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Although the generalised autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) model has been quite successful in capturing important empirical aspects of financial data, particularly for the symmetric effects of volatility, it has had far less success in capturing the effects of extreme observations, outliers and skewness in returns. This paper examines the GARCH model under various non-normal error distributions in order to evaluate skewness and leptokurtosis. The empirical results show that GARCH models estimated using asymmetric leptokurtic distributions are superior to their counterparts estimated under normality, in terms of: (i) capturing skewness and leptokurtosis; (ii) the maximized log-likelihood values; and (iii) isolating the ARCH and GARCH parameter estimates from the adverse effects of outliers. Overall, the flexible asymmetric Student’s t-distribution performs best in capturing the non-normal aspects of the data.  相似文献   

Construction of nonlinear time series models with a flexible probabilistic structure is an important challenge for statisticians. Applications of such a time series model include ecology, economics and finance. In this paper we consider a threshold model for all the first four conditional moments of a time series. The nonlinear structure in the conditional mean is specified by a threshold autoregression and that of the conditional variance by a threshold generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic (GARCH) model. There are many options for the conditional innovation density in the modeling of the skewness and kurtosis such as the Gram-Charlier (GC) density and the skewed-t density. The Gram-Charlier (GC) density allows explicit modeling of the skewness and kurtosis parameters and therefore is the main focus of this paper. However, its performance is compared with that of Hansen’s skewed-t distribution in the data analysis section of the paper. The regime-dependent feature for the first four conditional moments allows more flexibility in modeling and provides better insights into the structure of a time series. A Lagrange multiplier (LM) test is developed for testing for the presence of threshold structure. The test statistic is similar to the classical tests for the presence of a threshold structure but allowing for a more general regime-dependent structure. The new model and the LM test are illustrated using the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the Hong Kong Hang Seng Index and the Yen/US exchange rate.  相似文献   

There is substantial evidence that many financial time series exhibit leptokurtosis and volatility clustering. We compare the two most commonly used statistical distributions in empirical analysis to capture these features: the t distribution and the generalized error distribution (GED). A Bayesian approach using a reversible-jump Markov chain Monte Carlo method and a forecasting evaluation method are adopted for the comparison. In the Bayesian evaluation of eight daily market returns, we find that the fitted t error distribution outperforms the GED. In terms of volatility forecasting, models with t innovations also demonstrate superior out-of-sample performance.  相似文献   

In stochastic volatility (SV) models, asset returns conditional on the latent volatility are usually assumed to have a normal, Student-t or exponential power (EP) distribution. An earlier study uses a generalised t (GT) distribution for the conditional returns and the results indicate that the GT distribution provides a better model fit to the Australian Dollar/Japanese Yen daily exchange rate than the Student-t distribution. In fact, the GT family nests a number of well-known distributions including the commonly used normal, Student-t and EP distributions. This paper extends the SV model with a GT distribution by incorporating general volatility asymmetry. We compare the empirical performance of nested distributions of the GT distribution as well as different volatility asymmetry specifications. The new asymmetric GT SV models are estimated using the Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method to obtain parameter and log-volatility estimates. By using daily returns from the Standard and Poors (S&P) 500 index, we investigate the effects of the specification of error distributions as well as volatility asymmetry on parameter and volatility estimates. Results show that the choice of error distributions has a major influence on volatility estimation only when volatility asymmetry is not accounted for.  相似文献   

Stochastic volatility (SV) models usually assume that the distribution of asset returns conditional on the latent volatility is normal. This article analyzes SV models with a mixture-of-normal distributions in order to compare with other heavy-tailed distributions such as the Student-t distribution and generalized error distribution (GED). A Bayesian method via Markov-chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques is used to estimate parameters and Bayes factors are calculated to compare the fit of distributions. The method is illustrated by analyzing daily data from the Yen/Dollar exchange rate and the Tokyo stock price index (TOPIX). According to Bayes factors, we find that while the t distribution fits the TOPIX better than the normal, the GED and the normal mixture, the mixture-of-normal distributions give a better fit to the Yen/Dollar exchange rate than other models. The effects of the specification of error distributions on the Bayesian confidence intervals of future returns are also examined. Comparison of SV with GARCH models shows that there are cases that the SV model with the normal distribution is less effective to capture leptokurtosis than the GARCH with heavy-tailed distributions.  相似文献   

