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The release and absorption (bioavailability) of carotenoids is a prerequisite for their nutritional impact. This can be strongly affected by the processing conditions used to prepare the food matrix that contains them. To determine the effect of processing on carotenoid bioavailability, homogenized, raw, blanched and cooked carrots were exposed to an in vitro gastric and intestinal digestion model. Final digest samples were placed onto a Caco-2 cell trans-well monolayer culture to mimic intestinal absorption. The results show that the cooked carrot puree consisting of primarily single plant cell particles had the highest release of carotenes, followed by blanched consisting primarily of plant cell clusters and raw carrot puree consisting of larger plant cell clusters. Absorption through the Caco-2 cell layer was the highest from the digesta of cooked carrot puree followed by the digesta of blanched carrot puree. This study demonstrates that thermal processing and/or mechanical homogenization to disrupt plant cell wall matrix enhances the in vitro bioavailability of carotenes from carrots.  相似文献   

Bitterness is considered as an undesirable taste of carrots. Quantitative chemical analysis of potential bitter compounds of different carrot genotypes was combined with sensory analysis in order to identify key compounds likely to be responsible for the bitterness of carrots. Eight carrot genotypes (‘Bolero’, ‘Mello Yello’, ‘Nairobi’, ‘Tornado’, ‘Purple Haze’, ‘Line 1’, ‘Line 2’, and ‘Line 3’) representing extremes in sensory-perceived odour, flavour, and taste. Potential bitter compounds like polyacetylenes, isocoumarins and phenolic acids were quantified in the peel and the corresponding peeled carrot, and their contribution to bitterness in raw carrots was analysed by sensory profiling using multivariate data analysis. Falcarindiol and a di-caffeic acid derivative were highly related to bitterness in contrast to falcarinol and other potential bitter compounds. Falcarindiol and the di-caffeic acid derivative were primarily present in the peel whereas falcarinol was almost evenly distributed in the root. Investigation of bitterness revealed that high sugar content to some extent could mask the bitter perception of carrots. As falcarinol is the most bioactive of the carrot polyacetylenes the results of the present study indicate that there is a basis for improving the health effects of raw carrots without affecting sensory quality.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to determine some of the biochemical properties of pectin methylesterase (PME) from black carrot. The enzyme showed very high activity in a broad pH range of 6.5–8.5, with the optimum pH occurring at 7.5. The optimum temperature for maximal PME activity was found to be 55 °C. NaCl enhanced PME activity, particularly at 0.2 M. Km and Vmax values for black carrot PME using apple pectin as substrate were found to be 2.14 mg/ml (r2 = 0.988) and 3.75 units/ml, respectively. The enzyme was stable between the temperatures of 30–50 °C/5 min whereas it lost nearly all of its activity at 70 °C/5 min. Ea and Z values were found to be 196.8 kJmol−1 (r2 = 0.996) and 2.16 °C (r2 = 0.995), respectively.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted in Uganda to determine the importance of field infestation of pigeonpea by bruchids, and whether or not the susceptibility of the pigeonpea pod to infestation changes during pod and seed development. A survey of farmers’ fields in the major pigeonpea growing areas in northern Uganda showed that bruchids did infest pigeonpea in the field. In all three districts surveyed (Apac, Gulu and Lira), infestation levels were similar and by one species only, Callosobruchus chinensis. Once harvested, infestation of stored seeds was four times greater than stored pods. In a separate study, caged pigeonpea pods were infested at seven different developmental stages by C. chinensis. The number of eggs laid increased with development, from pod formation to the mature yellow stage, but declined thereafter. When pods were incubated, there was no adult emergence from pods infested after they had matured and started to dry. The frequency of C. chinensis adult emergence varied significantly over time; a bimodal frequency pattern of emergence was observed from pods infested at mature green stage and, to a lesser extent at the preceding late pod filling state, suggesting the occurrence of polymorphism.  相似文献   

