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Of 20 blood specimens testing positive for cytomegalovirus antigen after immediate processing, 19 (95%) remained positive when kept at room temperature for 24 h before processing. Quantitative antigenemia decreased by an average of 44% after storage. Compared with acetone fixation, formaldehyde fixation showed improved readability, fewer artifacts, and a higher degree of sensitivity.  相似文献   

Direct specimen testing was performed on 186 peripheral blood specimens to identify the presence of antigen to cytomegalovirus (viz., the cytomegalovirus antigenemia (CMV-Ag) assay). Confirmatory testing was performed using the shell vial indirect immunofluorescence assay (SVA-IFA), the indirect immunoperoxidase assay (TC-IPA), and conventional tube culture isolation (TC-CPE). The primary reagent for the CMV-Ag assay consisted of anti-CMV monoclonal antibody directed against the internal matrix structural phosphoprotein (1C3; Clonatec-Biosoft, France). The 72-kDa early nuclear antigen (Dupont) was utilized in the SVA-IFA and the TC-IPA. All test systems received an equal number of polymorphonuclear leukocytes in the inoculum. CMV was detected and isolated from 30% (55/186) of the specimens evaluated by either one or a combination of the tests. Detection and (or) isolation of CMV from blood by the CMV-Ag assay, SV-IFA, TC-IPA, and TC-CPE occurred at a rate of 17 (31/186), 12 (22/186), 16 (29/186), and 26% (49/186). Three of 55 positive specimens were identified only by the CMV-Ag assay; each patient in question, however, had at least one previous CMV isolate. No significant differences in sensitivity occurred between the CMV-Ag assay, the SVA-IFA, or the TC-IPA. However, TC-CPE including the blind passage of all negative tube cultures yielded a significantly larger number of positive blood specimens than either of the rapid detection methodologies. The CMV-Ag assay encompasses the benefits of a nonculture system, is simple to perform and easy to read, permits a same-day diagnosis, and requires less reagents than the routinely used SVA-IFA or TC-IPA.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Human embryonic kidney cells (HEK 293) are widely used as an expression system in studies of ion channels. However, their endogenous ionic currents remain largely unidentified. To characterize these currents, we performed patch clamp experiments on this expression system. In whole-cell voltage clamp mode, the HEK 293 cells showed mainly outward currents using physiological concentrations of Na+ and K+ and symmetric concentrations of Cl- (150 mM) across the plasma membranes. K+ currents contributed to a small portion of these outward currents, since a shift of the reversal potentials of only approximately 20 mV was seen with a change of extracellular K+ concentration from 3 to 150 mM. In contrast, the reversal potential shifted approximately 25 mV when extracellular Cl- was reduced to 50 mM, indicating that most of the outward currents are carried by Cl-. In inside-out patches, several distinct Cl- currents were identified. They were: (1) 350 pS Cl- current, which was voltage-activated and had a moderate outward rectification; (2) 240 pS Cl- current with a weak outward rectification; and (3) 55 pS Cl- current, which was voltage-activated, sensitive to DIDS, and showed a strong outward rectification. Activation of these Cl- currents did not require an elevation of free Ca2+ level in the cytosol. Besides these three currents, we observed two other Cl- currents with much smaller conductances (25 and 16 pS, respectively). Two different K+ currents were seen in the HEK 293 cells, with one of them (125 pS) showing inward rectification and the other (70 pS) outward rectification. Moreover, a 50 pS cation channel was recorded in these cells. The presence of a variety of ion channels in the HEK 293 cells suggests that a great precaution needs to be taken when this expression system is used in studies of several similar ion channels.  相似文献   

