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The display of proteins on the surface of filamentous phage has been shown to be a powerful method to select variants of a protein with altered binding properties from large combinatorial libraries of mutants. The beta-lactamase inhibitory protein (BLIP) is a 165-amino-acid protein that binds and inhibits TEM-1 beta-lactamase-catalyzed hydrolysis of the penicillin and cephalosporin antibiotics. Here we describe the construction of a new phagemid vector and the use of this vector to display BLIP on the surface of filamentous phage. It is shown that BLIP-displaying phage bind to immobilized beta-lactamase and that the binding can be competed off by the addition of soluble beta-lactamase. In addition, a two-step phage enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay procedure was used to demonstrate that the BLIP-displaying phage bind beta-lactamase with a 50% inhibitory concentration of 1 nM, which compares favorably with a previously published Ki of 0.6 nM. A system has therefore been established for protein engineering of BLIP to expand its range of binding to other beta-lactamases and penicillin-binding proteins.  相似文献   

T cells initiate many immune responses through the interaction of their T-cell antigen receptors (TCR) with antigenic peptides bound to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules. This interaction sends a biochemical signal into the T cell by a mechanism that is not clearly understood. We have used quasielastic light scattering (QELS) to show that, in the presence of MHC molecules bound to a full agonist peptide, TCR/peptide-MHC complexes oligomerize in solution to form supramolecular structures at concentrations near the dissociation constant of the binding reaction. The size of the oligomers is concentration dependent and is calculated to contain two to six ternary complexes for the concentrations tested here. This effect is specific as neither molecule forms oligomers by itself, nor were oligomers observed unless the correct peptide was bound to the MHC. These results provide direct evidence for models of T-cell signalling based on the specific assembly of multiple TCR/peptide-MHC complexes in which the degree of assembly determines the extent and qualitative nature of the transduced signal. They may also explain how T cells maintain sensitivity to antigens present in only low abundance on the antigen-presenting cell.  相似文献   

The aim of this work has been to determine whether the joint use of mammography and scintimammography is capable of reducing the number of biopsies required in patients with suspected breast cancer. We have performed scintimammography in 90 patients, 97 lesions, with breast cancer suspicion. In the mammography was evaluated the degree of malignancy suspicion and the size of the lesion. Only 41 of the biopsies revealed the presence of cancer. The sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV of scintimammography were 85%, 79%, 74% and 88%. According to the mammography findings 20 lesions (1 breast cancer) were included as low, 31 lesions (4 breast cancer) as indeterminate and 46 lesions (36 breast cancer) as high malignancy suspicion. 14 lesions (2 low, 2 indeterminate and 10 high suspicion) were smaller than 1 cm. The scintimammography was positive in all breast cancer of low and indeterminate suspicion of malignancy and in 30 of high probability. On the basis of this results we propose that a biopsy must be carried out to those lesions with a high suspicion of malignancy, and to lesions with low or indeterminate suspicion that are smaller than 1 cm or that present a positive scintimammography. Following this protocol, only 64 of the 97 biopsies would have been necessary, with a reduction of the 34% in the total number of biopsies and, more important, a 65% of reduction in the number of biopsies carried out in the groups of low and indeterminate suspicion of malignancy. At the same time we would indicate biopsy in all cases of breast cancer.  相似文献   

In a systematic study of the murine T-cell receptor UZ3-4, expressed and refolded from inclusion bodies in Escherichia coli, it was found that functional molecules can be obtained only under a very narrow set of conditions. The refolded T-cell receptor UZ3-4 specifically recognizes its cognate peptide (from mycobacterial Hsp60) in the context of H-2Db, but not another peptide bound to H-2Db, and the dissociation constant was determined by BIAcore as 10(-4) M. Using T-cell receptor constructs comprising all extracellular domains (ValphaCalpha and VbetaCbeta), found to be necessary for stability of the final product, significant amounts of native molecules were obtained only if the intermolecular Calpha-Cbeta disulfide bridge bond was deleted, even though the interaction between the complete alpha and beta-chain was determined to be very weak and fully reversible (KD approximately 10(-7) to 10(-6) M). Fusion of Jun and Fos to the constant domains also decreased the folding yield, because of premature association of intermediates leading to aggregation. Furthermore, only in a very narrow set of concentrations of oxidized and reduced glutathione, native disulfide bonds dominated. This shows that T-cell receptor domains are very prone to aggregation and misassociation during folding, compounded by incorrect disulfide bond formation. Once folded, however, the heterodimeric molecule is very stable and could be concentrated to millimolar concentration.  相似文献   

