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空气悬架的神经网络模糊控制及仿真分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
空气悬架系统是一个非线性系统,该系统工作环境是时变性的。提出了基于神经网络的模糊控制策略,应用该控制策略对某一高级客车的空气悬架刚度进行控制,可以根据车辆振动响应的结果来判断车体的振动情况以后,实时调节空气悬架刚度,使车辆对路面的变化具有适应能力,从而改善汽车行驶平顺性。  相似文献   

半主动空气悬架的参数自调整模糊控制仿真   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
针对半主动空气悬架系统进行了自调整模糊控制算法的仿真研究。以某空气悬架大客车1/4车辆模型为仿真对象,设计了参数自调整的模糊控制器,并以B级路面为随机输入,以平顺性为评价指标,对模型进行了计算机仿真。结果表明,在引入参数自调整模糊控制方法后,车辆的行驶平顺性得到了改善。此外,当汽车行驶工况变化时,该控制器仍表现出良好的控制效果。  相似文献   

以微型客车四分之一车辆模型为被控对象,分析了空气弹簧的特性,提出了参数自调整模糊控制策略。设计了一套功能优良的汽车空气悬架电控装置并进行了模拟实验,实验结果表明,该方法能够有效地降低车身垂直加速度,改善车辆的综合性能,提高了小型客车行驶时车辆的平顺性。  相似文献   

基于CarSim建立了整车多体动力学模型,通过汽车平顺性随机输入行驶试验方法,研究了在随机路面激励下半主动悬架对整车各姿态的影响.针对各悬架阻尼系统,运用Simulink设计了模糊控制器,有效调整悬架阻尼.通过CarSim-Simulink联合仿真提高了仿真精度和效率.仿真结果表明:在整车环境下,设计的模糊控制器能改善汽车平顺性并改善车轮的垂直载荷和有效抑制车辆俯仰和侧倾运动.  相似文献   

以空气悬架系统为研究对象,建立了半主动空气悬架的1/4车辆模型及白噪声的路面激励模型,将模糊控制理论和PID控制方法结合起来设计模糊PID控制器,并利用Simulink对建立的动力学模型进行平顺性仿真分析。从最终的结果可以得到结论:与传统PID控制的空气悬架相比,模糊PID控制的半主动空气悬架能更好地提高车辆的行驶平顺性。  相似文献   

根据某新型大客车的设计要求,运用刚柔耦合的建模方法对客车关键部件进行了柔性处理,建立了前悬架的刚柔耦合的Adams多体动力学模型,并对悬架系统进行了动力学仿真分析。结合理论分析得出该悬架的K&C(Kinematics&Compliance)特性相关数据,以及悬架在运动过程中的参数变化范围,为后期的调校和生产提供了可靠的理论数据。  相似文献   

介绍了乘用车悬架系统空气弹簧的基本特性,对空气弹簧的刚度进行了分析计算.计算表明空气弹簧的刚度不仅与其静平衡位置时的压力和容积有关,还与其有效面积变化率和体积变化率有关.  相似文献   

汽车半主动空气悬架自适应模糊神经网络控制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
考虑空气悬架弹簧刚度可调的特性,建立了车辆5自由度的半主动悬架非线性动力学模型.提出了一种基于自适应模糊神经网络系统结构的模型,参考自适应控制方法来研究汽车半主动空气悬架的非线性控制问题,并考虑半车模型前后悬架的输入时滞,对其进行了仿真分析.研究结果表明:该控制方法能够使人体垂直加速度、车身垂直加速度和俯仰角加速度都得到很大的衰减,可在一定程度上减少路面对车身的振动冲击,提高汽车的行驶平顺性.  相似文献   

应用ADAMS/Car建立空气弹簧悬架整车动力学模型,在ADAMS/Car_Ride试验台上分别进行空载和满载时随机路面下的汽车平顺性试验。根据试验数据分别对座椅响应进行时域和频域分析,得到座椅各轴向加权加速度均方根值,并与相同激励下的普通螺旋弹簧悬架系统进行平顺性对比。对比分析结果表明:无论是空载还是满载,匹配空气弹簧悬架系统轿车的各轴向以及总加权加速度均方根植均小于普通螺旋弹簧悬架轿车,很好地改善汽车的行驶平顺性。  相似文献   

参考丰田考斯特车型,对国内7 m中型客车空气悬架进行设计。根据样车的前悬架结构参数,确立虚拟主销式双横臂独立空气悬架的硬点坐标,在ADAMS建立空气悬架虚拟样机,分析前轮定位角及前轮侧向滑移量随车轮跳动的关系特性,得到悬架导向机构合理的运动轨迹。在SolidWorks设计悬架三维模型,将设计的悬架试制并安装在试验样车上,按照GB/T 6323—2014《汽车操纵稳定性试验方法》进行整车转向回正性、转向轻便性和稳态回转的道路试验。按照QC/T 480—1999对试验车辆的操纵稳定性综合评分,左转87.7分,右转90.5分。试验结果表明试验车辆具有良好的操纵稳定性。  相似文献   

