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Yu‐Kang Lo Hung‐Chun Chien Huang‐Jen Chiu 《International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications》2010,38(7):739-746
A simple current‐input Schmitt trigger is presented and implemented. It consists of one operational transresistance amplifier and a resistor. In addition, the circuit offers dual hysteresis mode operations within the same topology. The circuit operations are described. Experimental and simulation results are given to verify the theoretical analysis. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
《International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications》2017,45(8):1060-1076
This paper presents a novel second‐generation current conveyor (CCII)‐based non‐inverting Schmitt trigger topology. By means of the use of only three resistances, it is possible to set easily the threshold values or, in addition, the trigger can be set also to work as a zero‐voltage comparator. The theoretical working principle has been confirmed through PSpice simulations implementing an integrated CCII, designed in a low‐cost standard complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor technology (Austria Micro Systems (AMS) 0.35 µm) with low‐voltage low‐power characteristics, and then by experimental tests on the fabricated printed circuit board prototype through the use of the commercial component AD844 (Analog Devices) as CCII. As its main application example, the presented trigger has been employed to implement an astable multivibrator proposed here as a capacitive sensor interface capable to accurately detect about five decades of capacitive variations in the range of [100 pF–5.5 μF] with a maximum relative error lower than ±10%. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
基于输入信号频率的高频补偿动态带宽有源滤波器 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2
赵辉 《电子测量与仪器学报》2002,16(3):77-80
本文提出了一种基于输入信号频率的高频补偿动态带宽有源滤波器,它具有随着输入信号频率的改变而改变其高频补偿范围,获得与输入信号的高频变化成正比的动态带宽以及仅有一个RC时间常数和在通频带内具有较高的Q值的特点。实验证明,它具有良好的动态幅频特性和相频特性。 相似文献
针对BL2-2型0.002级电流比较仪高精度的特殊性,提出在检定中的注意事项,并分析了为保证检定的准确性需选配合适容量升流器。 相似文献
静止型动态无功补偿(SVC)装置在钢铁企业已得到广泛使用,稳定运行尤其重要。本文对两大类典型触发装置在电气设备放电时的抗干扰性能分析,找到SVC一相可控硅全部击穿的原因。建议一般工业用户注意电气设备放电对触发装置的影响。 相似文献
Mohammad Mohammadi Afshin Mirzaee Paolo Magnone Javad Moghani Paolo Mattavelli 《International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications》2020,48(10):1786-1799
Pulse width-amplitude modulation (PWAM) have been widely used in recent years to mitigate switching losses as well as reducing passive components' size. This paper precisely investigates this modulation approach in quasi-Z-source inverters (qZSI). It will be concluded that the existence of capacitive paths from load to source in such converters causes two undesired behaviors while utilizing PWAM, which increases total harmonic distortion and semiconductor stresses. Bypassing the capacitive paths is proposed in this paper to alleviate these issues. In order to implement this approach, a bidirectional quasi-Z-source inverter is studied. A design procedure is presented to achieve a fast dynamic response for tracking reference voltage. The operation of both conventional and bidirectional qZSI under different loads including resistive and resistive–inductive loads is investigated in the simulation and experiment. According to experimental results, by utilizing bidirectional qZSI, THD is improved from 12.34% to 3.51% for a lag load. Moreover, the voltage stress of the semiconductor no longer exists. 相似文献
Reza Inanlou Omid Shoaei Mohsen Tamaddon 《International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications》2020,48(2):231-253
This paper presents an asynchronous pulse width modulation (APWM) approach for the analysis of a new class of the switched mode power supply (SMPS). The proposed APWM significantly simplified the mathematical analysis by utilizing a binary comparator (BAPWM) and a distinctive delay cell instead of hysteretic comparator. By this way, the mathematical analysis can be extended to study the behavior of high-order self-oscillating modulators in terms of key parameters such as the harmonic distortion and the stability. The performance of the proposed BAPWM is deeply analyzed for different orders of loop filters (here up to third order) in both time and frequency domain. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed analytical derivations, the BAPWMs are employed in a classic synchronous DC-DC buck converter and its closed loop performance, in terms of stability, has been investigated. Then the converter is designed and simulated in 130-nm CMOS technology to convert input voltage of 5 to 3.3 V with maximum load current of 1 A, using Spectre simulator. From the post-layout simulation results, the peak efficiency conversion efficiency for 3.3 V output voltage is higher than 89%. 相似文献
《International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications》2017,45(12):2157-2180
The paper introduces a new Schmitt trigger consisting of only one multiple‐output current inverting differential input transconductance amplifier with no passive element. The proposed circuit is simple and usable up to 100 MHz with the advantage of electronically controlled threshold levels and amplitude of the output. The circuit is also little sensitive to temperature and benefits from low power dissipation (0.5 mW). The amplitude of the output current is tunable electronically from 5 nA to 500 μA, which is a wide tunable range. The effects of transistors mismatch on proposed Schmitt trigger have also been explored. The utility of the proposed circuit is further justified through its application as a triangular/square wave generator, with a maximum frequency of 75 MHz. Duty cycle modulation through electronic means is also shown for the generator circuit, where duty cycle results for 80, 20, and 95% have been included, by varying external control current. The cadence VIRTUOSO simulation results by using generic process design kit 90‐nm technology are shown to confirm the proposed theory. The proposed circuits are also verified through experimental results by using commercial integrated circuits: AD844 and LM13700. All the simulated and experimental results promise potential applications of the proposed circuits in instrumentation and communication systems. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
介绍了一种晶闸管触发板 ,该板可与单片机或微机系统相连 ,通过软件编程控制DAC0 832输出的电压来改变板上TCA785芯片的移相电压 ,从而实现触发脉冲延迟角的精确可调和对晶闸管触发时刻的动态控制 相似文献
文中用改进型电流传输器实现了一种新的基于电流模式的精密有源整流电路,该电路可在微安或微伏数量级的信号下正常工作,因此在微弱信号的处理中优越于基于电压模式的同类电路。理论分析和计算机仿真结果证实了本文电路的正确性。 相似文献