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Studies of the human visual cortex have demonstrated that an area for motion processing (V5) is located in the lateral occipito-temporal cortex. To study the timing of arrival of signals in V5 we recorded multi-channel visual evoked potentials (VEPs) to checkerboard stimuli. We then applied dipole source analysis which was computed on a grand average of 10 subjects, and on five individual subjects, respectively. We demonstrate an early VEP component with onset before 30 ms and with a peak around 45 ms, located in the vicinity of V5. This early component was independent of a second activity, which started around 50 ms and peaked around 70 ms, and was located within the striate cortex (V1). These results provide further evidence for a very fast input to V5 before activation of V1.  相似文献   

The human homologue of area V5A of rotation-selective cells in the monkey medial superior temporal area (MST) was identified using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). It was located within the border region of occipito-temporo-parietal cortex, in four of 10 subjects on both sides, and on the right or left side in three subjects each. The stimulus was a black-and-white sine-modulated windmill presented either stationary or in rotation phases of 1 s duration. Areas V1-V3 did not show up with this paradigm. Focusing attention by mentally counting the number of rotation phases ensured high signal intensity in V5A, whereas moving attention away by counting electric stimuli to the wrist diminished it despite persistent fixation of gaze to the centre of the windmill.  相似文献   

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) can be used to simulate the effects of highly circumscribed brain damage permanently present in some neuropsychological patients, by reversibly disrupting the normal functioning of the cortical area to which it is applied. By using TMS we attempted to recreate deficits similar to those reported in a motion-blind patient and to assess the specificity of deficits when TMS is applied over human area V5. We used six visual search tasks and showed that subjects were impaired in a motion but not a form 'pop-out' task when TMS was applied over V5. When motion was present, but irrelevant, or when attention to colour and form were required, TMS applied to V5 enhanced performance. When attention to motion was required in a motion-form conjunction search task, irrespective of whether the target was moving or stationary, TMS disrupted performance. These data suggest that attention to different visual attributes involves mutual inhibition between different extrastriate visual areas.  相似文献   

Area V5 (middle temporal) in the superior temporal sulcus of macaque receives a direct projection from the primary visual cortex (V1). By injecting anterograde tracers (biotinylated dextran and Phaseolus vulgaris lectin) into V1, we have examined the synaptic boutons that they form in V5 in the electron microscope. Nearly 80% of the target cells in V5 were spiny (excitatory). The boutons formed asymmetric (Gray's type 1) synapses with spines (54%), dendrites (33%), and somata (13%). All somatic targets and some (26%) of the target dendritic shafts showed features characteristic of smooth (inhibitory) cells. Each bouton formed, on average, 1.7 synapses. The larger boutons formed multiple synapses with the same neuron and completely enveloped the entire spine head. On most dendritic shafts and all somata the postsynaptic density en face was disk-shaped but in about half the cases the reconstructed postsynaptic densities of synapses on spines appeared as complete or partial annuli. Even in the zones of densest innervation only 3% of the asymmetric synapses were formed by the labeled boutons. Although the V1 projection forms only a small minority of synapses in V5, its affect could be considerably amplified by local circuits in V5, in a way analogous to the amplification of the small thalamic input to area V1.  相似文献   

The primate visual system has a remarkable capability for recognizing objects irrespective of the multitude of images they form on the retinal surface by virtue of changes in size, perspective, contrast, colour and partial obstruction by other stimuli in the visual scene. There is increasing evidence that this remarkable capacity is brought about by processes that occur earlier in the visual system than had previously been thought. Here I show that after ablation of area V4 in the rhesus monkey, major deficits arise in the recognition of objects that have been transformed in size, in the degree of occlusion, and in the amount of contour information provided. The ability to detect these objects when presented individually was unaffected by these lesions.  相似文献   

