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Each year, millions of mountaineers visit high-mountain areas. They generate tonnes of faeces and cubic hectometres of urine annually. Thus, proper disposal of human waste is important for the conservation and appropriate management of high-mountain areas. The management can address the issue in three ways: the good (complete/non-invasive); the bad (partial/superficial); and the ugly (invasive). With use of those categories, 20 selected summits from different parts of the world have been evaluated, separately in respect to faeces and urine. It was expected that correct or incorrect disposal of human waste would depend on the changing altitude and/or development level. Disappointingly, the correlation between selection criteria (better or worse solution) and the increase of altitude does not exist. Similarly, the increase of the development level does not play a significant role, especially when urine is taken under consideration. The problem is more global than was thought. The paper makes recommendations which could lead to reduction of this problem.  相似文献   

River Kshipra is a small river supplying water to surrounding areas of the Ujjain district (India) for domestic and industrial use. This very old river has been of a sacred importance and serves for holy dips on certain auspicious festivals like “Kumbha” etc. The main contamination of this sacred river is through the heavily polluted river Khan which joins it in Ujjain. The water quality of the river shows a considerable change throughout the year and indicates the productivity level of aquatic organisms. The data worked out for DO, COD, BOD dissolved CO2 and trace elements like Ca and Mg indicate an appreciable fall in productivity during the summer months. This directly refers to decrease in fish production in the river and availability of fish seed during the monsoon period. The studies reveal that the decrease in productivity is mainly due to pollutants brought through sewage and industrial discharge from river Khan which mix with river water.  相似文献   

Most research on water poverty focuses on developing countries. However, research is also needed in developed countries, where water may be too expensive for some households. This paper examines the case of Spain, using data from 16 cities that combined are home to 35% of the Spanish population. We study both national and local systems of regulation and governance. The objective is to determine whether low-income families face a genuine threat of exclusion from water supply. To this end, we analysed whether the Spanish legal framework allows that water supply is cut off for non-payment of the bill. We also did different estimates of the percentage of the family income spent on the water bill, which in some cases can surpass 10%. The estimates account for tariff discounts, as well as assistance programmes available to those who are struggling to pay their water bill. Although there is no problem of affordability for an average Spanish family in general, we conclude that families at risk of poverty face a real threat of exclusion from water services because they are not able to pay for them and the institutional framework does not sufficiently protect them.  相似文献   

Estimates of costs and the corresponding benefits of particle filtration have been derived for a standard office building. Reduction in occupants’ exposure to particles during their workday is anticipated to reduce their morbidity and mortality. Filtration may also reduce the costs associated with building and HVAC cleaning. Conversely, losses of occupant productivity due to sensory offending pollutants emitted from used ventilation filters can lead to significant economic losses. The results of the present analysis are strongly dependent on several key input parameters; consequently, the sensitivity of the results to these parameters was evaluated as part of this study. The study also acknowledges that the benefits-to-costs ratio depends on the perspective of the stakeholder: the employer renting the building is impacted by occupant performance and building energy costs; the building owner is impacted by maintenance of the building and its HVAC system; society is impacted by the employees’ health and welfare. Regardless of perspective, particle filtration is anticipated to lead to annual savings significantly exceeding the running costs for filtration. However, economic losses resulting from even a small decrease in productivity caused by sensory pollutants emitted from used ventilation filters have the potential to substantially exceed the annual economic benefits of filtration. Further studies are required to determine if meaningful benefits can be obtained from more frequent filter replacement or application of different filtration techniques that limit the emission of offending pollutants into the ventilation air.  相似文献   

The efficiency of a tunneling project is mainly associated with the abrasivity of the acting soil and the wear resistance of the cutting tools. Heavy wear can dull the cutting tool, which negatively affects the penetration rate and therefore the efficiency of a tunneling process. Completely worn tools with a short service life have to be replaced by newer ones. This circumstance results in unplanned machine shutdowns and higher maintenance costs. It is thus of high economic as well as technical interest to obtain a deeper understanding of soil/cutting tool interactions during tunneling. To meet this challenge, a large number of different testing devices to estimate the abrasivity of soils have been developed within the last two decades. An innovative and promising experimental setup is presented in this work. A horizontal implementation offers the possibility of simulating a tunneling process as well as the tribological system of a TBM tool. The interactions between all system components can be mapped and analyzed in detail. This method offers a unique setup, which allows wear prediction of TBM tools in a homogeneous soil with project-specific parameters (soil composition/condition, soil mechanics, tool material and machine/tunneling data).  相似文献   

