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本文主要介绍了国有大中型企业在实现ERP的过程中,为适应ERP使用者的实际需要,而对其备品备件管理方面的不足之处进行的完善与补充的必要性,并对其解决方案进行了简要地介绍。  相似文献   

本以某化工集团备品备件管理系统的开发和具体实施为例,研究如何应用J2EE框架来设计实现多层B/S结构的备品备件管理系统,探讨了这种架构及实现方式在同类系统开发应用中的优势,同时较深入地研究了采用Java技术独立开发数据持久层组件-DBObject映射编程框架的设计机理。  相似文献   

介绍了在当前高校教育教学改革发展过程中,利用现代电子技术结合人工智能技术开发一个电子元器件智能管理平台,实现电子元器件的采购申请、采购入库、领用申请、审批申请、领用出库、库存查询等进行信息化管理,解决电子信息类专业教师课堂教学和学生课外实践发展需求上的问题,提高电子元器件管理效率和效果,减少工作量。  相似文献   

本文介绍了智能遥控卡的硬件设计以及驱动程序、应用程序流程,该卡利用红外遥控和电话技术对电视、音响等设备进行集中控制,从而使电视、音响等设备组成一个较完整的多媒体系统。  相似文献   

文章根据某农用塑料生产企业的实际生产现状、作业流程、产品信息以及用户需求进行整体规划和定制开发。运用自动化技术为企业量身打造针对节水滴灌带输送、包装、分拣、码垛的智能生产线,可适应多品规、中小批量产品混线生产的特点。该生产线投运后可实现产品的自动输送、自动扫码、自动称重、自动打码贴标、自动抽样检测、自动上下料、自动包装、自动分拣、自动码垛以及不合格剔除等。该生产线的设计方案在行业内属首创,项目投产后具有很好的应用价值,并可为类似智能生产线的建设提供技术参考。  相似文献   

随着市场竞争的加剧,客户资源的争夺将是企业获得生存和发展的一个重要因素。鉴于当前企业产品同质化及竞争扁平化趋势,企业使用BI这种数字化定制经济模式可以使CRM取得较高的投资回报,成为企业获得竞争优势的关键武器。  相似文献   

智能巡检系统的开发与在生产管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为保证企业生产安全,提高管理效率,介绍了一种集智能控制及通信于一体的智能化岗位巡检管理系统。该系统的使用是由巡检人员手持数据采集器进行岗位巡检并采集安装在现场的标识器中的信息,巡检归来时将采集器中的信息输入岗位显示通信器中,之后利用遥控器可做漏检查询。利用联机系统与管理软件可对巡检记录进行检查生成报表文件,通过计算机局域网进行调阅。这种系统在广州石化、黄浦油库等企业得到广泛应用,为企业节省了大量人力物力,保证了生产的安全可靠进行,达到了巡检管理的科学化与规范化,取得了良好效果。  相似文献   

介绍了一种预付费燃气智能管理系统的软硬件设计和具体实现.IC卡是目前应用较为广泛的应用于电子票据的一种智能卡.系统采用了逻辑加密存储卡SLE4442作为传递信息的媒介,通过卡表管理系统将用户的购气等信息写入卡中,然后通过PIC16F877单片机作为控制核心,读取卡内信息并根据该信息来智能控制燃气阀门.该系统只要稍加修改就可以应用于各种小额的收费管理系统中.  相似文献   

本文介绍了多媒体智能遥控卡的硬件设计以及驱动程序,应用程序流程,该卡利用红外遥控和电话技术对多媒体设备进行集中控制,从而使多媒体系统成为一个整体。  相似文献   

21世纪以来计算机网络、人工智能、大数据等先进科技都有了很大的飞跃,他们的发展也带动了电子信息工程的变革。自动化、智能化、科学化已经成为当今时代的发展潮流,因此企业要不断地完善电子信息工程技术,帮助电子信息行业更好的进行管理,提高企业的效率效益。基于此,对电子信息智能技术应用与质量管理进行研究,仅供参考。  相似文献   

传统的舰船装备备品备件管理模式由于工作效率较低、准确性相对较差、信息交流不够等问题,无法满足军队后勤保障向信息化发展的需要。利用计算机网络和数据库技术,研制备品备件管理信息系统,可以有效解决上述问题,本文主要论述该系统的设计方案。  相似文献   

As additive manufacturing (AM) evolves to become a common method of producing final parts, further study of this computer integrated technology is necessary. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the potential impact of additive manufacturing improvements on the configuration of spare parts supply chains. This goal has been accomplished through scenario modeling of a real-life spare parts supply chain in the aeronautics industry. The spare parts supply chain of the F-18 Super Hornet fighter jet was selected as the case study because the air-cooling ducts of the environmental control system are produced using AM technology. In total, four scenarios are investigated that vary the supply chain configurations and additive manufacturing machine specifications. The reference scenario is based on the spare parts supplier's current practice and the possible future decentralization of production and likely improvements in AM technology. Total operating cost, including downtime cost, is used to compare the scenarios. We found that using current AM technology, centralized production is clearly the preferable supply chain configuration in the case example. However, distributed spare parts production becomes practical as AM machines become less capital intensive, more autonomous and offer shorter production cycles. This investigation provides guidance for the development of additive manufacturing machines and their possible deployment in spare parts supply chains. This study contributes to the emerging literature on AM deployment in supply chains with a real-world case setting and scenario model illustrating the cost trade-offs and critical requirements for technology development.  相似文献   

