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High-speed digital holographic interferometry for vibration measurement   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pedrini G  Osten W  Gusev ME 《Applied optics》2006,45(15):3456-3462
A system based on digital holographic interferometry for the measurement of vibrations is presented. A high-power continuous laser (10 W) and a high-speed CCD camera are used. Hundreds of holograms of an object that has been subjected to dynamic deformation are recorded. The acquisition speed and the time of exposure of the detector are determined by the vibration frequency. Two methods are presented for triggering the camera in order to acquire at a given phase of the vibration. The phase of the wavefront is calculated from the recorded holograms by use of a two-dimensional digital Fourier-transform method. The deformation of the object is obtained from the phase. By combination of the deformations recorded at different times it is possible to reconstruct the vibration of the object.  相似文献   

Tseng SY  Hsu L 《Applied optics》2011,50(34):H62-H67
This study proposes a method for creating a light field with controlled distribution of transverse momentum (TM) by displaying a hologram only in an azimuth region that centers at θ(0) and has a range of Δθ of a spatial light modulator in holographic optical tweezers. This study utilized ray optics to analyze the TM of the resultant field, revealing that the direction of the TM is determined by the center angle of the azimuth region and that the magnitude of the TM is proportional to sin(Δθ/2), without regarding the intensity. The relationship was verified experimentally. In addition, this study demonstrated moving particles along a designed path and depleting particles by the fields.  相似文献   

A novel technique is presented for surface compensation and topography measurement of a specimen in fluid medium by digital holographic microscopy (DHM). In the measurement, the specimen is preserved in a culture dish full of liquid culture medium and an environmental vibration induces a series of ripples to create a non-uniform background on the reconstructed phase image. A background surface compensation algorithm is proposed to account for this problem. First, we distinguish the cell image from the non-uniform background and a morphological image operation is used to reduce the noise effect on the background surface areas. Then, an adaptive sampling from the background surface is employed, taking dense samples from the high-variation area while leaving the smooth region mostly untouched. A surface fitting algorithm based on the optimal bi-cubic functional approximation is used to establish a whole background surface for the phase image. Once the background surface is found, the background compensated phase can be obtained by subtracting the estimated background from the original phase image. From the experimental results, the proposed algorithm performs effectively in removing the non-uniform background of the phase image and has the ability to obtain the specimen topography inside fluid medium under environmental vibrations.  相似文献   

Fu Y  Pedrini G  Osten W 《Applied optics》2007,46(23):5719-5727
A method for whole-field noncontact measurement of displacement, velocity, and acceleration of a vibrating object based on image-plane digital holography is presented. A series of digital holograms of a vibrating object are captured by use of a high-speed CCD camera. The result of the reconstruction is a three-dimensional complex-valued matrix with noise. We apply Fourier analysis and windowed Fourier analysis in both the spatial and the temporal domains to extract the displacement, the velocity, and the acceleration. The instantaneous displacement is obtained by temporal unwrapping of the filtered phase map, whereas the velocity and acceleration are evaluated by Fourier analysis and by windowed Fourier analysis along the time axis. The combination of digital holography and temporal Fourier analyses allows for evaluation of the vibration, without a phase ambiguity problem, and smooth spatial distribution of instantaneous displacement, velocity, and acceleration of each instant are obtained. The comparison of Fourier analysis and windowed Fourier analysis in velocity and acceleration measurements is also presented.  相似文献   

Cao L  Pan G  de Jong J  Woodward S  Meng H 《Applied optics》2008,47(25):4501-4508
To apply digital holography to the measurement of three-dimensional dense particle fields in large facilities, we have developed a hybrid digital holographic particle-imaging system. The technique combines the advantages of off-axis (side) scattering in suppressing speckle noise and on-axis (in-line) recording in lowering the digital sensor resolution requirement. A camera lens is attached to the digital sensor to compensate for the weak object wave from side scattering over a large recording distance. A simple numerical reconstruction algorithm is developed for holograms recorded with a lens without requiring complex and impractical mathematical corrections. We analyze the effect of image sensor resolution and off-axis angle on system performance and quantify the particle positioning accuracy of the system. The holographic system is successfully applied to the study of inertial particle clustering in isotropic turbulence.  相似文献   