This paper examines how the German energy industry has invested in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capital during the years 1992-2005. Using the method of growth accounting I find that the contribution of ICT investment to the growth of value-added and average labour productivity (ALP) within the German energy industry has decreased in the years 2001-2005. The reasons for this can be many. However, policy and regulation are called to remove existing barriers to ICT investment to overcome this investment reticence and to exploit productivity potentials in all stages of the energy value chain as a necessary pre-condition for building Smart Grids.  相似文献   

Urban water utilities have focused on setting water prices to cover average costs, usually using increasing block rate designs. In an attempt to contribute to the use of efficient, equitable, and revenue-sufficient pricing, this paper estimates the long-run marginal and average social costs of water supply in Mekelle city using a multi-product translog cost function that incorporates the shadow price of natural water. Findings show that the marginal social costs of providing one m3 of residential and non-residential water are Birr 5.33 and 7.71 (Birr = Ethiopian currency: 1 Euro ≈ 23 Birr), respectively, while the average current prices are Birr 4.46 and 6.10/m3. On the other hand, the average social costs of residential and non-residential water are estimated at Birr 14.34 and 16.36/m3, respectively, implying that marginal social cost-based prices would still lead to a revenue deficit of approximately Birr 9/m3.  相似文献   

Increasing concentrations of anthropogenic contaminants in wild kai (food) of cultural, recreational and economic importance to the indigenous Māori of New Zealand is a potential human health risk. Contaminants that are known to bioaccumulate through the food chain (e.g., organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), PCBs and selected heavy metals) were analysed in important kai species including eel (Anguilla sp.), brown trout (Salmo trutta), black flounder (Rhombosolea retiaria) and watercress (Nasturtium officinale) from important harvesting sites in the region of South Canterbury. Eels contained relatively high wet weight concentrations of p,p′-DDE (8.6-287 ng/g), PCBs (32ΣPCB; 0.53-58.3 ng/g), dieldrin (< 0.05-16.3 ng/g) and Σchlordanes (0.03-10.6 ng/g). Trout and flounder contained lower concentrations of organochlorines than eels, with p,p′-DDE wet weight concentrations ranging from 2.2 to 18.5 ng/g for trout and 6.4 to 27.8 ng/g for flounder. Total arsenic wet weight concentrations were below detection limits for eels but ranged from 0.27 to 0.89 μg/g for trout and 0.12 to 0.56 μg/g for flounder. Mercury concentrations ranged from 0.02 to 0.56 μg/g, 0.11 to 0.50 μg/g and 0.04 to 0.10 μg/g (ww) for eel, trout and flounder respectively. Lifetime excess cancer risk was calculated through established risk assessment procedures, highlighting dieldrin, ΣPCBs and p,p′-DDE in eels and arsenic in trout and flounder as primary contaminants of concern. A second non-cancer chronic health risk assessment indicated that mercury and PCBs were a potential concern in eels and mercury in trout. A cumulative lifetime cancer risk assessment showed potential health risk for consumption of some species, even at low consumption rates and provided the basis for establishing recommended dietary consumption limits for harvest sites within the study region.  相似文献   

Although almost all epidemiological studies of smaller airborne particles only consider outdoor concentrations, people in Central Europe actually spend most of their time indoors. Yet indoor pollutants such as organic gases, allergens and dust are known to play a prominent role, often affecting human health more than outdoor ones. The aim of this study was to ascertain how the indoor particle size distributions of submicron and ultrafine particles correlate with the outdoor concentrations in the absence of significant indoor sources. A typical indoor particle size distribution pattern has one or two modes. In the absence of significant indoor activities such as smoking, cooking etc., outdoor particles were found to be a very important source of indoor particles. The study shows that in the absence of significant indoor sources, the number of indoor concentrations of particles in this size range are clearly lower than the outdoor concentrations. This difference is greater, the higher the number of outdoor concentrations. However, the drop in concentration is not uniform, with the decrease in concentration of smaller particles exceeding that of larger ones. By contrast, the findings with larger particle sizes (diameter > 1 microm) exhibit rather linear concentration decreases. The non-uniform drop in the number of concentrations from outdoors to indoors in our measurements considering smaller particles ( >0.01 microm) is accompanied by a shift of the concentration maxima to larger particle diameters.  相似文献   