A new analytical method for the determination of falcarinol [(Z)-heptadeca-1,9-diene-4,6-diyn-3-ol] in carrot root samples has been developed and validated. The method consists of accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) of lyophilised carrot root samples with ethyl acetate and LC–MS analysis of the extracts. Falcarinol was determined by extracting the main ion species generated in the ESI positive mode, m/z 268 [M+H–H2O+MeCN]+, from the full MS chromatogram. Quantitation was performed using a falcarinol calibration curve (correlation coefficient 0.9975) as an external standard and pelargonic acid vanillylamide as an internal standard. The method showed good precision with interday and intraday variation of less than 4% and high recovery (average recovery rate 97.9%). LOD (S/N = 3) and LOQ (S/N = 10) were 2.5 and 7 ng, respectively. Using this method, 27 different carrot genotypes grown and harvested under the same conditions were analyzed, and falcarinol contents ranging from 0.70 to 4.06 mg/100 g fresh weight were determined.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Beim Schwarzwild im Wildgatter Kvtov wurde die Epizootologie der MagennematodenAscarops strongylina (Rud.) undPhysocephalus sexalatus (Molin) mit Hilfe helminthologischer Untersuchungen, Feststellungen der Eierausscheidungsdynamik und Invasion der Zwischenwirte im Verlauf des Jahres untersucht. Bei den Nematoden wurden drei Höhepunkte der Eierausscheidung, und zwar von Dezember bis Januar, im April und im August bis September festgestellt. Zu Invasionen beim Schwarzwild kommt es vor allem im Spätsommer und im Frühjahr, bei koprophagen Käfern fanden sich zu dieser Zeit Larven fast aller Entwicklungsstadien der beiden Nematoden. Ascarops-Larven wurden in den KäfernGeotrupes stercorarius (84,6%),G. stercorosus, aberr, monticola (Heer.) (44,0%),G. vernalis (37,5%) undAphodius sticticus Panz. (1,28%) festgestellt. Larven vonPhysocephalus sexalatus wurden in den KäfernG. stercorarius L. (26,49%) undG. stercorosus, aberr. monticola (Heer.) (9,09%) nachgewiesen. Die Larven des II. und III. Stadiums überwinterten in den Käfern. Während der Sommermonate überwogen in den Zwischenwirten die Larven des II. Stadiums.
Summary Caged wild boar in Kvtov were examined in the course of a year to study the epizootology of the stomach nematodes named above. The results were based on dissections, discharge of eggs and invasions of intermediate hosts. Peak egg discharges were found for both nematodes in the months December to January, in April, and from August to September. Boar were invaded most frequently in late summer and in spring. Larvae of both nematodes were found in almost every stage of development in coprophagous beetles. Ascarops larvae were found in the following beetles:Geotrupes stercorarius (84,6%),G. stercorosus, aberr. monticola (Heer.) (44.0%),G. vernalis (37.5%) andAphodius sticticus Panz. (1.28%). Larvae ofPhysocephalus sexalatus were found in the following beetles:G. stercorarius L. (26.49%) andG. stercorosus, aberr. monticola (Heer.) (9.09%). Larvae in the II. and III. stages of development wintered in the beetles. During the summer months larvae of the II. stage were found to be in the majority in the intemediate hosts.

Résumé On a étudié l'épizootologie des Nématodes stomacaux Ascarops strongylina (Rud.) et Physocephalus sexalatus (Molin) au moyen d'autopsies helminthologiques, de la dynamique de l'expulsion des oeufs et de l'élimination des hôtes intermédiaires tout au long de l'année. Des pics d'expulsion d'oeufs ont été observés chez les deux Nématodes de décembre à janvier, en avril et d'août à septembre. L'invasion chez le Sanglier s'observe surtout à la fin de l'été et au printemps. Des larves de coléoptères coprophages à presque tous les stades de développement ont été trouvées chez les deux espèces de Nématodes: des larves d'Ascarops ont été observées chez Geotrupes stercorarius (84,6%), chez G. stercorosus, aberr. monticola (Heer.) (44,0%), G. vernalis (37,5%) et Aphodius sticticus Panz. (1,28%); des larves de Physocephalus sexatatus ont été observées chez G. stercorarius L. (26,49%) et G. stercorosus aberr. monticola (Heer) (9,09%). Les larves des 2èmes et 3èmes stades hivernent dans ces coléoptères. Au cours des mois d'été les larves du 2ème stade dominent dans les hôtes intermédiaires.

