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针对一类具有范数有界时变不确定性的离散时间线性切换系统,研究了其二次稳定化状态反馈控制律的设计问题.利用多李亚普诺夫函数法推导了在任意切换下二次稳定化控制律存在的充分条件,该条件被进一步等价地表示成线性矩阵不等式的可解性问题.同时它的解提供了二次稳定化控制律的一个参数化表示.仿真结果验证了所提方法的有效性. 相似文献
考虑一类标称系统存在共同Lyapunov函数的切换系统的鲁棒镇定问题。在不确定性不满足匹配条件下,设计出鲁棒状态反馈控制器,并在给定的切换策略下,确保闭环系统在其平衡点处渐近稳定。仿真结果表明所设计控制器是有效的。 相似文献
研究满足驻留时间条件的时变线性切换系统的指数镇定问题.在一致完全可控条件下,引入带权可控性格拉姆矩阵设计出参数化的反馈控制器,利用比较原理给出状态转移矩阵的超调估计.针对驻留时间已知和未知两种情况,通过选择设计参数消除切换产生的超调影响,建立了两个指数镇定结论.最后以仿真实例验证本文结论. 相似文献
研究异步切换下时滞切换正系统的有限时间控制问题,即针对控制器切换滞后于子系统切换形成的异步现象,基于平均驻留时间切换方法对切换正系统开展有限时间镇定研究.首先,将每个正子系统运行的区间划分为子系统与控制器匹配和失配区间,并构造多余正Lyapunov-Krasovskii泛函;其次,基于有限时间稳定理论,实现平均驻留时间切换律及异步时滞切换正系统有限时间镇定控制器的联合设计,并给出连续时间和离散时间两种情形下系统有限时间镇定的充分条件;最后,通过两个仿真例子验证所提出方法的有效性. 相似文献
在切换事件中,外界环境的干扰或者事物自身的发展变化会导致多平衡点现象.此时,多平衡点切换系统模型比传统的切换系统模型更适合描述此类事件.因此本文研究离散多平衡点正切换线性系统在有限时间区间上的稳定性与镇定性.第1,给出离散多平衡点线性切换系统为正的充要条件.第2,提出离散多平衡点正切换线性系统在有限时间区间上稳定的概念.第3,通过构造合适的Lyapunov函数以及合理分配系统的驻留时间与切换次数,针对部分子系统不稳定的离散多平衡点正切换线性系统,建立所考虑的自治系统有限时间稳定的充分条件.第4,给出非自治多平衡点正切换线性系统的控制器设计.最后,仿真例子验证理论结果的正确性. 相似文献
On the basis of a linear copositive Lyapunov function (LF) and a diagonal quadratic LF, respectively, two slow stabilizing switching laws are proposed for discrete time positive switched systems composed of subsystems. Under these two stabilizing switching laws, the LFs are allowed to increase in state‐driven intervals while the stability of positive switched systems is maintained. In addition, it is shown that positive switched systems under these two slow switching laws are robust against certain classes of perturbations. Furthermore, when the states of the systems are not available, observer‐based stabilizing switching laws for positive switched systems are also proposed. Some numerical examples are finally given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed stabilizing switching laws. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
This paper is concerned with the positive stabilization for a class of switched systems under asynchronous switching signals. Because it inevitably takes some time to identify the active subsystem in the real systems and activate the corresponding controller, the switching of controllers lags behind that of subsystems, which arises the problem of the asynchronous switching. By analyzing the solution of dynamic systems, the mode‐dependent controllers are designed to guarantee the positivity and exponential stability for the resultant closed‐loop switched linear systems under asynchronous switching signals in continuous‐time and discrete‐time cases, respectively. Sufficient conditions for the existence of admissible state‐feedback controllers are developed, and the corresponding switching signals are designed. Furthermore, a synchronous switching phenomenon is discussed as a special case. Finally, numerical examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the results. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
线性切换系统经周期切换渐近稳定性研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
研究一类含有两个子系统的线性切换系统经周期切换渐近稳定问题.首先给出了特殊周期切换,即等时切换下线性切换系统渐近稳定的充要条件;然后将所得结论进行了推广,使之适合于一般的周期切换情形,并结合自适应思想提出了实现系统周期切换的方法,使之能应用于工程实际.特别指出,一个系统可经切换达到二次稳定的充要条件是该系统可经周期切换渐近稳定.对于一类线性切换系统,采用周期切换可使切换信号的设计变得相对简单.仿真结果表明了所提出的方法简洁而有效. 相似文献
