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日本的设计水准是世界第一流的,人才济济,大部分顶尖的人物,杰出的设计师都聚集在东京。这现象可能是因为东京是日本的首都,又是一个最重要的商业与文化的大都会,所以很多人才都从日本其他地方汇集到东京去。其实,日本不少城市都有杰出的设计师,亦有推广设计的机构。例如:名古屋有设计中心富士山有海报三年展,大阪有海报博物馆和DDD设计艺廊……。大阪市是日本第二大城市,又是日本重要的工业城,因此,设计人才仅次于东京。本刊上期介绍了两位名家,这期我将再介绍另一位我非常欣赏的大阪设计师,他的名字是三木健。  相似文献   

永恒求真的设计师   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在这世纪之交的日子里,倍觉时光飞逝,回想起与日本设计师松永真的交往,已超过了10年。我于1989年应邀赴日,参加东京的泛太平洋设计会议,担任演讲嘉宾。在这个国际设计界的盛会里,我结识了一些日本设计师,松永真就是其中一位。东京的国际设计大会给我留下深刻的印象,在整体的策划、活动内容、接待公关和大会形象各方面,都做到很高水准。这可以说是我参  相似文献   

正佐藤卓1955年生于东京,1979年毕业于东京艺术大学设计系,1981年在东京艺术大学完成研究生课程;曾任职电通株式会社,1984年成立佐藤卓设计事务所。"我比一般人更能够清楚地认识到自己是多么的'无知'。我想,这促使我保持了强烈的好奇心。""I'm more aware of my own ignorance than most people are.I think this is what keeps me curious."作为当今日本最受业界推崇的设计大师之一,佐藤卓倡导"没有设计的设计",做设计时完全不表现自己,但是他的设计作品却在市场上屹立数十年不倒;出身平面设计,但是他跨足不同设计领域,从企业识别到产品设计,累积为数众多的优秀作品;他热爱冲浪,总是像孩童般充满好奇心,不断探索、挖掘别人没有发现的东西,就连三宅一生都盛赞"他的设计让我们看到熟悉事物新鲜的一面,同时其中洋溢着亲切感。"  相似文献   

初冬的东京设计周俨然成为亚洲的设计盛事,然而不只是亚洲东方,来自欧美的设计师团队设计品牌等也都趁此时齐聚东京,为设计欢庆。在为期周的设计活动中,不只有举办了23年的东京设计师周(TOKYO DESIGNERS WEEK).  相似文献   

东京的金秋,格外地艳丽。迎来了第十二届(APD)亚洲包装设计展示交流会的召开暨日本包装设计协会50周年庆典活动。在此时刻,我衷心地祝愿本届(APD)大会圆满成功并希望"JPDA"事业前程似锦!  相似文献   

我记不起是什么时候认识松井桂三先生的。回想1993年东京银座GGG设计艺廊举办了“香港设计师八人展”之后,我在大阪市也探访了姊妹机构DDD设计艺廊,松井桂三先生就是这艺廊的策划及艺术总监。1996年DDD设计艺廊举办了“亚洲设计师六人展”,我是其中一位应邀  相似文献   

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发生在东京 东京是世界时尚之都之一.这里的潮流.设计和建筑在萧条经济的充斥下正发生着变化。东京给人们的期待是怎样的?时尚和设计在动荡的经济中摇曳出了一幅怎样的新姿?东京建筑设计事务所Mark Dytham的创始人Klein Dytham和日本建筑与设计联络簿(dezaln.net)的经营者Eizo Okada面对一系列问题、从各自的角度拓出了供人思考的脉络。  相似文献   

长青的创造者永井一正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
永井一正是日本战后长成一辈的大师级设计师。他与田中一光同是日本当今在世数一数二的设计界顶尖人物,而且创作力还旺盛,在国际上屡获殊荣。早在六十年代,我初学设计的时候,他的作品已是我欣赏和学习的范例。他也算是我较早相遇认识的海外设计名家之一。一九八一年,香港正形设计学校在东京主办了一个《现在香港之设计展》,这个展览的协办单位是日本字体设计师  相似文献   

<正>东京的金秋,格外地艳丽。迎来了第十二届(APD)亚洲包装设计展示交流会的召开暨日本包装设计协会50周年庆典活动。在此时刻,我衷心地祝愿本届(APD)大会圆满成功并希望"JPDA"事业前程似锦!  相似文献   