In the present study, the effect of thermal and equivalent high pressure processes on structural (texture and microstructure) and health-related (total β-carotene concentration, β-carotene isomerisation and β-carotene bio-accessibility) properties of carrots was investigated. Both a mild and strong pasteurisation process and a sterilisation process were considered.  相似文献   

Seeds of 24 accessions of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) and four other species of Cajanus (formerly Atylosia) were evaluated for their resistance to infestation by Callosobruchus maculatus (F.). None of the pigeonpea accessions was resistant but resistance was evident in three species of Cajanus. In C. platycarpus most of the larvae failed to enter the hard seed coats but the few which did enter the seeds, developed normally. Adults did not emerge from the seeds of C. scarabaeoides, even though most of the larvae entered the seeds. In A. sericeus, the number of larvae entering the seeds as well as adult emergence was significantly reduced.  相似文献   

Albumin, globulin and glutelin fractions were prepared from chickpea and oat seeds using sequential extractions. Molecular characteristics of individual protein fractions were investigated using sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) in combination with proteomic techniques. SDS-PAGE results revealed that chickpea albumin and globulin fractions (C-Ab and C-Gb) showed protein bands with molecular weights (MWs) related to subunits of legumin (11S globulin) and pea vicilin (7S globulin); oat protein fractions (O-Ab, O-Gb and O-Gt) showed most protein bands with MWs related to subunits of oat 12S globulin (avenalin). With proteomic analysis, eighteen tryptic peptides from chickpea globulin fraction showed sequence homology that corresponded to chickpea legumin α- and β-subunit (NCBI accession number: gi|6273402; theoretical mass 56,216 Da) while sixteen tryptic peptides from chickpea albumin fraction (C-Ab) were identified as chickpea provicilin precursor (NCBI accession number: gi|82173888; theoretical mass 51,390 Da); fifteen tryptic peptides from oat protein fractions were identified with origin from oat 12S seed storage globulin 1 (NCBI accession number: gi|134918; theoretical mass 58,508 Da). The identified tryptic peptide, ALIVPQNFAIAAK, was commonly found in chickpea glutelin fraction (C-Gt), rice glutelin fraction (R-Gt), and oat albumin, globulin and glutelin fractions (O-Ab, O-Gb and O-Gt).  相似文献   

The exposure to atmospheres with low O2 required to kill 50 and 95% of the developing Sitophilus oryzae (L.) and S. granarius (L.) indicated that the earlier and later stages were more susceptible and the middle stages were less susceptible. At 27°C, the duration of exposure required to produce 95% mortality during the 4th instar through early pupal development was about 10 days for S. oryzae and 6 days for S. granarius. The toxicity of the atmosphere produced by an exothermic inert atmosphere generator to each stage of S. oryzae was higher at 27°C than at 21°C. Larvae and pupae of S. granarius were more susceptible to the atmosphere than corresponding stages of S. oryzae. The type of grain in which the S. oryzae were developing did not significantly alter the mortality due to the generated atmosphere.  相似文献   

