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低品质余热回收利用热经济性分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
俞启云  胥建群 《节能》2009,28(9):15-18
回收低品质余热用于制冷,减少制冷机组所需的低压蒸汽,节省煤量,同时自备电厂供热机组供汽量减少,热电比减小,煤耗增加,两者的差值是余热利用后净节省煤量。通过计算发现,考虑余热回收利用对自备电厂的影响.回收制冷机组投资成本需3a的时间,而按以往计算只需1a,其两者数据结果偏差较大。因此,分析余热回收利用实际问题时,需考虑多方面因素对企业的影响。  相似文献   

Bioenergy produced from co-digestion of sewage sludge (SS) and rice straw (RS) as raw materials, without pretreatment and additional nutrients, was compared for the one-stage system for producing methane (CH4) and the two-stage system for combined production of hydrogen (H2) and CH4 in batch experiments under thermophilic conditions. In the first stage H2 fermentation process using untreated RS with raw SS, we obtained a high H2 yield (21 ml/g-VS) and stable H2 content (60.9%). Direct utilization of post-H2 fermentation residues readily produced biogas, and significantly enhanced the CH4 yield (266 ml/g-VS) with stable CH4 content (75–80%) during the second stage CH4 fermentation process. Overall, volatile solids removal (60.4%) and total bioenergy yield (8804 J/g-VS) for the two-stage system were 37.9% and 59.6% higher, respectively, than the one-stage system. The efficient production of bioenergy is believed to be due to a synergistically improved second stage process exploiting the well-digested post-H2 generation residues over the one-stage system.  相似文献   

This article evaluates whether the world can transition to a future global electricity system powered entirely by nuclear power plants, wind turbines, solar panels, geothermal facilities, hydroelectric stations, and biomass generators by 2030. It begins by explaining the scenario method employed for predicting future electricity generation, drawn mostly from tools used by the International Energy Agency. The article projects that the world would need to build about 7744 Gigawatts (GW) of installed electricity capacity by 2030 to provide 37.2 thousand terawatt‐hours (TWh). Synthesizing data from the primary literature, the article argues that meeting such a projection with nuclear and renewable power stations will be difficult. If constructed using commercially available and state‐of‐the‐art nuclear and renewable power stations today, the capital cost would exceed $40 trillion, anticipated negative externalities would exceed $1 trillion per year, and immense strain would be placed on land, water, material, and human resources. Even if nuclear and renewable power technologies were much improved, trillions of dollars of investment would still be needed, millions of hectares of land set aside, quadrillions of gallons of water used, and material supplies of aluminum, concrete, silicon, and steel heavily utilized or exhausted. Because of these constraints, the only true path towards a more sustainable electricity system appears to be reducing demand for electricity and consuming less of it. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Globally, electricity systems are going through transitions. The contributions from renewable energy‐based power generation, both in installed capacity and electricity generation, are moving from marginal to the mainstream. India is not an exception; it is aggressively pursuing this transition by fixing steep targets for renewable capacity additions. While the cost of renewable energy sources is expected to fast reach grid parity, the policy interventions play a critical role in ramping up the efforts to support the proposed investments in renewable capacity and renewable electricity generation. In this respect, this research attempts to analyze the effectiveness of renewable energy policies such as Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) and Renewable Energy Certificate mechanisms in tapping the renewable energy potential in India. We propose a mixed‐integer linear programming model‐based approach to evaluate the effectiveness of the above interventions in the Indian context. The model is developed and validated as a low carbon electricity planning tool to optimally meet the dynamic electricity demand and RPO targets as well as to manage the unmet total electricity demand and RPO targets. The Karnataka state electricity system (a state in south India) is chosen as a case study. The results suggest that Karnataka Electricity System is moving toward a sustainable renewable energy future even without any support from nonsolar Renewable Energy Certificate policy. However, policy interventions are critical for optimally utilizing the solar generation capacity.  相似文献   

