟软件对丁辛醇装置丁醛精馏塔建立流程模拟模型,比较模拟结果与设计值,通过灵敏度分析,确定最佳操作参数条件. 相似文献
In this paper a PID controller is proposed to ensure the fuel ethanol composition at desired value, above 92.5°INPM, at the same time as saving energy through the minimal use of reboiler power. Due to the fact that composition analyzers are expensive and have a high response time, an inference model was developed in which the product composition is inferred from the product temperature and thermodynamics equations, enabling the monitoring and the indirect control a posteriori of this variable. In addition, the inference of composition allows defining the reference value of the product temperature, which ensures the fuel ethanol production at the desired composition. 相似文献
乙烯脱丁烷塔智能操作优化方法研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
考虑乙烯生产过程中实时操作优化特点,在建立精馏塔严格机理开放式方程优化模型的基础上,提出了基于简约空间序列二次规划(RSQP)算法的精馏塔智能操作优化方法.该法根据精馏塔优化操作的实际性和实时性要求,对简约空间SQP算法进行了一些特殊处理,对收敛条件加入了一些智能化规则,使得优化算法综合考虑优化效益、优化求解时间和质量约束等方面.计算结果表明该法的计算效率高于基于Snopt和一般简约空间SQP算法的精馏塔操作优化方法,并且该方法更符合实时操作优化的要求. 相似文献