This paper presents a heavy-tailed mixture model for describing time-varying conditional distributions in time series of returns on prices. Student-t component distributions are taken to capture the heavy tails typically encountered in such financial data. We design a mixture MT(m)-GARCH(p, q) volatility model for returns, and develop an EM algorithm for maximum likelihood estimation of its parameters. This includes formulation of proper temporal derivatives for the volatility parameters. The experiments with a low order MT(2)-GARCH(1, 1) show that it yields results with improved statistical characteristics and economic performance compared to linear and nonlinear heavy-tail GARCH, as well as normal mixture GARCH. We demonstrate that our model leads to reliable Value-at-Risk performance in short and long trading positions across different confidence levels.  相似文献   

This paper studies a heavy-tailed stochastic volatility (SV) model with leverage effect, where a bivariate Student-t distribution is used to model the error innovations of the return and volatility equations. Choy et al. (2008) studied this model by expressing the bivariate Student-t distribution as a scale mixture of bivariate normal distributions. We propose an alternative formulation by first deriving a conditional Student-t distribution for the return and a marginal Student-t distribution for the log-volatility and then express these two Student-t distributions as a scale mixture of normal (SMN) distributions. Our approach separates the sources of outliers and allows for distinguishing between outliers generated by the return process or by the volatility process, and hence is an improvement over the approach of Choy et al. (2008). In addition, it allows an efficient model implementation using the WinBUGS software. A simulation study is conducted to assess the performance of the proposed approach and its comparison with the approach by Choy et al. (2008). In the empirical study, daily exchange rate returns of the Australian dollar to various currencies and daily stock market index returns of various international stock markets are analysed. Model comparison relies on the Deviance Information Criterion and convergence diagnostic is monitored by Geweke’s convergence test.  相似文献   

The normality assumption concerning the distribution of equity returns has long been challenged both empirically and theoretically. Alternative distributions have been proposed to better capture the characteristics of equity return data. This paper investigates the ability of five alternative distributions to represent the behavior of daily equity index returns over the period 1979–2014: the skewed Student-t distribution, the generalized lambda distribution, the Johnson system of distributions, the normal inverse Gaussian distribution, and the g-and-h distribution. We find that the generalized lambda distribution is a prominent alternative for modeling the behavior of daily equity index returns.  相似文献   

Since the introduction of the Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (ARCH) model of Engle [R. Engle, Autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity with estimates of the variance of United Kingdom inflation, Econometrica 50 (1982) 987–1007], the literature of modelling the conditional second moment has become increasingly popular in the last two decades. Many extensions and alternate models of the original ARCH have been proposed in the literature aiming to capture the dynamics of volatility more accurately. Interestingly, the Quasi Maximum Likelihood Estimator (QMLE) with normal density is typically used to estimate the parameters in these models. As such, the higher moments of the underlying distribution are assumed to be the same as those of the normal distribution. However, various studies reveal that the higher moments, such as skewness and kurtosis of the distribution of financial returns are not likely to be the same as the normal distribution, and in some cases, they are not even constant over time. These have significant implications in risk management, especially in the calculation of Value-at-Risk (VaR) which focuses on the negative quantile of the return distribution. Failed to accurately capture the shape of the negative quantile would produce inaccurate measure of risk, and subsequently lead to misleading decision in risk management. This paper proposes a solution to model the distribution of financial returns more accurately by introducing a general framework to model the distribution of financial returns using maximum entropy density (MED). The main advantage of MED is that it provides a general framework to estimate the distribution function directly based on a given set of data, and it provides a convenient framework to model higher order moments up to any arbitrary finite order k. However this flexibility comes with a high cost in computational time as k increases, therefore this paper proposes an alternative model that would reduce computation time substantially. Moreover, the sensitivity of the parameters in the MED with respect to the dynamic changes of moments is derived analytically. This result is important as it relates the dynamic structure of the moments to the parameters in the MED. The usefulness of this approach will be demonstrated using 5 min intra-daily returns of the Euro/USD exchange rate.  相似文献   

