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郭培源 《新能源》1998,20(4):16-19
阐述了飞轮能技术的原理及结构,分析和探讨了应用于风力发电的必要性和可行性,最后介绍了国内外研究的现状。  相似文献   

储能技术在风力发电系统中的应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
阐述了储能技术的原理和特点,具体介绍了飞轮储能、超导储能、蓄电池储能和超级电容器储能在风力发电系统中的应用;分析了各种储能技术的优缺点和应用前景;指出了混合式储能技术是最可行的方案;介绍了功率转化系统的结构特点和最优化控制技术的进展.  相似文献   

由于风力发电系统具有不稳定性、不可控性等特点,在系统发电过程中,输出功率的波动及负载突变,会直接引起直流母线电压的不稳定,从而影响供电的电能质量及电网的安全性。文章从储能技术应用角度进行分析,介绍风力发电系统中常见的储能技术类型,分别概括蓄电池储能、电解氢储能、压缩空气储能等技术手段的生效机制和优势局限,通过引入风力发电系统建设实例,分析储能系统设计、风速及功率预测、风电机储能容积设计、空压机参数设计要点,以此来确保输出电压较为平稳,保障电能质量。  相似文献   

超级电容器储能技术及其应用   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
超级电容器是近年发展起来的一种新型储能元件,具有功率密度高、寿命长、无需维护及充放电迅速等特性。叙述了超级电容器的分类、储能原理和性能特点,介绍了超级电容器目前的应用领域及应用中需要关注的问题。  相似文献   

针对当前风力发电系统输出功率随机波动的问题,以永磁同步风力发电机(PMSG)与直流侧储能系统(钒氧化还原电池)整合的风力发电系统为基础,进行数字仿真建模,采用MATLAB/Simulink软件对固定负载,变化风速工况;固定风速,负荷瞬变工况;风速和负荷同时变化工况;进行了仿真试验和分析。结果表明,对于采用储能技术的风电场并网功率随机波动的平抑控制,可以利用蓄电池的充放电特性,在风速变化以及负荷瞬变时进行功率平衡的调节。  相似文献   

储能技术在风能发电系统中的应用,不仅能防止风能发电功率的频繁波动,维持电压的稳定性,同时也能对电能的质量提供坚实的保障,确保发电系统能够维持优秀的运作状况。本文研究的重点是关于风能发电系统中储能技术的属性和实际运用。  相似文献   

建立风力发电系统仿真模型,提出应用模糊控制调节风力发电机组输出功率的控制策略.在额定风速以下,采用最佳功率给定法.以追踪最大风能利用系数作为控制目标,提出应用模糊控制器和查表来调节发电机输出功率的方法;在额定风速以上,设计了基于变量化因子的模糊控制器,快速调节风力发电的桨矩角,使输出保持为额定功率.仿真结果证实了该控制策略的有效性,提高了风力发电机组的运行效率.  相似文献   

双馈电机在风力发电中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杲爱卿 《新能源》1997,19(10):12-14
本文提出了一种新型的电力发电设想,它用双馈电机代替了传统风力发电的感应电机械同步电机,并设计了初步的控制方案,分析了这种风力发电的优势及广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

储能单元作为可再生能源发电系统中必不可少的组成部分,在抑制功率波动性方面起着重要作用。针对单一储能系统功率或能量上存在的缺陷,根据蓄电池储能系统和超级电容储能系统在能量和功率上的优势,结合二者互补性,提出了面向可再生能源发电系统的互补储能技术,建立了蓄电池—超级电容器互补储能系统,并针对给定发电计划下的功率波动,给出了基于浮动平均法的控制策略。通过相应的实例分析,验证了模型和算法的有效性。  相似文献   

超级电容器蓄电池混合储能独立光伏系统研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
建立了混合储能系统的数学模型,对系统性能的提升进行了定量分析。提出了一种无源式并联储能方案,并应用于独立光伏系统中,仿真和实验结果表明,在光伏系统的发电功率和负载功率脉动的情况下,蓄电池的充放电电流比较平滑。合理配置超级电容器组的容量,可以减少由于日照量变化所导致的蓄电池充放电小循环次数。对解决光伏等可再生能源系统中蓄电池储能的问题,具有现实意义。  相似文献   

储能系统由于能够实现电能的时空平移,具有响应速度快,规模化等优点,是改善风电波动性,提高其并网能力的有效手段,构建风储联合发电系统成为目前研究重点.简单介绍了风电并网对电力系统的影响及不同类型电池储能技术的发展现状,给出了部分国内外风储联合发电系统的示范工程,并分析了平滑风电功率波动,跟踪计划出力曲线和削峰填谷3种主要运行方式,重点阐述了目前风储联合发电系统控制策略和储能容量配置研究现状,对进一步开展风储联合发电系统的研究进行了展望,指出经济性仍然是制约储能技术应用的关键问题之一,提高包含储能单元的风储联合发电系统的经济性是今后的研究重点.  相似文献   

分析了微型燃气轮发电系统中能量贮存需求,提出了确定蓄电池容量的计算方法。  相似文献   

In this paper, an adaptive dispatch strategy is presented to maximize the revenue for grid‐tied wind power plant coupled with a battery energy storage system (BESS). The proposed idea is mainly based on time‐varying market‐price thresholds, which are varied according to the proposed algorithm in an adaptive manner. The variable nature of wind power and market price signals leads to the idea of storing energy at low price periods and consequently selling it at high prices. In fact, the wind farm operators can take advantage of the price variability to earn additional income and to maximize the operational profit based on the choice of best price thresholds at each instant of time. This research study proposes an efficient strategy for intermittent power dispatch along with the optimal operation of a BESS in the presence of physical limits and constraints. The strategy is tested and validated with different BESSs, and the percentage improvement of income is calculated. The simulation results, based on actual wind farm and market‐price data, depict the proficiency of the proposed methodology over standard linear programming methods.  相似文献   