Summary Scanning electron microsopcy (SEM) was used to study the microstructure of raw and processed cocoa beans (Theobroma cocoa L.). Photomicrographs of seed coat revealed tracheary elements (spiral vessels) and simple pits, while the cotyledon of raw bean consists of parenchyma cells. When beans were roasted to 125 °C for 20 min, the cotyledon became porous and brittle and the cellular contents became thermally coagulated. Also, after basification there was an increase in surface porosity of the cotyledon. These SEM observations could be employed as a monitor for processing and/or quality control.The basification of cocoa beans with different alkalis, revealed differences in color as depending on the type of alkali and its concentration.
Untersuchungen über Kakaobohnen (Theobroma cocoa L.)Einfluß einiger Verfahren auf die Mikrostruktur und Farbe der Bohnen
Zusammenfassung Scanning-Elektronenmikroskopie (SEM) wurde für die Untersuchung der Mikrostruktur roher und behandelter Kakaobohnen angewandt. Mikrophotographien der Samenschale zeigten Tracheenelemente (Spiralgefäße) und einfache Vertiefungen, während die Cotyledonen der rohen Bohnen aus Parenchymzellen bestehen. Wenn Bohnen für 20 min bei 125 °C geröstet werden, werden die Cotyledonen porös und brüchig und der Zellinhalt koaguliert. Auch nach der Alkalisierung erhöht sich die Porosität der Oberfläche der Cytoledonen. Diese SEM-Beobachtungen könnten zur Prüfung, der Arbeitsweise und/oder der Qualitätskontrolle angewandt werden. Die Alkalisierung der Kakaobohnen mit verschiedenen Alkalien zeigt Unterschiede in der Farbe in Abhängigkeit von der Art und Konzentration des Alkali.

The sensory intensity measured as theabsolute threshold value of spice andrecognition of spice was evaluated for summer savory and rosemary in meat balls. The values forabsolute threshold value of spice were found to be significantly lower for rosemary than for summer savory. The antioxidative activity of the spices was analysed in two accelerated model systems and in a storage experiment. In one of the model systems, oxidation was accelerated by heat and by an elevated pressure of oxygen. Both spices significantly improved the oxidative stability of the meat balls in this model system. In the second model system metal catalyst oxidation in a meat slurry was used and a reduction in the oxidative processes in samples containing the spices was again shown. In both model systems a slightly higher antioxidative activity was seen for rosemary compared to summer savory. In the storage experiment, the spices were added at a sensorially acceptable level and the heat-treated meat balls were stored at 5°C. A significant reduction in the development of warmed-over flavour (WOF) caused by the addition of spices was measured by a reduction in 2-thiobarbituricacid-reactivesubstances (TBARS) and in hexanal. A reduction in TBARS of approximately 30% in meat balls containing added spices was seen independently of packaging in 1% oxygen or in atmospheric air and the reduction (30%) was constant throughout the storage period.  相似文献   

Summary The volatile constituents of cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.) were characterized using liquid/liquid extraction and fractionation of the flavour concentrates on silica gel, followed by high resolution gas chromatography and coupled gas chromatography — mass spectrometry. Sniffing gas chromatography of serially diluted flavour extracts showed methyl 2-methylbutyrate, 2,5-dimethyl-4-hydroxy-(2H)-furanone and its 4-methoxy derivative, 4- and 5-octanolide, -ionone, and -damascenone to be impact components. The non-volatile flavour fraction contained glucose, fructose, sucrose, citric acid, and smaller amounts of organic aliphatic and benzoic acids. The bound forms of volatiles were dominated by benzyl alcohol, 2-methylpropanol, and 2-methyl-butanol. The presence of significant amounts of activated acyl moieties in the fruit was indirectly concluded from various data.
Das Aroma der Kapstachelbeere (Physalis peruviana L.)
Zusammenfassung Die flüchtigen Inhaltsstoffe der Kapstachelbeere (Physalis peruviana L.) sind nach Flüssig/Flüssig-Extraktion und Kieselgelfraktionierung der Aromakonzentrate mittels hochauflösender Gaschromatographie und Kopplung Gaschromatographie-Massenspektrometrie charakterisiert worden. Durch gaschromatographische Sniffing-Analyse von sukzessive verdünnten Aromaextrakten sind 2-Methylbuttersäuremethylester, 2,5-Dimethyl-4-hydroxy-3(2H)-furanon und dessen Methoxyderivat, 4- und 5-Octanolid sowie -Jonon and -Damascenon als sensorische Schlüsselsubstanzen erkannt worden. Die nichtflüchtige Aromafraktion enthält Glucose, Fructose, Saccharose, Citronensäure und kleinere Mengen an organischen, aliphatischen und benzoiden Säuren. Bei den gebunden vorliegenden flüchtigen Komponenten dominieren Benzylalkohol, 2-Methylpropanol und 2-Methylbutanol. Die Frucht enthält, wie verschiedene Befunde indirekt belegen, größere Mengen an aktivierten Acylresten.

