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TAOS公司(2000年版权)新推出的TSL265,是一种高灵敏度近红外光电变换器。它采用CMOS工艺在一个芯片上集成了一个光电二极管及一个互阻抗放大器。该器件的输出电压正比于照射在光电二极管上的近红外光强度。该器件的主要特点有:输出电压的幅度接近电源电压幅度;单电源  相似文献   

本文介绍国家“七五”重点攻关项目——高灵敏度智能化光功率计指标、系统框图及各部分的原理电路。  相似文献   

金属会发生腐蚀现象。金属受腐蚀的程度一般都是靠检测人员通过肉眼检测的,这种检测多少有些主观性。因此,如果有一种能够测定金属衬底上局部或总的腐蚀程度和量的无损定量检测装置,那是非常理想的。  相似文献   

光功率测量是光纤通信系统最基本的测量参数之一.在实际测量中,光功率计要求有很大的动态测量范围.采用传统线性放大电路设计的光功率计,存在着换档误差,动态测量范围也受到限制.由于结果显示要进行对数运算,软件处理也相对比较复杂.为改善上述不足,使用对数比放大电路代替传统的线性放大电路.这样可以避免换档误差和繁琐的对数运算,提高精度.经过实际设计验证,改进设计可获得80 dB动态范围,0.1 dLBm的测量精度,而且电路简洁、易于校准.此设计方法已在实际产品得以应用.  相似文献   

一种高灵敏度光纤光栅压力传感器   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
谭波 《光电子.激光》2012,(11):2102-2105
为测量管路中的液体压力,设计了一种基于L型梁的高灵敏度光纤Bragg光栅(FBG)压力传感器。通过将FBG粘贴于L型梁上,当压力作用于一端为锥台结构的活塞上时,活塞将通过锥台推动L型梁发生弯曲,从而使FBG产生应变。基于本文结构的FBG压力传感器可用于测量管路中的液体压力,并具有较高的压力灵敏度。实验结果表明,本文传感器在0~6 MPa范围内的压力灵敏度为4.97×10-4 MPa-1,约为裸栅的251倍,且具有良好的线性度和可重复性。  相似文献   

本文叙述了一种新型高灵敏度线阵MOS图像传感器的工作原理及设计考虑。着重分析了影响器件固定图形噪声的因素及其消除方法。设计了一种高速低功耗扫描电路。最后,讨论了器件制作工艺并给出器件主要参数的测试结果。  相似文献   

用于微光探测的高灵敏度接收机设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
详细分析了光接收机噪声源及噪声模型,研究了其系统组成与电路设计问题,提出了可用于微光探测系统的接收机设计方案。选用合适的器件,采用低噪声电路设计方法,制作了实际光接收机电路,并进行了相应实验测试。结果表明,该设计方案可以满足实际微光探测要求,对应用于不同系统的高灵敏度光接收机设计具有较强的参考价值。  相似文献   

一种新颖的高灵敏度光纤光栅压力传感器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李明 《光电子.激光》2009,20(10):1307-1309
提出一种双波纹管结构封装的高灵敏度光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)压力传感器,从理论分析了该器件的传感机理。研究结果表明,该FBG压力传感器可实现0~1.2 KPa压力测量,灵敏度达到688.2 pm/kPa,线性拟合度达到0.9973,适用于液位小范围变化的高精度检测。  相似文献   

一种高灵敏度光纤Bragg光栅温度传感器   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
设计了一种基于光纤Bragg光栅(FBG)的高灵敏度温度传感器,分析了它的温度传感特性。该温度传感器的灵敏度为0.474nm/℃,是裸光栅的45.9倍;线性度为0.9988;通过调节有关参数可进一步提高或选择合适的灵敏度;通过改变参数可以调节该传感的传感区段,可用于常温下的温度测量。  相似文献   

Organohalide perovskites have emerged as promising light‐sensing materials because of their superior optoelectronic properties and low‐cost processing methods. Recently, perovskite‐based photodetectors have successfully been demonstrated as both broadband and narrowband varieties. However, the photodetection bandwidth in perovskite‐based photodetectors has so far been limited to the near‐infrared regime owing to the relatively wide band gap of hybrid organohalide perovskites. In particular, short‐wavelength infrared photodiodes operating beyond 1 µm have not yet been realized with organohalide perovskites. In this study, narrow band gap organic dyes are combined with hybrid perovskites to form composite films as active photoresponsive layers. Tuning the dye loading allows for optimization of the spectral response characteristics and excellent charge‐carrier mobilities near 11 cm2 V?1 s?1, suggesting that these composites combine the light‐absorbing properties or IR dyes with the outstanding charge‐extraction characteristics of the perovskite. This study demonstrates the first perovskite photodiodes with deep near‐infrared and short‐wavelength infrared response that extends as far as 1.6 µm. All devices are solution‐processed and exhibit relatively high responsivity, low dark current, and fast response at room temperature, making this approach highly attractive for next‐generation light‐detection techniques.  相似文献   

组织氧检测精度的仿真分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用血红蛋白在不同氧合状态下对近红外光具有的不同吸收谱这一特性,可以对人体组织中氧合血红蛋白,还原血红蛋白,细胞色素氧化酶等浓度的变化进行定量检测。然而在人体组织这个复杂的不均匀混合介质中,深层组织往往是感兴趣的待测部位,如皮脂下的肌肉组织,头皮和颅骨下的脑灰白质等,这时外层覆盖组织的存在会直接影响检测的精度;另外,全血的局部氧饱和度(rso2)的波动,红细胞比容的变化,以及血容积都对测量精度产生  相似文献   