This study used three separate methods to evaluate sexual behavior in boars previously classified as having high (H), intermediate (INT), or low (L) levels of sexual behavior. Boars were initially evaluated for sexual behavior at 9.6 to 10.6 mo of age with a tethered female for 5 min. Boars were subsequently evaluated with a tethered female for 10 min (TF), a group of females for 10 min (FG), or continuously in a cohabitation environment for 113 h (C). When boars were evaluated with the TF procedure they mounted the female in less time (P < .01) and copulated sooner (P < .01) than when evaluated with the FG procedure. Regardless of whether the TF or FG procedure was used, L boars cumulated less time (P < .01) nosing the sides of females and took longer (P < .01) to first mount than H or INT boars. Proportion of successful matings was not different between the TF and FG procedure; however, the proportion of successful matings by H (91.7%), INT (79.2%), and L (45.8%) boars did differ (P < .001). With the C procedure, sexual behavior classification affected (P < .01) average number of successful matings (H, 4.7; INT, 2.3; and L, .33). This study indicates that sexual behavior traits expressed by a boar are similar when evaluated with a tethered female, a group of females, or a cohabitation environment.  相似文献   

The E2A gene products, E12 and E47, are critical for proper early B-cell development and commitment to the B-cell lineage. Here we reveal a new role for E2A in T-lymphocyte development. Loss of E2A activity results in a partial block at the earliest stage of T-lineage development. This early T-cell phenotype precedes the development of a T-cell lymphoma which occurs between 3 and 9 months of age. The thymomas are monoclonal and highly malignant and display a cell surface phenotype similar to that of immature thymocytes. In addition, the thymomas generally express high levels of c-myc. As assayed by comparative genomic hybridization, each of the tumor populations analyzed showed a nonrandom gain of chromosome 15, which contains the c-myc gene. Taken together, the data suggest that the E2A gene products play a role early in thymocyte development that is similar to their function in B-lineage determination. Furthermore, the lack of E2A results in development of T-cell malignancies, and we propose that E2A inactivation is a common feature of a wide variety of human T-cell proliferative disorders, including those involving the E2A heterodimeric partners tal-1 and lyl-1.  相似文献   

The two lineages of T cells, alphabeta and gammadelta, differ in their developmental requirements: only alphabeta T cells require major histocompatibility complex recognition, a process known as positive selection. The alphabeta T cell receptor (TCR), but not its gammadelta counterpart, contains a motif within the alpha-chain connecting peptide domain (alpha-CPM) that has been conserved over the last 500 million years. In transgenic mice expressing an alphabeta TCR lacking the alpha-CPM, thymocytes were blocked in positive selection but could undergo negative selection. Thus, the alpha-CPM seems to participate in the generation of signals required for positive selection.  相似文献   

Antibody single-chain Fv fragment (scFv) molecules that are specific for fluorescein have been engineered with a C-terminal cysteine for a directed immobilization on a flat gold surface. Individual scFv molecules can be identified by atomic force microscopy. For selected molecules the antigen binding forces are then determined by using a tip modified with covalently immobilized antigen. An scFv mutant of 12% lower free energy for ligand binding exhibits a statistically significant 20% lower binding force. This strategy of covalent immobilization and measuring well separated single molecules allows the characterization of ligand binding forces in molecular repertoires at the single molecule level and will provide a deeper insight into biorecognition processes.  相似文献   

T cells recognize peptide and non-peptide antigens. Drugs represent typical examples of non-peptide antigens. The majority of drug-specific T cells are alphabeta+ TCR T cells and are MHC class I or II restricted. Here we show the existence of drug (lidocaine)-specific T cell clones which proliferate in the presence of antigen-presenting cells (APC) with different HLA alleles. Two clones (SFT24 and E20) were analyzed in detail. They show a narrow dose-dependent proliferation to lidocaine, but not to procaine. With the use of a panel of HLA-typed allogeneic APC, we observed that certain allogeneic APC plus lidocaine lead to a similar, others to partial and some to no proliferation of the lidocaine-specific T cell clones. An APC-independent proliferation could be excluded since both clones proliferated only marginally without APC and increasing the number of APC resulted in a higher proliferation. Blocking experiments with anti-DP, -DQ and -DR antibodies showed that lidocaine is presented in a HLA-DR-restricted way both with autologous or allogeneic APC. Mouse fibroblasts transfected with an allogeneic HLA-DRB1*01 but not HLA-DR-negative mouse fibroblasts could serve as presenting cells. Fixation of APC did not hamper drug presentation, but pulsing of APC with the drug was not possible, indicating that processing is not required and that lidocaine binds in an unstable way to the MHC-peptide complex. This degenerate drug recognition has certain features of superantigen recognition, such as the ability of drugs to bind from the outside to multiple HLA-DR alleles. Such features of drug recognition may open new therapeutic possibilities to intervene with TCR-MHC interactions in a selective way.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage lambda encodes a site-specific recombination system that promotes the movement of the phage genome into and out of the host bacterial chromosome. The phage-encoded integrase (Int) is composed of 356 amino acid residues and carries out the required strand exchanges by means of a type I topoisomerase activity. Int also contains two distinct DNA-binding domains that interact with two different, specific sequences (arm-type and core-type sites) on DNA. In order to help understand the mechanism of site-specific recombination, we have used a genetic approach to isolate mutants defective in different steps in the recombination reaction. We developed a genetic screen for Int mutants that are defective in catalyzing excisive recombination in vivo. These mutants were screened for proficiency in binding to the P'123 arm-type sites using the bacteriophage P22 challenge-phage assays. In all, 78 such mutants were isolated and the mutational changes mapped and sequenced. These mutants have been further characterized (1) for their ability to bind the P'1 and P'123 arm-type sites and for their ability to form the attL complex in vivo, (2) for negative dominance in vitro, (3) for the presence of type I topoisomerase activity, and (4) for the ability to resolve artificially constructed recombination intermediates. We found that (1) residues in a stretch of 88 amino acids in the middle of the protein may be involved in Int-Int interactions, (2) a region around Arg212 is involved in the catalytic site, (3) residues near the carboxyl terminus play a role in enhancing Int binding to its arm-type sites, possibly by interacting with the small amino-terminal region that has been shown to be responsible for specific recognition of the arm-type sites, and (4) residues at the very carboxyl end of the protein may be involved in modulating the cleavage or religation activities of the Int protein.  相似文献   