This paper is concerned with the controller design of uncertain positive systems. First, we decompose the feedback gain matrix Km×n into m×n non‐negative components and m×n non‐positive components. For the non‐negative components, each component contains only one positive element and the other elements are zero. Similarly, each non‐positive component contains only one negative element and the other ones are zero. Then, a simple and effective controller design approach of uncertain positive systems is proposed by incorporating the decomposed feedback gain matrix into the resulting closed‐loop systems and further applied to uncertain positive switched systems. It is shown that the designed controller is less conservative compared with those in the literature. Finally, a numerical example is provided to verify the validity of the proposed design. 相似文献
等时切换下线性切换系统的稳定性及鲁棒稳定性研究-LMI方法 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
研究等时切换下线性切换系统的稳定性及鲁棒稳定性问题。文中首先提出等时切换的概念。然后利用LMI方法推导出等时切换下线性系统稳定及鲁棒稳定的充要条件,使用这两个充要条件可以将文中研究的复杂问题转化为相应的易处理的线性系统的问题,再利用线性系统已有的结论使问题得到解决。使用上述结果,本文为系统设计了鲁棒控制器。文中还给出实现线性切换系统等时切换的具体方法,这使等时切换方法可以真正应用于工程实践。大量仿真证实文中所提出的方法简洁、有效。 相似文献
This paper revisits the static output‐feedback stabilization problem for positive systems. We first point out that for a class of positive systems whose output matrix has a particular row echelon form, this problem can be completely solved via linear programming. By duality, the result is also valid when the column echelon form of the input matrix has a particular structure. Along this line, by augmenting the output matrix as well as the feedback gain matrix, an iterative convex optimization algorithm is developed for the more general case. Finally, we show that the proposed method has advantages over existing works via several numerical examples. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Junfeng Zhang Xudong Zhao Ridong Zhang Shaosheng Zhou 《International journal of systems science》2017,48(4):873-884
This paper addresses two kinds of dual approaches to stability and stabilisation of uncertain switched positive systems under arbitrary switching and average dwell-time switching, respectively. The uncertainties in systems refer to polytopic ones. A new parameter-dependent switched linear copositive Lyapunov function is first proposed for uncertain switched positive systems. By using the new Lyapunov function associated with arbitrary switching and average dwell-time switching, respectively, sufficient conditions for the stability of the systems are established. Two alternative stability criteria based on two kinds of dual approaches are addressed. It is shown that the alternative criteria hold for not only the primal switched positive system but also its dual system. Then, the stabilisation of primal and dual switched positive systems under arbitrary switching and average dwell-time switching is solved, respectively. All present conditions are solvable in terms of linear programming. By some comparisons with existing results, the less conservativeness of the obtained results is verified. Finally, a practical example is provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the theoretical findings. 相似文献
This article studies the stability problem of discrete-time positive switched linear systems by introducing a nonzero elements chain method. Compared to existing works, the highlight of this article is reflected in the inclusiveness of the subsystem, that is, each subsystem is allowed to be stable, marginally stable or even unstable. Some sufficient conditions depending on the characteristics of system matrices and the time-dependent switching signals are established, so as to guarantee the exponential stability of positive switched linear systems. In addition, the main result is extended to the case of time-varying delay. At last, the superiority of the obtained results is well verified by numerical examples. 相似文献