Palm oil is one of the most important oils in the world and huge amounts of palm biomass wastes are generated through palm oil extracting process which could endanger the environment. Meanwhile, electricity shortage is getting worse due to lack of fossil fuel. To convert biomasses from palm oil industry for power generation is a beneficial approach for both power shortage and environmental degradation. In order to investigate and optimize the generation process of power and heat from the waste biomass in palm oil industry, an analytic study of a combined heat and power plant in a palm oil mill fuelled with sustainable and renewable biomass wastes was conducted using ECLIPSE software through a case study in Malaysia. The resources of the biomass wastes in the mill were identified and the samples were collected on site. The waste samples were analysed in laboratory and their calorific value, chemical composition and biomethane potential were found. A simulation model was then set up using ECLIPSE software and the model was validated using the practical data of the CHP plant. Three different combinations of the biomass wastes, including EFB and Shell as fuel for power generation, MF co-firing with Biogas, and power generation using KS, EFB and Biogas with preheaters, were used in the simulation. It was found that all of the three combinations were able to produce enough electrical power and heat (steam) to meet the power and heat demand for the production process. The simulation results indicated that the palm solid biomass wastes and the biogas produced by mill effluent were able to provide enough sustainable and renewable fuel for the palm oil production process; and it is possible to provide extra electricity for the nearby area, which is one of the best option for utilization of palm oil biomass wastes.  相似文献   

3MW集中式热电肥联产沼气工程设计与建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
山东民和牧业股份有限公司利用所属23家养殖场的鸡粪和污水作为沼气发酵原料,投资建设大型畜禽养殖场集中式沼气发电工程.原料经水解除砂工艺将鸡粪中的砂砾除去,保证发酵效率;采用中温(38 ℃)发酵工艺,产沼气30 000 m3/d;采用高效率低运行成本的生物脱硫工艺,将沼气中的H2S含量降至200×10-6以下;经净化的沼气在双膜干式贮气柜中贮存,供给热电联产的发电机组使用.发电量60 000 kWh/d,机组余热用于冬季发酵系统自身增温;发酵后的沼液用作周围葡萄、苹果及玉米地的有机肥料.项目实现了温室气体减排84882tCO2当量.文章介绍了该沼气发电工程的工艺特点和技术要点,为同类型沼气发电工程设计和建设提供参考.  相似文献   

通过搭建小型实验平台,对基于燃气内燃机的热电联产系统在不同燃料下的机组性能和系统性能进行了探究。通过测得的发电功率和燃气流量计算出燃气发电机在不同负荷下的发电效率和燃烧功率,进而计算出不同燃料下热电联产系统的系统总效率并加以比较。试验结果表明,燃气内燃机组的发电效率和系统总效率随着电负荷的增大而增大;使用沼气作为燃料时,系统总效率最高可达到46.96%,高于使用液化石油气作为燃料时的系统总效率;用电负荷是影响系统各种效率的主要因素之一。  相似文献   

合理利用垃圾资源进行热电联产,是节能减排、改善环境的有力措施。以某2×750 t·d-1垃圾焚烧电厂为例,通过模型研究发现热电联产可以减少垃圾焚烧电厂的冷源损失,提高全厂热效率;利用一抽蒸汽进行热电联产可实现蒸汽品质的梯级利用,获得较高的经济效益;供热量为30 t·h-1,垃圾热值由4185.9 kJ·kg-1增加至8371.7 kJ·kg-1时,发电量越多,供热能力越强,年热电联产经济效益由7822.76万元增加到14641.07万元;垃圾热值为8371.7 kJ·kg-1,供热量从10 t·h-1增加到60 t·h-1时,垃圾焚烧电厂热效率从28.96%增加到48.50%,年经济效益从13602.74万元增加到15455.66万元。当该地区垃圾热值较高并具备供热条件时,实现垃圾热电联产具有较高的收益。  相似文献   

