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An L(2,1)-labeling of a graph G is a function f from the vertex set V(G) to the set of all nonnegative integers such that |f(x)−f(y)|≥2 if d(x,y)=1 and |f(x)−f(y)|≥1 if d(x,y)=2, where d(x,y) denotes the distance between x and y in G. The L(2,1)-labeling number λ(G) of G is the smallest number k such that G has an L(2,1)-labeling with max{f(v):vV(G)}=k. Griggs and Yeh conjecture that λ(G)≤Δ2 for any simple graph with maximum degree Δ≥2. This paper considers the graph formed by the skew product and the converse skew product of two graphs with a new approach on the analysis of adjacency matrices of the graphs as in [W.C. Shiu, Z. Shao, K.K. Poon, D. Zhang, A new approach to the L(2,1)-labeling of some products of graphs, IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II: Express Briefs (to appear)] and improves the previous upper bounds significantly.  相似文献   

The notion of distance constrained graph labelings, motivated by the Frequency Assignment Problem, reads as follows: A mapping from the vertex set of a graph G=(V,E) into an interval of integers {0,…,k} is an L(2,1)-labeling of G of span k if any two adjacent vertices are mapped onto integers that are at least 2 apart, and every two vertices with a common neighbor are mapped onto distinct integers. It is known that for any fixed k≥4, deciding the existence of such a labeling is an NP-complete problem. We present exact exponential time algorithms that are faster than the naive O *((k+1) n ) algorithm that would try all possible mappings. The improvement is best seen in the first NP-complete case of k=4, where the running time of our algorithm is O(1.3006 n ). Furthermore we show that dynamic programming can be used to establish an O(3.8730 n ) algorithm to compute an optimal L(2,1)-labeling.  相似文献   

Due to a large number of applications, bicliques of graphs have been widely considered in the literature. This paper focuses on non-induced bicliques. Given a graph G=(V,E) on n vertices, a pair (X,Y), with X,YV, XY=∅, is a non-induced biclique if {x,y}∈E for any xX and yY. The NP-complete problem of finding a non-induced (k1,k2)-biclique asks to decide whether G contains a non-induced biclique (X,Y) such that |X|=k1 and |Y|=k2. In this paper, we design a polynomial-space O(n1.6914)-time algorithm for this problem. It is based on an algorithm for bipartite graphs that runs in time O(n1.30052). In deriving this algorithm, we also exhibit a relation to the spare allocation problem known from memory chip fabrication. As a byproduct, we show that the constraint bipartite vertex cover problem can be solved in time O(n1.30052).  相似文献   

A bipartite graph is bipancyclic if it contains a cycle of every even length from 4 to |V(G)| inclusive. It has been shown that Qn is bipancyclic if and only if n?2. In this paper, we improve this result by showing that every edge of QnE′ lies on a cycle of every even length from 4 to |V(G)| inclusive where E′ is a subset of E(Qn) with |E′|?n−2. The result is proved to be optimal. To get this result, we also prove that there exists a path of length l joining any two different vertices x and y of Qn when h(x,y)?l?|V(G)|−1 and lh(x,y) is even where h(x,y) is the Hamming distance between x and y.  相似文献   

Let G be a connected graph with diameter diam(G). The radio number for G, denoted by rn(G), is the smallest integer k such that there exists a function f: V(G)→{0, 1, 2, …, k} with the following satisfied for all vertices u and v:|f(u)?f(v)|≥diam (G)?d G (u, v)+1, where d G (u, v) is the distance between u and v in G. In this paper, we determine the radio number of ladder graphs.  相似文献   

For a positive integer d, an L(d,1)-labeling f of a graph G is an assignment of integers to the vertices of G such that |f(u)−f(v)|?d if uvE(G), and |f(u)−f(v)|?1 if u and u are at distance two. The span of an L(d,1)-labeling f of a graph is the absolute difference between the maximum and minimum integers used by f. The L(d,1)-labeling number of G, denoted by λd,1(G), is the minimum span over all L(d,1)-labelings of G. An L(d,1)-labeling of a graph G is an L(d,1)-labeling of G which assigns different labels to different vertices. Denote by the L(d,1)-labeling number of G. Georges et al. [Discrete Math. 135 (1994) 103-111] established relationship between the L(2,1)-labeling number of a graph G and the path covering number of Gc, the complement of G. In this paper we first generalize the concept of the path covering of a graph to the t-group path covering. Then we establish the relationship between the L(d,1)-labeling number of a graph G and the (d−1)-group path covering number of Gc. Using this result, we prove that and for bipartite graphs G can be computed in polynomial time.  相似文献   

