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汽车用镁合金部件应用的一个瓶颈问题是抗腐蚀问题,镁合金部件易于腐蚀,特别是和钢、铝材料连接时会产生电化腐蚀,因而使镁合金在汽车上的应用受到影响和限制。  相似文献   

2018年12月8日,成都西菱动力科技股份有限公司发布公告,公司全资子公司成都西菱动力部件有限公司,拟在成都市大邑县晋原镇新建汽0车零部件生产基地。项目总投资额5.6亿元,新建生产用房65595.89平方米,新建多条汽车零件生产线,生产各类汽车用铸件产品。西菱动力主要从事发动机零部件的研发、设计、制造和销售,主要产品包括曲轴扭转减振器、连杆总成和凸轮轴总成等。  相似文献   

2010年7月2日,湖北齐星汽车车身股份有限公司模具中心大型注塑机生产的塑料模具——汽车保险杠、内饰件、仪表台下线。湖北齐星生产的汽车内外饰零部件塑料模具与以前使用的玻璃钢模具相比,重量轻、成本低、品质好、劳动效率高。  相似文献   

一种集塑料和金属特点于一身的新型材料——“金属塑料”近日由我国科学家研制成功。有关专家评价说,这种“金属塑料”在很多领域都具有重大的应用和研究价值,可作为纳米、微米加工和复写的优良材料,将来可使汽车部件像塑料一样便宜。  相似文献   

因限制国外汽车零部件进口,中国遭受加入WTO世贸组织以来第一次败诉。2008年2月13日,世贸组织争端解决机构专家小组就“中国一汽车零部件进口关税”案作出裁定,认为中国进口美、欧汽车部件的关税政策有违贸易原则,中国对进口汽车零部件征收与进口汽车整车同等关税的做法违反了世贸组织规则。判决中国方面败诉,并认为中方限制外国产汽车零件进口的政策类属贸易保护主义。最终报告将在2008年第二季度或第三季度公布,中国政府目前还有上诉机会。争端解决机构要求中国对其相关措施予以修改,使其与世贸组织相关规则及其入世承诺相符。  相似文献   

2010年2月25日,国家发展改革委、国家工商管理总局共同表示,启用汽车零部件再制造产品标志管理保护。按照试点办法,汽车零部件再制造产品应该在产品外观明显标注标志。  相似文献   

通过分析钛在熔炼中遇到的问题,并结合粉末冶金技术的特点,指出应用粉末冶金技术是未来钛产业发展的必然选择。详述了钛合金粉末冶金生产的工艺路线,该工艺生产的TC4钛合金粉末冶金件抗拉强度可达900 MPa以上,断后伸长率超过10%,综合力学性能优于GB/T 25137—2010钛及钛合金锻件标准要求。钛合金粉末冶金件还可用来进行锻造和挤压加工成形,经锻造、挤压后,力学性能可进一步提高。总之,利用粉末冶金技术进行钛合金的工业化生产具有生产设备投入成本低、可实现产品近净成形、节约原材料、产品性能高、生产周期短等优势。  相似文献   

废旧汽车资源化回收利用越来越引起人们关注,已成为全球化问题.处理废旧汽车的根本措施是建立完善的回收系统,资源化和综合利用是最积极的措施.文中通过对废旧汽车回收模型的研究以及资源化技术的进展回顾,建立了废旧汽车资源化系统模型,以期加快我国废旧汽车零部件资源回收的步伐.  相似文献   

对新型的结构和功能材料泡沫铝的开发和工业制备方法,以及应用作了介绍,并对作为泡沫铝工业化生产最有前途的通气发泡法连铸的可行性进行了讨论.  相似文献   

废旧汽车资源化回收利用越来越引起人们关注,已成为全球化问题。处理废旧汽车的根本措施是建立完善的回收系统,资源化和综合利用是最积极的措施。文中通过对废旧汽车回收模型的研究以及资源化技术的进展回顾,建立了废旧汽车资源化系统模型,以期加快我国废旧汽车零部件资源回收的步伐。  相似文献   

采用树脂传递模塑工艺Resin Transfer Molding(RTM)对上海石化热电总厂煤码头钢筋混凝土结构进行填充修复和防腐蚀处理。分析了钢筋混凝土材料的腐蚀以及RTM成型工艺的关键因素:钢筋混凝土的失效主要是由于Cl-渗入混凝土内部而导致钢筋材料发生电化学腐蚀,而树脂料对增强材料浸润能力以及铺设技术对RTM成型工艺都有直接的影响。通过RTM成型对受损码头进行填充修复,明显提高了结构承载和改善其外观。  相似文献   

