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Modeling and design of arrayed waveguide gratings   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, a simple but comprehensive and powerful arrayed-waveguide grating (AWG) field model is presented which, based on Fourier optics, borrows some principles of that developed by Takeouchi and coworkers [see, Opt. Express, vol. 6, p. 124, 2000] for the analysis of reflective-type AWGs for optical signal processing, but at the same time adds more features, such as the calculation of device losses and the refinement of the mathematical model to obtain a simple expression for the output field for any input-output waveguide configuration where the meaning of the different high-level parameters of the AWG becomes very clear to the reader. Second, we elaborate on the model developed to present an useful design procedure of the AWG based on two steps illustrated by design flowcharts  相似文献   

Modeling the bending of probes used in semiconductor industry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An analytical model for the bending of probes used in the semiconductor industry is presented. It is shown that tip sliding distance is twice as large as was previously believed. This difference is shown to be caused by the beam curvature, which increases the angle between the tip and the vertical and pushes the tip forward. The model uses the probe shape and the material elastic properties to estimate the beam curvature. Tip sliding distance, force, and tip angle variance are calculated as functions of beam dimensions and overdrive. The model is in agreement with sliding distance measured by scanning electron microscopy  相似文献   

范滇元  杨义  姜子龙 《中国激光》1983,10(10):714-718
给出了磁光隔离器的最佳化设计方法并编成计算机程序。研制成功φ120毫米口径的隔离器,实验和理论计算值相符,误差小于2%。  相似文献   

为了降低光波导中的弯曲损耗,从理论上分析了光波导的弯曲损耗、过渡损耗产生的根源,并以此为依据推导出符合弯曲、过渡低损耗的5次,6次,7次,8次和9次幂函数表达式。由MATLAB和MAPLE工具软件计算可知,9次幂函数的图形曲线最圆滑,当取h=125μm,L=800μm(高分支比)时其弯曲损耗可以减小到4.57dB,与传统常用的余弦函数和反正弦函数进行比较,在相同条件下弯曲损耗有了明显的降低。结果表明,所设计的1×4光功分器优化路线,传输性能优良,分配均匀。这为以后Y分支光波导的制作有很好的指导意义。  相似文献   

基于有效折射率法建立了窄脊型波导数值计算模型,通过实验研究了InGaAs量子阱窄脊型波导半导体激光器偏振特性与横模之间的关系。根据理论计算,脊型波导中类TM模式在慢轴方向的有效折射率差更大,类TM模式的限制因子比类TE模式的限制因子更大、更容易出现慢轴高阶模式;而随着脊型波导的高度增加,快轴高阶模式被截断,类TE00模式的限制因子逐渐增加至与类TM00模式相近,慢轴高阶模式因其大的散射损耗被抑制,理论上可实现高偏振度、高光束质量激光输出。在实验方面,利用量子阱材料的增益偏振特性,通过脊型高度与宽度的设计,制备了高偏振度、基横模的窄脊型波导半导体激光器。  相似文献   

Burke  S.V. 《Electronics letters》1992,28(25):2280-2282
A highly accurate method for rib/ridge waveguides, first put forward for real refractive indices, is extended to structures incorporating gain and loss. The technique is demonstrated by the design of a coupler device with metal-capped ribs, in terms of the fully two-dimensional supermodes.<>  相似文献   

把具有各向异性的耦合棱镜和具有电光效应的晶体材料引入到双面金属包覆波导结构中,让两种偏振态的TE和TM以相同的入射角入射,实现不同偏振光束的空间分离;同时通过电控改变波导的参数,进而实现输出光束偏振态的调谐。  相似文献   

Transmission and reflection characteristics and wavelength chirping of a guided mode in a semiconductor intersectional optical switch-modulator are analyzed by considering the electric field-induced refractive index variation along with the absorption loss variation. The refractive index and absorption ratio, α¯p, is shown to determine the performance of the switch-modulator. A transmission port is suitable for a modulation with a high extinction ratio, low insertion loss, and small wavelength chirping. The insertion loss at the reflection port depends heavily on α¯p. A low insertion loss and high extinction ratio intersectional optical switch is possible when -α¯p is higher than 10, which can be realized with a quantum box structure  相似文献   

利用基片集成波导与传统矩形波导的等效关系,类比矩形波导滤波器理论设计方法,结合三维电磁仿真软件模拟和优化技术,快速设计了K波段基片集成波导带通滤波器。实物测试结果显示滤波器的中心频率为19.75GHz,相对带宽6%,通带内插入损耗为1 dB,带内反射系数小于–14 dB,体积小于6 cm×2 cm×1 cm。相比传统波导形式滤波器,本设计为平面结构,体积小、易于系统集成。  相似文献   

Traditional cloak and rotator are obtained from mapping in single direction, either radial or tangential direction. However, this article proposed several novel structures obtained from mapping along multidirection, all of above designs are based on coordinate transformation theory. Those structures include "rotational cloak", "rota-tional concentrator", and so on, which are different from traditional structures. This paper discusses the optical properties of these novel structures; moreover, we have investigated the effects of various parameters on their properties, such as virtual radius and initial angle. Also,some interesting conclusions are drawn: 1) the energy convergent capability increases with virtual radius; 2) rotational angle of power flow direction depends on the value of initial angle and the location of optical source; 3) the permittivity and permeability of transformed material may be negative when virtual radius a greater than outer radius b, it is our well-known left-handed material.  相似文献   

