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Numerical simulations of the closed‐cycle disk MHD generation experiment with Tokyo Institute of Technology's Fuji‐1 blow‐down facility are performed. In the calculations, the rz two‐dimensional time‐dependent simulation code developed by the authors that can take the effect of water contamination into account is used, and the experimental conditions of Run A4109 operated by Disk‐F4 generator are selected as the numerical conditions. When the water contamination is the lowest level realized in the experiments, the simulation results coincide with the experimental results reasonably well, though there exist some discrepancies caused by inaccuracy of used basic plasma parameters, limitations of the two‐dimensional approximation, and so on. The voltage–current curve is almost linear, indicating that the MHD interaction is relatively weak and the flow field is mainly determined by the back‐pressure. The increase of the water contamination level results in decreased seed ionization rate at the generator channel inlet, leading to the steep deterioration of the generator performance. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 148(2): 46–54, 2004; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.10335  相似文献   

The Faraday current flowing in a circumferential direction in a disk MHD generator was successfully measured using the Rogowski coil method. This fact allowed us to estimate the radial distributions of fluid and electrical properties, such as the gas flow velocity, Hall parameter, and electrical conductivity, from the experimental data. In this paper, a system for measuring the Faraday current measuring system and its calibration method are described in detail. As an example of the experimentally estimated properties, factors governing total pressure reduction along the radial direction are described. © 1998 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 125(4): 19–25, 1998  相似文献   

A new power control method is proposed which is suitable for the MHD power generation system which consists of nonequilibrium disk generator and line-commutated inverter. The thermal input of the generator is controlled by changing the inlet stagnation pressure, whereas the seed mass flow rate instead of the inlet stagnation pressure is utilized as a manipulated variable of power control system. It is possible that the proposed method can realize both high performance for part load operation and fast output power control of which the time constant is much shorter than the response time of thermal input. Numerical simulations are carried out for the MHD power generation system connected to infinite bus and then it is confirmed that the system is stable and shows excellent power control performance.  相似文献   

MHD electrical power generation with frozen helium plasma (FHP) is examined numerically. The FHP can be initiated by preionized helium without the alkali metal seed at the generator inlet. Since the three‐body recombination coefficient of helium ions is low at electron temperatures above 5000 K, the ionization degree can be kept almost constant in the entire region of the generator channel. The r?θ two‐dimensional numerical results show that the performance of the FHP MHD generator is comparable to that of the seeded plasma MHD generator, if the additional power consumed to preionization is ignored. In the FHP MHD generator, the ionization degree at the inlet should be controlled precisely, as well as the seed fraction in the seeded plasma MHD generator. Under an adequate inlet ionization degree for sustaining the FHP plasma, the plasma maintains the uniform structure. On the other hand, a slightly excess ionization degree causes a strong Lorentz force in the upstream region of the generator, deteriorating the generator performance. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 140(3): 26–33, 2002; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.10030  相似文献   

An experimental study of performance of the disk MHD generator with argon was carried out using a shock‐tube driven facility. An inlet swirl was introduced in the MHD channel in order to improve the enthalpy extraction and the isentropic efficiency. The experimental results were compared with those of the disk MHD generator without the inlet swirl. A high enthalpy extraction of 25.7% was obtained and the highest isentropic efficiency for argon was achieved at the same time in the present experiment. The measured static pressure in the MHD channel was kept lower than that without the inlet swirl. This has suggested that the introduction of the inlet swirl reduces the retarding force for the flow and that the increase of the enthalpy extraction is ascribed to the increase of the flow velocity and of the electrical efficiency. Furthermore, the flow without shock wave was observed at low seed fractions and low load resistances. At the same time, it was found for the first time that when there was no shock wave, the isentropic efficiency became higher than that with the shock wave. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 141(1): 18–25, 2002; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.10045  相似文献   

The fluid flow and performance of a nonequilibrium disk MHD generator with subsonic flow are examined by time‐dependent two‐dimensional rz numerical simulations. It is found that the development of the boundary layer is enhanced with increasing load resistance, as is the case in supersonic generators. The development of the boundary layer affects not only the performance of the generator but the thermal input to it, in contrast to supersonic generators. These facts lead to considerable departures from the performance predicted by a quasi‐one‐dimensional simulation and suggest that two‐dimensional design of the generator channel, taking account of boundary layer development, is necessary in order to assure high performance of a subsonic generator. © 2000 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 133(3): 18–25, 2000  相似文献   

The behavior of magneto‐acoustic waves in a nonequilibrium subsonic disk MHD generator was examined. The solution of the sixth‐order dispersion relation obtained by linearizing the set of MHD equations suggested that a magneto‐acoustic wave which propagates at a velocity of ur ? a(ur: radial fluid velocity, a: sound velocity) should be damped in subsonic flow. From time‐dependent quasi‐one‐dimensional simulations, it was verified that the pressure disturbance in the subsonic generator was damped at approximately the same rate as the value predicted by the linear theory. From a simplified analytical model, the mechanism of magneto‐acoustic instability with fully ionized seed was discussed, and the damping criterion for the magneto‐acoustic wave was clarified. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 142(4): 20–26, 2003; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.10108  相似文献   