The tailspike protein (TSP) of Salmonella typhimurium P22 bacteriophage is a multifunctional homotrimer, 6 copies of which are non-covalently attached to the capsid to form the virion tail in the last reaction of phage assembly. An antigenic peptide of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV), aa 134-156 of protein VP1, has been joined to the carboxy terminus of TSP, and produced as a fusion protein in Escherichia coli directed by the trp promoter. The resulting fusion protein is soluble, stable, non-toxic, and can be easily purified by standard procedures. Moreover, both the endorhamnosidase and capsid assembly activities of the TSP are conserved, permitting the fusion protein to reconstitute infectious viruses by in vitro association with tailless particles. In both free TSP and P22 chimeric virions, the foreign peptide is solvent-exposed and highly antigenic, indicating that P22 TSP could be an appropriate carrier protein for multimeric peptide display.  相似文献   

In a recent study, we showed that an immunotoxin (IT) made with a conventional monoclonal antibody targeting the CD3 epsilon moiety of the T-cell receptor (TCR) had a potent, but partial, graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) effect (Vallera et al, Blood 86:4367, 1995). Therefore, in this current study, we determined whether a fusion immunotoxin made with anti-CD3 single-chain Fv (sFv), the smallest unit of antibody recognizing antigen, would have anti-GVHD activity. A fusion protein was synthesized from a construct made by splicing sFv cDNA from the hybridoma 145-2C11 to a truncated form of the diphtheria toxin (DT390) gene. DT390 encodes a molecule that retains full enzymatic activity, but excludes the native DT binding domain. The DT390-anti-CD3sFv hybrid gene was cloned into a vector under the control of an inducible promoter. The protein was expressed in Escherichia coli and then purified from inclusion bodies. The DT390 moiety of the protein had full enzymatic activity compared with native DT and DT390-anti-CD3sFv, with an IC50 of 1 to 2 nmol/L against phytohemagglutinin-stimulated and alloantigen-stimulated T cells. Specificity was shown (1) by blocking the IT with parental anti-CD3 antibody, but not with a control antibody; (2) by failure of DT390-anti-CD3sFv to inhibit lipopolysaccharide-stimulated murine B cells; (3) by failure of an Ig control fusion protein, DT390-Fc, to inhibit T-cell responses; and (4) with in vivo immunohistochemisty studies. GVHD was studied in a model in which C57BL/6 (H-2b)-purified lymph node T cells were administered to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigen disparate unirradiated C.B.-17 scid (H-2d) mice to assess GVHD effects in the absence of irradiation toxicity. Flow cytometry studies showed that donor T cells were expanded 57-fold and histopathologic analysis showed the hallmarks of a lethal model of GVHD. Control mice receiving phosphate-buffered saline showed 17% survival on day 80 after bone marrow transplantation, and mice receiving 2 micrograms DT390-Fc fusion toxin control administered in 2 daily doses for 6 days (days 0 through 5) had a 43% survival rate. In contrast, 86% of mice receiving the same dose of DT390-anti-CD3sFv were survivors on day 80, a significant improvement, although survivors still showed histopathologic signs of GVHD. These findings suggest that new anti-GVHD agents can be genetically engineered and warrant further investigation of fusion proteins for GVHD treatment.  相似文献   

