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The data acquisition and analysis system for LAMPF'S high resolution magnetic spectrometers, HRS and EPICS, consists of two on-line PDP-11/45 computers and an off-line PDP-11/60 for analysis of taped data. Each system has 124K words of memory and runs under DEC's RSX-11D operating system. The on-line computers are interfaced to several CAMAC crates through a Microprogrammable Branch Driver (MBD). Each system is also equipped with two Tektronix 4010 terminals, a Versatec printer/plotter, at least one RK05 disk drive, a 9 track 75 IPS 800/1600 BPI Kennedy tape drive, and a 40MB Diva/Calcomp disk drive system which is compatible with DEC software for their RP03. The software developed for these systems was designed to meet the goals of flexibility and speed of analysis for multiparameter data (20-100 words/event). The LAMPF standard data aquisition package "O" and its associated routines for histogram management are used as the basis of the system. A number of additional features have been added whose usefulness appears to he common to most experiments of this type.  相似文献   

A large array of MicroVAX computers will be used for high-speed data acquisition and online filtering in the D0 experiment at Fermi National Laboratory. We describe this system, as well as several smaller data acquisition systems now operational, with particular emphasis on the control and communication software. The computers in this array will run under VAXELN.  相似文献   

有效而完整地及时归档大型实时处理系统的原始数据是一项十分重要的工作.论文讨论的数据归档机制能每天自动地存储和归档国家数据中心所有要归档的数据,同时保证用户能有效检索已存储到磁盘阵列上的数据,在确认数据正确归档后,自动清除运行文件系统中的数据文件和运行数据库表中相关记录.该机制已在国家数据中心稳定运行.  相似文献   

An integrated data acquisition system for Nuclear Physics experiments is described. Two PDP11/70 - PDP11/40 systems with a sophisticated ADC Interface for 16 Single NIM ADC's are used for data taking and monitoring. The multi-tasked software provides real-time control of the experimental data by a variety of monitoring routines. A lot of work was done to introduce data formats common to all computers within the HMI. Utilities were written to move Raw Data Files and Multi Spectra Files between different media and to inspect these files. The future expansion of the system will be discussed.  相似文献   

The Holifield Heavy Ion Research Facility is a national resource which will serve a large number of nuclear and atomic physicists who expect to perform experiments which vary widely in type and complexity. Although much consideration must be given to the problem of rapid acquisition and processing of many-parameter data, an equal emphasis will be placed on operational simplicity and the standardization of hardware and software. Two "active" experimental counting areas and two or more "setup" areas are served by three remotely located Perkin-Elmer 8/32 computers which are interfaced to the user equipment by means of three CAMAC branch highways. Other equipment includes a large disk system, alphanumeric/graphic terminals and printer-plotters located in each of the counting areas. The system operation as well as techniques for the rapid sorting of data into large (~ 10 million channels) histograms on disk are discussed.  相似文献   

The prerequisites for software will be demonstrated using a standard interface for embedding FEM in a CAE system. The realization of a powerful system concept with workstations and personal computers tied to host computers will be presented together with colour graphic terminals for result display.As a standard interface the usage of IGES for the transfer of geometrical data from the CAD system to the FEM preprocessor will be discussed along with the possibilities of usage for new designs and variations for 2D and 3D tasks.In the sectors of pre- and postprocessors a proposal for standardizing the interfaces Pre/FEM, FEM/Post as well as FEM/FEM will be presented (working title FEDIS). The entire problematics will be illustrated by practical examples from mechanical industry and plant design.  相似文献   

大型辐射扫描成像系统的新型数据获取结构   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
本文共分为两部分,第一部分针对现代辐射扫描成像系统对投影数据获取技术在快速、高密度方面的需求,提出一种新型多阶段多层次流水线结构,大幅度降低了投影数据采集系统的死时间,提高了系统的响应速度;第二部分着重介绍以TCP/IP协议为基础,采用以太网和网络编程技术实现异种机间、异种操作系统间底层的海量数据的实时传输与通讯的方案、拓朴结构、实现技术以及影响传输率的几个因素和实验数据。  相似文献   

