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This paper reports on the influence of molecular weight and concentration of barley β‐glucans on the rheological properties of wort and beer. Environmental conditions such as pH, maltose level in wort, ethanol content of beer, shearing and shearing temperature were also examined for their effects on wort and beer viscosities. In the range of 50–1000 mg/L, β‐glucans increased solution viscosity linearly with both molecular weights (MW) of 31, 137, 250, 327, and 443 kDa and concentration. The influence of MW on the intrinsic viscosity of β‐glucans followed the Mark‐Houwink relationship. Shearing wort and beer at approximately 13,000 s?1for 35 s was found to increase the wort viscosity but reduce beer viscosity. Shearing wort at 20°C influenced β‐glucan viscosity more than shearing at 48°C and 76°C whereas the shearing temperature (0, 5 and 10°C) did not effect the viscosity of beer. At lower pHs, shearing was found to reduce the viscosity caused by β‐glucans in wort but had no effect in beer. Higher concentrations of maltose in wort and ethanol in beer also increased the viscosity of β‐glucan polymers. It was found that β‐glucans had higher intrinsic viscosities in beer than in wort (5°C), and lower critical overlap concentrations (C*) in beer than in wort.  相似文献   

The innate immune system responds in a rapid and non‐specific manner against immunologic threats; inflammation is part of this response. This is followed by a slower but targeted and specific response termed the adaptive or acquired immune response. There is emerging evidence that dietary components, including yeast‐derived β‐glucans, can aid host defense against pathogens by modulating inflammatory and antimicrobial activity of neutrophils and macrophages. Innate immune training refers to a newly recognized phenomenon wherein compounds may “train” innate immune cells, such that monocyte and macrophage precursor biology is altered to mount a more effective immunological response. Although various human studies have been carried out, much uncertainty still exists and further studies are required to fully elucidate the relationship between β‐glucan supplementation and human immune function. This review offers an up‐to‐date report on yeast‐derived β‐glucans as immunomodulators, including a brief overview of the current paradigm regarding the interaction of β‐glucans with the immune system. The recent pre‐clinical work that has partly decrypted mode of action and the newest evidence from human trials are also reviewed. According to pre‐clinical studies, β‐1,3/1,6‐glucan derived from baker's yeast may offer increased immuno‐surveillance, although the human evidence is weaker than that gained from pre‐clinical studies.  相似文献   

The presence of added β‐glucan in wort caused increased turbidity levels, which increased at higher molecular weights and concentrations of the polymer. Levels of pH, maltose and ethanol, and shear experienced in a brewery also influenced the turbidity of wort and beer. Haze levels of beer after 0.45 μm membrane filtration were found to decrease due to the removal of non‐β‐glucan particles. Cold storage at 4°C for two weeks was found not to lower the turbidity caused by high concentrations of high molecular weight β‐glucan polymers.  相似文献   

Streptomyces sp Mo endo‐β‐1,3‐glucanase was found to have hydrolyzing activity toward curdlan and released laminarioligosaccharides selectively. The molecular weight was estimated to be 36000 Da and its N‐terminal amino acid sequence was VTPPDISVTN. The optimal pH was 6 and the enzyme was found to be stable from pH 5 to 8. The optimal temperature was 60 °C and the activity was stable below 50 °C. The enzyme hydrolyzed selectively curdlan containing only β‐1,3 linkages. The enzyme had 89% relative activity toward Laminaria digitata laminarin, which contains a small amount of β‐1,6 linkages compared with curdlan, while Eisenia bicyclis laminarin with a higher amount of β‐1,6‐linkages, was not hydrolyzed. Mo enzyme adsorbed completely on curdlan powder. The enzymatic hydrolysis of curdlan powder resulted in the accumulation of laminaribiose (yield 81.7%). Trisaccharide was inevitably released from the hydrolysis of laminarioligosaccharides with 5 to 7 degrees of polymerization (DP). Although the enzyme cleaved off disaccharide (DP 2) from tetrasaccharide (DP 4), the reaction rate was lower than those of DP 5 to 7. The results indicated that the active site of Mo endo‐β‐1,3‐glucanase can efficiently recognize glucosyl residue chain of greater than DP 5 and hydrolyzes the β‐1,3 linkage between the 3rd and 4th glucosyl residue.  相似文献   