Let G be a graph, x,yV(G), and ?:V(G)→[k] a k-colouring of G such that ?(x)=?(y). If then the following question is NP-complete: Does there exist a k-colouring ? of G such that ?(x)≠?(y)? Conversely, if then the problem is polynomial time.  相似文献   

LetG(V,E) be a simple undirected graph with a maximum vertex degree Δ(G) (or Δ for short), |V| =nand |E| =m. An edge-coloring ofGis an assignment to each edge inGa color such that all edges sharing a common vertex have different colors. The minimum number of colors needed is denoted by χ′(G) (called thechromatic index). For a simple graphG, it is known that Δ ≤ χ′(G) ≤ Δ + 1. This paper studies two edge-coloring problems. The first problem is to perform edge-coloring for an existing edge-colored graphGwith Δ + 1 colors stemming from the addition of a new vertex intoG. The proposed parallel algorithm for this problem runs inO3/2log3Δ + Δ logn) time usingO(max{nΔ, Δ3}) processors. The second problem is to color the edges of a given uncolored graphGwith Δ + 1 colors. For this problem, our first parallel algorithm requiresO5.5log3Δ logn+ Δ5log4n) time andO(max{n2Δ,nΔ3}) processors, which is a slight improvement on the algorithm by H. J. Karloff and D. B. Shmoys [J. Algorithms8 (1987), 39–52]. Their algorithm costsO6log4n) time andO(n2Δ) processors if we use the fastest known algorithm for finding maximal independent sets by M. Goldberg and T. Spencer [SIAM J. Discrete Math.2 (1989), 322–328]. Our second algorithm requiresO4.5log3Δ logn+ Δ4log4n) time andO(max{n2,nΔ3}) processors. Finally, we present our third algorithm by incorporating the second algorithm as a subroutine. This algorithm requiresO3.5log3Δ logn+ Δ3log4n) time andO(max{n2log Δ,nΔ3}) processors, which improves, by anO2.5) factor in time, on Karloff and Shmoys' algorithm. All of these algorithms run in the COMMON CRCW PRAM model.  相似文献   

We show an O?(n(?+1))-time algorithm for the channel assignment problem, where ? is the maximum edge weight. This improves on the previous O?(n(?+2))-time algorithm by Král (2005) [1], as well as algorithms for important special cases, like L(2,1)-labeling. For the latter problem, our algorithm works in O?(n3) time. The progress is achieved by applying the fast zeta transform in combination with the inclusion-exclusion principle.  相似文献   

A graph G of size q is odd graceful, if there is an injection φ from V(G) to {0, 1, 2, …, 2q?1} such that, when each edge xy is assigned the label or weight |f(x)?f(y)|, the resulting edge labels are {1, 3, 5, …, 2q?1}. This definition was introduced in 1991 by Gnanajothi [3], who proved that the graphs obtained by joining a single pendant edge to each vertex of C n are odd graceful, if n is even. In this paper, we generalize Gnanajothi's result on cycles by showing that the graphs obtained by joining m pendant edges to each vertex of C n are odd graceful if n is even. We also prove that the subdivision of ladders S(L n ) (the graphs obtained by subdividing every edge of L n exactly once) is odd graceful.  相似文献   

A unit cube in k-dimension (or a k-cube) is defined as the Cartesian product R1×R2×?×Rk, where each Ri is a closed interval on the real line of the form [ai,ai+1]. The cubicity of G, denoted as cub(G), is the minimum k such that G is the intersection graph of a collection of k-cubes. Many NP-complete graph problems can be solved efficiently or have good approximation ratios in graphs of low cubicity. In most of these cases the first step is to get a low dimensional cube representation of the given graph.It is known that for a graph G, . Recently it has been shown that for a graph G, cub(G)?4(Δ+1)lnn, where n and Δ are the number of vertices and maximum degree of G, respectively. In this paper, we show that for a bipartite graph G=(AB,E) with |A|=n1, |B|=n2, n1?n2, and Δ=min{ΔA,ΔB}, where ΔA=maxaAd(a) and ΔB=maxbBd(b), d(a) and d(b) being the degree of a and b in G, respectively, cub(G)?2(Δ+2)⌈lnn2⌉. We also give an efficient randomized algorithm to construct the cube representation of G in 3(Δ+2)⌈lnn2⌉ dimensions. The reader may note that in general Δ can be much smaller than Δ.  相似文献   

