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李博琳  杨述明  郭创 《测控技术》2015,34(11):144-147
PHM对于提高复杂装备任务成功性和战备完好性具有重要意义,测试与信息感知是实现PHM的基础.针对目前测试选择与布局主要面向故障诊断需求的问题,分析并定量描述了装备PHM需求下的故障可观性要求,建立了以故障可检测、可隔离和可预测为约束条件,以总测试费用为目标函数的测试优化选择模型,给出了基于布尔逻辑推理的测试优化选择方法.仿真案例验证了所提模型和方法的有效性.  相似文献   

有色冶金过程受原料来源多样、工况条件波动、生产成分变化等因素的影响,存在大量的不确定性,严重影响了冶炼生产的稳定性与可靠性.鉴于此,综述不同类型不确定性优化问题的描述方法,具体包括概率不确定优化问题、模糊不确定优化问题和区间不确定优化问题.通过分析有色冶金生产过程的特点与需求,以3种典型的有色冶金过程不确定优化问题为例,探讨不同类型的有色冶金过程不确定优化方法.针对氧化铝生料浆配料过程的概率不确定优化问题,采用基于Hammersley sequence sampling(HSS)的方法实现不确定模型的确定性转换;针对湿法炼锌除铜过程的模糊不确定优化问题,采用基于模糊规则的方法进行确定性评估;针对锌电解分时供电过程的区间不确定优化问题,采用基于min-max的方法求解鲁棒解.工业运行数据均验证了上述方法的有效性.  相似文献   

PHM技术在航空、工业、军事等领域得到广泛的应用。装备系统的结构组成日益复杂,哪些分系统需要安装PHM系统值得深入研究。详细研究了层次分析法与模糊综合评价法的特点和原理,根据装甲车辆的分系统构成和部队实际情况,将两种方法结合提出了综合评价模型,通过综合评价装甲车辆分系统,实现装甲车辆PHM系统的应用范围的确定,模型评价结果与专家评分基本相符,验证了该模型的可行性和有效性,为装甲装备PHM系统应用范围确定提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

一种虚拟测试系统的不确定度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以虚拟湿度测试系统为例,讨论了虚拟系统测量不确定度的来源,阐述了B类评定的方法和步骤,结合具体数据实现各不确定度分量的估算,最终得出了系统的测量不确定度.  相似文献   

崔荣  常显奇 《计算机仿真》2007,24(5):165-168
为研究复杂体系的优化方法,首先针对复杂体系的三个发展阶段,提出了三类优化问题;其次通过研究体系结构、体系能力和体系效能之间的内在关系,给出了体系优化的思路,建立了以体系效能为优化目标的复杂体系优化模型;接着利用模糊集理论与证据理论讨论了体系能力评估中定性信息的定量化问题,探索了新的体系能力评估方法,并基于体系效能仿真,采用粗糙集理论建立了求解体系能力权值因子的算法;最后给出了求解优化模型的方法.所提出的优化方法为复杂体系优化问题提出了一种新思路.  相似文献   

不确定系统的不确定项观测器设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了克服常规用不确定项的界估计来设计控制器带来的保守性和动态性能差的弊端,本文就连续的和离散的不确定系统,分别提出了不确定项的观测器设计方案.通过引入分布和离散加权平均的概念,对这两种观测器的观测误差精度进行了分析估算,从数学上证明了所得的观测值在加权平均意义下是无偏的.此外,通过适当选择观测器反馈增益,可以得到满意的误差估计精度.把该方法应用到一个控制系统中,仿真结果表明所提出的观测器能很好的估计不确定项和改进闭环系统动态性能.  相似文献   

非线性未建模不确定系统的自适应控制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
讨论了非线性未建模不确定系统的自适应镇定问题。通过边界层次分析的方法,提出一和种简单的间接自适应控制方法。该方法克服了现有非线性自适应控制方法容易产生过渡控制的缺点。  相似文献   

一类不确定参数系统鲁棒控制问题的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王耀青 《信息与控制》1998,27(3):167-171,178
在文献「5」的基础他以下3个问题:1.如何克服鲁棒控制器设计中所普遍存在的“保守性”问题,从而使得反馈控制器增益尽可能地小;2.给出判别解存在的充分条件及具体计算方法;3.给出求解鲁棒控制器解析解的基本原理,方法及具体过程,文中的设计举例用以说明使用本文设计鲁棒控制器的有效性和简便性。  相似文献   