The function and nature of inhibition of neurons in the visual cortex have been the focus of both experimental and theoretical investigations. There are two ways in which inhibition can suppress synaptic excitation. In hyperpolarizing inhibition, negative and positive currents sum linearly to produce a net change in membrane potential. In contrast, shunting inhibition acts nonlinearly by causing an increase in membrane conductance; this divides the amplitude of the excitatory response. Visually evoked changes in membrane conductance have been reported to be nonsignificant or weak, supporting the hyperpolarization mode of inhibition. Here we present a new approach to studying inhibition that is based on in vivo whole-cell voltage clamping. This technique allows the continuous measurement of conductance dynamics during visual activation. We show, in neurons of cat primary visual cortex, that the response to optimally orientated flashed bars can increase the somatic input conductance to more than three times that of the resting state. The short latency of the visually evoked peak of conductance, and its apparent reversal potential suggest a dominant contribution from gamma-aminobutyric acid ((GABA)A) receptor-mediated synapses. We propose that nonlinear shunting inhibition may act during the initial stage of visual cortical processing, setting the balance between opponent 'On' and 'Off' responses in different locations of the visual receptive field.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae nuclei possess a polyphosphatase activity which is insensitive to a number of inhibitors of ATPase and pyrophosphatase (PPase) activities of the same organelle. Heparin, an effective inhibitor of the nuclear polyphosphatase activity, does not alter either the ATPase and PPase activity. The nuclear polyphosphatase activity is optimal at pH 7.5. Bivalent metal cations stimulate this activity in the following order: Co2+ > Mg2+ > Zn2+ > Mn2+. However, the magnitude of the stimulating effect is much lower than that for the polyphosphatase activities from other organelles of the same yeast. The polyphosphatase activity is nearly the same for polyphosphates ranging from [symbol: see text] = 9 to [symbol: see text] = 208, but is 1.5 times higher for tripolyphosphate. The K(m) values for the hydrolysis of polyphosphates with chain lengths [symbol: see text] = 3, 15 and 208 are 100, 5 and 4.1 microM, respectively. The polyphosphatase activity differs in some properties from that of the cell envelope, cytosol and vacuoles of the same S. cerevisiae strain.  相似文献   

The modular organization of cortical pathways linking visual area 4 (V4) with occipital visual area 2 (V2) and inferotemporal posterior inferotemporal ventral area (PITv) was investigated through an analysis of the patterns of retrogradely labeled cell bodies after injections of tracers into V4 and PITv. Although cytochrome oxidase or other stains have failed to yield reliable independent anatomical markers for cortical modules beyond V1 and V2, V4 and PITv seem to have modular compartments with specific patterns of cortico-cortical connectivity. Tracer injections of V4 labeled cells in V2 (1) thin stripes exclusively, (2) interstripes exclusively, or (3) specific combinations of interstripe and thin stripe subcompartments. These labeling patterns suggest (1) that there is a complicated organization of inputs to V4, (2) that projections from V2 to V4 display a submodular selectivity, and (3) that projections from V2 to V4 display some degree of cross-stream convergence. Consistent with this framework, extensive regions of PITv provide feedback projections to interstripe-recipient portions of V4, whereas more restricted portions of PITv provide feedback to thin stripe-recipient portions of V4. Similarly, the feedforward projection from V4 to PITv often arose from multiple cell clusters across a wide expanse of V4. When distinguishable fluorescent tracers were injected into two PITv sites separated by 3-5 mm, a variety of projection patterns was observed in V4. In most cases, labeled cells were found in multiple, interdigitating, nonoverlapping clusters of 1-3 mm width, whereas in other cases the two labeled fields were highly intermixed. These results suggest that V4 and PITv contain functional modules that can be characterized by the specific patterns of segregated and convergent projections they receive from lower cortical areas. These specific patterns of intercortical input, in conjunction with intrinsic cortical circuitry, may endow extrastriate cortical neurons with new and more complex receptive field properties.  相似文献   

Edges are important in the interpretation of the retinal image. Although luminance edges have been studied extensively, much less is known about how or where the primate visual system detects boundaries defined by differences in surface properties such as texture, motion or binocular disparity. Here we use functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to localize human visual cortical activity related to the processing of one such higher-order edge type: motion boundaries. We describe a robust fMRI signal that is selective for motion segmentation. This boundary-specific signal is present, and retinotopically organized, within early visual areas, beginning in the primary visual cortex (area V1). Surprisingly, it is largely absent from the motion-selective area MT/V5 and far extrastriate visual areas. Changes in the surface velocity defining the motion boundaries affect the strength of the fMRI signal. In parallel psychophysical experiments, the perceptual salience of the boundaries shows a similar dependence on surface velocity. These results demonstrate that information for segmenting scenes by relative motion is represented as early as V1.  相似文献   

