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The ectoderm of the vertebrate limb and feather bud are epithelia that provide good models for epithelial patterning in vertebrate development. At the tip of chick and mouse limb buds is a thickening, the apical ectodermal ridge, which is essential for limb bud outgrowth. The signal from the ridge to the underlying mesoderm involves fibroblast growth factors. The non-ridge ectoderm specifies the dorsoventral pattern of the bud and Wnt7a is a dorsalizing signal. The development of the ridge involves an interaction between dorsal cells that express radical fringe and those that do not. There are striking similarities between the signals and genes involved in patterning the limb ectoderm and the epithelia of the Drosophila imaginal disc that gives rise to the wing. The spacing of feather buds involves signals from the epidermis to the underlying mesenchyme, which again include Wnt7a and fibroblast growth factors.  相似文献   

The apical ectodermal ridge (AER) is a specialized thickening of the distal limb ectoderm, and its signals are known to support limb morphogenesis. The expression of a homeobox gene, Msx1, in the distal limb mesoderm depends on signals from the AER. In the present paper it is reported that Msx1 expression in the distal mesoderm is necessary for the transfer of AER signals in chick limb buds. Interruption of AER-mesoderm interaction by insertion of a thick filter led to the inhibition of pattern specification in the mesoderm just under the filter. In such cases, the expression of Msx1 disappeared in the mesoderm under the filter, suggesting that AER is able to signal over short ranges. In advanced limb buds, Msx1 is also expressed in the proximal mesoderm under the anterior ectoderm. However, it was found that a grafted antero-proximal mesoderm shows no inhibitory effects on pattern specification of the host mesoderm, as is the case with the distal mesoderm. On the other hand, grafted mesoderms without potent Msx1 re-expression, even underneath AER, disturbed normal limb development. In such cases, the expression of Msx1 disappeared in the mesoderm under the grafts, whereas Fgf-8 expression was maintained in the AER above the graft. These results indicate that the expression of Msx1 in the mesoderm is important for the transfer of AER signals.  相似文献   

We have determined that Strong's Luxoid (lstJ) [corrected] mice have a 16 bp deletion in the homeobox region of the Alx-4 gene. This deletion, which leads to a frame shift and a truncation of the Alx-4 protein, could cause the polydactyly phenotype observed in lstJ [corrected] mice. We have cloned the chick homologue of Alx-4 and investigated its expression during limb outgrowth. Chick Alx-4 displays an expression pattern complementary to that of shh, a mediator of polarizing activity in the limb bud. Local application of Sonic hedgehog (Shh) and Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF), in addition to ectodermal apical ridge removal experiments suggest the existence of a negative feedback loop between Alx-4 and Shh during limb outgrowth. Analysis of polydactylous mutants indicate that the interaction between Alx-4 and Shh is independent of Gli3, a negative regulator of Shh in the limb. Our data suggest the existence of a negative feedback loop between Alx-4 and Shh during vertebrate limb outgrowth.  相似文献   

The developing chick limb has two major signalling centres; the apical ectodermal ridge maintains expression of several important genes and outgrowth of the limb, and the polarising region specifies the pattern of skeletal elements along the anteroposterior axis. We have used reaggregated leg grafts (mesenchyme dissociated into single cells, placed in an ectodermal jacket and grafted to a host) to study patterning in a system where the developmental axes are severely disrupted. Reaggregates from different regions of leg mesenchyme developed correspondingly different digits, giving a system in which skeletal phenotype could be compared with the expression of genes thought to be important in patterning. We found that posterior third and whole leg reaggregates gave rise to different digits, yet expressed the same combination of HoxD, Bmp-2 and shh genes throughout their development. Anterior thirds initially only express the 3' end of the HoxD cluster but activate the more 5' members of the cluster sequentially over a period of 48 hours, a period during which Bmp-2 is activated but no shh or Fgf-4 expression could be detected. Our results suggest that there are two independent mechanisms for activating the HoxD complex, one polarising region-dependent and one independent, and that shh expression may not be necessary to maintain outgrowth and patterning once a ridge has been established.  相似文献   

In the chick limb bud, the zone of polarizing activity controls limb patterning along the anteroposterior and proximodistal axes. Since retinoic acid can induce ectopic polarizing activity, we examined whether this molecule plays a role in the establishment of the endogenous zone of polarizing activity. Grafts of wing bud mesenchyme treated with physiologic doses of retinoic acid had weak polarizing activity but inclusion of a retinoic acid-exposed apical ectodermal ridge or of prospective wing bud ectoderm evoked strong polarizing activity. Likewise, polarizing activity of prospective wing mesenchyme was markedly enhanced by co-grafting either a retinoic acid-exposed apical ectodermal ridge or ectoderm from the wing region. This equivalence of ectoderm-mesenchyme interactions required for the establishment of polarizing activity in retinoic acid-treated wing buds and in prospective wing tissue, suggests a role of retinoic acid in the establishment of the zone of polarizing activity. We found that prospective wing bud tissue is a high-point of retinoic acid synthesis. Furthermore, retinoid receptor-specific antagonists blocked limb morphogenesis and down-regulated a polarizing signal, sonic hedgehog. Limb agenesis was reversed when antagonist-exposed wing buds were treated with retinoic acid. Our results demonstrate a role of retinoic acid in the establishment of the endogenous zone of polarizing activity.  相似文献   