电池储能系统(battery energy storage system,BESS)在风储联合应用中具有多种功能,利用电池储能系统提高风电并网调度运行能力是当前研究的热点之一.文章基于我国北方某风电场历史运行数据与预测数据,依据预测误差评价指标和风电场预报考核指标的综合评价方法对风电场预测数据进行分析研究,归纳了预测误差的概率分布特征;提出利用电池储能系统提高风电跟踪计划出力能力,统计并量化出电池储能系统用于跟踪计划出力场合的作用范围;通过仿真验证电池储能系统在风储联合系统中提高风电跟踪计划出力控制策略的有效性和可行性.  相似文献   

In this theoretical investigation, a hybrid power generation system utilizing wind energy and hydrogen storage is presented. Firstly, the available wind energy is determined, which is followed by evaluating the efficiency of the wind energy conversion system. A revised model of windmill is proposed from which wind power density and electric power output are determined. When the load demand is less than the output of the generation, the excess electric power is relayed to the electrolytic cell where it is used to electrolyze the de‐ionized water. Hydrogen thus produced can be stored as hydrogen compressed gas or liquid. Once the hydrogen is stored in an appropriate high‐pressure vessel, it can be used in a combustion engine, fuel cell, or burned in a water‐cooled burner to produce a very high‐quality steam for space heating, or to drive a turbine to generate electric power. It can also be combined with organic materials to produce synthetic fuels. The conclusion is that the system produces no harmful waste and depletes no resources. Note that this system also works well with a solar collector instead of a windmill. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The demand of electric energy is increasing globally, and the fact remains that the major share of this energy is still being produced from the traditional generation technologies. However, the recent trends, for obvious reasons of environmental concerns, are indicating a paradigm shift towards distributed generation (DG) incorporating renewable energy resources (RERs). But there are associated challenges with high penetration of RERs as these resources are unpredictable and stochastic in nature, and as a result, it becomes difficult to provide immediate response to demand variations. This is where energy storage systems (ESSs) come to the rescue, and they not only can compensate the stochastic nature and sudden deficiencies of RERs but can also enhance the grid stability, reliability, and efficiency by providing services in power quality, bridging power, and energy management. This paper provides an extensive review of different ESSs, which have been in use and also the ones that are currently in developing stage, describing their working principles and giving a comparative analysis of important features and technical as well as economic characteristics. The wide range of storage technologies, with each ESS being different in terms of the scale of power, response time, energy/power density, discharge duration, and cost coupled with the complex characteristics matrices, makes it difficult to select a particular ESS for a specific application. The comparative analysis presented in this paper helps in this regard and provides a clear picture of the suitability of ESSs for different power system applications, categorized appropriately. The paper also brings out the associated challenges and suggests the future research directions.  相似文献   

风力发电可以解决能源短缺和环境污染等问题,但由于风速随机性和间歇性的特点导致风电输出电压、功率和频率存在较大波动,因此风电的大规模并网会对现有电网的稳定运行造成不利影响。飞轮储能是一种高效无污染的储能技术,而且通过合理的控制策略和控制设备可实现电网调频及短时间调峰以解决大规模风电并网带来的问题。本文主要介绍了飞轮储能在风力发电领域的应用背景、飞轮储能的结构原理和目前国内外在飞轮储能控制策略方向的研究进展。  相似文献   

风光互补发电技术在油田边远单井上应用的可行性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍风光互补供电系统的基本原理及特点,根据用电负荷情况设计成独立的供电系统,并通过工程实例介绍了风光互补的设计步骤,将采用风光互补发电与传统供配电方式进行了比较。  相似文献   

我国风力发电发展现状和问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
能源危机的日趋严重,优化能源结构、发展清洁环保的可再生能源迫在眉睫。风能是一种清洁环保的可再生能源,随着国家政策的支持和风力发电技术的不断发展,风力发电越来越得到人们的重视,并将在新能源发电中扮演重要的角色。概述了我国风能资源的储量和分布,介绍了近年来我国风力发电的总体情况、各省(自治区)风力发电的发展概况以及我国风电企业的发展现状,最后指出了我国风力发电目前出现的一些问题,并进行了分析。  相似文献   

大规模光伏电站的不断接入为电力系统的安全稳定运行带来了巨大挑战。为解决光伏电站出力不确定性所造成的功率波动问题,提高光伏电站在并网点处电压的稳定性,文章采用由蓄电池与超级电容组成的复合储能一体化控制方法,提高光伏并网点电压稳定水平。首先研究由光伏电源、复合储能构成的典型复合储能系统拓扑结构下储能双层优化控制策略;其次,在不同储能介质的荷电状态与充放电特性模型基础上,研究基于不同光伏并网点电压波动场景的多储能介质组合电压波动抑制优化控制模型及其求解算法;最后,以并网光伏电站数据为基础,建立光伏复合储能电压波动优化控制仿真模型。仿真结果及其分析表明,文章所提出的基于复合储能的并网点电压波动抑制模型能够有效提升并网点电压稳定性能。  相似文献   

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