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<正>3.8陕北煤炭基地CCT路径综合选择陕北煤炭基地是国家规划的重要煤炭-现代煤化工基地。从资源条件看,基地地处陕西省北部,含煤面积1.837万km3、煤炭资源总量1866亿t,其中保有储量1115亿t,预测储量750亿t;基地煤种 相似文献
<正>2.4.2循环流化床(CFBC)燃烧技术及产业化循环流化床(CFBC)技术是国际公认的最成熟、商业化最好的洁净煤发电技术。CFBC技术在利用传统流态化燃烧技术的基础上,创造和采用循环燃烧和快速床燃烧技术构成燃料的反复循环燃烧生产蒸汽,完成生产过程。 相似文献
本文以《京都议定书》时代为背景,力图以全球化的视野和思维,全面深入地研究中国煤炭基地洁净煤技术(CCT)进步及产业化发展。在提出CCT进步方向的同时,重点提出了中国煤炭基地CCT产业化发展的主要路径和总体方案;并且对中国煤炭基地CCT进步及产业化发展的国际环境进行了必要分析,提出了初步的应对之策。 相似文献
山西以煤为主的单一能源格局以及洁净煤技术产业化进程滞后,导致了山西以煤烟型为主的大气污染相当严重,成为制约山西经济与社会发展的重要因素。山西要切实转变工业增长方式,增强技术创新能力,积极采用高新技术和先进适用技术,加快传统产业技术改造,努力使山西煤炭工业发展成为社会效益与煤炭工业健康发展相统一、环保要求与煤炭企业经济效益相一致的新型煤炭工业。推进洁净煤技术产业化,促进煤炭深度加工、洁净燃烧、提高效率、减少污染,既是山西经济和社会可持续发展的需要,也是山西煤炭工业发展的必然选择。 相似文献
煤炭的清洁使用及发展洁净煤技术战略 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3
煤炭的清洁使用及发展洁净煤技术战略山西省人事厅宁明栋我国是一个以煤为主要能源的国家,即使再过半个世纪,煤炭在我国一次能源中的比例仍将不低于40%。这样,煤炭的洁净使用及发展洁净煤技术在未来我国可持续发展中将占有举足轻重的地位。我国是发展中的国家,未来... 相似文献
洁净煤技术产业化是山西煤炭工业发展的必然选择 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
推进洁净煤技术产业化 ,是山西煤炭工业发展的必然选择。从国内外洁净煤技术的发展趋势 ,煤炭工业面临的严峻形势分析 ,山西洁净煤技术开发、推广、应用的速度 ,决定着山西煤炭工业的发展前景。 相似文献
煤炭是中国的主要能源,中国终端能源消费中煤炭所占比例过大和能源效率低下,是造成污染严重的主要原因。本文较为详尽地分析了国内外各项洁净煤技术发展的动态,揭示了近几年中国洁净煤技术的迅速发展。说明发展洁净煤技术,可从源头上减少燃煤污染;可提高能源效率,解决煤炭效率低下问题;可有效减少SO2排放,达到全过程脱硫的目标;可增加煤炭就地转化;有利于实现煤炭消费向以煤电为主转变,解决终端能源消费结构不合理问题。发展洁净煤技术是解决中国煤炭环境问题、实现可持续发展的必然选择。 相似文献
中国洁净煤技术进展及重点领域 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
回顾了“九五”以来中国洁净煤技术在各个领域的进展,分析了能源发展形势对发展洁净煤技术的需求,提出高效洁净燃煤、先进煤转化、先进发电是重点发展领域,“十五”时期是中国洁净煤技术发展的关键时期,建议启动重点领域的综合工程,全面推进洁净煤技术发展。 相似文献
中国洁净煤技术若干重大科技进展分析(之二) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在洁净煤技术方面,论述了煤炭地下气化的产业示范工程,增压流化床联合循环中试电站建成和试运行。对每项技术,主要从国际比较上确定它达到的水平和创新点,对它已经(或可能)进入的市场状况进行比较准确的分析,进而与我国能源发展战略的有关问题联系起来。最后从整体上讨论中国21世纪的能源科技发展战略。 相似文献
中国洁净煤技术若干重大科技进展分析(之一) 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
在洁净煤技术方面,论述了煤气化的研究与发,先进煤粉燃烧器的工业化生产。对每项技术,主要从国际比较上确定它达到的水平和创新点,对它已经(或可能)进入的市场状况进行比较准确的分析,进而与我国能源发展战略的有关问题联系起来,最后从整体上讨论中国21世纪的能源科技发展战略。 相似文献
Clean coal technology development in China 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Coal is found in huge amounts throughout the world and is expected to play a crucial role as an abundant energy source. However, one critical issue in promoting coal utilization is controlling environmental pollution. Clean coal technologies are needed to utilize coal in an environmentally acceptable way and to improve coal utilization efficiency. This paper describes coal's role in China's energy system and the environmental issues related to coal use. Coal is responsible for 90% of the SO2 emissions, 70% of the dust emissions, 67% of the NOx emissions, and 70% of the CO2 emissions. But as the most abundant energy resource, it will continue to be the dominant energy supply for a long time. Therefore, the development and deployment of clean coal technologies are crucial to promote sustainable development in China. Clean coal technologies currently being developed in China are described including high efficiency combustion and advanced power generation technologies, coal transformation technologies, IGCC (integrated gasification combined cycle) and carbon capture and storage (CCS). Although China only recently began developing clean coal technologies, there have been many successes. Most recent orders of coal-fired power plants are units larger than 600 MW and new orders for supercritical and ultra supercritical systems are increasing rapidly. Many national research programs, industrial research programs and international collaboration projects have been launched to develop on IGCC and CCS systems in China. Finally, suggestions are given on how to further promote clean coal technologies in China. 相似文献