In the present study, pre-treated paper mill sludge (PMS) was evaluated extensively as a substrate for production of acetone-butanol-ethanol using Clostridium sporogenes NCIM 2337. The PMS was subjected to three types of pre-treatment methods namely alkali, mechanical, and thermal treatment and was analyzed by SEM. The pre-treatment of PMS by alkali was observed to be more effective over the other pre-treatment methods. The alkali pre-treated sludge was then made to undergo fermentation, which showed the conventional process of acidogenesis followed by solventogenesis. The acetone, butanol, and ethanol concentration for 15% alkali pre-treated PMS was estimated to be maximum.  相似文献   

Both energy supply and waste treatment give rise to negative effects on the environment, so-called external effects. In this study, monetary values on external costs collected from the EU′s ExternE project are used to evaluate inclusion of these costs in comparison with an energy utility perspective including present policy instruments. The studied object is a municipal district heating system with a waste incineration plant as the base supplier of heat. The evaluation concerns fuels used for heat production and total electricity production, for scenarios with external costs included and for a scenario using the present policy instrument.  相似文献   

氢能已纳入我国能源发展战略。绿氢作为一种绿色二次能源,能够助推实现“双碳”目标。氢气制备和储运是氢能产业链的关键环节。重点阐述了电解水制绿氢和氢能储运的技术类型与发展现状,并对其应用前景和发展趋势进行了分析;提出氢气生产成本和储运方式是限制氢大规模部署的主要技术瓶颈;最后为传统电力企业进入绿氢制备和储运产业提供了一些思考和建议。  相似文献   

Hydrogen is a kind of clean effective resource. Sewage sludge is regarded as a promising material for hydrogen production because it owns a wide range of sources and the methods are consistent with the goal of sustainable development. This work reviews existing hydrogen production technologies from sewage sludge, including photo-fermentation, dark-fermentation, sequential dark- and photo-fermentation, pyrolysis, gasification, and supercritical water gasification (SCWG). Overall comparison for the involving approaches is conducted based on their inherent features and current development status along with the technical and environmental aspect. Results show that sequential dark- and photo-fermentation and pyrolysis have improved hydrogen yields, but the emissions of carbon dioxide are also remarkable. Biological processes have an advantage in cost, but the reaction rates are inferior to those of thermochemical method. Enhancing methods and improvements are proposed to guide future research on hydrogen production from sewage sludge and promote the effectiveness both technically and economically.  相似文献   

Fuel poverty is most prevalent in North East England with 14.4% of fuel poor households in Newcastle upon Tyne. The aim of this paper was to identify a grid connected renewable energy system coupled with natural gas reciprocating combined heat and power unit, that is cost-effective and technically feasible with a potential to generate a profit from selling energy excess to the grid to help alleviate fuel poverty. The system was also aimed at low carbon emissions. Fourteen models were designed and optimized with the aid of the HOMER Pro software. Models were compared with respect to their economic, technical, and environmental performance. A solution was proposed where restrictions were placed on the size of renewable energy components. This configuration consists of 150 kW CHP, 300 kW PV cells, and 30 kW wind turbines. The renewable fraction is 5.10% and the system yields a carbon saving of 7.9% in comparison with conventional systems. The initial capital investment is $1.24 million which enables the system to have grid sales of 582689 kWh/a. A conservative calculation determined that 40% of the sales can be used to reduce the energy cost of fuel poor households by $706 per annum. This solution has the potential to eliminate fuel poverty at the site analyzed.  相似文献   