We extend the full-factor multivariate GARCH model of Vrontos et al. (Econom J 6:312–334, 2003a) to account for fat tails in the conditional distribution of financial returns, using a multivariate Student-t error distribution. For the new class of Student-t full factor multivariate GARCH models, we derive analytical expressions for the score, the Hessian matrix and the Information matrix. These expressions can be used within classical inferential procedures in order to obtain maximum likelihood estimates for the model parameters. This fact, combined with the parsimonious parameterization of the covariance matrix under the full factor multivariate GARCH models, enables us to apply the models in high dimensional problems. We provide implementation details and illustrations using financial time series on eight stocks of the US market.  相似文献   

Neural networks provide a tool for describing non-linearity in volatility processes of financial data and help to answer the question “how much” non-linearity is present in the data. Non-linearity is studied under three different specifications of the conditional distribution: Gaussian, Student-t and mixture of Gaussians. To rank the volatility models, a Bayesian framework is adopted to perform a Bayesian model selection within the different classes of models. In the empirical analysis, the return series of the Dow Jones Industrial Average index, FTSE 100 and NIKKEI 225 indices over a period of 16 years are studied. The results show different behavior across the three markets. In general, if a statistical model accounts for non-normality and explains most of the fat tails in the conditional distribution, then there is less need for complex non-linear specifications.  相似文献   

A sequential Monte Carlo method for estimating GARCH models subject to an unknown number of structural breaks is proposed. Particle filtering techniques allow for fast and efficient updates of posterior quantities and forecasts in real time. The method conveniently deals with the path dependence problem that arises in these types of models. The performance of the method is shown to work well using simulated data. Applied to daily NASDAQ returns, the evidence favors a partial structural break specification in which only the intercept of the conditional variance equation has breaks compared to the full structural break specification in which all parameters are subject to change. The empirical application underscores the importance of model assumptions when investigating breaks. A model with normal return innovations result in strong evidence of breaks; while more flexible return distributions such as t-innovations or a GARCH-jump mixture model still favor breaks but indicate much more uncertainty regarding the time and impact of them.  相似文献   

Forecasting volatility is an important issue in financial econometric analysis. This paper aims to seek a computationally feasible approach for predicting large scale conditional volatility and covariance of financial time series. In the case of multi-variant time series, the volatility is represented by a Conditional Covariance Matrix (CCM). Traditional models for predicting CCM such as GARCH models are incapable of dealing with high-dimensional cases as there are O(N 2) parameters to be estimated in the case of N-variant asset return, and it is difficult to accelerate the computation of estimating these parameters by utilizing modern multi-core architecture. These GARCH models also have difficulties in modeling non-linear properties. The widely used Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) is an energy-based stochastic recurrent neural network and its extended model, Conditional RBM (CRBM), has shown its capability in modeling high-dimensional time series. In this paper, we first propose a CRBM-based approach to forecast CCM and show how to capture the long memory properties in volatility, and then we implement the proposed model on GPU by using CUDA and CUBLAS. Experiment results indicate that the proposed CRBM-based model obtains better forecasting accuracy for low-dimensional volatility and it also shows great potential in modeling for large-scale cases compared with traditional GARCH models.  相似文献   

Bayesian inference and prediction for a generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic (GARCH) model where the innovations are assumed to follow a mixture of two Gaussian distributions is performed. The mixture GARCH model can capture the patterns usually exhibited by many financial time series such as volatility clustering, large kurtosis and extreme observations. A Griddy-Gibbs sampler implementation is proposed for parameter estimation and volatility prediction. Bayesian prediction of the Value at Risk is also addressed providing point estimates and predictive intervals. The method is illustrated using the Swiss Market Index.  相似文献   

