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To solve the problems of pulse broadening and channel fading caused by atmospheric scattering and turbulence, multiple-input multiple-output(MIMO) technology is a valid way. A wireless ultraviolet(UV) MIMO channel estimation approach based on deep learning is provided in this paper. The deep learning is used to convert the channel estimation into the image processing. By combining convolutional neural network(CNN) and attention mechanism(AM), the learning model is designed to extract the depth f...  相似文献   

苏晓东 《信息技术》2009,(7):201-203
MIMO(Multiple Input Multiple Output)技术可以在不增加带宽的条件下获得很高的信道容量,大幅度地提高频带利用率.从测量的角度建立了MIMO无线信道,通过对信道指标的测量,得出影响信道的主要原因和规律,依此可以进行信道改善.  相似文献   

Modeling the indoor MIMO wireless channel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper demonstrates the ability of a physically based statistical multipath propagation model to match capacity statistics and pairwise magnitude and phase distributions of measured 4 × 4 and 10 × 10 narrow-band multiple-input multiple-output data (MIMO) at 2.4 GHz. The model is compared to simpler statistical models based on the multivariate complex normal distribution with either complex envelope or power correlation. The comparison is facilitated by computing channel element covariance matrices for fixed sets of multipath statistics. Multipolarization data is used to demonstrate a simple method for modeling dual-polarization arrays  相似文献   

Fading correlations in wireless MIMO communication systems   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We investigate the effects of fading correlations on wireless communication systems employing multiple antennas at both the receiver and the transmitter side of the link, so called multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. It turns out that the amount of transmitter sided channel knowledge plays an important part when dealing with fading correlations. Furthermore, the possible availability of time diversity in a time-selective channel can have essential influence on performance. To study the influence of time-selectivity, the concept of sample-mean outage is introduced and applied to information theoretic measures, like capacity or cutoff rate. It will be shown, that in some cases correlated fading may offer better performance than uncorrelated fading permits, which is due to exploitable antenna gain, that will also be defined in a general form for MIMO systems.  相似文献   

一种应用于无线通信系统的MIMO天线   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MIMO系统是通过不同的分集技术,以实现在相同带宽和发射功率的条件下大幅改善系统容量和可靠性,减小信道失真。作为系统关键模块之一的天线,则要求有着好的分集特性,并接收较多的这波。这里提出的MIMO天线工作在2.4GHz,天线单元是等边三角形贴片天线。三角形天线的宽波瓣可以使MIMO天线接收更丰富的多径这波,与天线单元的高增益相结合能较好改善MIMO系统的SNR和抗干扰能力。通过对天线端口间的互耦和相关性分析,该系统能实现好的极化和方向图分集,获得高的分集增益。  相似文献   

This paper describes a new approach to the problem of enhancing the performance of a multiuser multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) system for communication from one base station to many mobile stations in both frequency-flat and frequency-selective fading channels. This problem arises in space-division multiplexing systems with multiple users where many independent signal streams can be transmitted in the same frequency and time slot through the exploitation of multiple antennas at both the base and mobile stations. Our new approach is based on maximizing a lower bound for the product of signal-to-interference plus noise ratio (SINR) of a multiuser MIMO system. This provides a closed-form (noniterative) solution for the antenna weights for all the users, under the constraint of fixed transmit power. Our solution is shown by simulation to have better performance than previously proposed iterative or noniterative solutions. In addition, our solution requires significantly reduced complexity over a gradient search-based method that directly optimizes the product SINRs while still maintaining similar performance. Our solution assumes channel state information is present at the base station or transmitter.  相似文献   

针对矿井巷道的特殊环境以及无线通信问题,通过MIMO系统和分布式天线系统,建立了井下分布式MIMO信道模型。仿真结果表明,分布式MIMO系统具有更高的信道容量。基于分布式天线的灵活设置,分布式MIMO系统既提高了频谱利用率又减少了信号盲区,最终扩大了井下信号覆盖范围,提高了整个系统的信道容量。  相似文献   

秦玉娟  周彬 《信息技术》2011,(6):102-104
对轮询算法、最大载干比算法和比例公平算法三种经典的调度算法进行了深入的研究,并在MIMO系统环境中,对它们的性能进行了计算机仿真。从基本原理和仿真结果两个方面,对上述三种调度算法的公平性和系统吞吐量性能进行了对比分析,证明了轮询算法具有最好的公平性性能,最大载干比算法具有最好的吞吐量性能,比例公平算法则很好的在两者之间取得了一个平衡。  相似文献   

为了消除海洋湍流引起的信号衰落和衰减,在基 于BPSK调制的水下无线光通信(underwater wireless optical communication,UWOC)系统中引入了MIMO(multi-input multi-outpu t)技术。在 假设海洋湍流模型为log-normal分布基础上,得出了球面波光束在弱海洋湍流传输的闪烁 指数计算公 式。借助于Gauss-Hermite正交积分近似公式,推导了UWOC系统分别采用SISO(single-in put single-output)、SIMO(single-input multi-output)、MIMO三种技术,且接收端 采用等增益合并法时, 系统误码率(bit error rate,BER)的解析公式。应用此解析公式,数值仿真观察了系统 误码率在不同 的信噪比下受三种海洋参数(即均方温度耗散率,单位质量液体中的湍流动能耗散率,温度 和盐度波 动的相对强度)以及系统通信距离的影响。仿真结果表明,UWOC系统采用MIMO技术,在较小 的 均方温度耗散率、较小的温度和盐度波动的相对强度、较大的湍流动能耗散率的海洋中,以 及通过较 短的通信链路都可以得到更优的误码率性能。  相似文献   

