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A Ni-52 at. pct Ti shape memory alloy, cold drawn to 30 pct, was annealed at 1173 K for 1 hour, water quenched, and then subjected to differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). No evidence of the premartensiticR transformation was found during either the forward or the reverse transformation. Microstructurally, it was found that the alloy possessed a relatively large volume fraction (∼0.05) of coarse second-phase brittle particles. These precipitates acted as preferential sites for martensite plate nucleation and gave rise to a “starlike” morphology. The tensile and compressive properties of the alloy in the as-received condition were also investigated. The alloy exhibited relatively good ductility (fracture strain=0.28), which was attributed to its inherent ability to relieve or delay the development of plastic instabilities through rapid strain hardening. In addition, X-ray diffraction (XRD) of deformed specimens indicated the presence of an extraintensity peak corresponding to the B2 phase (110)B2 when the alloy was plastically deformed in compression. Accordingly, it is suggested that plastic deformation induces the reverse transformation to the B2 phase in highly stressed local regions. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of deformed martensite structures showed slip lines probably due to dislocation slip, as well as variant interpenetration. Besides, optical and scanning microscopy of regions adjacent to the fractured surfaces indicated that fine martensite plates and/or “apparent” new grains develop at regions of prior stress intensification (former crack-tip regions) during crack propagation.  相似文献   

A Ni-52 at. pct Ti shape memory alloy, cold drawn to 30 pct, was annealed at 1173 K for 1 hour, water quenched, and then subjected to differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). No evidence of the premartensitic R transformation was found during either the forward or the reverse transformation. Microstructurally, it was found that the alloy possessed a relatively large volume fraction (∼0.05) of coarse second-phase brittle particles. These precipitates acted as preferential sites for martensite plate nucleation and gave rise to a “starlike” morphology. The tensile and compressive properties of the alloy in the as-received condition were also investigated. The alloy exhibited relatively good ductility (fracture strain = 0.28), which was attributed to its inherent ability to relieve or delay the development of plastic instabilities through rapid strain hardening. In addition, X-ray diffraction (XRD) of deformed specimens indicated the presence of an extraintensity peak corresponding to the B2 phase (110)B2 when the alloy was plastically deformed in compression. Accordingly, it is suggested that plastic deformation induces the reverse transformation to the B2 phase in highly stressed local regions. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of deformed martensite structures showed slip lines probably due to dislocation slip, as well as variant interpenetration. Besides, optical and scanning microscopy of regions adjacent to the fractured surfaces indicated that fine martensite plates and/or “apparent” new grains develop at regions of prior stress intensification (former crack-tip regions) during crack propagation.  相似文献   

Aluminum has been deformed by equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) to obtain submicron-grained structures under different deformation routes. The deformation routes were varied by rotating billets through 0, 90, and 180 deg between each extrusion pass, and were designated as route A, BC, and C, respectively. Based on quantitative microstructural analysis, the effectiveness of the deformation route is shown to depend upon the different definition used. The order of effectiveness is (a) A > BC > C for both 90 and 120 deg dies, in terms of the generation of high-angle grain boundaries (HAGBs); (b) BC > C > A for both 90 and 120 deg dies, in terms of the formation of equiaxed shape of grains; and (c) BC > A > C for 90 deg die and BC ∼ A > C for 120 die, in terms of reducing grain size. It is suggested that the generation of HAGBs can be related to the accumulation of nonredundant strain, while the shape and orientation of grains may be linked to the shearing patterns of the deformation route.  相似文献   

A technique invented in the former Soviet Union and recently introduced in the United States, called equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE), produces intense and uniform deformation by simple shear and is applied to 25 × 25 × 152-mm billets of Cu 101 and Al 3003. Microcrystalline structures with a grain size of 0.2 to 0.4 μm are created during room-temperature multipass ECAE deformation for true strains lying in the range ε=2.31 to 9.24. Evidence shows that intense simple shear deformation promotes dynamic or continuous recrystallization by subgrain rotation. The effects of the number of extrusion passes and deformation route for Cu 101, and the deformation route after four passes for Al 3003, are studied. Increasing the number of ECAE passes in Cu 101 causes strength to reach saturation and grain refinement stabilization after four passes (true strain of 4.68), and subgrain misorientation to increase as the number of passes increases. For multipass ECAE with billet orientation constant (route A) or rotated 90 deg between all passes (route B), two levels of structures are created inside the original grains: shear bands (first level) and very fine subgrains (second level) within the shear bands. For a billet rotation of 180 deg between passes (route C), an unusual event is observed. At each even numbered pass, shear bands nearly disappear and only subgrains are present inside the original grains. Route B gives the highest strength, whereas route C produces a more equiaxed and stable microstructure. Subsequent static recrystallization increases the average grain size to 5 to 10 μm.  相似文献   