HITACHI日立公司的企业理念是:Inspire the Next,明确地表明了日立力图把创意融入未来。2004年,日立(中国)有限公司设计中心成立.这是日立公司除在东京的设计本部外,在国外继米兰、圣地亚哥.新加坡之后的第四个设计分部。因缘设计,我们对日立中国设计中心和东京的设计本部进行了专访。  相似文献   

增设“包装工程”为一级学科的可行性论证   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
按照2009年《国务院学位委员会、教育部关于修订学位授予和人才培养学科目录的通知》精神,湖南工业大学组织专家讨论,提出了增设“包装工程”一级学科的可行性论证报告。报告认为,经过20多年的发展,“包装工程”类学科专业已在我国高等教育中占有相当重要的地位,增设“包装工程”一级学科的条件目前已经成熟。拟增设的“包装工程”一级学科主要涵盖“包装设计及理论”、“包装制造及自动化”、“包装安全及环境”3个二级学科。“包装工程”一级学科的增设,将有效缓解经济社会对包装人才与包装科技的迫切需求,对促进我国经济建设、社会发展乃至建设“包装强国”的战略目标的实现具有极其重要和深远的意义。  相似文献   

目的 对圆柱形的车用动力锂电池进行运输包装设计及跌落仿真试验分析。方法 运用运输包装设计五步法,根据产品特性、运输包装要求与流通环境条件,分析现有包装的不足,提出包装解决方案,并依据包装设计方案设计包装材质、结构尺寸,对设计的包装进行强度校核,最后对包装件进行跌落仿真试验,分析和评价所设计的包装方案。结果 设计的运输包装解决方案分为内外包装两部分,内包装使用材质为EPE发泡聚乙烯塑料材料,结构为多孔结构,外包装使用的材质为C楞瓦楞纸板,结构为0201型箱型结构,对所设计的包装方案进行底面跌落模拟仿真试验,锂电池产品所受到的最大等效应力值为5.865 MPa,低于圆柱形动力锂电池材料的许用应力值132.2 MPa。结论 所设计的圆柱形动力锂电池运输包装方案合理,对锂电池类危险品的运输包装设计具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

魏专 《包装学报》2010,2(2):93-96
为培养应用型人才,以包装工程专业人才知识结构对人机工程学的需求为前提,分析了以产品设计为核心的人机工程学课程的适用性,并结合包装工程专业对人机工程学课程内容进行适当地删减、调整和转换,形成了适用于包装工程专业的人机工程学课程教学体系。在教学内容和教学方法上,提出应从理论讲解为中心转向以案例分析为中心;在教学环节设置上,提出了“理论阐述,研究案例/章节讨论+设计实践”的“3+1”教学模式。  相似文献   

It is with regret that we record the death of Dennis Hine on 15 June 2007 at the age of 80. Hine joined the Packaging and Allied Trades Research Association (which subsequently became Pira( at the age of 27 and remained with Pira until his retirement. Hine was a gifted scientist with a natural interest in understanding the world around him. He pioneered the development of test instruments that simulated and quantified packaging machine operations, for example, adhesive bonding, film runnability, crease stiffness and carton opening. Test instruments designed by Hine continue to be manufactured and sold around the world. He is particularly noted for his research on carton quality and machine–material interaction during the 1960s and the 1970s. His research reports in this field continue to be cited, and he was awarded a fellowship at the Institute of Packaging in recognition of his contribution to packaging science. The understanding of carton quality developed by Hine is widely applied today and is the basis for the only national standard for crease quality. As well as authoring many technical reports and papers, in his retirement Hine also wrote the textbook Cartons and Cartoning. Hine was awarded a special degree in physics by the London University in 1947, and then worked during the later war years at the Research Association of British Rubber Manufacturers in Croydon on war‐related work. After the war, he was allowed to present his work as a thesis, for which he was awarded a master's degree. Hine had a genuine fascination with understanding the world around him, and he approached research and investigation with enthusiasm tempered only by a highly structured and analytical approach. These qualities can be seen in his personal as well as professional life through his final years, where he took a serious interest in understanding the treatment of his cancer. Dennis Hine is survived by his wife Grace, his three children and four grandchildren.  相似文献   

