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消弧线圈装置的发展和应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国中压电网一般采用中性点不接地方式。当其单相接地电容电流超过一定的数值时需装设消弧线圈以补偿接地点的电容电流。论文从工程设计的角度对消弧线圈装置的发展过程、各类自动调整消弧线圈的原理及其在矿井供电系统的应用等进行了较全面的分析和介绍,希望对有关设计人员有一些指导使用。  相似文献   

6kV电网中性点经消弧线圈并电阻接地系统   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

消弧线圈装置浅谈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贺强 《河北煤炭》2002,(3):20-22
根据规程规范有关消弧线圈的规定,提出了消弧线圈应用时应注意的问题,并介绍了消弧线圈的构成及特点和电容电流的计算方法。  相似文献   

电网中性点消弧线圈的补偿与调谐   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李钨 《矿山机械》2000,28(11):63-65
分析了配电网形成接地过电压,造成供电短路事故的原因。介绍了电网中性点经消弧线圈接地的补偿作用及优缺点。对目前的自动跟踪调谐方式进行了论述分析,对自动跟踪消弧装置的选用具有指导意义。  相似文献   

通过对矿井高压电网中性点运行方式的分析,总结了肖弧线圈3种工作状态的特点,并对高压漏电保护的原理及装置配置提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

文章对电网中性点经消弧线圈串联电阻与并联电阻接地方式作了电弧接地过电压仿真试验,从电网及人身安全运行的角度进行了分析。实验表明,小电阻接地与自动调谐消弧线圈相比,没有明显的优越性。另外从电磁兼容的角度看,中性点经消弧线圈串联电阻接地的故障电流很小,使电磁干扰受到了有力的扼制。  相似文献   

张立伟  胡天禄 《煤矿机电》1993,(3):13-13,18
<正> 在6kV电网中性点经消弧线圈接地系统中,容易发生串联谐振过电压,特别是调谐到全补偿状态时,中性点位移电压有可能大大超过规程所规定的15%相电压。中性点经消弧线圈接地系统的电路原理图如图1。  相似文献   

陈春宇  辛健 《煤矿机械》2011,32(8):132-135
针对煤矿电网谐振接地系统发生单相接地故障选线困难,将消弧和选线相结合,通过利用高短路阻抗消弧线圈的可控性,提出一种基于零序电流突变量的选线方法来解决煤矿电网消弧和选线的问题。理论分析及仿真验证证明该方法是可行的,并开发了消弧选线一体化装置,介绍了装置的软硬件设计。  相似文献   

中性点不接地3~35 k V(含66 k V)的电网引入消弧装置后带来了不同变电所间的消弧装置相互影响,导致消弧装置误动作的问题。本文对此问题出现的原因进行了分析,并指出可以结合小电流选线装置与级间配合技术来解决此问题。  相似文献   

对邢东矿井6.3kV电网波形特征进行分析研究,找出干扰因素,并提出解决问题的方案。  相似文献   

《Minerals Engineering》2000,13(1):79-94
Electric arc furnace (EAF) dust is a waste product which is generated when steel scrap is melted in an electric arc furnace. It contains high concentrations of iron, zinc and lead. Numerous pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical processes have been developed to treat this material. Only a limited number of these have reached commercialization and the majority have been pyrometallurgical. However, the hydrometallurgical processes, such as caustic leaching, offer some potential advantages.In the present research, the application of microwave radiation at 2.45 GHz was employed, as the energy source, in the hydrometallurgical caustic leaching process for EAF dust treatment. The variables which were investigated were: leaching time, microwave power, caustic concentration and the solid to liquid ratio. The experimental results showed that the zinc recovery from the dust increased with a decrease in the solid to liquid ratio and an increase in the microwave power. The optimum caustic concentration for the maximum zinc recovery was 8M. The rates of zinc recovery were significantly higher under microwave conditions as compared to those observed with conventional leaching. Some possible mechanisms to explain this behaviour are discussed.  相似文献   