A dynamic distributed diffusion-drift model of laser heterostructures, which takes into account carrier capture by quantum wells, is developed. The leakage currents in the lasing mode are calculated for different laser structures without wide-gap emitters: InGaAs/GaAs (lasing wavelength λ = 0.98 μm), InGaAsP/InP (λ = 1.3 μm), and InGaAs/InP (λ = 1.55 μm). It is shown that consideration of the finite carrier-capture time is of major importance for calculating structures with deep quantum wells. The ratio of the leakage currents to the total current in the structures with deep quantum wells (InGaAsP/InP and InGaAs/InP) increases with an increase in the injection current and may reach a few percent when the lasing threshold is multiply exceeded.  相似文献   

基于方形开口环与金属棒组合的超材料结构,提出一种新型透射式太赫兹偏振转换器件。研究了基本结构单元的不同组合方式对偏振转换特性的影响,并通过优化结构单元的相关参数,提高了偏振转换功能的工作带宽。最终在0.45~1.30 THz范围内实现了高效的X-Y方向交叉极化偏振转换,有望用于集成化太赫兹偏振转换器件的研究和应用中。  相似文献   

陈国  赵长明  纪荣祎  李鲲  罗雄  白羽 《激光技术》2012,36(3):318-321
为了压缩905nm的半导体激光,以用于远程测距,采用几何光路原理,设计了由两个相互垂直的椭圆柱面透镜组成的准直系统,并在ZEMAX软件的非序列模式下实现仿真。半导体激光器快慢轴的初始发散角为30°和15°,经过柱面透镜后,半导体激光器两个方向的发散角都大大压缩;经准直后,激光束的快慢轴发散角分别为4.4mrad和3.6mrad,基本满足了远程测距的要求。结果表明,椭圆面柱透镜对半导体激光有很好的准直作用。  相似文献   

半导体光放大器(SOA)非线性偏振旋转效应的光开关具有开关速度快、易集成等优点,其开关操作可以通过改变注入SOA中的电流而获得。这种偏振光开关的性能主要受注入光功率与控制电流的大小范围来决定。基于SOA中的偏振主态的概念,分析了非线性偏振旋转效应与控制电流的关系,并对不同功率的注入光进行了偏振旋转实验,分别实现了偏振光开关的操作。实验结果表明:随着注入光功率的增加可以提高光开关的分光比,有效改进光开关的性能。当注入光为5 dBm时,光开关的分光比与消光比均可达到30 dB。  相似文献   

谢岩磊  赵全明  徐艳艳  陈洁 《电子设计工程》2011,19(24):111-112,116
通过对基本粒子群算法的原理介绍及波导缝隙天线的基本原理分析,以“电流分布逼近”作为目标函数.将基本粒子群算法引入到波导缝隙天线的设计优化中,通过HFSS软件和Matlab软件相结合的仿真方法取得了比较理想的仿真结果,证明了算法引入的可行性。  相似文献   

提出了一种新颖的基于金属脊-三角形半导体的混合表面等离子体波导结构,基于有限元法对该波导结构进行了数值仿真和分析。主要研究了该结构的电场分布、传输长度、归一化模场面积和质量因数。结果表明:在工作波长为1550nm时,通过优化参数,其有效模场面积达到0.00193,传输长度为37.7um,质量因数为4853,该结构具有较低的损耗。与金属平板混合波导结构相比,本文设计的结构具有更大的质量因数,更强的光场限制能力,波导的综合性能更好。这种波导结构在微纳米光子学、光电子通讯和光信息存储等领域具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

We demonstrate novel optical signal processing functions based on self-induced nonlinear polarization rotation in a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA). Numerical and experimental results are presented, which demonstrate that a nonlinear polarization switch can be employed to achieve all-optical logic. We demonstrate an all-optical header processing system, an all-optical seed pulse generator for packet synchronization, and an all-optical arbiter that can be employed for optical buffering at a bit rate of 10 Gb/s. Experimental results indicate that optical signal processing functions based on self-polarization rotation have a higher extinction ratio and a lower power operation compared with similar functions based on self-phase modulation.  相似文献   

Directional couplers are successfully fabricated on acrylic substrates using polymers synthesised from deuterated methacrylate and deuterated fluoromethacrylate monomers. The excess loss of a 50 mm long coupler is about 0.7 dB including waveguide and fibre coupling losses. A novel method is proposed for tuning the coupling ratio. By bending the coupler, high precision control of within 1% is attained without optical polarisation dependence.<>  相似文献   

We have fabricated GaP-AlGaP tapered waveguide semiconductor Raman amplifiers, and analyzed the effect of tapering in pulse-pumped high-gain operation. The finesse measurement and 80-ps pulse pumped Raman amplification experiment were performed. Although the tapering has caused additional optical loss, the highest gain of 23 dB has been obtained for a tapered waveguide with input facet of 6.0 /spl mu/m/sup 2/ and back facet of 2.9 /spl mu/m/sup 2/ at averaged input power of 170 mW (peak power 26 W). It is shown that the optical loss of the pump light is more severe than the linear optical loss of the signal light when the gain is higher than 20 dB.  相似文献   

半导体光放大器的增益特性和偏振特性   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了半导体光放大器的两个重要特性:增益特性和偏振特性。增益特性中,描述了放大器中增益调制现象和增益饱和现象,并介绍了提高半导体光放大器增益的方法。偏振特性中,分析了半导体光放大器增益偏振敏感产生的原因,并列举了低偏振敏感度放大器的实现方法。最后报道了近几年才被注意的半导体光放大器相位偏振敏感特性。  相似文献   

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