基于不确定理论,研究了不确定环境下无人机多目标任务分配问题。首先,引入不确定变量来描述任务分配规划中存在的不确定因素,考虑作战任务收益和航行油耗这两个目标,建立了不确定无人机双目标任务分配模型;其次,根据不确定变量的数字特征定义了期望值-标准差有效解,并把原不确定双目标模型转化为确定多目标任务分配模型;然后,通过线性加权法与理想点法将其转化为单目标优化问题进而设计算法求解;最后,建立4架无人机,24个敌方目标的任务实例,利用蚁群算法进行求解,得到了期望值-标准差有效任务分配方案。实例仿真结果表明,该求解方法能够有效地处理不确定环境下无人机任务分配问题,且任务分配次序规划合理,总代价较小。  相似文献   

不确定时滞系统的保成本控制   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:23  
俞立  黄昕 《控制与决策》1998,13(1):67-70
针对一类具有时变参数不确定性的时滞系统,结合二次型成本函数研究该系统的保成本控制问题,提出了通过求解参数Riccati矩阵方程正定解的保成本状态反馈控制的设计方法 。  相似文献   

Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) exerts an essential influence on the spare supply process and the maintenance activities. Discrete Event Logistics Systems (DELS) simulation model facilitates a better understanding of the maintenance and logistics/support systems. Previous DELS models treat the RUL estimation as a one shot event. However, the treatment would be rough to coordinate the logistics and maintenance activities, and the estimated RUL result would not be sufficiently reliable. In this paper, we propose the principle and operational technique of two-step RUL estimation for the DELS simulation model. Two-step RUL estimation starts with the component RUL modeling subject to a continuous accumulation of degradation. The component deterioration is modeled using a time-dependent stochastic process, which combines the linear degradation path with a random effect. Besides, the sequential logics of the DELS simulation model incorporating two-step RUL estimation is exploited in the local behavior study. Finally, the proposed technique is testified with a case study via the DELS simulation implementation, showing that the performance using two-step RUL estimation outperforms traditional one-step RUL estimation.  相似文献   

基于多项式系数自回归模型的雷达性能参数最优组合预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴婕  吕永乐 《计算机应用》2019,39(4):1117-1121
针对雷达故障预测与健康管理(PHM)技术工程实现中性能参数变化趋势预测准确度不高的问题,提出一种基于多项式系数自回归(PCAR)模型的性能参数预测方法。首先,介绍了PCAR模型的形式及其阶次、参数确定方法,该模型相对于传统的线性模型扩大了模型选择范围,有效降低了建模偏差;然后,为了进一步提高预测准确度,采用基于奇异值分解滤波算法(SVDFA),选取最优门限值,将性能参数监测序列拆分成与各个失效因素对应的子序列,最后分别采用不同阶次的PCAR模型来预测序列未来值。仿真实验结果表明,所提出的联合PCAR模型的组合预测方法同单一自回归滑动平均模型(ARMA)的预测结果相比,三个监测序列的预测准确度分别提高了79.7%、97.6%和82.8%。实验结果表明该预测方法可应用于雷达性能参数的预测,有利于提高雷达的工作可靠性。  相似文献   

Trends in Prognostics Health Management (PHM) have been introduced into mechanical items of manufacturing systems to predict Remaining Useful Life (RUL). PHM as an estimate of the RUL allows Condition-based Maintenance (CBM) before a functional failure occurs, avoiding corrective maintenance that generates unnecessary costs on production lines. An important factor for the implementation of PHM is the correct data collection for monitoring a machine’s health, in order to evaluate its reliability. Data collection, besides providing information about the state of degradation of the machine, also assists in the analysis of failures for intelligent interventions. Thus, the present work proposes the construction of an ontological model for future applications such as expert system in the support in the correct decision-making, besides assisting in the implementation of the PHM in several manufacturing scenarios, to be used in the future by web semantics tools focused on intelligent manufacturing, standardizing its concepts, terms, and the form of collection and processing of data. The methodological approach Design Science Research (DSR) is used to guide the development of this study. The model construction is achieved using the ontology development 101 procedure. The main result is the creation of the ontological model called OntoProg, which presents: a generic ontology addressing by international standards, capable of being used in several types of mechanical machines, of different types of manufacturing, the possibility of storing the knowledge contained in events of real activities that allow through consultations in SPARQL for decision-making which enable timely interventions of maintenance in the equipment of a real industry. The limitation of the work is that said model can be implemented only by specialists who have knowledge in ontology.  相似文献   

针对预测与健康管理中的不确定性来源与传递问题,开展了不确定性产生与传播机理研究。首先,提出了一种预测与健康管理开放式体系结构,并提炼得到六项基本元素;其次,从基本元素入手,从测量、数据、模型、方法、决策和使用六方面分析了不确定性产生机理;然后,根据预测与健康管理工作流程,分析了不确定性传播机理,提出了不确定性传播定理。最后,不确定性产生与传播机理分析基础上,提出了预测与健康管理不确定性消解策略,以期消减预测与健康管理过程中的不确定性。  相似文献   