By application of combinatorial library technology, we generated the first recombinant antibody fragments directed against the major capsid protein p24 of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). A library of single-chain Fv fragments (scFvs) was constructed by using the antibody variable-region (V) genes of B cells derived from the spleen of a viral lysate-immunized mouse. Antibodies were selected by panning or by enrichment with biotinylated antigen, yielding four different families of antibody fragments. The different types of scFvs were characterized by affinity measurements, by antigen recognition on Western blots, and by pepscan analysis. The epitope of one of the scFvs is located near the residues involved in CypA binding, thereby making it an attractive candidate for therapeutic applications. Comparison of the V gene sequence of this scFV with that of a previously described monoclonal antibody reactive against this immunodominant epitope revealed the usage of the identical combination of VH and Vkappa regions. Thus, this is one of the rare examples in which the original combination in a library-derived antibody fragment was retrieved. After appropriate affinity and format improvements, the best of our recombinant scFvs may form the basis for a sensitive p24 assay as a measure of viral load. In addition, anti-p24 scFvs could be expressed as intracellular antibodies (intrabodies) to aid in the treatment of HIV infections.  相似文献   

We compared conventional cytomegalovirus (CMV) isolation, rapid viral culture, a CMV pp65 antigenemia assay, and a novel CMV DNA hybrid capture system (HCS). A total of 309 blood samples from individuals in different risk groups were assessed by at least two of the methods mentioned above. Leukocytes were recovered either after centrifugation in Leucosep tubes containing 1.080 Ficoll for pp65 assay or after simple differential lysis steps for DNA detection. HCS was based on DNA hybridization with a CMV RNA probe and its capture by antibodies to DNA-RNA hybrids. The CMV pp65 lower matrix protein was detected by fluorescence with c10-c11 monoclonal antibody in formalin-fixed leukocytes. Concordant results were observed for 92.9, 78.3, and 82.7% of the patients when comparing (i) viral culture and the pp65 antigenemia assay, (ii) viral culture and HCS, and (iii) the pp65 antigenemia assay and HCS, respectively. Discordant results were observed between a positive HCS result and negative culture and/or pp65 results. These results were associated with relatively low DNA levels (< 20 pg/10(6) cells) and positive viruria. In conclusion, the pp65 antigenemia assay is a rapid and reliable method of detecting CMV and is preferable to culture, but the Murex HCS appears to be more sensitive for CMV detection.  相似文献   

Immunocompromised patients with disseminated human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection have circulating PMN carrying HCMV pp65 (antigenemia), infectious virus (viremia), and viral DNA (leukoDNAemia). Because HCMV does not fully replicate in PMN, it is generally hypothesized that virions and viral materials are taken up by phagocytosis from fully permissive HCMV-infected endothelial cells. However, no experimental evidence has ever been provided for these PMN-endothelium interactions. PMN from 11 donors were cocultured with endothelial cells infected with an endothelium-adapted HCMV strain and with human fibroblasts infected with low-passaged clinical and laboratory-adapted HCMV strains. pp65-positive PMN were detected after coculture with both HCMV-infected endothelial and fibroblast cells, provided that wild and not laboratory-adapted strains were used. In addition, cocultured PMN carried infectious virus as demonstrated by virus isolation and presence of complete virus particles by electron microscopy. Moreover, high levels of viral DNA were consistently detected by quantitative PCR in cocultured PMN. Thus, we have generated in vitro the three most important viral parameters detected in patients with disseminated HCMV infection (antigenemia, viremia, and leukoDNAemia). The failure of laboratory-adapted HCMV strain to induce this phenomenon demonstrates that important modifications have occurred in attenuated viral strains affecting basic biological functions.  相似文献   

We compared the antigenemia assay (AA) with tandem shell vial cultures (SVCs) and tube cultures (TCs) for detection of cytomegalovirus (CMV) in 343 blood specimens. For 249 specimens, the AA was performed in duplicate with two different commercially available monoclonal antibody reagents (Biotest Diagnostic Corporation and Argene Biosoft). Specimens considered true positives were positive in either culture system or both AAs. Only specimens which were negative in both cultures and positive in a single AA were tested retrospectively with a CMV PCR assay. CMV recovery rates were also calculated to determine if increased specimen age resulted in decreased positivity. CMV recovery rates for the AA and the combination of both cultures were 20.0 and 5.0% at 3 to 18 h, 20.2 and 14.0% at 18 to 35 h, 12.5 and 7.8% at 36 to 52 h, and 18.8 and 6.3% at 64 to 75 h, respectively. The sensitivities and specificities of the Biotest AA, the Argene AA, SVC, and TC were 84.4 and 100.0, 100.0 and 99.6, 44.4 and 100.0, and 46.0 and 100.0%, respectively. The AA was significantly more sensitive than either culture method alone and was also more sensitive than the two culture methods used in tandem (the tandem culture sensitivity was 63.5%); the Argene AA identified more positives than the Biotest AA.  相似文献   