Numerical simulations of detailed time‐dependent behavior are performed on a simulation model in which a coupled system of nonequilibrium disk MHD generator and line‐commutated inverter is connected to an infinite bus through the transmission line, showing that continuous operation of the system is usually possible even when a power line fault occurs near the system. Then, time‐dependent swing simulations are carried out on another simulation model in which the MHD/inverter system and a synchronous generator are connected in parallel to an infinite bus through the common transmission line, revealing that the rotor angle swing of the synchronous generator caused by the power line fault can be effectively suppressed by the fast output power control of the MHD/inverter system. © 1999 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 127(3): 13–24, 1999  相似文献   

This paper describes superconducting magnets coupled with two kinds of disk-type MHD generators. One is coupled with a disk generator in the closed-cycle MHD experimental facility FUJI-1. The other is for a full-scale disk MHD generator. These are split-pair magnets. In the magnet for the FUJI-1 facility, a unique structure which supports the coils against the electromagnetic force has been fabricated and the magnet has been operating stably. During MHD power generation experiments, an induced voltage across the terminals of the coil was measured. A magnitude of the Faraday current in the generator was calculated from this induced voltage. A possible construction of magnetics for a full-scale disk MHD generator is indicated. It is suggested that a high performance of the generator (output power density of 0.3-1 GW/m3) can be obtained with high magnetic field up to 10 T.  相似文献   

The authors propose a new power consolidation-inversion-control system for the Faraday MHD generator using the voltage source PWM inverters. The dc output power for each electrodes pair of the MHD generator is at first inverted into three-phase ac power by a voltage source PWM inverter, and then the ac powers are consolidated by transformers. The proposed system does not need such expensive equipment as an ac filter or phase modifier and can independently and simultaneously control the active and reactive powers provided to the electric power system. Numerical simulations of the whole system, including the Faraday MHD generator, the proposed power consolidation-inversion-control system, and the electric power system, show that the proposed system can stably and steadily transmit and control the electric power from the MHD generator to the electric power system. It is also confirmed that the proposed system can independently and simultaneously control the active and reactive powers and can be used as a fast power controller.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional stability analyses for open-cycle supersonic disk MHD generators are carried out which take into account electrical boundary conditions. A method of r-θ two-dimensional linear stability analysis for supersonic disk MHD generators is proposed which examines the time growth rate of perturbations. The growth rate is determined by the characteristic equation which is derived from the electrical boundary conditions. Whether the perturbations grow or decay is judged diagrammatically in a way similar to the Nyquist method. A coal-fired outflow supersonic disk MHD generator of commercial scale is analyzed under several types of boundary conditions. The stability is much affected by the electrical boundary conditions and also by the azimuthal wavenumber of disturbances. Two-dimensional analysis has revealed an azimuthally nonuniform instability in one of the load sections of the generator, where no instability is found in the one-dimensional analysis. The analysis also shows that the instability can be suppressed by subdividing the load section with control electrodes. © 1997 Scripta Technica, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 120(4): 23–30, 1997  相似文献   

The influence of azimuthal non‐uniformity of the seed fraction on plasma structure and performance in a non‐equilibrium disk MHD generator is investigated with a two dimensional r–θ numerical simulation. It is found that a locally high seed fraction causes mainly non‐uniformity of gas‐dynamical properties, whereas a locally low seed fraction develops a non‐uniform plasma. Both locally high and low seed fractions reduce generator performance considerably. These results suggest a spatially uniform seed fraction should be required for high power generation. ©1999 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 126(4): 48–54, 1999  相似文献   

The effects of diffuser shape and back pressure on the performance of closed‐cycle disk MHD generators are investigated with two‐dimensional numerical simulations taking account of the boundary layer. The enthalpy extraction ratio decreases and fluctuates periodically with increase in the back pressure. The amplitude of power output fluctuation and the period depend on the volume of the inverse flow region. For the reduced height diffuser, the inverse flow region is suppressed and the fluctuation becomes smaller than that for the constant height diffuser. When operated with a back pressure lower than an optimum value, the diffuser does not work because of reacceleration in the diffuser. For the higher back pressure, on the contrary, the inverse flow region propagates into the MHD channel, then the enthalpy extraction ratio is reduced and the Mach number at the exit of the MHD channel becomes lower than unity. For the optimum back pressure, high enthalpy extraction ratio is achieved and the adiabatic efficiency at the diffuser exit is decreased by several percent from that evaluated at the MHD channel exit. © 2000 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 133(2): 11–19, 2000  相似文献   