Bushbabies with lesions restricted to the middle temporal (MT) area and animals with larger extrastriate lesions including area MT were compared with normal control animals on tests of visuospatial localization and discrimination learning. Ablation of area MT was sufficient to produce impairments in directing behavior appropriately on the basis of visuospatial cues. Extension of the lesion into areas 18 and 19 produced more profound deficits. Retardation in learning a stripe discrimination problem was correlated with the extent of damage to the geniculostriate system. It is hypothesized that area MT is important in achieving and maintaining fixation on a target whereas cortical areas 18 and 19 are necessary for establishing the location of stimulation in visual space. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Pointing to a remembered visual target involves the transformation of visual information into an appropriate motor output, with a passage through short-term memory storage. In an attempt to identify the reference frames used to represent the target position during the memory period, we measured errors in pointing to remembered three-dimensional (3D) targets. Subjects pointed after a fixed delay to remembered targets distributed within a 22 mm radius volume. Conditions varied in terms of lighting (dim light or total darkness), delay duration (0.5, 5.0, and 8.0 sec), effector hand (left or right), and workspace location. Pointing errors were quantified by 3D constant and variable errors and by a novel measure of local distortion in the mapping from target to endpoint positions. The orientation of variable errors differed significantly between light and dark conditions. Increasing the memory delay in darkness evoked a reorientation of variable errors, whereas in the light, the viewer-centered variability changed only in magnitude. Local distortion measurements revealed an anisotropic contraction of endpoint positions toward an "average" response along an axis that points between the eyes and the effector arm. This local contraction was present in both lighting conditions. The magnitude of the contraction remained constant for the two memory delays in the light but increased significantly for the longer delays in darkness. These data argue for the separate storage of distance and direction information within short-term memory, in a reference frame tied to the eyes and the effector arm.  相似文献   

Systematic effects of imagery on visual signal detection performance have been used to argue that imagery and the perceptual processing of stimuli interact at some common locus of activity (Farah, 1985). However, such a result is neutral with respect to the question of whether the interaction occurs during modality-specific visual processing of the stimulus. If imagery affects stimulus processing at early, modality-specific stages of stimulus representation, this implies that the shared stimulus representations are visual, whereas if imagery affects stimulus processing only at later, amodal stages of stimulus representation, this implies that imagery involves more abstract, postvisual stimulus representations. To distinguish between these 2 possibilities, we repeated the earlier imagery-perception interaction experiment while recording event-related potentials (ERPs) to stimuli from 16 scalp electrodes. By observing the time course and scalp distribution of the effect of imagery on the ERP to stimuli, we can put constraints on the locus of the shared representations for imagery and perception. An effect of imagery was seen within 200 ms following stimulus presentation, at the latency of the 1st negative component of the visual ERP, localized at the occipital and posterior temporal regions of the scalp, that is, directly over visual cortex. This finding supports the claim that mental images interact with percepts in the visual system proper and hence that mental images are themselves visual representations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In the owl monkey, microelectrode mapping of Brodmann's area 19 indicates that this region contains part or all of at least 5 separate representations of the visual field, each of which adjoins the anterior border of V II and collectively are termed the third tier of cortical visual areas (V I is the first tier; V II is the second tier). Described in detail in this report is one of the third tier areas which is located on the dorsal surface and the adjacent medial wall of the occipital lobe and corresponds to a densely myelinated zone of cortex. In this dorsomedial area (DM), the representation of the horizontal meridian is partially split, and thus, like V II (see ref. 4) and the dorsolateral crescent5, DM is a second order transformation of the visual hemifield. In one abnormal owl monkey, a portion of the upper quadrant was represented twice in DM. This abnormal case may provide some clues as to how the normal pattern of visuotopic organization is established in the developing brain.  相似文献   

Chronic experiments were carried out in waking rabbits. A single stimulation of the middle hypothalamus (the ventromedial, VMN, and the lateral, LN, nuclei) was shown to induce the phasic action on a formation of the primary response (PR) of the visual cortex (VC) to the testing light flash. At the first phase (1-43 ms for the VMN and 1-10 ms for the LN) the hypothalamic-cortical responses completely inhibited the formation of the VC response to the light stimulus. At the second phase (43-130 ms for the VMN and 10-150 ms for the LN) they selectively and rather significantly facilitated the formation of the positive PR component the negative one being suppressed. This suppression was stronger and longer during the stimulation of the VMN, than that of the LN (140 and 50 ms correspondingly). The data obtained suggested the existence of a highly organized apparatus of the phasic (both by the VMN and LN) control of the VC function being realized both by means of facilitatory axo-somatic mechanisms at the level of the basal dendrites of the layer IV cortical neurons, and by means of the inhibitory mechanisms at the level of the apical dendrites of the superficial cortical layers.  相似文献   