The apical ectodermal ridge (AER), a rim of thickened ectodermal cells at the interface between the dorsal and ventral domains of the limb bud, is required for limb outgrowth and patterning. We have previously shown that the limbs of En1 mutant mice display dorsal-ventral and proximal-distal abnormalities, the latter being reflected in the appearance of a broadened AER and formation of ectopic ventral digits. A detailed genetic analysis of wild-type, En1 and Wnt7a mutant limb buds during AER development has delineated a role for En1 in normal AER formation. Our studies support previous suggestions that AER maturation involves the compression of an early broad ventral domain of limb ectoderm into a narrow rim at the tip and further show that En1 plays a critical role in the compaction phase. Loss of En1 leads to a delay in the distal shift and stratification of cells in the ventral half of the AER. At later stages, this often leads to development of a secondary ventral AER, which can promote formation of an ectopic digit. The second AER forms at the juxtaposition of the ventral border of the broadened mutant AER and the distal border of an ectopic Lmx1b expression domain. Analysis of En1/Wnt7a double mutants demonstrates that the dorsalizing gene Wnt7a is required for the formation of the ectopic AERs in En1 mutants and for ectopic expression of Lmx1b in the ventral mesenchyme. We suggest a model whereby, in En1 mutants, ectopic ventral Wnt7a and/or Lmx1b expression leads to the transformation of ventral cells in the broadened AER to a more dorsal phenotype. This leads to induction of a second zone of compaction ventrally, which in some cases goes on to form an autonomous secondary AER.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, the dorsoventral patterning of somitic mesoderm is controlled by factors expressed in adjacent tissues. The ventral neural tube and the notochord function to promote the formation of the sclerotome, a ventral somite derivative, while the dorsal neural tube and the surface ectoderm have been shown to direct somite cells to a dorsal dermomyotomal fate. A number of signaling molecules are expressed in these inducing tissues during times of active cell fate specification, including members of the Hedgehog, Wnt, and BMP families. However, with the exception of the ventral determinant Sonic hedgehog (Shh), the functions of these signaling molecules with respect to dorsoventral somite patterning have not been determined. Here we investigate the role of Wnt-1, a candidate dorsalizing factor, in the regulation of sclerotome and dermomyotome formation. When ectopically expressed in the presomitic mesoderm of chick embryos in ovo, Wnt-1 differentially affects the expression of dorsal and ventral markers. Specifically, ectopic Wnt-1 is able to completely repress ventral (sclerotomal) markers and to enhance and expand the expression of dorsal (dermomyotomal) markers. However, Wnt-1 appears to be unable to convert all somitic mesoderm to a dermomyotomal fate. Delivery of an activated form of beta-catenin to somitic mesoderm mimics the effects of Wnt-1, demonstrating that Wnt-1 likely acts directly on somitic mesoderm, and not through adjacent tissues via an indirect signal relay mechanism. Taken together, our results support a model for somite patterning where sclerotome formation is controlled by the antagonistic activities of Shh and Wnt signaling pathways.  相似文献   

The Wnt family of secreted signaling proteins are implicated in regulating morphogenesis and tissue patterning in a wide variety of organ systems. Several Wnt genes are expressed in the developing limbs and head, implying roles in skeletal development. To explore these functions, we have used retroviral gene transfer to express Wnt-1 ectopically in the limb buds and craniofacial region of chick embryos. Infection of wing buds at stage 17 and tissues in the head at stage 10 resulted in skeletal abnormalities whose most consistent defects suggested a localized failure of cartilage formation. To test this hypothesis, we infected micromass cultures of prechondrogenic mesenchyme in vitro and found that expression of Wnt-1 caused a severe block in chondrogenesis. Wnt-7a, a gene endogenously expressed in the limb and facial ectoderm, had a similar inhibitory effect. Further analysis of this phenomenon in vitro showed that Wnt-1 and Wnt-7a had mitogenic effects only in early prechondrogenic mesenchyme, that cell aggregation and formation of the prechondrogenic blastema occurred normally, and that the block to differentiation was at the late-blastema/early-chondroblast stage. These results indicate that Wnt signals can have specific inhibitory effects on cytodifferentiation and suggest that one function of endogenous Wnt proteins in the limbs and face may be to influence skeletal morphology by localized inhibition of chondrogenesis.  相似文献   

Vertebrate limb outgrowth requires a structure called the apical ectodermal ridge, formation of which follows the previous establishment of the dorsoventral limb axis. Radical fringe is expressed in the dorsal ectoderm before the ridge appears, and is repressed by Engrailed-1, which is expressed in the ventral ectoderm. Misexpression of these genes indicates that a ridge is formed wherever there is a boundary between cells expressing and not expressing Radical fringe. Thus, as in Drosophila, Radical fringe positions the ridge at the dorsoventral limb boundary.  相似文献   