以长豇豆籽为原料,采用响应面Box-Behnken分析法优化淀粉提取工艺,并对其形态结构和理化性质进行表征。采用五因素三水平的响应面曲面分析法确定豇豆淀粉提取工艺最佳参数为:NaOH溶液的体积420 mL、浸泡时间17 h、乙醇的体积74 mL、振荡转速167 r/min、振荡时间70 min,此条件下理论提取率为62.13%。提取的豇豆淀粉灰分含量为0.17%,蛋白质含量0.87%,脂质含量0.25%,纤维素1.59%,溶解度0.73%,溶胀度1.85 g/g;扫描电镜图像表明,豇豆淀粉颗粒呈球型或椭球形,粒径大多分布在9~13 μm范围内;傅里叶变换红外光谱与X射线衍射分析分析表明,豇豆淀粉具有较强的结晶结构与相对结晶度,呈现典型C型结晶淀粉形态;热力学分析表明,起始糊化温度(To)为73.86 ℃,峰值温度(Tp)为80.59 ℃,结束温度(Tc)为88.53 ℃。结果表明豇豆淀粉具有紧密的空间结构与较强的抗糊化性质,在食品质构改良剂等领域有较好的应用发展潜力。  相似文献   

Black carrots (BCs) are a rich source of stable anthocyanins (ACNs). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of clarification and pasteurisation on ACNs of black carrot juice (BCJ). Monomeric ACNs, ACN profile and percent polymeric colour were determined during processing of BCJ. While depectinisation and bentonite treatments resulted in 7% and 20% increases in monomeric ACN content of BCJ, respectively, gelatine–kieselsol treatment and pasteurisation resulted in 10% and 3–16% reduction. Percent polymeric colour decreased after clarification, but substantially increased in samples subjected to heat. ACNs of BCJ samples were identified by HPLC–MS. Unclarified BCJ contained cyanidin-3-galactoside-xyloside-glucoside-ferulic acid as the major ACN, followed by cyanidin-3-galactoside-xyloside-glucoside-coumaric acid, and cyanidin-3-galactoside-xyloside-glucoside. After depectinisation, two more ACNs (cyanidin-3-galactoside-xyloside and cyanidin-3-galactoside-xyloside-glucoside-sinapic acid) were also identified. These results indicated that depectinisation and bentonite treatment had positive effect on the colour of BCJ, while gelatin–kieselsol treatment and pasteurisation had negative effect.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Mitgeteilt werden Beobachtungen an einer kleinen bei Helgoland lebenden Seehundspopulation. Bei bisherigen Zählungen im Raum der niedersächsischen und schleswig-holsteinischen Küste wurde diese Population nicht miterfaßt.Zählungen aus den Jahren 1958–1972 ergaben bei der Helgoland-Population des Seehundes eine abnehmende Tendenz (siehe Tab. 1). Regelmäßige Zählungen in der Zukunft sollen genauere Daten liefern.Neben bestandsinterner Populationsdynamik findet sicher ein Austausch mit den Populationen der Küste statt, wie der Wiederfund eines in Schleswig-Holstein markierten Hundes auf Helgoland beweist.Trotz fehlender natürlicher Feinde sind die Verluste unter den Helgoländer Seehunden durch Parasiten und durch Verletzungen recht groß. In Tabelle 2 wird über die Todesursache von auf Helgoland gefundener toter und schwerkranker Seehunde berichtet.Neben Ekto- und Endoparasiten ist es vor allem die Ölpest, die die Seehunde bei Helgoland befällt. Ein gehäuftes Vorkommen schwerer Verletzungen wurde nicht nur bei Helgoland, sondern auch an der schleswig-holsteinischen Küste festgestellt.Bei den Endoparasiten ist es vor allen Dingen der Fadenwurm (Otostrongylus circumlitus), der die Seehunde befällt, unter den Ektoparasiten die Seehundslaus (Echinophthirius horridus).
Summary Observations are reported on a small seal population living near Helgoland a population not yet included in counts made by Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein.Counts of this Helgoland population from the years 1958–1972 revealed a decreasing trend (see table 1). Subsequent regular counts will supply more exact data.In addition to internal population dynamics, there is definitely contact with the coastal populations, as the appearance on Helgoland of a seal marked in Schleswig-Holstein proves.In spite of the lack of natural enemies the loss of seals from parasites and injuries is quite significant. Table 2 reports the causes of death of seals found on Helgoland.Next to ectoparasites and endoparasites, it is the oil pollution which attacks seals here, as well as at the Schleswig-Holstein coast.Among the endoparasites, the threadworm, (Otostrongylus circumlitus) and among ectoparasites the seal louse (Echonophthririus horidus) attack the seals observed.