This work investigates the fracture behavior of shape memory alloy NiTi (50.7 at. pct Ni) at room temperature. Macroscopic mechanical tests, microscopic in situ observations of tensile fracture processes by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and detailed analyses of fracture surfaces were carried out. The results reveal that specimens with different thicknesses show various shape memory effects and superelasticities. The main crack with a quasi-cleavage mode that combines cleavage with ductile tearing is initiated at the notch tip and is stress-control-propagated in line with the direction of the maximum normal stress. The microstructure has little effect on the direction of crack propagation, but coarser substructures show lower resistance to the crack propagation. In specimens with various types of notches, various notch acuities present different effects on the crack initiation and propagation and result in different fracture behaviors.  相似文献   

对两相铝青铜合金(Cu-10%Al-4%Fe)进行等通道转角挤压(Equal channel angular extrusion, 简称ECAE)热加工处理,研究ECAE对合金微观组织及摩擦学性能的影响.结果表明,ECAE热挤压可显著细化铝青铜合金晶粒,并显著提高该合金的摩擦学性能.未经ECAE挤压处理的铝青铜合金表面具有严重的磨粒磨损特征,而经4道次挤压处理后其表面只呈现轻微的磨粒磨损特征.铝青铜介金的摩擦因数及磨损量均随挤压道次增加而减小,这是由于晶粒细化提高了它的硬度和强度,也因此提高其抗塑性变形能力,从而减少磨损过程中的塑性变形,提高其耐磨性能;另外,铝青铜合金抗塑性变形能力增加,减少了磨粒对其表面的犁削作用,也提高了该合金的磨损性能.  相似文献   

This study reports some different and efficient approaches for the aging temperatures which cause changes in the transformation parameters of porous NiTi (Ti-50.5 at % Ni) shape memory alloy (SMA) with porosity of 55.3% fabricated by self propagating high temperature synthesis (SHS). Changes which occurred in phase transformations due to the effects of various thermal procedures have been investigated by using X-ray diffraction. The micro structure was investigated using a scattering electron microscope and a light optical microscope. The shape memory behavior and transformation temperatures were studied through the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). During the compression tests, it was observed that the compressive strength of the specimens was higher than the compact human bone, and that it increased with increasing aging temperature.  相似文献   

Hot working of Ti-6Al-4V via equal channel angular extrusion   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The deformation behavior of Ti-6Al-4V during high-temperature equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) with or without an initial increment of upset deformation was determined for billets with either a lamellar or an equiaxed alpha preform microstructure. For conventional ECAE (i.e., deformation by simple shear alone), flow localization and fracture occurred at temperatures between 900 °C and 985 °C. In contrast, billets deformed at temperatures between 845 °C and 985 °C using an initial increment of upset deformation immediately followed by the simple shear deformation of ECAE exhibited uniform flow with no significant cracking or fracture. A simple flow-localization criterion was used to explain the influence of preupsetting on the suppression of localization in billets with the lamellar microstructure. The suppression of flow localization for the equiaxed microstructure and the elimination of edge cracking for both types of microstructures were explained in terms of heat transfer (die chill) and workpiece geometry. Further evidence of the relative importance of microstructural and thermal effects was extracted from the results of two-pass extrusions, the first with upsetting and the second without upsetting.  相似文献   

Equiatomic NiTi shape memory alloy in austenitic and martensitic forms has been modified by shot peening with glass media and by N+ ion implantation. The effect upon microstructure, surface hardness and coefficient of friction was measured, along with the effect of the two treatments upon the shape memory behaviour. Examination using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showed amorphous regions within the surfaces treated by both peening and ion implantation. In addition, peened and ion implanted samples showed similar increases in surface hardness and reduced surface friction coefficient. Differential scanning calorimetry showed that both surface treatments had no effect upon the bulk shape memory phase transformation behaviour.  相似文献   