Fgf-10-deficient mice (Fgf-10(-/-)) were generated to determine the role(s) of Fgf-10 in vertebrate development. Limb bud initiation was abolished in Fgf-10(-/-) mice. Strikingly, Fgf-10(-/-) fetuses continued to develop until birth, despite the complete absence of both fore- and hindlimbs. Fgf-10 is necessary for apical ectodermal ridge (AER) formation and acts epistatically upstream of Fgf-8, the earliest known AER marker in mice. Fgf-10(-/-) mice exhibited perinatal lethality associated with complete absence of lungs. Although tracheal development was normal, main-stem bronchial formation, as well as all subsequent pulmonary branching morphogenesis, was completely disrupted. The pulmonary phenotype of Fgf-10(-/-) mice is strikingly similar to that of the Drosophila mutant branchless, an Fgf homolog.  相似文献   

Skeletal patterning and morphogenesis in the developing limb are thought to be regulated by instructive factors and cues from the zone of polarizing activity (ZPA), the apical ectodermal ridge (AER), and the dorsal ectoderm. However, the activities of the ZPA and AER dwindle early in embryogenesis and soon after ceases, when in fact the proximal skeletal elements are still rudimentary in structure and the more distal ones are yet to become recognizable. Thus, we asked whether the chondrocytes emerging within each mesenchymal condensation may themselves start expressing properties similar to those of ZPA and/or AER and, in so doing, may bring skeletal development to completion. Indeed, we found that the cartilaginous, but not precartilaginous, tissues in early chick limbs possess ZPA-like properties. They expressed an endogenous factor related to Sonic hedgehog (Shh), most likely Indian hedgehog (Ihh), and when fragments were grafted to the anterior margin of host stage 16-20 chick wing buds, they induced supernumerary skeletal elements (polarizing activity). The acquisition of polarizing activity by the cartilaginous structures followed clear proximo-to-distal and posterior-to-anterior routes. Thus, (1) stage 25 cartilaginous humerus had polarizing activity while stage 25 prospective radius did not, (2) posteriorly-located stage 29 ulna had stronger activity than anteriorly-located stage 29 radius, and (3) ulna's diaphysis had stronger activity at stage 29 than 31 while radius's diaphysis was stronger at stage 31 than 29. Prior to inducing extra digit formation, the cartilaginous grafts induced Hoxd-12 and Hoxd-13 gene expression in adjacent competent mesenchymal tissue. Strikingly, the cartilaginous grafts activity also expression of Shh and polarizing activity in adjacent mesenchyme, which ZPA grafts cannot do; thus, the cartilaginous structures displayed activities "upstream" of those of the ZPA. The results support our hypothesis that chondrocytes may themselves direct skeletal morphogenesis. In so doing and as a result of their inductive activities, the cells may also have an important role in the completion of limb patterning and morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Dactylaplasia, or Dac, was recently mapped to the distal portion of mouse chromosome 19 and shown to be inherited as an autosomal semi-dominant trait characterized by missing central digital rays. The most common locus for human split hand split foot malformation, also typically characterized by missing central digital rays, is 10q25, a region of synteny to the Dac locus. The Dac mouse appears to be an ideal genotypic and phenotypic model for this human malformation syndrome. Several genes lie in this region of synteny, however, only Fibroblast Growth Factor 8, or Fgf-8, has been implicated to have a role in limb development. We demonstrate that the developmental mechanism underlying loss of central rays in Dac limbs is dramatic cell death of the apical ectodermal ridge, or AER. This cell death pattern is apparent in E10.5-11.5 Dac limb buds stained with the supravital dye Nile Blue Sulfate. We demonstrate that Fgf8 expression in wild type limbs colocalizes spatially and temporally with AER cell death in Dac limbs. Furthermore, in our mapping panel, there is an absence of recombinants between Fgf-8 and the Dac locus in 133 backcross progeny with a median linkage estimate of approximately 0.5 cM. Thus, our results demonstrate that cell death of the AER in Dac limbs silences the role of the AER as key regulator of limb outgrowth, and that Fgf-8 is a strong candidate for the cause of the Dac phenotype.  相似文献   

Development of paired appendages at appropriate levels along the primary body axis is a hallmark of the body plan of jawed vertebrates. Hox genes are good candidates for encoding position in lateral plate mesoderm along the body axis and thus for determining where limbs are formed. Local application of fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) to the anterior prospective flank of a chick embryo induces development of an ectopic wing, and FGF applied to posterior flank induces an ectopic leg. If particular combinations of Hox gene expression determine where wings and legs develop, then formation of additional limbs from flank should involve changes in Hox gene expression that reflect the type of limb induced. Here we show that the same population of flank cells can be induced to form either a wing or a leg, and that induction of these ectopic limbs is accompanied by specific changes in expression of three Hox genes in lateral plate mesoderm. This then reproduces, in the flank, expression patterns found at normal limb levels. Hox gene expression is reprogrammed in lateral plate mesoderm, but is unaffected in paraxial mesoderm. Independent regulation of Hox gene expression in lateral plate mesoderm may have been a key step in the evolution of paired appendages.  相似文献   

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