A system is described for using a medium scale computer in real time data acquisition, analysis, and control of high-energy physics experiments utilizing wire spark chambers.  相似文献   

本文在分析研究现有的微机多道中MCB至计算机的数据传送方法基础上,提出了伪随机地址DMA数据传送的新方法,介绍了它的原理与实际实现,以及运用这一原理的新MCB系统的设计,成功地解决了X、γ谱仪系统中数据获取中无计数损失、实时数据传送问题;同时采用了伪随机逐列实时刷新技术,彻底消除了谱显示中的闪烁现象。  相似文献   

The nuclear physics program at the Brookhaven National Laboratory High Flux Beam Reactor (HFBR) employs a pair of PDP-11 computers for the dual functions of data acquisition and analysis. The data acquisition is accomplished through CAMAC and features a microprogrammed branch driver to accommodate various experimental inputs. The acquisition computer performs the functions of multi-channel analyzers, multiscaling and time-sequenced multichannel analyzers and gamma-ray coincidence analyzers. The data analysis computer is available for rapid processing of data tapes written by the acquisition computer. The ability to accommodate many users is facilitated by separating the data acquisition and analysis functions, and allowing each user to tailor the analysis to the specific requirements of his own experiment. The system is to be upgraded soon by the introduction of a dual port disk to allow a data base to be available to each computer.  相似文献   

New analyzing systems will have megachannel resolution without sacrificing speed of data collection. Here, a survey and comparison of different methods and new proposals to achieve this goal are given. The following systems and their basic principles of operation are described: The use of newly developed rotating memories; a disc system with fixed track addressing per rotation; random track addressing through programming; random track addressing using a special controller; disc buffered system, with continuous updating; time of flight measurement through random modulation and cross-correlation; real time calculation of cross-correlation; the Fourier method.  相似文献   

An automatic data system is being developed to record transient data that will replace the present method of photographing scope traces with a Polaroid camera. The advantages of the new system are that it will increase data accuracy, eliminate long hours of manual reduction of data, provide instant processing of data to aid in optimizing the experimental parameters, and provide rapid comparison of current data with data taken from previous runs for statistical analysis. The 2X II automatic data system is composed of an analog disc connected to a small computer system. The multichannel analog disc is the principal intermediate means of recording the data, which are then digitized and stored permanently on magnetic tape. Reading of the data is accomplished by scanning all of the disc channels with a single analog-to-digital converter and transferring the data into the computer's magnetic core memory. This scanning of the analog disc is done automatically by the computer's software program, but it can also be done either manually from the disc control panel or remotely from a teletype terminal. Currently the digitized data are fed into a mini-computer for on-line data reduction and display. Using teletype control, one can view any individual channel from 0 to 30 ms with 10 ?s resolution, or one can retrieve processed data (for example, the number of charge exchange neutrals vs energy for any selected time up to 30 ms).  相似文献   

本系统以新的数据存取方式——“DMA+N”取代古典的多道分析器(MCA)存取方式——“DMA+1”。N是计数换失修正权重因子。计数换失修正方法是基于虚拟脉冲发生器原理,修正工作用硬件实现,不需占用机器时间,从而优越于软件修正,可工作于高计数率。  相似文献   

The Doublet III data acquisition computer system acquires, archives, and processes over three megabytes of data from each shot of the experiment. A shot lasts 1-2 seconds and occurs every 5-6 minutes with 50-100 shots/day. The data acquisition system has been configured to efficiently handle the increasing quantity of data as new plasma instruments are added (five megabytes within a year) and to provide interactive capability during operations. The configuration is a dual CPU system with a dual port disk and bulk core memory. One CPU is devoted to acquisition and archiving while the other CPU is for analysis and interactive use. This system has enabled improved shot-to-shot processing of plasma data thus providing guidance to the physics operations team. A planned upgrade of Doublet III will require data handling of over 20 megabytes/ shot.  相似文献   