This research provides a perspective on sludge-to-energy using sewage sludge (SS) and industrial wastewater sludge (IS) co-gasification in a pilot-scale fluidized bed gasifier with temperature controlled at (600–800 °C) using IS addition ratio (0%–60%), and steam-to-biomass ratio (S/B) (0–1.0). The experimental results show that the increase in thermal reaction activity occurred in concordance with the increase in the IS addition. The explanation for such phenomena is that relatively high catalytic Fe/Mn content in industrial wastewater sludge could lower the activation energy. Hydrogen production was increased from 9.1% to 11.94% with an increase in industrial wastewater sludge ratios from 0% to 60%. The produced gas heating value ranged from 4.84 MJ/Nm3 to 5.11 MJ/Nm3, which was coupled with the cold gas efficiency (CGE) ranging from 33.91% to 36.15%. Enhanced hydrogen production in sewage sludge and industrial wastewater sludge co-gasification is investigated in this study.  相似文献   

针对综合能源系统内的燃气多联供展开稳态建模研究,结合成本模型及收益模型开展机组经济性分析。选取GE公司6F.03燃机,研究了燃气多联供机组的供热功率及供电功率耦合关系,开展了包含天然气价格、蒸汽销售价格、蒸汽抽取量、年利用小时数和上网电价在内的多因素敏感性分析。结果表明:通过外供蒸汽流量调节,可满足不同供热及供电功率需求,当外供20 t/h蒸汽时,可提供16.17 MW的供热功率及109 MW供电功率;天然气价格敏感性分析表明,要实现低于10年的投资回收期,应将天然气价格控制在3.25元/m~3以内;增大蒸汽供应量能够提高机组的经济性;上网电价的敏感性最为显著,当低于0.5元/(kW·h),投资回收期会超过24年,但当上网电价达到0.7元/(kW·h),投资回收期可降低至5年。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the energy production and economics of a large‐scale biomass‐based combined heat and power (CHP) plant. An activity‐based costing model was developed for estimating the production costs of the heat and power of the bio‐CHP. A 100 MW plant (58 MW heat, 29 MW electricity) was used as reference. The production process was divided into four stages: fuel handling, fluidized bed boiler, turbine plant, and flue gas cleaning. The boiler accounted for close to 50% of the production costs. The interest rates and the utilization rate of the CHP had a significant effect on the profitability. We found that below 4000–4500 h per year utilization, the electricity production turned unprofitable. However, the heat production remained profitable with high interest rate (10%) and a low utilization rate (4000 h). The profitability also depended on the type of biomass used. We found that, e.g. with moderate interest rates and high utilization rate of the plant, the bio‐CHP plant could afford wood and Reed canary grass as fuel sources. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydrogen was produced from primary sewage biosolids via mesophilic anaerobic fermentation in a continuously fed bioreactor. Prior to fermentation the sewage biosolids were heated to 70 °C for 1 h to inactivate methanogens and during fermentation a cellulose degrading enzyme was added to improve substrate availability. Hydraulic retention times (HRT) of 18, 24, 36 and 48 h were evaluated for the duration of hydrogen production. Without sparging a hydraulic retention time of 24 h resulted in the longest period of hydrogen production (3 days), during which a hydrogen yield of 21.9 L H2 kg−1 VS added to the bioreactor was achieved. Methods of preventing the decline of hydrogen production during continuous fermentation were evaluated. Of the techniques evaluated using nitrogen gas to sparge the bioreactor contents proved to be more effective than flushing just the headspace of the bioreactor. Sparging at 0.06 L L min−1 successfully prevented a decline in hydrogen production and resulted in a yield of 27.0  L H2 kg−1 VS added, over a period of greater than 12 days or 12 HRT. The use of sparging also delayed the build up of acetic acid in the bioreactor, suggesting that it serves to inhibit homoacetogenesis and thus maintain hydrogen production.  相似文献   