The effects of variety and germination time on β‐glucan components – total β‐glucan (TBG), water insoluble β‐glucan (WIBG) and water soluble β‐glucan (WSBG) and β‐glucanase (BG) levels – before and after malting in improved sorghum varieties SK5912, KSV8 and ICSV400 and their relationships to wort specific viscosity (SV) were studied. This study was part of efforts to aid local malting and brewing industries in the application of sorghum varieties that are abundantly available to reduce costs. At the fifth day of germination, variety ICSV400 had the lowest TBG, WIBG and WSBG levels in its raw and malt samples. Variety SK5912 had the highest TBG, WIBG and WSBG levels in its raw samples, while variety KSV8 had the highest levels of TBG, WIBG and WSBG in its malt samples. Similarly, variety ICSV400 malts developed the highest BG levels, while the KSV8 malts gave the lowest level. The effect of variety, germination time and variety × germination time interaction was significant (p < 0.05) on the TBG, WIBG and BG levels and was not significant on the WSBG levels. Weak and significant correlation of TBG levels with SV (0.25, p < 0.05 for SK5912; 0.24, p < 0.05 for KSV8; and 0.31, p < 0.05 for ICSV400) was observed in all the samples, suggesting that the low β‐glucan levels may not be primarily and solely responsible for any viscosity impediments associated with sorghum worts during run‐off. With improvement in the effective utilization of sorghum, ICSV400 appeared the most suitable variety for malting and brewing in Nigeria.Copyright © 2016 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

Analysis of hot water extracts from a range of commercial malts showed that 2,5‐dimethyl‐4‐hydroxy‐3(2H)furanone (DMHF) varied from undetectable (lager malt) to 4.2 mg/litre (crystal malt), a concentration twenty‐six times the flavour threshold in water. 5‐Methyl‐4‐hydroxy‐3 (2H)furanone (MHF) was detected in all samples except one but was always well under its flavour threshold value. 2(or 5)‐Ethyl‐5(or 2)‐methyl‐4‐hydroxy‐3(2H)furanone (EMHF) was not detected in any of the samples. Fermentation of lager, ale and crystal malt extracts with an ale strain of yeast led to the appearance of EMHF in all cases as well as additional DMHF. The greatest increases in both compounds was with the ale malt. Both increases and decreases occurred in MHF concentration as a result of fermentation but final levels were always well below the flavour threshold value. Analysis of ten commercial beers found DMHF in all the samples and in five cases levels exceeded twice the flavour threshold value in beer with flavour units from 2.4 to 9.1. A flavour panel noted that in four of these cases the beer had a distinctly sweet/caramel aroma which is typical of DMHF. EMHF was undetectable in six samples, detectable, but unquantifiable, in three cases but at about 80% of the flavour threshold value in the remaining sample. MHF was found in all samples but at insignificant levels. The results show that DMHF is an important flavour compound in British ales and EMHF may make a contribution in a limited number of situations. The contribution of malt type, brewery processing and yeast strain in determining the concentration of the two 4‐hydroxyfuranones in beer remains uncertain.  相似文献   

Laboratory beers and samples taken at each stage of production, were analysed for the flavour active 4‐hydroxyfuranones; 5‐methyl‐4‐hydroxy‐3(2H)‐furanone (MHF), 2,5‐dimethyl‐4‐hydroxy‐3(2H)‐furanone (DMHF) and 5‐(or 2)‐ethyl‐2(or 5)‐methyl‐4‐hydroxy‐3(2H)‐furanone (EMHF). The length and temperature of mashing, the length of boiling, the rate of cooling the worts and the effects of grist composition were investigated to identify the 4‐hydroxyfuranone content of worts and subsequent beers. Fermentation temperature and the use of the stabilising agents, PVPP and Lucilite PC5, on the 4‐hydroxyfuranone content of the beer was also investigated. The results demonstrated that several aspects of beer production procedures affect the furanone content of the beer, but in practice the important factors are grist composition, the rate at which the boiled wort is cooled and fermentation temperature. Fermentation has a major effect on final furanone content as yeast produces both DMHF and EMHF. The results suggest that malt levels of precursor compounds, which can be converted to 4‐hydroxyfuranones by the Maillard reaction or by yeast, may prove to be more important than the quantities of the furanones found in malt in determining the final furanone content of beer. A clearer understanding of the nature of the precursors should allow manipulation of their production and beer furanone content.  相似文献   

Age‐induced decomposition of iso‐α‐acids, the main bittering principles of beer, determines the consistency of the beer bitter taste. In this study, the profiles of iso‐α‐acids in selected high‐quality top‐fermented and lager beers were monitored by quantitative high‐performance liquid chromatography at various time intervals during ageing. The degradation of the iso‐α‐acids as a function of time is represented by the ratio, in percentage, of the sum of the concentrations of trans‐isocohumulone and trans‐isohumulone to the sum of the concentrations of cis‐isocohumulone and cis‐isohumulone. This parameter is relevant with respect to the evaluation of bitterness deterioration in aged beers. Trans‐iso‐α‐acids having a shelf half‐life of less than one year proved to be significantly less stable than cis‐iso‐α‐acids, but it appears feasible to counteract degradation if a suitable beer matrix is available. The fate of the trans‐iso‐α‐acids in particular adversely affects beer bitterness consistency. In addition to using hop products containing low amounts of trans‐iso‐α‐acids, brewers may profit of the remarkable stability of tetrahydroiso‐α‐acids, even on prolonged storage, for the production of consistently bitter beers.  相似文献   

