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The colorimetric method for real-time measurement of temperature field using ICCD as sensor was developed. In order to ensure the accuracy and sensitivity, the relationship between the ratio response of two-color images and radiant property of body, transmission property of filter, spectral response of ICCD is discussed. The analysis is based on computer calculation of the established mathematical model. On the basis of the analysis, optimum wavelengths are obtained for a given sensor system. Experimental work was carried out to check the correctness of the theoretical resutls. The method is useful for general purpose of study and design of the developed system. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 59475064) and the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province.  相似文献   

The influence of all variables, such as materials of a measured object, condition of its surface, distance, and shut off time in the measurement of temperature field by colorimetric method with ICCD as sensor, is analyzed theoretically and studied by experiments. The obtained results prove the feasibility and reliability of the developed method.  相似文献   

Inref.[1],divisionoftemperaturerangeisdiscussedinthesystemofmeasurementoftemperaturefieldbycolorimetricmethodusingICCDassensor,butthechoiceoftwocolorwavelengthhasnotbeendiscussedindetailduetolimitedspacewhichisveryimportanttothepropertyofthesystem.Twoco…  相似文献   

基于Windows的焊接温度场动态检测系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究建立了一套基于Windows 操作系统的焊接温度场动态检测系统- 该系统采用VisualC+ + 6 .0 设计了可视化应用程序框架,实现了对焊接温度场动态采集、处理、分析、储存以及对焊枪、小车及ICCD的调节,对焊接自动化具有重要的实用价值  相似文献   

The real-time measurement of welding temperature field by colorimetric method is described, and with the data acquired from it closed-loop control system of the parameters of temperature field is developed and tested. Experimental results prove that it has high measurement speed (time of a field within 0.5s) and good dynamic response quality. Weld penetration can be controlled satisfactorily under unstable welding condition.  相似文献   

Themeasurementoftemperaturefieldisneededformanyindustries,suchasmetallurgy,rolling,grindingandvarioushotworkingprocesses.Forthepurposeofthoseindustries,threeaspectsareimportant,i.e.therangeofmeasurement,precisionandrealtime.Recentlytheinfraredthermalimage…  相似文献   

传统的最小二乘法不具备抗御粗差的能力.当参与温度场重建的声学数据中包含粗差时,容易导致重建的失败.针对水下测得的声学数据中不可避免地含有粗差的情况,将抗差最小二乘法引入温度场重建.依据飞渡时间计算值的范围,建立飞渡时间数据预处理程序,找出实验数据中的粗差,增加了温度场还原过程的抗差性.实验结果表明,以上措施能在一定程度上抑制粗差对温度场重建结果的影响.  相似文献   

基于数字温度传感器DS18B20的分布式测温系统的设计   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍了数字式温度传感器DS18B20的结构和工作原理,阐述了其与AT89C51单片机和工控机相结合组成传感器网络,实现多点温度分布式检测系统的硬件组成和软件设计.该系统可应用于仓库测温、楼宇空调控制和生产过程监控等领域.  相似文献   

介绍了一种光电传感器的工作原理及特点,阐明了这种传感装置用于土木工程参数测量的优越性.试验表明:此类传感器精度高,稳定性强,重复性和长期性能好,适用于土木工程位移量的监测,满足大型结构信号测量精度和量程两方面的要求.  相似文献   

红外热像测温中真实温度的计算   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在阐述红外热像测温原理的基础上,推导出实际应用中各种条件下计算被测表面真实温度的通用计算公式,最后提出在实际测温中,应尽量准确测出被测表面发射率值.  相似文献   

针对AOD红外副枪测温法中多种不确定背景辐射导致的发射率波动问题,提出了基于双色测温原理和黑体等温空腔理论的底枪测温法,稳定了铁水的发射率.应用基于最小二乘法的曲线回归实现红外测温设备的现场校准,完成温度补偿.通过在样炉上的精炼实验证明底枪测温系统具有较高的精度和可重复性,可以满足实际生产的要求.  相似文献   