During the past several years we have been developing a new data acquisition system based on a PDP-11/60 with an MBD-11 controlled CAMAC crate. The hardware configuration, the acquisition codes involved and the offline analysis system, a VAX-11/780, will be described.  相似文献   

An online system of the underground neutrino detector, Super-Kamiokande is scheduled to be upgraded in 2008 together with front-end electronics. This detector consists of 50 000 tons of pure water equipped with about 13 000 photo-multipliers (PMTs) to detect Cherenkov light. The new online system is required to accept the dataflow of up to 800 MB/s from the front-end electronics and process them for the offline analysis. We will utilize a Gigabit Ethernet network and parallel data processing to handle this large amount of flow. In the new data acquisition scheme, we will not use a hardware event-trigger but read out every hit data from the front-end electronics and process them by the online farm. Therefore, there is no threshold of the number of PMT hits and the detector will become more sensitive to important cosmic-ray events such as relic neutrino from supernova and low energy solar neutrino. In addition to that, a dead-timeless system is desirable for the continuous measurement 365 days a year. In this paper, the detailed design of the upgraded online system and testing activities using prototypes will be described.  相似文献   

本文介绍了γ能谱测量实验室的数据获取系统,并介绍了为建立该系统而开发的一个通用IBM能信程序软件包COMLAN。该通信程序将建立在微型机上的数据获取系统与大型机(如PDP-11,VAX-11等)相连,一次最多可传送999个获取的谱数据到大型机上做离线处理,使微型机在大型机的后援下,用途更广途泛、使用更灵活。  相似文献   

MINUS3 is a general, multi-tasked data acquisition package operating on the ModComp IV/25 computers at both the 88"-Cyclotron and SuperHILAC. It currently can acquire data via three different channels: interrupt; serial DMA link; and remote slave units for histogram type data. Two additional acquisition paths, CAMAC (with programmable differential branch drivers) and MODACS (for multiple CPU linkages and control) are scheduled to be added in the near future. The package operates in a prioritized, time-available mode which permits it to dynamically adapt to microscopic data rate structures due to beam characteristics at different accelerators. Special hardware has been added to the graphics system to provide enhanced high-speed interactive capability. The program framework is also designed as a parasitic environment in which users may, in parallel, attach their own specialized and independent code.  相似文献   

Neutron-induced gamma-ray emission and its detection using a pulsed neutron generator system is an established analytical technique for quantitative multi-element analysis. Traditional gamma-ray spectrometers used for this type of analysis are normally operated either in coincidence mode - for counting prompt gamma-rays following inelastic neutron scattering (INS) events when the neutron generator is ON, or in anti-coincidence mode - for counting prompt gamma-rays from thermal neutron capture (TNC) processes when the neutron generator is OFF. We have developed a digital gamma-ray spectrometer for concurrently measuring both the INS and TNC gamma-rays using a 14 MeV pulsed neutron generator. The spectrometer separates the gamma-ray counts into two independent spectra together with two separate sets of counting statistics based on the external gate level. Because the TNC gamma-ray yields are time dependent, additional accuracy in analyzing the data can be obtained by acquiring multiple time-resolved gamma-ray spectra at finer time intervals than simply ON or OFF. For that purpose we are developing a multi-gating system that will allow gamma-ray spectra to be acquired concurrently in real time with up to 16 time slots. The conceptual system design is presented, especially focusing on considerations for tracking counting statistics in multiple time slots and on the placement of pulse heights into multiple spectra in real time.  相似文献   

The LAMPF Nuclear Chemistry Data Acquisition System (DAS) is designed to provide both real-time control of data acquisition and facilities for data processing for a large variety of users. It consists of a PDP-11/44 connected to a parallel CAMAC branch highway as well as to a large number of peripherals. The various types of radiation counters and spectrometers and their connection to the system will be described. The operation of the system from the standpoint of both hardware and software, as well as future plans, will be described.  相似文献   

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