The production of nonequilibrium plasma and the fluid flow with the MHD interaction are examined experimentally with a shock‐tube driven disk channel with no loading electrodes. For low magnetic flux density and low seed fraction, where nonuniform and unsteady plasma is generated, the static pressure decreases monotonically in the radial direction, although the pressure increases in the entire region of the channel in comparison with the value under no MHD interaction. For magnetic flux density and seed fraction above some critical values, a fairly uniform plasma is produced. The static pressure, however, is found to increase abruptly in the channel and the total pressure is considerably reduced at the location, where the abrupt pressure increase occurs. These facts imply that steady and uniform plasma should be produced without locally constricted strong Lorentz force to improve the adiabatic efficiency of a disk MHD generator. © 2002 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 138(4): 42–49, 2002; DOI 10.1002/eej.1137  相似文献   

Electron temperatures of nonequilibrium cesium seeded argon plasmas in a disk MHD generator installed in a blow-down facility are measured spectroscopically, and the generator performance is discussed in relation to the electron temperature. The temperature is decreased from ∼9000 K to ∼3000 K when the seed fraction is increased from 1 × 10−4 to 3 × 10−4. For the seed fraction of about 2 × 10−4 corresponding to the maximum power output, the temperature is found to be 4000–5000 K and the temperature fluctuation becomes minimal. For the seed fraction around 2 × 10−4, the electrical conductivity evaluated from the temperature is almost independent of the temperature. These facts suggest that the plasma is almost in the full seed ionization regime. Partially ionized argon and cesium plasmas are dominant at seed fractions below 1.3 × 10−4 and over 2.3 × 10−4, respectively, which degrades generator performance. © 1997 Scripta Technica, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 120(1): 16–22, 1997  相似文献   

The adiabatic efficiency of a supersonic Faraday MHD (magnetohydrodynamic) generator and its relation to Joule dissipation in the MHD channel were studied in a shock tube experiment. An adiabatic efficiency of 39.7% was obtained at enthalpy extraction of 8.3%. A dissipation process, which reduces the adiabatic efficiency, is examined by evaluating loading parameters and entropy production caused by Joule dissipation. At low load resistance, large Faraday currents in the channel upstream cause extremely large Joule dissipation in both the main flow and the region near the electrodes. It is confirmed experimentally that a high loading parameter yields a high adiabatic efficiency because Joule dissipation is small throughout the MHD channel. © 1999 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 128(4): 47–54, 1999  相似文献   

The effects of an externally applied radio‐frequency (rf) electromagnetic field on the nonequilibrium performance of a disk MHD generator were examined experimentally. As a preliminary experiment, plasma production by the applied rf electromagnetic field was attempted in the disk generator (Disk‐PIA), in which rf induction coils were embedded in the one‐side disk wall, under the conditions of no seeding, no flow, and no magnetic field. From the results of the preliminary experiment, it was confirmed that the argon plasma (~110 Torr) was produced uniformly in the azimuthal direction by the rf electromagnetic field even in the presence of exposed anodes in the faced disk wall and metallic support at the disk center. In MHD power generation experiments with the Disk‐PIA installed in the shock‐tube facility, the increase in the electrical output and more indiscrete discharge attributed to the rf electromagnetic field were verified with good reproducibility for the first time. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 140(4): 46–53, 2002; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.10009  相似文献   

Transient responses of a closed‐loop MHD experimental facility from nonpower generation to power generation have been investigated by means of time‐dependent quasi‐one‐dimensional numerical simulations. For the long‐time continuous power generation experiment, the time required to obtain the steady state for the power generation is estimated to be approximately 20 hours. By increasing the electrical input power to the heater as an exponential function of time, the temperature increment of ceramics can be moderated. When the duration of the experiment is around 10 minutes, argon gas temperature at the exit of the heater hardly changes because of the large heat capacity of structure materials. It is found that the fluid disturbances are induced at the instant of the power generation and they propagate as they repeatedly reflect at the sudden change of duct shape. Since all of the induced disturbances attenuate approximately 0.4 second after the power generation, the time scale that the disturbances exist in the facility is estimated to be 1 second at most. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 158(1): 46–52, 2007; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20237  相似文献   

We have demonstrated a capacitively coupled Hall-type MHD generator using ECR plasma. To clarify the characteristics of the fabricated MHD generator, we measured the power generation characteristics as a function of magnetic field strength using a DC Hall-type MHD power generation experiment. The results showed that the output power decreased due to magnetic pressure at the higher magnetic field. However, the output power corresponded to the theoretical value at the lower magnetic field. An AC Hall-type MHD power generation experiment was conducted using an AC magnetic field. As a result, full-wave rectification voltage was observed as per theory. Finally, capacitively coupled Hall-type MHD power generation experiments were conducted, and full-wave rectified waveforms were observed as in AC Hall-type MHD power generation. These waveforms were similar to the output waveforms predicted from theory. These results show that the capacitively coupled Hall-type MHD generator is feasible.  相似文献   

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