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质量管理贯穿于建设工程全过程,涉及所有参与建设的各方人员,通过主要介绍监理人员对建设工程施工质量控制的方法和措施,以期与监理同行探讨交流。  相似文献   

解释了建设工程质量检测中见证取样的概念,介绍了见证取样的目的、作用以及范围,论述了见证取样人员的工作要求和职责,并针对见证取样工作中存在的问题,提出了解决措施,有利于提高建设工程的质量检测水平。  相似文献   

安全监理工作是国家赋予监理人员的重要责任,对遏制安全事故的发生起到很大的作用。文章就项目监理部如何在建设工程中做好安全监理工作提出了自己看法。  相似文献   

王阳军 《四川建筑》2012,32(3):310-311
通过从检测工作的前期准备及影响检测工作的因素进行了分析,对如何做好建设工程中的检测工作进行分析,谈了一些看法与建议,与各位同仁共勉。  相似文献   

赵峰 《山西建筑》2009,35(29):196-197
通过对建设工程质量见证取样送检检测的概述,研究了见证取样送检检测的范围、工作程序及作用,同时对见证取样送检检测工作提出几点建议,通过检测方法的实施,收到了良好的效果。  相似文献   

真实可靠的试样检测数据,是判定工程质量的重要依据,要保证试样具有代表性、真实性,准确反映工程实体质量,确保工程结构安全,关键是要做好建设工程质量检测见证取样送样工作。  相似文献   

王慧 《山西建筑》2011,37(22):220-221
结合工作经验,针对目前建设工程监理现状,就如何做好建设工程安全监理工作进行了论述,分别从七个方面作了说明,从而确保工程建设的安全性,推动建筑工程监理行业的健康发展。  相似文献   

工程建设监理中,监理的对象不是工程本身,而是建设活动中有关单位的行为及其权利义务的履行,是一项科学的管理制度,其主要任务是协助建设单位进行项目可行性研究,优化设计方案,优选设计单位、施工单位和设备供应商,审查设计文件,控制建设投资、建设工期和工程质量,监督管理建设工程合同的履行,协调建设单位与工程建设有关各方的工作关系等。  相似文献   

刘勇  芦红 《安徽建筑》2000,(5):60-61
检测试验单位要保证检测试验质量就必须进行质量管理,质量管理必须依靠质量体系,质量手册的编制是质量体系的重点,也是保证检测试验质量的关键,它是检测试验单位以正式的文件形式对质量体系的详细阐述。参照 ISO/IEC导则 49《编制检验实验室质量手册指南》及目前建设工程中  相似文献   

依据当前建设工程现状,就建设工程见证取样送检中存在的问题进行了探讨,并提出了对策和建议.  相似文献   

在追求理想世界中,心是疲惫的.每个人都会有渴望属于自己的一个家.一个避风港。 简·意·雅的感受渗透于整个空间每个细节中.统一采用天然蒂娜米黄石板.冷色调的家具。工整和谐,由此传达审美意境的理念让户型布局分明.大气舒适。  相似文献   

根据建设部的有关规定,叙述建筑材料见证取样和送检工作的必要性、范围、工作程序,见证人员的基本要求和职责以及对见证取样和送检工作的控制。  相似文献   

李荣炜 《工程质量》2015,(4):76-78,86
建筑材料质量是影响工程质量的主要因素之一,实施建筑材料见证取样送检工作是控制建筑材料质量的有效措施。论文分析了我国建筑材料见证取样送检工作中存在的问题,提出了改进此项工作的十大制度,从根本上保障建设工程中建筑材料质量。  相似文献   

针对见证取样对确保工程建设质量水平的重要性,概述了上海在国内率先开展的园林绿化工程土壤见证取样制度运行的情况。结合当前我国园林绿化投入剧增的现状,见证取样对提高园林绿化工程质量有积极作用,就园林绿化工程见证取样制度运行提出了预留检测费用、完善配套的法律法规和标准体系以及建立与园林绿化特点相适宜的管理对策。  相似文献   

为贯彻落实《房屋建筑和市政基础设施工程质量监督管理规定》(中华人民共和国住房与城乡建设部令第5号)及住房城乡建设部"《工程质量治理两年行动方案》的通知"(建市[2014]130号)文件要求,结合云南省施工现场见证取样现状,对见证取样使用互联网+理念与唯一性标识技术进行了系统研究并在玉溪市进行了试点实践,从实践过程中总结分析了见证取样过程存在的主要问题并提出了技术解决方案。  相似文献   

Sample disturbance caused by difference in sampling tube geometry was evaluated by two nondestructive methods: the measurement of the residual effective stress (pr') by ceramic disc; and the use of the bender element to ascertain the shear wave velocity (Vs), and thus the maximum shear modulus (GBE). Samples were measured under atmosphere, i.e., not under confined stress conditions. The soil samples were obtained from two sources: reconstituted Kasaoka clay prepared in the laboratory, and at the test site at Takuhoku, Hokkaido, Japan. Samplers with different geometrical designs, referring to the Japanese standard stationary piston sampler, were used for the model ground and field sampling. The geometrical effects of the sampling tube, for example, the thickness of the tube wall, the edge angle, and the existence of a piston were carefully examined. The quality of the samples taken with different samplers was evaluated by pr' and GBE, values which were normalized by the in situ vertical effective stress (σ'vo) and Gf measured by the seismic cone test in the field. It was found from these studies that pr'/σ'vo and GBE/Gf vary considerably due to the geometry of the sampler, with the edge angle of sampling tubes being the most important feature in obtaining high quality samples. The wall thickness, and thus, the area ratio of the sampler is not critical to the sample quality if the edge angle is sharp enough. The existence of the piston does not significantly influence the sample quality in field samples. Furthermore, the correlation between GBE and pr' was also investigated, and it was found that the two parameters are strongly dependent.  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2002,42(5):111-120
In this paper, sample recovery ratios, fluid pressure and sampler penetration resistance in tube sampling are discussed. The samplers were taken by two types of hydraulic piston samplers, one a two-chambered sampler with inner diameters of 45 mm and 50 mm, and the second a one-chambered sampler having a 70 mm diameter. The second type is the one commonly used in Japan and which was also used at the Meike Elementary School, the JGS-1989 investigation site. These samplers are here after referred to as the 45D, 50D and 70S samplers. The mean value of the sample recovery ratios from the 45D and 50D samplers was 93% greater than that of the 70S sampler. This value remained independent of the sands having N = 3 ̴ 54 from the standard penetration test. Guidelines for estimating the pump fluid pressure for tube sampling of sand, sampler and drilling equipment penetration resistance forces and the relationship between the sample recovery ratios and the drilling mud densities, etc., were established for Niigata sand. The end results contribute to a safer and more reliable sampling method.  相似文献   

The ability to compute multinormal integrals to any required accuracy is a key issue for an efficient computation of failure probabilities, particular important in context with system reliability analysis. Hence in this paper, an accurate Importance Sampling procedure to compute multinormal integrals in high dimensions is presented. The novel method allows to sample exclusively in the failure domain which substantially increases the efficiency of the Importance Sampling procedure. The proposed approach is extended for slightly non-linear limit state functions which typically result from non-Gaussian distributed input variables and linear limit state functions of the response in linear structural analysis.The suggested procedure is easy to implement, accurate and convenient for practical applications.  相似文献   

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