The aim of research was to test the response surface methodology for optimising the β‐glucan content (BG) and microwave power (MV) during baking the wheat bread rolls. The increasing content of BG in wheat bread rolls caused the shortening the time of baking. The firmness of breadcrumbs was significantly influenced by the BG content in linear terms (P ≤ 0.05) and not influenced by the MV. The content of BG in the final product was highest in the products obtained with the middle range of MV. The response surface methodology was employed for optimising the BG and MV to produce the best quality product.  相似文献   

The yeast spore wall is an excellent model to study the assembly of an extracellular macromolecule structure. In the present study, mutants defective in β ‐1,6‐glucan synthesis, including kre1? , kre6? , kre9? and big1? , were sporulated to analyse the effect of β ‐1,6‐glucan defects on the spore wall. Except for kre6? , these mutant spores were sensitive to treatment with ether, suggesting that the mutations perturb the integrity of the spore wall. Morphologically, the mutant spores were indistinguishable from wild‐type spores. They lacked significant sporulation defects partly because the chitosan layer, which covers the glucan layer, compensated for the damage. The proof for this model was obtained from the effect of the additional deletion of CHS3 that resulted in the absence of the chitosan layer. Among the double mutants, the most severe spore wall deficiency was observed in big1? spores. The majority of the big1?chs3? mutants failed to form visible spores at a higher temperature. Given that the big1? mutation caused a failure to attach a GPI‐anchored reporter, Cwp2‐GFP, to the spore wall, β ‐1,6‐glucan is involved in tethering of GPI‐anchored proteins in the spore wall as well as in the vegetative cell wall. Thus, β ‐1,6‐glucan is required for proper organization of the spore wall. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Iso‐α‐acids and their chemically modified variants play a large role in evoking the bitter sensory attributes of lager character, but individual consumers may vary in their perception of bitterness. Sixteen lagers were scored in rank‐rating for bitterness by 14 trained assessors and the concentrations of the six bitter components in these beers were determined by high performance liquid chromatography. Relationships between bitterness intensity and the bitter components were modelled well using partial least square regression with a correlation value of 0.92. When 8 assessors carried out time‐intensity scoring of bitterness, profiles for single products were very different. However, single assessor profiles for multiple products showed qualitative similarities but quantitative differences. That individual assessors perceived bitter characters differently in relation to time has implications for new product development.  相似文献   

A collective report on the extraction and isolation of β‐glucan from grain sources, namely, oat, barley, and wheat is presented. An analysis on the effect of medium, pH, and temperature on the purity and yield of the β‐glucan derived under acidic/alkaline/aqueous/enzymatic conditions is also made. Water extraction and alkali extraction processes are preferred as the yield and recovery of extracted β‐glucan were good. Cost‐effective development of the process for deriving high molecular weight β‐glucan is the current requirement for its wide applications in food and pharmaceutical industries.  相似文献   

The effects of malting on β‐glucan and phytate were investigated in one naked and one covered barley by a full factorial experiment with three factors (steeping temperature, moisture content and germination temperature) each with two levels. Analysis of total content of β‐glucan in the malted samples showed small changes after steeping at the high temperature (48 °C), while steeping at the lower temperature (15 °C) gave a significantly lower content. This trend was even stronger for β‐glucan unextractable at 38 °C. Analysis of the activity of β‐glucanase for the samples steeped at 15 °C showed a strong increase over the time of germination, while those steeped at 48 °C had a much slower development. The other two factors influenced the outcome to a small extent, mainly because the steeping temperature was the most important factor overall where any changes in β‐glucan and β‐glucanase were observed. When β‐glucan was extracted at 100 °C, a larger yield was obtained, and this was influenced by the steeping temperature in a much stronger way than for β‐glucan extracted at 38 °C. Determination of average molecular weight for β‐glucan extracted at 100 °C gave a lower value for samples steeped at 15 than at 48 °C. The design did not have any large effects on phytate degradation and phytase activity. However, it indicated that selective control of the enzymes might be possible, since phytase activity was barely affected by the parameters studied, while β‐glucanase was heavily affected. © 2002 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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