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) antigenemia was directly detected in polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNLs) from transplant recipients by using flow cytometry (FC). Two fixation and permeabilization methods and seven anti-CMV monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) were evaluated. 1C3, SL20, and NEA-9221 MAbs were more efficacious. The antigenemia detection threshold of FC was 0.05% positive PMNLs, and percentages correlated well with DNA viral load and the appearance of clinical symptoms.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A prospective parallel and blind comparative study was carried out to evaluate the diagnostic efficacy of two available anti-pp65 monoclonal antibodies (clone 95/12 and the pool 1C3 + AYM-1) for the cytomegalovirus (CMV) antigenemia assay. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We carried out a comparative study of 107 blood samples from immunodepressed patients (renal transplant and AIDS patients) with suspected disseminated infection by CMV. The PMNLs were obtained using the method of sedimentation in saline dextran. Slides were stained by an indirect immunofluorescence assay with two commercially available monoclonal antibodies. RESULTS: Of the 107 blood samples studied 33 (30.8%) had a positive antigenemia test. The clone 95/12 detected 30 (90.9%) samples and the pool 31 (93.9%), no statistically significant difference was observed in the sensitivity of two reagents (p = 0.42). The values of the mean CMV-positive cell count obtained with the clone 95/12 was 60.6 vs 61.9 with the monoclonal pool (p = 0.026). CONCLUSIONS: No significant difference was detected between the two commercial monoclonal antibodies. However the pool detected a slightly superior CMV-positive cell count.  相似文献   

We generated in vitro human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) pp65-positive polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) resembling those detected in vivo, following cocultivation of PMN from healthy donors and wild-type HCMV-infected endothelial cells or fibroblasts. After purification, PMN are suitable for preparation of cytospots which can be used for the antigenemia assay. Cytospin preparations containing a predetermined number of in vitro-generated pp65-positive PMN were used to test some of the major parameters involved in performing the antigenemia assay. The results showed or confirmed that (i) formalin fixation followed by permeabilization is the best fixation procedure developed to date, (ii) the test performance levels provided by different pools of pp65-specific monoclonal antibodies may be significantly different, and (iii) long-term storage (for an unlimited time) is best achieved by keeping fixed slides at -80 degreesC, whereas short-term storage (for up to 1 month) is best achieved by keeping unfixed slides at room temperature. This finding signifies that slides can be shipped all over the world at room temperature. In conclusion, the newly developed procedure for in vitro generation of pp65-positive PMN will provide the basis for standardization of the HCMV antigenemia assay and development of quality control programs.  相似文献   

Oral ganciclovir prophylaxis decreases the incidence of cytomegalovirus (CMV) disease among persons infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), but universal prophylaxis is not cost-effective. We evaluated urine and peripheral blood mononuclear cell cultures, a qualitative and quantitative antigenemia assay, and a commercially available CMV DNA hybridization assay for their ability to predict CMV disease in 138 HIV-infected patients. During a median follow-up of 10 months, 23 patients (17%) developed CMV disease. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and mean lead times for the antigenemia assay (with use of a threshold of 8 positive cells per 10(5) peripheral blood mononuclear cells as a positive) were 74%, 91%, 63%, 95%, and 95 days, respectively. Corresponding figures for the DNA hybridization assay were 91%, 64%, 34%, 97%, and 152 days. These assays can identify patients at increased risk of CMV disease and should allow a strategy of preemptive therapy to be tested.  相似文献   