王添  吴卫  张紫芸馨 《红外与激光工程》2023,285(12):20230510-1-20230510-7
酒精浓度的非接触式测量是一种新型的测量方法。对一些特殊行业有着很大的帮助,比如酿酒业测量酒的酒精浓度,工业上生产工业酒精等。为了便于测量不能接触的酒精溶液,文中设计了一种基于近红外吸收光谱特性的酒精浓度测量系统,可以对不同浓度的酒精溶液进行非接触式连续测量。对于酒精来说,在1300~1 350 nm的光谱段浓度定性反应非常明显,使用处于该波段的红外LED发光二极管,加上光电二极管、模数转换芯片、单片机和LCD屏幕组成该系统。通过使用该系统对不同浓度的酒精进行测量,利用最小二乘法找到酒精浓度和电压信号之间的函数关系式。这样就能通过测量电压值来反推出酒精浓度值。实验表明,在该红外波段下,采集到的电压值和酒精浓度之间有良好的二次函数关系,拟合优度达到了0.99946。测量结果显示,测量值和标准值之间的相关系数R为0.999911,平均绝对误差为0.64。与传统酒精计的0.5相差不大,重复测量和连续测量的方差分别为0.0044和0.0056,证明了该装置的稳定性和可靠性符合预期。而且通过优化电路和程序,选择更为精确的酒精计作为标准,可以使误差更小。该方案相比传统测量方法结构简单,速度更快,还可以进行连续测量。在现实生活中,制酒业、医疗行业和工业生产等行业都对于测量酒精浓度有着很高的需求。该装置可以在不损坏产品的情况下进行酒精浓度测量,它的连续检测能力对某些行业的批量生产有着很大的帮助。通过改良,可以实现自动化检测。除了企业生产,也可用于制造日常使用的便携式酒精浓度测量仪。  相似文献   

介绍了2.5Gbit/sSDH光接收机设计原理,并研制出实用化的高灵敏度,大动态范围的2.5Gbit/sSDH系统用光接收模块,光接口符合ITU-T建议,G.957规范的要求,该模块已用于武汉邮电科学研究辽研制的2.5Gbit/sSDH光传输系统中。  相似文献   

贾正根 《光电子技术》1999,19(3):212-216
介绍近红外像增强器。重点介绍InGaAs光电阴极的性能、特性以及 像增强器的性能参数。  相似文献   

This article reports new characterization data for large-area (250 μm ×  250 μm) back-illuminated planar n-on-p HgCdTe electron-initiated avalanche photodiodes (e-APDs). These e-APDs were fabricated in p-type HgCdTe films grown by liquid-phase epitaxy (LPE) on CdZnTe substrates. We previously reported that these arrays exhibit gain that increases exponentially with reverse bias voltage, with gain-versus-bias curves that are quite uniform from element to element, and with a maximum gain of 648 at −11.7 V at 160 K for a cutoff wavelength of 4.06 μm. Here we report new data on these planar e-APDs. Data from a third LPE film with a longer cutoff wavelength (4.29 μm at 160 K) supports the exponential dependence of gain on cutoff wavelength, for the same bias voltage, that we reported for the first two films (with cutoffs of 3.54 μm and 4.06 μm at 160 K), in agreement with Beck’s empirical model for gain versus voltage and cutoff wavelength in HgCdTe e-APDs. Our lowest gain-normalized current density at 80 K and zero field-of-view is 0.3 μA/cm2 at −10.0 V for a cutoff of 4.23 μm at 80 K. We report data for the temperature dependence of gain over 80 K to 200 K. We report, for the first time, the dependence of measured gain on junction area for widely spaced circular diodes with radii of 20 μm to 175 μm. We interpret the variation of measured gain with junction area in terms of an edge-enhanced electric field, and fit the data with a two-gain model having a lower interior gain and a higher edge gain. We report data for the excess noise factor F(M) near unity for gains up to 150 at 196 K. We describe the abrupt breakdown phenomenon seen in most of our devices at high reverse bias.  相似文献   

This paper reports data for back-illuminated planar n-on-p HgCdTe electron-initiated avalanche photodiode (e-APD) 4 × 4 arrays with large unit cells (250 × 250 μm2). The arrays were fabricated from p-type HgCdTe films grown by liquid phase epitaxy (LPE) on CdZnTe substrates. The arrays were bump-mounted to fanout boards and characterized in the back-illuminated mode. Gain increased exponentially with reverse bias voltage, and the gain versus bias curves were quite uniform from element to element. The maximum gain measured was 648 at −11.7 V for a cutoff wavelength of 4.06 μm at 160 K. For the same reverse-bias voltage, the gains measured at 160 K for elements with two different cutoff wavelengths (3.54 μm and 4.06 μm at 160 K) show an exponential increase with increasing cutoff wavelength, in agreement with Beck’s empirical model for gain versus voltage and cutoff wavelength in HgCdTe e-APDs. Spot scan data show that both the V = 0 response and the gain at V = −5.0 V are spatially uniform over the large junction area. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first spot scan data for avalanche gain ever reported for HgCdTe e-APDs. Capacitance versus voltage data are consistent with an ideal abrupt junction having a donor concentration equal to the indium concentration in the LPE film. U.S. Workshop on the Physics and Chemistry of II-VI Materials Newport Beach, California October 10–12, 2006.  相似文献   

吸收型近红外滤光片的制备   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
以聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)为基体,近红外吸收染料(NIR1)、光稳定剂为添加剂,采用溶解共混的方法制得了吸收型近红外滤光片.该滤光片外观透光性能良好,透射光谱也显示其具备良好的近红外吸收性能.最后对染料分散情况进行了讨论.  相似文献   

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