Given two non-negative integers h and k, an L(h, k)-labeling of a graph G = (V, E) is a function from the set V to a set of colors, such that adjacent nodes take colors at distance at least h, and nodes at distance 2 take colors at distance at least k. The aim of the L(h, k)-labeling problem is to minimize the greatest used color. Since the decisional version of this problem is NP-complete, it is important to investigate particular classes of graphs for which the problem can be efficiently solved. It is well known that the most common interconnection topologies, such as Butterfly-like, Beneg, CCC, Trivalent Cayley networks, are all characterized by a similar structure: they have nodes organized as a matrix and connections are divided into layers. So we naturally introduce a new class of graphs, called (l × n)-multistage graphs, containing the most common interconnection topologies, on which we study the L(h, k)-labeling. A general algorithm for L(h, k)-labeling these graphs is presented, and from this method an efficient L(2, 1)-labeling for Butterfly and CCC networks is derived. Finally we describe a possible generalization of our approach.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the asymptotic equivalence between the linear system Δx(n) = A(n)x(n) and its perturbation Δy(n) = A(n)y(n)+g(n, y(n)) by using the comparison principle and supplementary projections. Furthermore, we establish some asymptotic properties for the nonlinear system Δx(n) = f(n, x(n)).  相似文献   

Edge coloring, total coloring and L(2,1)-labeling are well-studied NP-hard graph problems. Even the versions asking whether a graph has a coloring with few colors or a labeling with few labels remain NP-hard on graphs of small maximum degree. This paper studies enumeration and counting problems on edge colorings, total colorings and L(2,1)-labelings of graphs. One part deals with the enumeration of all edge 3-colorings, all total 4-colorings and all L(2,1)-labelings of span 5 of a given connected cubic graph. Branching algorithms to solve these enumeration problems are established. They imply upper bounds on the maximum number of edge 3-colorings, total 4-colorings and L(2,1)-labelings of span 5 in any n-vertex connected cubic graphs. Corresponding combinatorial lower bounds are also provided. The other part of the paper studies dynamic programming algorithms solving counting problems. On one hand, algorithms to count the number of edge k-colorings and total k-colorings for graphs of bounded pathwidth are given. On the other hand, an algorithm to count the number of L(2,1)-labelings of span 4 for graphs of maximum degree three are given.  相似文献   

Let m, j and k be positive integers. An m-circular-L(j, k)-labelling of a graph G is an assignment f from { 0, 1,?…?, m?1} to the vertices of G such that, for any two vertices u and v, |f(u)?f(v)|mj if uvE(G), and |f(u)?f(v)|mk if dG(u, v)=2, where |a|m=min{a, m?a}. The minimum m such that G has an m-circular-L(j, k)-labelling is called the circular-L(j, k)-labelling number of G. This paper determines the circular-L(2, 1)-labelling numbers of the direct product of a path and a complete graph and of the Cartesian product of a path and a cycle.  相似文献   

Let k be a positive integer, and let G=(V,E) be a graph with minimum degree at least k−1. A function f:V→{−1,1} is said to be a signed k-dominating function (SkDF) if uN[v]f(u)?k for every vV. An SkDF f of a graph G is minimal if there exists no SkDF g such that gf and g(v)?f(v) for every vV. The maximum of the values of vVf(v), taken over all minimal SkDFs f, is called the upper signed k-domination numberΓkS(G). In this paper, we present a sharp upper bound on this number for a general graph.  相似文献   