To make packaging truly beneficial to human beings, it is important to help people learn more about the great variety of packaging materials and packaging techniques. In applying that knowledge, certain ethics should be observed by those engaged in packaging activities. The first step in achieving this task is to recognize what constitutes the packaging sciences, and from the results of various investigations a system of packaging sciences has been produced. Packaging science, as we have organized it, consists of the three major fields of packaging sociology, packaging materials science and packaging technology. With regard to the ethics that should form the backbone for the varied packaging activities, we propose that a Packaging Charter be established, incorporating the basic spirit and the ideas outlined herein.  相似文献   

“雨花茶”的包装设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周斌  吴若梅 《包装学报》2010,2(4):64-66
在分析“雨花茶”特性的基础上,结合现代包装理念,根据顾客购买意图,设计了自用型包装盒、礼品型包装盒、塑料软包装袋3种包装方案,并分别对3种方案进行材料选择、结构设计、装潢设计。3种方案中,都对春茶和秋茶进行了不同风格的装潢设计。  相似文献   

Chester J. Mackson, PhD., former Director of the School of Packaging, Michigan State University (MSU), died on May 21 at the age of 88. He was Director of the School from 1977 to 1986 during one of the School's most expansive, successful periods. Dr. Mackson's vision led to a much expanded school in terms of staffing and student numbers, and in programs and international prominence. During his time as Director, he hired many of the faculty currently on staff and laid the foundation for the broadened programmatic mission that we enjoy today. Chet was instrumental in the building expansion that added several world‐class labs, a conference room and faculty offices. Prior to this, faculty had been housed in two buildings that he felt did not create a good work environment. Today the School is well known both on and off campus for its harmonious work environment and team attitude. Internationally, Chet was very proactive, perhaps a little surprising for a small town boy from Michigan's Upper Peninsula. He was one of the pioneers and long‐time board members of the International Association of Packaging Research Institutes (IAPRI). IAPRI is now a thriving association made up of member organizations from all around the world; its recent 16th World Conference was held in Bangkok, Thailand. Chet was the organizer of the 4th World Conference in Lansing, Michigan. It was the first one held outside of Europe and remains one of the most successful. Together with Frank Paine he started the first packaging overseas study program for students, offered in London, England, which has now expanded to also include programs in Sweden, Spain and Japan. Chet worked with the World Bank, the US Agency for International Development and the United Nations to secure short term assignments for faculty in Mexico, Brazil, Morocco and Korea, among others. Due, in part, to Chet's early leadership, the current faculty is well traveled internationally and the School is respected globally. Chet Mackson was an educator, an innovator and an entrepreneur. He loved his family, MSU, Michigan's upper peninsula and a good golf match. He served MSU for over 34 years as a professor in Agriculture Economics and as Director of the School of Packaging. He served the USA as an officer in World War II in Patton's Third Army, was wounded in battle and received the Purple Heart. Chet is survived by Marilynn, his wife of 61 years, 6 children, 11 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. Chet was honored by the Packaging Education Foundation in 1992 when they elected him to the Packaging Hall of Fame, and again by the School's alumni in 2007 when they elected him to MSU Packaging Alumni Association Hall of Fame. One of the things he said most often, and which exemplifies his professional career was, ‘it is surprising how much you can accomplish, as long as you don't care who gets the credit’. Chet will be missed by the faculty, staff and alumni of the School of Packaging.  相似文献   

认知产品和服务中的设计学关联性思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的理解设计认知产品和服务的本质,明晰设计面临的问题。方法通过分析理解认知产品和服务的特殊性,分析关联学科和技术的特点理解彼此逻辑关系,认识到认知产品和服务作为一个新领域,给设计学带来机会和挑战,并从设计学角度给有志于从事认知产品开发和设计的人员提供参考。结论在开发认知产品和服务中,促进产生新的设计领域和设计范式。成功的设计需要基于认知科学,利用认知技术,去构建学习中的体验设计和服务设计。  相似文献   

黄秋尘  冯小玮 《包装工程》2017,38(6):224-227
目的对饮料包装的品牌传播价值与品牌传播策略进行研究。方法以品牌传播学相关理论为基础,分析社会化媒体基本特征,并结合典型的个案进行研究。结论社会化媒体的出现改变了品牌传播的环境。包装作为连接品牌与消费者的媒介,包装设计要在分析品牌定位和受众人群的基础上对包装进行媒体化改造,以增强包装的传播功能,使其成为品牌传播的重要平台。  相似文献   

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