This study compared PCR and an assay for cytomegalovirus (CMV) pp65 antigenemia (CMV-vue; INCSTAR Corp.) with a quantitative shell vial culture (QSVC) technique for the detection of CMV in serial blood specimens from 46 solid-organ transplant recipients. In a comparison based on 535 specimens tested by PCR and QSVC, CMV was detected by PCR in 41 and by QSVC in 37 of 43 recipients at risk of CMV infection. The mean number of days after transplantation of initial detection of CMV was 29.9 for PCR and 34.0 for QSVC (P = 0.01). The antigenemia assay was performed on 395 specimens, including 304 of those also tested by PCR. In these specimens, CMV was detected by the antigenemia assay, QSVC, and PCR in 30, 32, and 35 (respectively) of 38 patients at risk, with no statistically significant difference in the time to detection. Each of the assays detected CMV in similar proportions of patients with and without clinically significant CMV infection. PCR stayed positive longer after transplantation than the other assays but frequently returned to negative when more than 6 months had elapsed after transplantation. The antigenemia assay and PCR stayed positive longer after institution of antiviral therapy than QSVC. PCR can provide highly sensitive detection of CMV viremia, but a PCR assay for CMV is not yet available in kit form. The pp65 antigenemia assay and shell vial culture are quantifiable and comparable in sensitivity. Either is recommended for rapid detection of CMV in blood specimens from solid-organ transplant recipients.  相似文献   

The formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis) is an important step in tumor progression. Molecules capable of selectively targeting markers of angiogenesis may offer opportunities for the in vivo imaging of aggressive tumors and for the delivery of toxic agents to the tumoral vasculature. Using antibody phage display libraries and combinatorial mutagenesis, we isolated single-chain Fv antibody fragments, which recognize with different affinities the same epitope of the ED-B domain of fibronectin, a marker of angiogenesis. Two single-chain Fv fragments, E1 and L19, with dissociation constants of 41 nM and 0.054 nM, respectively, were investigated for their ability to target F9 murine teratocarcinoma grafted s.c. in nude mice when injected i.v. in either monomeric or homodimeric form (Mr 27,000 and 54,000, respectively). Biodistribution studies, performed at two time points (4 h and 24 h) with radiolabeled samples, showed that the higher affinity antibody targets the tumor significantly better than the lower affinity one, in terms both of tumor:organ ratios and of the amounts of antibody delivered to the tumor. In particular, more than 20% of the injected dose of dimeric L19 accumulated per gram of tumor at 4 h; the tumor:organ ratios at 4 h and 24 h were in the (2.1-8.6):1 and (10.3-29.4):1 range, respectively. This study demonstrates that, although vasculature represents only a small fraction of the total tumor mass, anti-ED-B antibodies can selectively target tumors in vivo and that this process is particularly efficient if very high-affinity binders are used.  相似文献   

A rapid and sensitive radioimmunoassay for the quantitation of HCMV binding and infection of human fibroblasts (HFF) was developed. The protocol involves the use of a monoclonal antibody (27-156) reactive with HCMV gB (alpha-gB), followed by an 125I-labeled second antibody to mouse IgG. Antibody to gB bound specifically to HFF inoculated with HCMV when compared to sham inoculated cells or cells inoculated with HSV (strain KOS). Antibody to gB also bound to HFF infected with HCMV 48 h prior to assay. The binding of antibody to HFF inoculated with HCMV was found to be dependent on antibody concentration and to demonstrate saturable kinetics. Moreover, antibody binding was directly dependent on the concentration of the virus inoculum, using either conventional viral preparations or gradient purified HCMV. The binding of antibody to HFF inoculated with HCMV at 4 degrees C was found to be dependent on antibody concentration and to demonstrate saturable kinetics. Displacement of HCMV binding to HFF with the proteoglycan heparin sulfate could be detected, thus allowing for competitive binding studies. This binding assay allows for the relative quantitation of HCMV binding to cells and will be useful for examining the early events of cell-viral interactions.  相似文献   