Résumé Observations sur une petite population de phoques située au large de l'île d'Helgoland. Jusqu'à présent, les inventaires auxquels il est procédé sur les côtes de Basse-Saxe et du Schleswig-Holstein ne tiennent pas compte de cette population.Les recensements du Phoque veau-marin réalisés en Helgoland de 1958 à 1972 révèlent une tendance à la diminution (voir Tableau 1). Les relevés futurs devront veiller à être plus précis.En dehors d'une dynamique propre à cette population, des échanges ont certainement lieu avec les populations côtières comme en témoigne la reprise dans le Schleswig-Holstein d'un phoque marqué en Helgoland.Malgré l'absence de prédateurs naturels, les mortalités des phoques helgolandais suite à des parasitoses ou à des blessures sont conséquentes (cfr. Tableau 2). Les endo-et ectoparasitoses mises à part, ce sont surtout les conséquences d'intoxication par le mazout (Ölpest) qui affectent la santé des phoques d'Helgoland. Des lésions graves ont été constatées non seulement en Helgoland mais aussi sur la côte du Schleswig-Holstein.Parmi les endoparasitoses, le nématodeOtostrongylus circumlitus est le plus fréquent; parmi les ectoparasitoses le plus courant est l'Echinophthirius horridus.

Zusammenfassung Von Rehen verschiedener Herkünfte und unterschiedlicher Verwandtschaftsgrade wurden DNS-Fingerabdrucke (DNA-fingerprints) erstellt. Als Restriktionsenzym diente Hinf I, als Sonde wurde einzelsträngige (simple stranded, ss) DNS des Phagen M 13 eingesetzt. Diese Restriktionsenzym-Sonden-Kombination lieferte Fingerprints mit 13–28 auswertbaren Banden, die sowohl zur Analyse von Familien als auch zum Vergleich von Populationen geeignet sind. Die basale genetische Variabilität der untersuchten Rehe ist höher, als durch bisherige Erhebungen zu vermuten war.
Genetic investigations of Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus L.)
Summary DNA fingerprints were determined for deer of different origins and varying degrees of relatedness. Hinf. I served as restricting enzyme and the probe applied was single-stranded DNA of the phage M 13. This combination of restrictive enzyme and probe produces fingerprints having 13–28 bands suitable for analyzing the genetics of families as well as for comparing populations. The basic genetic variability of the investigated deer is higher than expected.

Recherches génétiques sur le Chevreuil (Capreolus capreolus L.)
Résumé Des empreintes digitales à l'ADN ont été effectuées sur les chevreuils d'origine et de parenté diverses. L'enzyme de restriction Hinf 1 fut utilisé ainsi que la sonde constituée du filament ADN simple du phage M13. Cette combinaison d'un enzyme de restriction et d'une sonde donna lieu à des empreintes constituées de 13–28 bandes exploitables, lesquelles conviennent tant pour l'analyse de familles que pour la comparaison de populations. La variabilité génétique de base de chevreuils analysés est plus élevée que celle à laquelle on s'attendait sur base des enquêtes pratiquées jusqu'à présent.

Eingesetzt wurde ein Druckkostenzuschuß der Landesjägerschaft Niedersachsen, für dessen Gewährung verbindlich gedankt wird. — Die Schriftleitung  相似文献   

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