为研究工业硅矿热炉起弧过程的传热特性,通过建立矿热炉内热-流动-电磁耦合的磁流体动力学模型,利用COMSOL Multiphysics 5.4软件模拟了起弧过程电弧放电、气体流动及炉内温度,并探究了电流大小对矿热炉内起弧过程的影响。结果表明,炉内两电极间受大电流的影响,短时间内发生电弧放电现象,0.5s内炉内的最高温度由300K升高到3 610K,最高流速由初始的静止状态增加到1.45m/s。当保持两电极间起弧距离为15cm时,施加交流电大小从22 108A升高到62 108A,0.5s后炉内的最高温度由794K升高到6 091K,最高流速由0.81m/s增加到1.71m/s。流体速度变化相对较为集中,电弧局部产生强烈热对流,大量热量向炉内传递,利于烘炉的进行。通过将阳极表面温度与文献中的数据进行对比验证,建立的数学模型可以准确地反映矿热炉内起弧过程,对于了解炉内起弧规律具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

介绍PT— 4 0 0型电弧喷涂电源的结构、原理、参数、特点及该电源的应用。  相似文献   

在废钢含S≤ 0 0 83% ,P≤ 0 190 %的条件下试验 ,采用单渣法炼钢新工艺 ,取消了传统双渣法中氧化期和还原期的操作 ,达到了快速炼钢目的。  相似文献   

《Minerals Engineering》2006,19(5):478-485
Electric arc furnaces (EAF) generate about 10–20 kg of dust per metric ton of steel, which constitute a hazardous waste, known as EAF dust. This dust contains a remarkable amount of non-ferrous metals, which include zinc, cadmium, lead, chromium and nickel that could be recovered, reducing the environmental impact of the leachable toxic metals, and generating revenue. In this paper, different alkaline leaching techniques were tested in order to dissolve the zinc present in an EAF dust: (i) conventional agitation leaching; (ii) pressure leaching; (iii) conventional leaching following a microwave pretreatment and (iv) leaching with agitation provided by an ultra-sonic probe. Temperature and sodium hydroxide concentration were the variables tested. The highest zinc recovery from the EAF dust, containing about 12% of zinc, was about 74%. This was achieved after 4 h of leaching in a temperature of 90 °C and with a sodium hydroxide concentration of 6 M of the leaching agent.  相似文献   

对目前国内外含锌电炉粉尘的性质和处理现状进行了分析和总结。电炉粉尘传统处理工艺都有各自的局限性:填埋法处理无法利用电炉粉尘中的有价金属;钢铁厂循环利用对电炉粉尘铅锌含量要求严格,锌的富集对后续炼铁炼钢工序造成危害,并不能大规模利用;湿法处理电炉粉尘能耗小,但流程长,设备腐蚀严重,目前难以得到大规模工业应用;火法处理虽然生产效率高,操作简单,脱锌率高,原料适应性强,但污染大,能耗高,对环境污染严重。新的处理技术如微波法、真空冶金技术、铝浴熔融法虽具有脱锌率高,更环保等优势,但因设备投资大,技术不成熟等原因,目前很难在工业上得到应用。焙烧转化-分离技术具备流程短,操作简单的优势,是未来处理含锌电炉粉尘的发展方向。  相似文献   

电弧炉是高耗电设备 ,如何降低炼钢单耗 ,是我们节电工作的重要课题。根据有关资料 ,把三相电极的拖动电机改用小惯量电机 ,取得了较好的效果  相似文献   

对谐波做了简要的数学分析,重点论述了谐波对矿山电网和变压器、旋转电机、计算机或其他电子器件的有害影响  相似文献   

Electric arc furnace (EAF) dust is produced when automobile scrap is remelted in an electric arc furnace and about 10–20 kilograms are generated per ton of steel. The major elements present in the dust are usually zinc, iron and calcium with smaller amounts of numerous other elements such as lead, copper and nickel. Typically, in the pyrometallurgical EAF dust treatment processes, the lead and zinc are separated as a crude zinc oxide while the iron is generally not worth recovering. Copper and nickel are usually not recovered as they report either to the oxide residue or to any metallic iron that is produced. In the present research, the recovery of the non-ferrous metals in a multiphase system consisting of gas, slag, matte, metal and solid carbon phases was investigated. The equilibrium compositions of the various phases, resulting from the smelting of the dust, were calculated using the SOLGASMIX module of Outokumpu HSC Chemistry. The effects of the following operating variables were investigated; carbon additions, sulphur additions, nitrogen and oxygen additions, temperature and dust composition. The thermodynamic modelling results show that the majority of the non-ferrous metals can be recovered, with the zinc and lead concentrating in the gas phase and the nickel and copper concentrating in the matte phase.  相似文献   

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