In this article, a new stand‐alone Cu‐Cl cycle system (SACuCl) for trigeneration of electricity, hydrogen, and oxygen using a combination of a specific combined heat and power (CHP) unit and a 2‐step Cu‐Cl cycle using a CuCl/HCl electrolyzer is presented. Based on the self‐heat recuperation technology for the CHP unit and the heat integration of the Cu‐Cl cycle unit, the power efficiency of the SACuCl for 5 prescribed scenarios (case studies) is predicted to achieve about 48% at least. The SACuCl uses the technologies of the dry reforming of methane and the oxy‐fuel combustion to achieve a relatively high CO2 concentration in the flue gas, and CO2 emissions for power generation could be almost restricted by 0.418 kg/kWh. From the aspect of the electricity required for hydrogen production, it is verified that the 2‐step Cu‐Cl cycle system is superior to the conventional water electrolyzer because the CHP process supplies the heat/electricity for Cu‐Cl thermochemical reactions and a thermoelectric generator is connected to the exhaust gas for recovering the power consumption from the compressor and the CuCl/HCl electrolyzer. Finally, the heat exchanger network and the pinch technology are employed to determine the optimum heat recovery of the Cu‐Cl cycle. In case 5 analyzed for the SACuCl, the electricity required for the heat‐integrated 2‐step Cu‐Cl cycle is predicted to dramatically decrease from 4.39 to 0.452 kWh/m3 H2 and the cycle energy efficiency could be obviously increased from 23.77 to 31.97%.  相似文献   

The catalytic mechanism of red mud (RM) on the pyrolysis of sewage sludge was investigated. The thermogravimetric data were used to study the kinetic characteristics by using a discrete distributed activation energy model (DAEM) to clarify the effects of three main components (Fe2O3, Al2O3, SiO2) in the RM on the pyrolysis of organic matters in sewage sludge. The modeling results showed that the pyrolysis of organic matters, especially at the higher temperature stage, was promoted by Fe2O3 and Al2O3 in the RM. Adding Fe2O3 or the RM alone could reduce the mean activation energy of sewage sludge pyrolysis by 13.9 and 20.1 kJ mol?1, respectively. The modeling results were validated by pyrolysis experiments of raw sludge with different additives at 600, 700, 800, and 900 °C. The experimental results showed that the addition of Al2O3, Fe2O3 or the RM could produce more gas than the addition of SiO2, especially at high temperatures. Fe2O3 and Al2O3 acted as catalysts in the tar decomposition by in-situ catalyzing the cracking of CC and CH bonds to produce more gases. Especially, Fe2O3 and Al2O3 increased the H2 yield from sewage sludge pyrolysis at 700, 800, and 900 °C by 268.5 and 50.7%, 111.1 and 56.0%, 10.9 and 10.3%, respectively. The char obtained from pyrolysis of sewage sludge with the RM possessed magnetic property, which has various potential applications. The research indicates that the RM is an efficient catalyst in the pyrolysis of sewage sludge.  相似文献   

Short rotation coppice (SRC) seems attractive as an energy crop on degraded land. Gasification and flash pyrolysis are promising technologies for the conversion of SRC into energy or chemicals. A model has been developed to calculate the net present value (NPV) of the cash flows generated by an investment in gasification or flash pyrolysis of SRC for the production of electricity or for combined heat and power production. The NPV has been calculated and compared for (combined heat and) power stations with an electrical capacity (Pe) between 5 MW and 20 MW. Furthermore the minimal amount of heat that has to be sold to make combined heat and power production more profitable than pure electricity production has been determined. By performing Monte Carlo simulations, key variables that influence the NPV have been identified.In the case of small scale SRC conversion, i.e. at an electrical capacity of 5 MW-10 MW, flash pyrolysis is more profitable than gasification. At the smallest scale of 5 MW it is necessary to invest in combined heat and power production, as the sole production of electricity is not profitable at this low scale. At an electrical capacity of 10 MW flash pyrolysis for the sole production of electricity becomes profitable, but gasification for electricity production is still not viable. At this capacity however, the extra investments required in the case of combined heat and power production are already paid back if only 25% of the produced heat can be sold. At a higher capacity of 20 MW, the technology choice becomes unclear taking into account the most uncertain variables, i.e. investment cost parameters and energetic efficiencies.  相似文献   

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