In any discussion of landscape characterisation the elephant in the room is the question of just what is landscape? Another way of putting this question is to simply ask: ‘How would you characterise landscape?’ What this implies is that there is a certain circularity in landscape characterisation because, through the very act of characterising landscape, one is also defining what one means by landscape. The European Landscape Convention’s definition of landscape as ‘an area, as perceived by people, whose character is the result of the action and interaction of natural and/or human factors’ suggests a similar circularity because the character of an area, as it results from the action of natural and/or human factors, is dependent upon human perception, which is presumably also, in addition, one of the human factors acting upon the landscape. This circularity, or ‘circulating reference’, to use Bruno Latour’s term, is fundamental to Denis Cosgrove’s analysis of the origin of the modern concept of landscape as scenic space, and his analysis, we would suggest, helps explain some of the questions raised in this special issue concerning landscape characterisation and the future character of landscape .  相似文献   

Journal of Housing and the Built Environment - Poverty, poor housing and poor health are complexly interconnected in a cycle that has proven resistant to intervention by housing providers or policy...  相似文献   

The pressure to complete Infrastructure Megaprojects (IMs) is enormous; once started, IMs are commonly considered too costly to be stopped. Still, despite this widespread belief, several IMs are terminated during delivery/construction. Notwithstanding its empirical and theoretical relevance, few studies investigate IMs termination during delivery/construction. This paper aims to develop further the “reverse escalation of commitment” theory which sense-makes the termination of IMs. We take a critical confrontation of the existing literature addressing two questions: (1) Why are IMs terminated during delivery/construction? and (2) How does the project termination process occur in IMs? By analysing 30 unfinished IMs, we identified the six determinants for IMs termination, contributing to the development of reverse-escalation of commitment theory by providing a processual perspective of the four most common patterns leading to IMs termination. Finally, we provide a checklist for identifying key elements leading to IMs termination.  相似文献   

Throughout the late 20th and early 21st Centuries, culture has gained increasing importance in strategies designed to deal with new trajectories of urban areas. Post-industrial cities seek to revive former industrial, contaminated and waterfront sites and their city centers, as they are aiming to establish themselves in the new arena of the global market place.  相似文献   

《Journal of Urbanism》2013,6(1):45-61
This paper examines how poverty has developed in Korle Gonno, an indigenous Ga community in Accra, Ghana, as a concrete challenge. This challenge has gone unnoticed until recently, though several informal studies exist in Ghana. By problematizing vulnerability, the literature is examined within Accra’s development dynamics. Through extensive fieldwork, the results show a socially stratified and highly dependent community experiencing vulnerabilities and the residents’ diverse coping strategies. Drawing upon the empirical data, it is argued that the lack of recognition of urban poverty (i.e., the raison d’être of slum) means many continue to be exposed to health risks. The paper concedes that the problem demands a multifaceted solution that includes more subjective issues like vulnerability and social exclusion, and objective ones like good urban governance and power relations. Failure to do so can lead to a downward spiral into extreme poverty that can affect the entire society.  相似文献   

This study aims to compare, on the one hand, the geographical distribution of the desert dust source areas, their contribution to quantities emitted into the atmosphere, the trajectories and the quantities deposited, with on the other hand the areas of research interest focused on the desert dust impacts on air quality and/or human health. Based on a systematic review of the literature using the ISI Web of Knowledge database, we found 231 articles published over the last decade on the desert dust impacts on air quality. Of these, 48% concerned Asian dust and 39% Saharan dust, with the remaining 13% divided between the other dust source areas. However, only one of these studies addressed the worsening air pollution in West Africa, even though it is very close to the Sahara, the greatest contributor to the global dust budget. Moreover, there have been very few studies (41) looking at the direct links between desert dust and human health; in this context too, no interest has been shown in West Africa. Yet this region is also among the areas in which morbidity rates have been noted to be far higher than those found in other regions of the world, and where respiratory infections alone account for more than 20% of the causes of infant mortality. This survey highlights a clear imbalance between those areas most exposed to dust and the most studied areas in terms of dust impacts. Given these findings and the often alarming results published about other regions of the world, we advocate a revival of interest in research on West Africa in order to achieve a better understanding of the desert dust impacts on air quality and health among the populations of this region.  相似文献   