Fuzzy Logic Control for Semi-Active Suspension System of Tracked Vehicle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The model of half a tracked vehicle semi-active suspension is established. The fuzzy logic controller of the semi-active suspension system is constructed. The acceleration of driver‘s seat and its time derivative are used as the inputs of the fuzzy logic controller, and the fuzzy logic controller output determines the semi-active suspen-sion controllable damping force. The fuzzy logic controller is to minimize the mean square root of acceleration of the driver‘s seat. The control forces of controllable dampers behind the first road wheel are obtained by time delay, and the delay times are determined by the vehicle speed and axles distances. The simulation results show that this control method can decrease the acceleration of driver‘s seat and the suspension travel of the first road wheel,the ride quality is improved obviously.  相似文献   

On the basis of analyzing the system constitution of tracked vehicle semi-active suspension, which consists of electrorheological (ER) damper and shape memory alloy (SMA) spring, a seven degree of freedom (7-DOF) dynamic model is established. The change of the elasticity of SMA spring and the characteristics of the ER shock absorber are studied. In addition, the study about fuzzy control logic is also carried out. Simulation of a C grade road under random excitations and definite disturbances is performed. Simulation result shows the fuzzy control strategy, which is used in the control of semi-active suspension system with ER damper and SMA springs, is effective, stable and reliable.  相似文献   

On the basis of analyzing the system constitution of tracked vehicle semi-active suspension,which consists of electrorheological(ER) damper and shape memory alloy(SMA) spring,a seven degree of freedom(7-DOF) dynamic model is established.The change of the elasticity of SMA spring and the characteristics of the ER shock absorber are studied.In addition,the study about fuzzy control logic is also carried out.Simulation of a C grade road under random excitations and definite disturbances is performed.Simulation result shows the fuzzy control strategy,which is used in the control of semi-active suspension system with ER damper and SMA springs,is effective,stable and reliable.  相似文献   

The vibration caused by terrible road excitation affects the ride quality and safety of track vehicles.The vibration control of suspension systems is a very important factor for modern track vehicles.A fuzzy logic control for suspension system of a track vehicle is presented.A mechanical model and a system of differential equations of motion taking account of the mass of loading wheel are established.Then the fuzzy logic control is applied to control the vibration of suspension system of track vehicles for sine signal and random road surfaces.Numerical simulation shows that the maximum acceleration of suspension system can be reduced to 44% of the original value for sine signal road surface,and the mean square root of acceleration of suspension system can be reduced to 21% for random road surface.Therefore,the proposed fuzzy logic control is an efficient method for the suspension systems of track vehicles.  相似文献   

空气悬架大客车高度控制仿真与试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于大客车单轴空气悬架的动力学方程,利用MATLAB/Simulink和DSHplus建立了带空气弹簧模块的联合仿真模型,为获得空气弹簧模块关键参数,设计进行了空气弹簧激振台试验和进排气电磁阀的流量特性试验,并针对单轴模型完成PID高度控制器设计。仿真结果表明该控制器动作及时,响应迅速,且避免了超调。基于单轴空气悬架试验车进行了试验,结果表明高度控制工作可靠,反应时间短、调节准确。  相似文献   

The LQG control system is employed as vehicle suspension‘ s optimal target system, which has an adaptive ability to the road conditions and vehicle speed in a limited bandwidth. In order to keep the optimal performances when the suspension parameters change, a model reference adaptive fuzzy control (MRAFC) strategy is presented. The LQG control system serves as the reference model in the MRAFC system. The simulation results indicate that the presented MRAFC system can adapt to the parameters variation of vehicle suspension and track the optimality of the LQG control system, the presented vehicle suspension MRAFC system has the ability to adapt to road conditions and suspension parameters change.  相似文献   

通过COSMOS Works对汽车悬架进行不同情形的有限元优化分析,揭示了汽车悬架在不同情形下力分布规律,对悬架臂进行了尺寸优化.  相似文献   

A scheme of fuzzy logic control for the suspension system of a tracked vehicle is presented.A mechanical model for the whole body of a tracked vehicle,which is totally a fifteen-degree-of-freedom system,is established.The model includes the vertical motion,the pitch motion as well as the roll motion of the tracked vehicle.In contrast to most previous studies,the coupling effect among the vertical,the pitch and the roll motions of the suspension system of a tracked vehicle is considered simultaneously.The simulation of fuzzy logic control under road surface with random excitation shows that the acceleration,pitch angle and roll angle of suspension system can be efficiently controlled.  相似文献   

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