漕河落地矩形渡槽施工期温度实时仿真   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
渡槽防裂标准非常严格,尤其是对南水北调中线工程这样的长距离、大流量的输水建筑物,其限裂标准要求很严,必须严格保证,而施工早期的裂缝将影响渡槽的安全运行,日气温的变化对渡槽这样的薄壁结构施工期温度场的分布有着非常大的影响.利用有限元程序对南水北调中线京石段应急供水工程漕河渡槽段落地矩形渡槽的施工过程进行仿真模拟,计算施工期温度场,将计算结果与实测温度进行比对.结果表明,通过仿真计算可以真实地模拟施工期温度场,对指导施工和选择施工方案有重要意义,同时还可以推广到类似的工程.实测和计算结果还表明,最大温差小于规范要求,漕河渡槽在施工期不会出现危害性裂缝.  相似文献   

同时测量折射率和温度的光纤传感器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了实现折射率(RI)和温度的同时测量, 提出了一种双长周期光纤光栅(LPG)结构的光纤传感器. 该传感器由两段LPG组成, 两段LPG所激发的包层模阶数不同, 且两段LPG的包层直径也不同. 理论分析了该传感器实现折射率和温度同时测量的原理, 两段LPG对折射率具有较大差异的灵敏度, 而温度灵敏度也略有不同, 利用灵敏度矩阵可以同时得到折射率和温度的变化. 实验中, 采用两个不同的周期使得两个LPG分别激发不同阶的包层模, 利用化学腐蚀方法使激发高阶模的LPG包层直径减小, 利用不同折射率的液体作为样本进行实验测量. 实验结果表明, 该传感器能实现折射率和温度的同时测量, 并具有高灵敏度和好的线性度.  相似文献   

介绍了一种有温度自动补偿功能并能测试多种物质水分的双圆筒电容式水分仪,该水分仪能实时显示温度,实验结果表明,仪器具有测试速度快,操作简便,精度高,湿滞回差小等特点。  相似文献   

The Plank law reflecting the actual radiation of an object is ingeniously combined with the principle of primary colors which is the basis of the object's color reappearing and the principle of primary colors temperature measurement is established.  相似文献   

针对地震勘探系统结构成链式、采集节点多,全局主时钟和系统控制命令在其间传输延时大,而且采集节点间产生的延时不同且未知,导致不同采集通道间同步采集误差不易得到精确校正而影响同步精度的问题,提出了一种实时在线测量信号传输延时的回传模型和方法,采用链路复用技术,用同一根下行链路传输线实现从预处理模块到所有采集节点传输延时的精确测量,并能同时实现延时量向各采集节点一对一地传输。在进行链式系统设计时,本文方法能为后续同步采集误差的精确校正提供精确的延时依据。最后,建立了具有3个采集节点的实验系统,实验结果验证了本文方法的有效性。  相似文献   

为实现轧制工况的动态监控,对粗轧机主传动轴扭矩进行实时监测。采用基于非接触式遥测扭矩传感器的工业控制器,将获得的扭矩信号通过TCP/IP通信协议传输到服务器,从而实现对数据的实时显示、存储和分析处理。  相似文献   

The real-time measurement principle of high rotational projectile's angular velocity based on 2-axis acceleration sensor and the axial acceleration measurement error caused by the installation error ar...  相似文献   

In order to reveal the temperature change in coal gas desorption process, the temperature variation in coal gas desorption process under different particle sizes is analyzed with infrared thermal imager. The infrared video signals obtained by the experiment are processed with SAT. Then the infrared radiation signals are processed by EMD with Hilbert–Huang and the infrared radiation noise is effectively removed. The research results show that the desorption process, with the change of the temperature, is an endothermic process. The coal absorbs heat when the gas is desorbed and the temperature drops. The coal body temperature drop range is obviously related to coal particle size. The smaller the particle size is, the bigger the temperature drop becomes. The temperature variation curves in the process of coal gas desorption under different particle sizes are fitted, and they comply with the exponential function. The research results lay the theoretical and experimental foundation for non-contact prediction on working face of coal and gas outburst with infrared thermal image technology.  相似文献   

采用有限元法,建立了热轧步进式加热炉内板坯三维温度场的数值计算模型.通过现场拖偶实验确定了板坯加热的边界条件,并验证了模型计算结果的准确性.计算结果表明,在保证板坯加热质量的前提下,提高加热炉预热段炉温、板坯入炉温度有利于缩短板坯在加热炉内的加热时间,提高加热炉生产效率.  相似文献   

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