This study focused on the occurrence and fate of four β-blockers (atenolol, sotalol, metoprolol, propranolol) in wastewater and surface water. Measured concentrations were compared with predicted concentrations using an implementation of the geo-referenced model GREAT-ER for the Glatt Valley Watershed (Switzerland). Particularly, the question was addressed how measured and simulated data could complement each other for the exposure assessment of human pharmaceuticals and other micropollutants entering surface water through wastewater treatment plants (WWTP).Concentrations in the Glatt River ranged from <LOQ to 83 ng L−1 with the highest concentrations found for atenolol. Higher loads were measured on days with combined sewer overflow events during high flow conditions.GREAT-ER was able to predict spatially resolved river concentrations based on average consumption and excretion data, removal in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and dissipation and degradation processes in surface water within a factor of 2. These results indicate that modelling might be sufficient to estimate daily average exposure concentrations for compounds that are either recalcitrant or whose degradation and sorption behaviour can be predicted with confidence based on laboratory experiments. Chemical measurements, in contrast, should be reserved for assessing point sources, investigating mechanisms which lead to short-term temporal fluctuations in compound loads, and determining in-situ degradation rates in conjunction with modelling.  相似文献   

By shedding light on the overseas branch of the Corps des Ponts-et-Chaussées (CPC), this article analyses the scientific and technical contribution of this sub-group of engineers in the post-Second World War era. After introducing the historical background of the early involvement of the CPC in the French colonies, this paper concentrates on the late colonial period. Details of the strong interconnectedness of metropolitan and overseas technical expertise are provided. It is shown that civil engineering practised overseas not only enhanced many technical fields within the traditional preserve of the Corps but also facilitated the rapid expansion of the Corps out of this very preserve. Engineers were prompt in including urban expertise and town planning, rural hydraulic and hydrogeology within their current field of activities. Consequences were highly significant not only for overseas urban and rural milieu, but also for metropolitan territories undergoing post-war redevelopment. The last section of this article shows how the techno-scientific practice acquired overseas was instrumental in the post-colonial years to foster the redeployment of the CPC as a whole in the different fields of civil engineering on an international scale.  相似文献   

Spatial planning frameworks in EU member states have been increasingly supporting the growth prospects of particular metropolitan regions, deemed as regional engines of national economic growth. This paper discusses the shift in spatial planning policies towards territorial competitiveness, focusing on Greece. The country’s commitment to competitiveness was confirmed in the 1990s and was symbolically sealed with the decision to host the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens. Examination focuses on one of the key objectives behind the prioritization of competitiveness-related interventions: investment attraction and the locational traits of new business formation in the eastern Athenian hinterland is explored (1997–2010). The locational traits of startup businesses are analyzed by means of exploratory point pattern analysis on the geocoded enterprises, underscoring a sprawl-like type of growth. The proliferation of divergent modes of state spatial intervention is associated in the literature with an increase in spatial disparities. In areas with underdeveloped land-use planning structures, it is argued, competitiveness pre-occupations unsettle stated planning priorities and ‘revive’ arguments that approach unordered urban expansion as a short-cut to growth.  相似文献   

Failure to curb water pollution in China brings to the fore the issue of environmental values and attitudes among Chinese farmers. Applying the New Ecological Paradigm Scale this study finds that the pro-environmental value of New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) Worldview has a stronger standing among the studied Chinese farmers than the Dominant Social Paradigm (DSP) Worldview.  相似文献   

The study examined the effects of office space occupation, psychosocial work characteristics, and environmental satisfaction on physical and mental health of office workers in small‐sized and open‐plan offices as well as possible underlying mechanisms. Office space occupation was characterized as number of persons per one enclosed office space. A total of 207 office employees with similar jobs in offices with different space occupation were surveyed regarding their work situation (psychosocial work characteristics, satisfaction with privacy, acoustics, and control) and health (psychosomatic complaints, irritation, mental well‐being, and work ability). Binary logistic and linear regression analyses as well as bootstrapped mediation analyses were used to determine associations and underlying mechanisms. Employee health was significantly associated with all work characteristics. Psychosocial work stressors had the strongest relation to physical and mental health (OR range: 1.66–3.72). The effect of office space occupation on employee health was mediated by stressors and environmental satisfaction, but not by psychosocial work resources. As assumed by sociotechnical approaches, a higher number of persons per enclosed office space was associated with adverse health effects. However, the strongest associations were found with psychosocial work stressors. When revising office design, a holistic approach to work (re)design is needed.  相似文献   

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