正,反烧相结合的双向燃烧法是实现烟煤型煤洁净燃烧的新型实用技术,本文论述采用双向法燃烧烟煤型煤时的消烟机理,温度场分布,挥发分析出规律,燃料硫的析出规律与固硫特性的试验研究结果。 相似文献
本文介绍了中国超临界、超超临界发电技术、循环流化床技术的发展情况,介绍了在大型燃煤电站锅炉低氮燃烧技术上的发展情况,并简要介绍了IGCC在中国的发展状况。 相似文献
Coal chemical industry and its sustainable development in China 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
China is rich in coal resource, which is vital for energy security in this country. In early 21st century, the coal chemical industry in China will be oriented to the development of high efficiency, safety, cleanliness, and optimum utilization. In this review, the authors present an introduction to the utilization status of primary energy production and consumption in China. Since 2005, fundamental research studies, supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Chinese National Basic Research Program, have been carried out at Taiyuan University of Technology. The Ministry stresses that the new coal chemical industry should be developed in a sustainable manner to realize effective utilization of energy. Moreover, upgrading the high technology to improve actively the recycling processes of coal chemical engineering is of strategic importance to realize the modern coal chemical engineering. 相似文献
《Energy Policy》2016
Although China owns large coal reserves, it now faces the problem of depletion of its coal resources in advance. The coal-based energy mix in China will not change in the short term, and a means of delaying the coal resources depletion is therefore urgently required. The residual coal was exploited first with a lower recovery percentage and was evaluated as commercially valuable damaged coal. This approach is in comparison to past evaluations when the residual coal was allocated as exploitation losses. Coal recovery rates, the calculation method of residual coal reserves and statistics of its mines in China were given. On this basis, a discussion concerning the impacts on the delay of China's coal depletion, development of coal exploitation and sustainable developments, as well as technologies and relevant policies, were presented. It is considered that the exploitation of residual coal can effectively delay China's coal depletion, inhibit the construction of new mines, redress the imbalance between supply and demand of coal in eastern China, improve the mining area environment and guarantee social stability. The Chinese government supports the exploitation technologies of residual coal. Hence, exploiting residual coal is of considerable importance in sustainable development of the coal industry in China. 相似文献
论洁净煤技术的产业化与政策支持 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
介绍了以提高燃煤效率、减少大气环境污染为目的的洁净煤技术产业化,它可分为装备产业化、加工产业化和工程服务产业化,发展重点有小型工业锅炉、电站烟气净化装置、动力煤洗选等。市场是产业化发展的关键。文章还叙述了与产业化发展相关的环保法规和税收等经济政策。图1。 相似文献