为提高直升机尾翼传动轴的性能和降低其质量,提出了利用RTM树脂传递成型技术制造传动轴的工艺方法及其模具设计.根据直升机尾翼传动轴的设计要求设计了装配型的复合材料传动轴,并在RTM模拟软件中模拟传动轴的注射过程,经分析得到合理注射压力、注胶口和溢胶口的位置等工艺参数.然后,根据模拟的结果设计了传动轴的模具,对模具的基本结构和设计过程进行了较详细的阐述.最后,进行了模具制造和实验验证,实验结果与模拟结果基本吻合,对制备出的传动轴进行了性能测试,结果满足设计要求.  相似文献   

树脂传递模塑(RTM)是一种树脂基复合材料成型方法,目前我国的RTM设备均从国外进口,其性能相差很大.主要针对实验室的RTM小型实验装置进行研究,进行了注射装置结构方案的对比,确定了适用于高性能环氧类树脂的RTM 注射装置的总体结构,根据杠杆机构的原理可精确控制各成分的配比比例.设计了成型用注射枪,并进行了运动仿真及干涉检验.该注射枪头部可以拆卸,停止注射时注射枪的注射口能够及时自动封住,防止材料外漏.该装置实用、可行,节省原材料.  相似文献   

Hydroforming of automotive structural components with rectangular-sections   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An experimental and numerical simulation was conducted to investigate hydroforming of automotive rectangular-section structural components and the results were used as guidelines for some prototypes. The effect of loading path on the failures and thickness distribution was discussed and the reasons were analyzed for the failures, such as bursting and folding. Hydroforming with axial feeding is strongly sensitive to the loading path. Bursting occurs in transition zone in the calibration when the internal pressure increases faster than the axial feeding. Otherwise, folding will take place due to too much axial feeding. There is the maximum thickness at central point of the side of cross-section and the minimum thickness at the transition area. If the n value of the tube material is bigger, the thickness of the final part will be more uniform. By using a petal-like perform section shape, the pressure for forming the transition radii was greatly reduced and components with small radii can be formed with relatively low pressure.  相似文献   

《CIRP Annals》2021,70(2):589-610
The automotive industry is undergoing a major transformation driven by regulations and a fast-paced electrification. A critical analysis of technological trends and associated requirements for major automotive powertrain components is carried out in close collaboration with industry – covering the perspectives of OEMs, suppliers, and machine builders. The main focus is to review the state of the art with regard to grinding, dressing, texturing and fine-finishing technologies. A survey of research papers and patents is accompanied by case studies that provide further insights into the production value chain. Finally, key industrial and research challenges are summarized.  相似文献   

For the modification of an automotive cylinder block, two types of water-atomized cast iron powders were deposited onto an aluminum alloy substrate by atmospheric DC plasma spraying. The wear-corrosion characteristics of the coatings were investigated by means of a wear test and EIS. The pre-annealed and graphitized coating improved the wear-corrosion resistance in a deaerated 0.5M H2SO4 solution.  相似文献   

0 引言 由于世界人口的增加和以金砖四国(巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国)(BRICS)为代表的发展中国家工业化的进展,环绕地球的环境发生变化,对汽车的制造和使用范围也提出了严格的要求.  相似文献   

Adhesive bond inspection methods used in the aerospace industry are not suitable in the automotive industry, primarily owing to wide variations in adhesive thickness, and a requirement for couplant-free testing. This paper describes a robust technique for the detection of disbonds, based on the fundamental through-thickness resonance (mode 1) frequency of a joint. During testing, the mode 1 resonance is excited in the joint and the received signal is windowed, leaving the ringing of the first mode. If this resonance frequency falls into the range predicted for bonded joints based on the possible limits of adhesive thickness, then the bond integrity is confirmed; mode 1 resonance above the predicted frequency range indicates the joint is disbonded. Further investigation has shown that narrow beads of adhesive and tapered adhesive layers, which commonly occur in practice, do not affect the reliability of this technique. The development of a novel dry-contact dabber probe is also described, which comprises a low-loss rubber delay line with a highly attenuative rubber bonded to the side walls to eliminate side wall reflections. Results from prepared samples and automotive structures are then presented.  相似文献   

陆静易 《模具工业》2007,33(10):17-20
介绍了汽车后门外板的冲压工艺,包括各工序的工艺设计。为满足后门外板零件的产品要求,对拉深成形进行了成形模拟分析,并把成形模拟分析结果应用于模具的加工调试。制造的各工序模具已生产出合格产品。  相似文献   

In order to achieve a reasonable lifetime of automotive exhaust components, a large number of high alloyed ferritic and austenitic stainless steels are used nowadays. It is a common concept that the lifetime of a component is directly related to the performance of steel against corrosion. The components are divided into different sections depending on their service temperatures. High temperature oxidation resistance is one of the properties which are required in different sections. The effect of material sensitization on corrosion resistance of stainless steels is well understood from the literature. Besides, sensitization materials in exhaust systems have to withstand different cyclic heating and cooling phases. The objective of this study was to develop a basic understanding that can determine the influence of different temperature treatments on stainless steels. A fundamental understanding on the interaction of sensitization and cyclic heat impacts are presented in the paper.  相似文献   

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