Virtual multiple input multiple output (MIMO) techniques are used for energy efficient communication in wireless sensor networks. In this paper, we propose energy efficient routing based on virtual MIMO. We investigate virtual MIMO for both fixed and variable rates. We use a cluster based virtual MIMO cognitive model with the aim of changing operational parameters (constellation size) to provide energy efficient communication. We determine the routing path based on the virtual MIMO communication cost to delay the first node death. For larger distances, the simulation results show that virtual MIMO (2×2) based routing is more energy efficient than SISO (single input single output) and other MIMO variations.  相似文献   

徐庆芳  唐彬 《信息技术》2014,(4):146-148
针对矿井巷道的特殊环境以及无线通信问题,通过MIMO系统和分布式天线系统,建立了井下分布式MIMO信道模型。仿真结果表明,分布式MIMO系统具有更高的信道容量。基于分布式天线的灵活设置,分布式MIMO系统既提高了频谱利用率又减少了信号盲区,最终扩大了井下信号覆盖范围,提高了整个系统的信道容量。  相似文献   

We propose a new Cochannel information based Dynamic Channel Assignment (CDCA) strategy for small and microcell systems and a new Group Dynamic Channel Assignment (GDCA) strategy which handles multichannel traffic in wireless networks. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Telecommunication Systems - This paper studies the energy efficiency (EE) optimization problem in multiple-user multiple-input–multiple-output heterogeneous wireless powered communication...  相似文献   

MIMO技术利用多根天线实现多发多收,能够在不增加传输带宽和发射功率的条件下,成倍地提高系统的数据速率;而预编码技术则可以利用接收端反馈回来的信道状态信息对信号进行预处理以改善信号的传输性能,从而达到消除干扰的目的,使得无线通信系统的可靠性得以提升。因此对MIMO系统预编码技术的研究,是解决如何提升无线通信系统性能的关键问题,具有重大的研究意义。  相似文献   

文章主要针对无线通信系统以及无线通信信道进行研究与分析,并且进行仿真研究。  相似文献   

谈玲  庄勇 《电信科学》2017,33(10):58-64
在物联网通信中,无线信道的抗干扰性依然受到各种因素影响,多天线系统对信道质量改善有较好的效果,但其信号检测的复杂度和性能还需要进一步提升。基于 QR 分解的检测算法具有较低的计算复杂度,但检测性能有待改善。为了改善QR分解检测算法的性能,提出一种基于ML准则结合判决候选机制的QR分解算法,并对其性能进行了分析。该算法采用 ML 准则对初始层进行精确估计检测,而后对其他检测层进行可靠判决,不可靠则引入候选点并从中选择最优候选点进行反馈。该算法可以显著改善系统干扰,并且在判决回馈中大大减少错误传播。实验仿真表明,在增加一定复杂度的情况下,该算法能够有效改善物联网系统性能。  相似文献   

In this paper, optimized transmit schemes for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems with simplified receivers are proposed for the downlink of high-speed wireless communication systems. In these systems, MIMO signal preprocessing is performed at the transmitter or base station with the receiver at the mobile station having a simplified structure that requires only limited signal processing. An important potential application for our transmit MIMO techniques is in the downlink of high-speed wireless communication systems with Vertical Bell Laboratories Layered Space-Time (V-BLAST) or a similar technique utilized in the uplink, creating a high-speed duplex system with a simplified mobile station transceiver structure. Two approaches are introduced and these depend on whether or not receive diversity is employed at the receiver. Both methods require that channel state information be available at the transmitter. In addition, some important associated issues such as peak-to-average power ratio requirements at the transmitter and robustness to downlink channel errors are also investigated and various solutions are proposed. Simulation results are provided and these show that performance improvement can be achieved when compared with other MIMO transmit schemes.  相似文献   

李金佳  叶德茂  王林宁  傅康  王永进 《红外与激光工程》2021,50(8):20200382-1-20200382-9
水下无线光通信具有的高带宽、低时延等特点,已成为水下通信的可行选择。系统发送端光源由6只绿光发光二极管(LED)构成阵列,接收端由3只光电倍增管(PMT)构成阵列,形成了6×3的多输入多输出(MIMO)传输方式。在室内10 m水槽水下信道下,实现了1 Mbps的信息传输速率。通过MATLAB软件对接收平面光功率分布仿真,最大值为?35.8 dBm。此外,测试了PMT阳极输出电压波形,并推导出阴极电流波形。理论计算得出信噪比为19.4 dB,理论误码率约为1.1×10?5。所选PMT模块理论上最小接收功率可低至1.5×10?9 W,体现出极高的探测灵敏度。最后,通过蒙特卡洛(Monte Carlo)数字仿真说明,在信噪比25 dB可达到约35 bit·s-1·Hz-1的信道容量。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a tensor space-time (TST) coding for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless communication systems. The originality of TST coding is that it allows spreading and multiplexing the transmitted symbols, belonging to R data streams, in both space (antennas) and time (chips and blocks) domains, owing the use of two (stream- and antenna-to-block) allocation matrices. This TST coding is defined in terms of a third-order code tensor admitting transmit antenna, data stream and chip as modes. Assuming flat Rayleigh fading propagation channels, the signals received by K receive antennas during P time blocks, composed of N symbol periods each, with J chips per symbol, form a fourth-order tensor that satisfies a new constrained tensor model, called a PARATUCK-(2,4) model. Conditions for identifiability and uniqueness of this model are established, and a performance analysis of TST coding is made, before presenting a blind receiver for joint channel estimation and symbol recovery. Finally, some simulation results are provided to evaluate the performance of this receiver.  相似文献   

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