The optimization of spare parts inventory for equipment system is becoming a dominant support strategy, especially in the defense industry. Tremendous researches have been made to achieve optimal support performance of the supply system. However, the lack of statistical data brings limitations to these optimization models which are based on probability theory. In this paper, personal belief degree is adopted to compensate the data deficiency, and the uncertainty theory is employed to characterize uncertainty arising from subjective personal cognition. A base-depot support system is taken into consideration in the presence of uncertainty, supplying repairable spare parts for equipment system. With some constraints such as costs and supply availability, the minimal expected backorder model and the minimal backorder rate model will be presented based on uncertain measure. Genetic algorithm is adopted in this paper to search for optimal solution. Finally, a numerical example is employed to illustrate the feasibility of the optimization models.  相似文献   

在故障预测与健康管理(PHM)技术研究及应用中,PHM软件开发平台的研制尤为重要。简要介绍了PHM的概念和内涵,分析了国外几种PHM软件平台的发展状况,结合国内PHM软件平台设计和开发现状,提出几点建议,以期对我国PHM技术的发展和提高发挥一定的作用。  相似文献   

Prognostic and systems Health Management (PHM) is an integral part of a system. It is used for solving reliability problems that often manifest due to complexities in design, manufacturing, operating environment and system maintenance. For safety-critical applications, using a model-based development process for complex systems might not always be ideal but it is equally important to establish the robustness of the solution. The information revolution has allowed data-driven methods to diffuse within this field to construct the requisite process (or system models) to cope with the so-called big data phenomenon. This is supported by large datasets that help machine-learning models achieve impressive accuracy. AI technologies are now being integrated into many PHM related applications including aerospace, automotive, medical robots and even autonomous weapon systems. However, with such rapid growth in complexity and connectivity, a systems’ behaviour is influenced in unforeseen ways by cyberattacks, human errors, working with incorrect or incomplete models and even adversarial phenomena. Many of these models depend on the training data and how well the data represents the test data. These issues require fine-tuning and even retraining the models when there is even a small change in operating conditions or equipment. Yet, there is still ambiguity associated with their implementation, even if the learning algorithms classify accordingly. Uncertainties can lie in any part of the AI-based PHM model, including in the requirements, assumptions, or even in the data used for training and validation. These factors lead to sub-optimal solutions with an open interpretation as to why the requirements have not been met. This warrants the need for achieving a level of robustness in the implemented PHM, which is a challenging task in a machine learning solution.This article aims to present a framework for testing the robustness of AI-based PHM. It reviews some key milestones achieved in the AI research community to deal with three particular issues relevant for AI-based PHM in safety-critical applications: robustness to model errors, robustness to unknown phenomena and empirical evaluation of robustness during deployment. To deal with model errors, many techniques from probabilistic inference and robust optimisation are often used to provide some robustness guarantee metric. In the case of unknown phenomena, techniques include anomaly detection methods, using causal models, the construction of ensembles and reinforcement learning. It elicits from the authors’ work on fault diagnostics and robust optimisation via machine learning techniques to offer guidelines to the PHM research community. Finally, challenges and future directions are also examined; on how to better cope with any uncertainties as they appear during the operating life of an asset.  相似文献   

张莉  袁海文  王秋生 《计算机工程》2008,34(12):215-217
综合运载器健康管理(IVHM)技术是提高飞机、航天飞行器安全性、可靠性及可维护性并有效降低成本的重要途径。针对IVHM系统的高互操作性以及复杂数据交换特点,提出采用自动测试标记语言(ATML)对航空机载设备进行形式化和规范化描述,有利于实现系统的高度集成以及可扩展性,结合航空电源故障诊断与预测系统的实例,论述了ATML在综合运载器健康管理系统中的应用。  相似文献   

民用客机故障预测与健康管理地面支持系统是保障飞机安全运营的关键技术,其架构是决定PHM技术应用是  相似文献   

Although research has evolved significantly over the last decade, there are still a large number of Grand Challenges confronting modelling, model deployment, and model-based decision making of large-scale complex Discrete Event Logistics Systems (DELS) to be tackled, as identified and reviewed during a Dagstuhl workshop in March 2010. This paper illustrates how several of these challenges are already being addressed, based on a series of case studies from the Aerospace Spare Components Logistics domain, where consolidated operational Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) information can be used for tactical planning and optimisation of spare components logistics networks. In this setting, the growing potential of PHM technology to facilitate the maintenance and support of commercial and military aircraft emphasises the need for tools to determine the impacts and benefits of a PHM system. To achieve this, the prognostics parameters and related logistics policies were identified, modelled, and subsequently incorporated into a simulation-based decision support framework.  相似文献   

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