We study the classical Bandwidth problem from the viewpoint of parametrised algorithms. Given a graph G=(V,E) and a positive integer k, the Bandwidth problem asks whether there exists a bijective function β:{1,…,∣V∣}→V such that for every edge uvE, ∣β−1(u)−β−1(v)∣≤k. It is known that under standard complexity assumptions, no algorithm for Bandwidth with running time of the form f(k)nO(1) exists, even when the input is restricted to trees. We initiate the search for classes of graphs where such algorithms do exist. We present an algorithm with running time n⋅2O(klogk) for Bandwidth on AT-free graphs, a well-studied graph class that contains interval, permutation, and cocomparability graphs. Our result is the first non-trivial algorithm that shows fixed-parameter tractability of Bandwidth on a graph class on which the problem remains NP-complete.  相似文献   

A new random base change algorithm is presented for a permutation group G acting on n points whose worst case asymptotic running time is better for groups with a small to moderate size base than any known deterministic algorithm. To achieve this time bound, the algorithm requires a random generator Rand(G) producing a random element of G with the uniform distribution and so that the time for each call to Rand (G) is bounded by some function f(n, G). The random base change algorithm has probability 1 - 1/|G| of completing in time O(f(n, G) log |G|) and outputting a data structure for representing the point stabilizer sequence relative to the new ordering. The algorithm requires O(n log |G|) space and the data structure produced can be used to test group membership in time O(n log |G|). Since the output of this algorithm is a data structure allowing generation of random group elements in time O(n log |G|), repeated application of the random base change algorithms for different orderings of the permutation domain of G will always run in time O (n log2 |G|). An earlier version of this work appeared in Cooperman and Finkelstein (1992b).  相似文献   

LetG andH be graphs with |V(G)≤ |V(H)|. Iff:V(G) →V(H) is a one-to-one map, we letdilation(f) be the maximum of dist H (f x),f(y)) over all edgesxy inG where dist H denotes distance inH. The construction of maps fromG toH of small dilation is motivated by the problem of designing small slowdown simulations onH of algorithms that were originally designed for the networkG. LetS(n), thestar network of dimension n, be the graph whose vertices are the elements of the symmetric group of degreen, two verticesx andy being adjacent ifx o (1,i) =y for somei. That is,xy is an edge ifx andy are related by a transposition involving some fixed symbol (which we take to be 1). Also letP(n), thepancake network of dimension n, be the graph whose vertices are the elements of the symmetric group of degreen, two verticesx andy being adjacent if one can be obtained from the other by reversing some prefix. That is,xy is an edge ifx andy are related byx o (1,i(2,i-1) ⋯ ([i/2], [i/2]) =y. The star network (introduced in [AHK]) has nice symmetry properties, and its degree and diameter are sublogarithmic as functions of the number of vertices, making it compare favorably with the hypercube network. These advantages ofS(n) motivate the study of how well it can simulate other parallel computation networks, in particular, the hypercube. The concern of this paper is to construct low dilation maps of hypercube networks into star or pancake networks. Typically in such problems, there is a tradeoff between keeping the dilationsmall and simulating alarge hypercube. Our main result shows that at the cost ofO (1) dilation asn→ ∞, one can embed a hypercube of near optimum dimension into the star or pancake networksS(n) orP(n). More precisely, lettingQ (d) be the hypercube of dimensiond, our main theorem is stated below. For simplicity, we state it only in the special case when the star network dimension is a power of 2. A more general result (applying to star networks of arbitrary dimension) is obtained by a simple interpolation. This author's research was done during the Spring Semester 1991, as a visiting professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Miami University.  相似文献   

The communication complexity of a function f denotes the number of bits that two processors have to exchange in order to compute f(x, y), when each processor knows one of the variables x and y, respectively. In this paper the deterministic communication complexity of sum-type functions, such as the Hamming distance and the Lee distance, is examined. Here f: X × XG, where X is a finite set and G is an Abelian group, and the sum-type function fn:Xn × XnG is defined by fn((x1, ..., xn), (y1, ..., yn)) = Σni=1f(xi, yi) Since the functions examined are also translation-invariant, their function matrices are simultaneously diagonalizable and the corresponding eigenvalues can be calculated. This allows to apply a rank lower bound for the communication complexity. The best results are obtained for G = /2 . For prime numbers |X| in this case the communication complexity of all non-trivial sum-type functions is determined exactly. Exact results are also obtained for the parity of the Hamming distance and the parity of the Lee distance. For the Hamming distance and the Lee distance exact results are only obtained for special parameters n and |X|.  相似文献   

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