Here, we show that bacteria induce de novo synthesis of both major histocompatability complex (MHC) class I and II molecules in a mouse dendritic cell culture system. The neo-biosynthesis of MHC class I molecules is delayed as compared with that of MHC class II. Furthermore, bacteria stabilize MHC class I molecules by a 3-fold increase of their half-life. This has important consequences for the capacity of dendritic cells to present bacterial antigens in the draining lymph nodes. In addition, a model antigen, ovalbumin, expressed on the surface of recombinant Streptococcus gordonii is processed and presented on MHC class I molecules. This presentation is 10(6) times more efficient than that of soluble OVA protein. This exogenous pathway of MHC class I presentation is transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP)-dependent, indicating that there is a transport from phagolysosome to cytosol in dendritic cells. Thus, bacteria are shown to be a potentially useful mean for the correct delivery of exogenous antigens to be presented efficiently on MHC class I molecules.  相似文献   

Hemagglutinin is a major glycoprotein of Porphyromonas gingivalis vesicles and likely confers the ability to adsorb and penetrate into host tissue cells. To protect this bacterial invasion, murine monoclonal antibody (MAb) Pg-vc, which inhibited the hemagglutinating activity, was prepared by using P. gingivalis vesicles as an antigen. Western blot analysis revealed that when both MAb Pg-vc and anti-HA-Ag2 antibody raised against the P. gingivalis hemagglutinin adhesin (M. Deslauriers and C. Mouton, Infect. Immun. 60:2791-2799, 1992) were allowed to react with protein blots from P. gingivalis vesicles, a superimposable profile was observed. To obtain a recombinant antibody, cDNAs coding for the variable domains of the L and H chains of MAb Pg-vc were cloned by PCR, and a plasmid specifying a single-chain variable fragment (ScFv) was constructed. Following transformation of Escherichia coli cells, a recombinant ScFv protein was successfully expressed. The immunological properties of this protein were identical to those of the parental murine MAb, specifically recognizing the two proteins (43 and 49 kDa) originating from P. gingivalis vesicles. In addition, the ScFv antibody inhibited the P. gingivalis vesicle-associated hemagglutinating activity. The amino acid sequences deduced from nucleotide sequencing experiments confirmed that variable heavy-chain and variable light-chain regions belonged to VH1 and Vkappa12/13 families, respectively. Since the expression system used in this study can readily provide large quantities of single-chain recombinant antibody, it may be a useful in developing a therapeutic agent for passive immunization in humans.  相似文献   

We analyzed nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence heterogeneity of sheep T-cell receptor beta-chain cDNAs isolated from an anchored-polymerase chain reaction library. Evaluation of 34 individual rearrangements has defined 18 new beta-chain variable region sequences which have been clustered into 13 families. Presumptive allelic polymorphisms of four of these variable regions have been defined, as well as ten distinct beta-chain joining region sequences. The present analysis indicates that sheep T-cell receptor beta-chains are composed of characteristic leader, variable, joining, and constant region sequences, and that imprecise joining and N-region addition contribute significantly to diversity in the third hypervariable region. Thus, it appears that sheep, like all other mammals studied to date, employ somatic rearrangement of multiple germline genes to create beta-chain heterogeneity. These findings have allowed us to estimate the diversity of the sheep T-cell receptor beta-chain variable region repertoire, and they provide information that will permit the evaluation of the role that specific T-cell populations play in naturally occurring and experimental diseases of sheep.  相似文献   

Myeloma cells have been used to produce milligram quantities of soluble alpha beta T cell receptor (TCR) molecules as single-chain polypeptides in which the TCR variable (V) domains are connected by a peptide linker (TCR scFv). Unlike most TCR scFv produced in bacteria, the purified TCR scFv were stable and showed no tendency to aggregate when kept at concentrations up to 10 mg/ml. Circular dichroism analyses of the TCR scFv indicated that they contained a high proportion of beta-pleated sheet structures. Since the V alpha subunits present in the TCR scFv contained their own signal sequences, they provided the opportunity to determine by N-terminal amino acid sequencing the position of the signal cleavage of three distinct mouse V alpha. Two of the experimentally determined signal cleavage sites differed from those previously predicted on the basis of biochemical and statistical criteria. The expression approach outlined in this report has been applicable to three distinct alpha beta TCR and should contribute to the large scale production of soluble TCR amenable to structural studies.  相似文献   

A gene encoding a single-chain antibody which specifically binds the human epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor has been constructed and expressed intracellularly. The single-chain antibody is derived from monoclonal antibody 225 which competes with EGF for binding to the extracellular domain of the receptor. The single-chain antibody was provided with a signal peptide to direct it to the secretory pathway and was expressed in EGF receptor transformed NIH/3T3 fibroblasts. EGF induced activation of its receptor was reduced in these cells. In addition, EGF-induced anchorage-independent growth of the cells was inhibited. The data suggest that the single-chain antibody functions in an autocrine fashion to inhibit the activity of the EGF receptor.  相似文献   

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