This article provides a framework for analyzing multifactor financial returns that violate the Gaussian distributional assumption. Analytical expressions are provided for the non-linear regression equation and its prediction error (heteroscedasticity) by modeling the returns of financial assets as scale mixtures of the multivariate normal distribution. The expressions involve conditional moments of the mixing variable. These conditional moments are explicitly derived when the mixing variable belongs to the generalized inverse Gaussian family, of which gamma, inverse gamma and the inverse Gaussian distributions are distinguished members. The derived expressions are non-linear in the parameters and involve the modified Bessel function of the third kind. The effects of the non-linear model, in terms of both the regression equation and heteroscedasticity against the corresponding values for the standard linear regression model, are captured through simulations for the gamma, inverse gamma and inverse Gaussian distributions. The proposed scale mixture models extend the well-known arbitrage pricing theory (APT) in financial modeling to non-Gaussian cases. The methodology is applied to analyze the intra-day log returns quarterly data for DELL and COKE regressed against S&P 500 for the years 1998-2000.  相似文献   

The bivariate distributions are useful in simultaneous modeling of two random variables. These distributions provide a way to model models. The bivariate families of distributions are not much widely explored and in this article a new family of bivariate distributions is proposed. The new family will extend the univariate transmuted family of distributions and will be helpful in modeling complex joint phenomenon. Statistical properties of the new family of distributions are explored which include marginal and conditional distributions, conditional moments, product and ratio moments, bivariate reliability and bivariate hazard rate functions. The maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) for parameters of the family is also carried out. The proposed bivariate family of distributions is studied for the Weibull baseline distributions giving rise to bivariate transmuted Weibull (BTW) distribution. The new bivariate transmuted Weibull distribution is explored in detail. Statistical properties of the new BTW distribution are studied which include the marginal and conditional distributions, product, ratio and conditional momenst. The hazard rate function of the BTW distribution is obtained. Parameter estimation of the BTW distribution is also done. Finally, real data application of the BTW distribution is given. It is observed that the proposed BTW distribution is a suitable fit for the data used.  相似文献   

The kappa distribution has been increasingly recognised as a versatile tool for the study and understanding of space plasmas. With its Maxwellian-like core and power-law tail it smoothly reproduces the velocity distribution of charged particles observed in space plasmas. Presented here is a simple and efficient method to generate pseudo-random deviates following the kappa distribution. This is presented within the context of modelling the initial particle velocity distributions in particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations. The Mathematical equivalence between the kappa distribution and the Student tt distribution is demonstrated. Using this equivalence, the well-known method of generating deviates for the Student tt distribution is tailored for the kappa distribution.  相似文献   

非线性时间序列建模的混合自回归滑动平均模型   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
提出了一类用于非线性时间序列建模的混合自回归滑动平均模型(MARMA).该模型是由K个平稳或非平稳的ARMA分量经过混合得到的.讨论了MARMA模型的平稳性条件和自相关函数.给出了MARMA模型参数估计的期望极大化(expectation maximization)算法.运用贝叶斯信息准则(Bayes information criterion)来选择该模型.MARMA模型分布形式富于变化的特征使得它能够对具有多峰分布以及条件异方差的序列进行建模.通过两个实例验证了该模型,并和其他模型进行比较,结果表明MARMA模型能够更好地描述这些数据的特征.  相似文献   

Outliers in financial data can lead to model parameter estimation biases, invalid inferences and poor volatility forecasts. Therefore, their detection and correction should be taken seriously when modeling financial data. The present paper focuses on these issues and proposes a general detection and correction method based on wavelets that can be applied to a large class of volatility models. The effectiveness of the new proposal is tested by an intensive Monte Carlo study for six well-known volatility models and compared to alternative proposals in the literature, before it is applied to three daily stock market indices. The Monte Carlo experiments show that the new method is both very effective in detecting isolated outliers and outlier patches and much more reliable than other alternatives, since it detects a significantly smaller number of false outliers. Correcting the data of outliers reduces the skewness and the excess kurtosis of the return series distributions and allows for more accurate return prediction intervals compared to those obtained when the existence of outliers is ignored.  相似文献   

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