In this study, we had 3 major goals. The 1st goal was to establish a link between behavioral and event-related potential (ERP) measures of infant attention and recognition memory. To assess the distribution of infant visual preferences throughout ERP testing, we designed a new experimental procedure that embeds a behavioral measure (paired comparison trials) in the modified-oddball ERP procedure. The 2nd goal was to measure infant ERPs during the paired comparison trials. Independent component analysis (ICA) was used to identify and to remove eye-movement components from the electroencephalographic data, thus allowing for the analysis of ERP components during paired comparison trials. The 3rd goal was to localize the cortical sources of infant visual preferences. Equivalent current dipole analysis was performed on the ICA components related to experimental events. Infants who demonstrated novelty preferences in paired comparison trials demonstrated greater amplitude Negative central ERP components across tasks than infants who did not demonstrate novelty preferences. Visual preference also interacted with attention and stimulus type. The cortical sources of infant visual preferences were localized to inferior and superior prefrontal cortex and to the anterior cingulate cortex. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The presaccadic negativity (PSN) of the scalp EEG potential prior to self-initiated saccades aimed either at a visual target or at the remembered position of that target in total darkness was analysed in 10 normal subjects. Under both conditions a PSN with a negligible EOG contamination was found, showing 4 characteristics: (1) In both conditions, the PSN maximum is localized at the vertex, probably containing the activity of the supplementary motor area. (2) At an electrode placed over the frontal eye field (FEF) contralateral to the saccade direction, there is a temporary, circumscribed maximum prior to saccades to the visual target, thus probably reflecting activity of the FEF. (3) Prior to saccades to the visual target, there is a statistically significant interhemispheric difference of the PSN over the parietal cortex with a larger amplitude over the hemisphere contralateral to the saccade direction; this might be attributed to directed visual attention. (4) Prior to saccades without visual guidance in darkness there is a statistically significant interhemispheric difference of the PSN over the frontal cortex with a larger amplitude over the hemisphere contralateral to the saccade direction. The amplitude of the PSN decreased in the course of the experiment, probably due to psychological factors such as attention and motivation. Our results suggest that the PSN is a readiness potential preceding voluntary saccades, containing activity related both to unspecific psychological processes and to specific movement preparation in the frontal and parietal ocular motor areas.  相似文献   

Analyses of current-source-density (CSD) and multiple unit activity (MUA) in area 17 of the cat were performed to determine the sources of the cortical transcorneal electrically evoked response. Cortical field potential, CSD and MUA profiles were obtained with multi-electrodes. CSD findings include: current sinks (inward cell membrane current) within 20 ms latency, in layers 4 and 6 of the striate cortex; current sinks corresponding to N3 (negative component of the EER; latency, 35 ms) in layer 4 and lower layer 3 with current sources (outward cell membrane current) for N3 in the supragranular layers; current sinks with latency over 40 ms in the supragranular layers. In the layers 4 and 6, simultaneous MUA was seen. When the stimulus frequency was increased or with dual stimulation, the N3 current sinks were decreased. This indicates that N1 (latency, 9 ms) and N2 (latency, 20 ms) reflect near-field potentials in layers 4 and 6, generated by geniculocortical afferents, and that N3 is a post- and polysynaptic component. It is also suggested that dipoles composed of cell bodies and the apical dendrites of pyramidal cells of layer 3, generated by satellite cells in layer 4, play a major role in generating N3.  相似文献   

Two experiments with 16 university students examined visual search performance both by itself and in conjunction with concurrent, nonvisual activity to assess the involvement of attention in the array size effect. Short-term retention was the concurrent activity in Exp I, and changing stimulus-response mapping during search was the activity in Exp II. In both experiments reaction time increased with array size (4, 8, or 12 letters) and concurrent activity, but their effects were additive. Results are interpreted as confirming predictions derived from unlimited-capacity theories of visual search and are related to findings with similar procedures in the memory search paradigm. (French summary) (38 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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