A new optimal training procedure to induce a two-way shape-memory effect (TWSME) in bending mode has been investigated in a Ni-rich NiTi alloy that had underwent a preaging heat treatment followed by constraint aging at room temperature. The aim of the present investigation is to develop a new training procedure to induce TWSME as well as to examine the relationship between the obtained properties and microstructures of specimens prepared by various preaging temperatures. It is suggested that the R-phase plays an important role in the establishment of two-way shape-memory behavior on cooling.  相似文献   

The Mg96Y3Zn1 alloy processed by extrusion and equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) was investigated. It was found that the Mg96Y3Zn1 alloy processed by extrusion and ECAP obtained ultrafine grains and exhibited excellent mechanical properties. After ECAP, the average grain size of Mg96Y3Zn1 alloy was refined to about 400 nm. The highest strengths with yield strength of 381.45 MPa and ultimate tensile strength of 438.33 MPa were obtained after 2 passes at 623 K. The high strength of Mg96Y3Zn1 alloy was due to the strengthening by the grain refinement, the long period stacking (LPS) structure, solid solution, fine Mg24Y5 particles, and nano-scale precipitates. It was found that the elongation was decreased with pass number increasing. It was because that the cracks were preferentially initiated and propagated in the interior of X-phase during the tensile test.  相似文献   

采用C方式等径弯曲通道变形(ECAP)法制备了平均晶粒尺寸-0.20 μm的亚微晶20MnSi钢,研究了退火温度对ECAP变形组织的影响.结果表明,随退火温度升高,ECAP变形获得的亚微晶铁素体变形组织在原位逐渐演变为再结晶组织,300~500℃退火1 h后,亚微晶铁素体组织稳定,晶粒无明显长大.退火温度高于500℃后,铁素体晶粒开始明显长大,650℃退火后的铁素体平均晶粒尺寸-8μm.经ECAP变形的珠光体组织在较低温度退火时,渗碳体具有较强的球化能力.  相似文献   


A multilayer back propagation learning algorithm was used as an artificial neural network tool to predict the mechanical properties of porous NiTi shape memory alloys fabricated by press/sintering of the mixed powders. Effects of green porosity, sintering time and the ratio of the average Ti to Ni particle sizes on properties of the product were investigated. Hardness and tensile strength of the compacts were determined by hardness Rockwell B method and shear punch test. Three-fourths of 36 pairs of experimental data were used for training the network within the toolbox of the MATLAB software. Porosity, sintering time and particle size ratios were defined as the input variables of the model. Ultimate strength and hardness were the outputs of the model. Results indicated that seven neurons in the hidden layer yielded the minimum normal error. The modelling outcomes confirmed the feasibility of the model and its good correlation with the experimental information.  相似文献   

The evolution of crystallographic texture during equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) using route A has been investigated experimentally as well as by simulations for three types of materials: pure, commercially pure, and impure (cast) copper. The ECAE texture of copper can be compared with simple shear textures. However, there are deviations in terms of location of the respective components. These differences can be nearly reproduced using a recent flow line approach for ECAE deformation (L.S. Tóth, R. Arruffat-Massion, L. Germain, S.C. Baik, and S. Suwas: Acta Mater., 2004, vol. 52, pp. 1885–98) with the help of the viscoplastic self-consistent polycrystal model. The main texture components common to all three materials are A1E and BE/BE; the latter ones are significantly stronger in the cast material. The effect of further deformation on texture modification depends on material variables, such as purity, initial microstructure, and texture.  相似文献   

The effect of thermal cycling on transformation temperature was studied on a Ti-rich NiTi alloy. The study was carried out by determining the electrical resistance, the internal friction, and the elastic modulus vs temperature. This study shows that the martensite microstructure is modified by the successive cycling transformation. In addition, we established that both the martensite internal friction and the transition peak are sensitive to the transient effect (the vibration frequency lies around 300 Hz). But the major results concern the behavior associated with the R phase occurrence and its evolution. We have stated that the premartensitic phase becomes stable following the diminishment of the beginning of the martensite formation (M s ). Interrupted cooling has also shown that, contrary to the martensite, the R phase exhibits no hysteretic behavior.  相似文献   

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