Calmodulin is a highly acidic protein (net charge -24 at pH 8.0 in the absence of calcium) that binds to peptide and organic ligands with high affinity (Ka > 10(9) M-1) in a calcium-dependent manner. We have exploited these properties to develop calmodulin as a versatile tag for antibody fragments. Fusions of calmodulin with single chain Fv fragments (scFv) could be expressed by secretion from bacteria in good yield (5-15 mg/l in shaker flasks), and purified from periplasmic lysates or broth to homogeneity in a single step, either by binding to anion-exchange resin (DEAE-Sephadex), or to an organic ligand of calmodulin (N-(6-aminohexyl)-5-chloro-1-naphthalenesulfonamide-agarose). The antibody fusions could be detected by binding of fluorescently labeled peptide ligands, as illustrated by their use in confocal microscopy, fluorescent activated cell sorting and "band shift" gel electrophoresis. Moreover, the interaction between calmodulin and peptide ligands could provide a means of heterodimerization of proteins, as illustrated by the assembly of an antibody-calmodulin fusion with maltose binding protein tagged with a peptide ligand of calmodulin.  相似文献   

Fifteen lactose malabsorbers were studied to evaluate the effects of consumption of milk containing different strains of Bifidobacterium longum on lactose digestion. Influences of different growth substrates, bile sensitivity, and lactose transport on lactose digestion by bifidobacteria were also investigated. Lactose malabsorption was determined by measuring breath hydrogen excretion of subjects fed four different test milks (three of which contained 5 x 10(8) cfu/ml of B. longum) on 4 different d using a randomized, double-blinded trial. Test milks included 1) 400 ml of lowfat milk (control), 2) 400 ml of milk containing B. longum B6 that had been grown with lactose, 3) 400 ml of milk containing B. longum B6 grown with lactose plus glucose, or 4) 400 ml of milk containing B. longum ATCC 15708 grown with lactose. beta-Galactosidase activity was highest in milk containing B6 grown with lactose but was extremely low in milk containing B6 grown with lactose and glucose. Consumption of milk containing B6 grown with lactose resulted in significantly less hydrogen production and flatulence than occurring after consumption of control milk or the milk containing B6 grown with both lactose and glucose. Hydrogen production after ingestion of 15708 was also significantly lower than hydrogen production after ingestion of the control milk. We concluded that milks containing B. longum might reduce breath hydrogen response and symptoms from lactose malabsorption when the culture is grown in a medium containing only lactose to induce a higher beta-galactosidase level and increase rate of lactose uptake.  相似文献   

The severe shortage of human organs for transplantation is the driving force behind xenotransplant research. Nonhuman primates, particularly baboons, are potential sources of organs and tissues. Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is the most common donor-associated infection after allotransplantation. Baboon cytomegalovirus (BCMV) is endemic in baboon populations and therefore is a potential cause of donor-associated disease after xenotransplantation. Accordingly, the ability for BCMV to grow in human cells was determined and a sensitive method to distinguish BCMV from HCMV was developed. Human fibroblasts were permissive for BCMV, isolates exhibited cytopathology characteristic of HCMV, and herpesvirus-like virions were observed by electron microscopy. BCMV and HCMV could be distinguished by restriction fragment length polymorphism patterns and by polymerase chain reaction with primers targeting the BCMV major immediate-early gene promoter. These methods can be used to evaluate BCMV pathogenicity in laboratory and clinical xenotransplant trials.  相似文献   

In this study, we compared the efficiency of capture DNA probes covalently bound onto magnetic beads or microplates for their hybridization with target human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) DNA amplicons. Polystyrene supports were first aminated by wet chemistry to allow covalent grafting of the capture probes. The level of amines grafted was three times higher on beads than on microwells. Increasingly higher sizes of capture probes were fixed on both supports and the best reaction yield ranged from 300 to 500 fmol. The sizes of the capture and detection probes were optimized in order to obtain high target DNA hybridization yield. Long capture probes were more accessible than short ones to the target, with faster kinetics of hybridization obtained on beads than on microplates. Sensitivity of the hybridization assay was then determined with a nonisotopic method and the detection limit found was 30 amol of HCMV amplicons on both supports. HCMV DNA extracted from clinical samples were amplified by PCR. The resulting amplicons were then analyzed using the optimized sandwich hybridization assay discussed here. The results perfectly fitted with the qualitative conclusions obtained after a nested PCR analyzed on agarose gel.  相似文献   

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