This paper presents a variant of a spare parts inventory model with cold stand-by redundancy on system level. Redundancy on system level implies that not all systems need to be operational in order to have the whole system operational. The cold stand-by feature implies that only the minimum required systems are operational. In order to determine a cost effective spare parts package such that in a cold stand-by redundancy situation a sufficient number of systems is operational for a specified period we extend the METRIC methodology. To compute the probability that the number of operating systems during the operational period is sufficient, we present both an exact, but time-consuming method, and a fast approximation method based on fitting distributions on the first two moments. This approximation method shows very small differences when compared to the exact method. Finally, we compare both methods to a simulation model in order to test the validity and impact of our modelling.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel fuzzy linear assignment method is developed for multi-attribute group decision making problems. Since uncertain nature of many decision problems, the proposed method incorporates various concepts from fuzzy set theory such as fuzzy arithmetic and aggregation, fuzzy ranking and fuzzy mathematical programming into a fuzzy concordance based group decision making process. Fuzziness in the group hierarchy and quantitative type criteria are also taken into account. In order to present the validity and practicality of the proposed method, it is applied to a real life multi-criteria spare part inventory classification problem. The case study has demonstrated that the proposed method is easy to apply and able to provide effective spare parts inventory classes under uncertain environments. In addition to the practical verification by the company experts, the proposed method is also compared with some of the commonly used fuzzy multi-attribute decision making methods from the literature. According to the comparison of the results, there is an association between classes of spare parts obtained by the proposed method and the benchmarked methods.  相似文献   

Design of BOM configuration for reducing spare parts logistic costs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper proposes an approach to reduce the total operational cost of a spare part logistic system by appropriately designing the BOM (bill of material) configuration. A spare part may have several vendors. Parts supplied by different vendors may vary in failure rates and prices – the higher the failure rate, the lower the price. Selecting vendors for spare parts is therefore a trade-off decision. Consider a machine where the BOM is composed of s critical parts and each part has k vendors. The number of possible BOM configurations for the machine is then ks. For each BOM configuration, we can use OPUS10 (proprietary software) to calculate an optimum inventory policy and its associated total logistic cost. Exhaustively searching the solution space by OPUS10 can yield an optimal BOM configuration; however, it may be formidably time-consuming. To remedy the time-consuming problem, this research proposes a GA-neural network approach to solve the BOM configuration design problem. A neural network is developed to efficiently emulate the function of OPUS10 and a GA (genetic algorithm) is developed to quickly find a near-optimal BOM configuration. Experiment results indicate that the approach can obtain an effective BOM configuration efficiently.  相似文献   

装备维修备件管理是装备维修管理的基础和先决条件,传统的维修备件管理方法已不适应信息化技术的发展。为了促进装备维修管理的信息化建设,提高管理的信息化、自动化及智能化程度,在备件管理中引入物联网技术,通过对现行维修备件管理方法的缺点及维修备件管理对物联网的需求的简要分析,对物联网应用于装备维修备件管理系统中的主要功能进行了初步的设计和探索。  相似文献   

针对湖泊人工巡查方面存在的巡查效率低下、管理不全面、分工不到位、问题追踪更新不及时等问题,提出利用无人机智慧巡检方式,通过无人机沿湖泊岸线航拍提取大量图像,利用 SIFT 算法完成图像无缝拼接,提取图像主要目标区域,并利用 SIFT 特征完成目标图像与原始图像的比对,从而识别湖泊岸线变化情况。 该方法应用在石臼湖固城湖湖泊巡查中,无人机初次飞行时提取湖泊网格地理数据及建筑物构筑物的信息作为原始数据,完成 2 期巡检,覆盖范围和识别精度较人工巡查有很大提高。在实际应用中发现在水生物识别的细节和巡查频次上还有待提高,目前作为湖泊辅助性巡查上优势明显,作为一种独立的巡查方式及在智能分析决策上值得进一步探讨。  相似文献   

国内汽配行业发展迅速,给业务发展和销售管理提出了新的要求。许多早期的基于传统技术开发的管理系统已难以满足新要求。而UML是一种易于表达、功能强大的面向对象标准建模语言,在管理信息系统中得到了广泛的应用。分析了UML建模机制,并根据汽配行业的特点和要求,以UML为建模工具,建立汽配行业销售管理模型,并进行实现,在某汽配销售企业得到应用,对于提高企业的销售管理水平,具有良好的效果。  相似文献   

This paper shows how the Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) signaling and the Intelligent Network (IN) concept can be exploited to support mobility in an ATM-based network with wireless access parts and mobile users. The proposed architecture exploits the enhanced service control processing features offered by the IN technology to support location management. The access signaling protocol structure is based on the principles of separation between call and bearer channel control, employed in fixed broadband access networks. The design objective is to minimize the changes required to the wired network signaling, by taking advantage of the well-developed capability sets. This allows the easy introduction of the wireless ATM technology (W-ATM) into the real world. It is shown that the proposed signaling protocol model provides cost-effective implementations without degrading the agreed Quality of Service (QoS) and the system's performance. A comparative signaling performance evaluation is carried-out to demonstrate the impact of the proposed signaling protocol architecture onto various performance measures and to quantify the relative gains. The obtained results can be used for network design purposes in a large-scale private installation supporting many users. The signaling protocol architecture aims for private W-ATM networks, but can be readily extended to fulfill the signaling requirements of public environment broadband wireless systems.  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,人民生活水平的提高,汽车在中国已经逐渐进入家庭,出入住宅小区的车辆也逐渐增加,住宅小区的车辆管理问题显然已经是建设和谐城市和社区的首要问题。本文笔者结合实际,认真分析了在小区实现车辆管理智能化的必要性,提出应用现代化的智能管理系统,加强小区车辆管理工作,创建安定和谐的社区。  相似文献   

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