Clark DC  Kim MK 《Applied optics》2011,50(12):1668-1672
Digital holographic microscopy produces quantitative phase analysis of a specimen with excellent optical precision. In this study, this imaging method has been used to observe and measure induced thermal lensing by optical excitation. Previous studies have derived these phase shifts from intensity profiles for the determination of photothermal properties of very transparent materials. We have measured physical observables and determined the absorption coefficients of methanol and ethanol with improved precision and accuracy over traditional thermal lens spectroscopy methods.  相似文献   

The paper introduces a method for simultaneously measuring the in-plane and out-of-plane displacement derivatives of a deformed object in digital holographic interferometry. In the proposed method, lasers of different wavelengths are used to simultaneously illuminate the object along various directions such that a unique wavelength is used for a given direction. The holograms formed by multiple reference-object beam pairs of different wavelengths are recorded by a 3-color CCD camera with red, green, and blue channels. Each channel stores the hologram related to the corresponding wavelength and hence for the specific direction. The complex reconstructed interference field is obtained for each wavelength by numerical reconstruction and digital processing of the recorded holograms before and after deformation. Subsequently, the phase derivative is estimated for a given wavelength using two-dimensional pseudo Wigner-Ville distribution and the in-plane and out-of-plane components are obtained from the estimated phase derivatives using the sensitivity vectors of the optical configuration.  相似文献   


An optical system based on digital holography suitable for microscopic investigations is described. A lensless digital hologram of the object under test is recorded on a CCD faceplate. The reference point source and the object are equidistant from the CCD. The point source for the illumination of the transparent microscopic object is located in another plane some millimetres behind the object. For digital reconstruction of the wavefronts the Sommerfeld propagation relation is used. The particular recording arrangement allows one to perform spatial filtering. Examples of amplitude filtering are presented.  相似文献   

We have constructed a holographic optical tweezers system combined with Raman spectroscopy to sort trapped particles. Our software automatically moves the trapped objects to the measurement positions to obtain individual Raman signals from multiple trapped particles. We performed the sorting by comparing their spectra with the previously measured training dataset using the correlation coefficients. We used yeast cells and polystyrene beads as test particles. This study aims to show that biological particles can be separated using single cell analysis with combined holographic optical tweezers and Raman spectroscopy system.  相似文献   

A method for measuring dynamic deformations of rotating objects with pulsed digital holography is described. An optical derotator is used to compensate for the rotation. A CCD camera is used to record two holograms with a short time separation (20 mus). Results of deformations between the recordings are obtained after subtraction of the phase distribution between the two digital holograms. Fringe phase maps of the phase subtraction of two holograms compensated by the derotator and recorded with a Q-switched double-pulsed ruby laser are presented. A flat disk and the blades of a fan were investigated. We used an optical arrangement that allowed us to improve laser illumination and energy efficiency. Experimental results on quantitative evaluation of dynamical out-of-plane deformations are presented.  相似文献   

Spuler SM  Fugal J 《Applied optics》2011,50(10):1405-1412
We discuss the design and performance of an airborne (underwing) in-line digital holographic imaging system developed for characterizing atmospheric cloud water droplets and ice particles in situ. The airborne environment constrained the design space to the simple optical layout that in-line non-beam-splitting holography affords. The desired measurement required the largest possible sample volume in which the smallest desired particle size (~5 μm) could still be resolved, and consequently the magnification requirement was driven by the pixel size of the camera and this particle size. The resulting design was a seven-element, double-telecentric, high-precision optical imaging system used to relay and magnify a hologram onto a CCD surface. The system was designed to preserve performance and high resolution over a wide temperature range. Details of the optical design and construction are given. Experimental results demonstrate that the system is capable of recording holograms that can be reconstructed with resolution of better than 6.5 μm within a 15 cm(3) sample volume.  相似文献   

In this study, we present a method designed to generate dynamic holograms in holographic optical tweezers. The approach combines our random mask encoding method with iterative high-efficiency algorithms. This hybrid method can be used to dynamically modify precalculated holograms, giving them new functionalities-temporarily or permanently-with a low computational cost. This allows the easy addition or removal of a single trap or the independent control of groups of traps for manipulating a variety of rigid structures in real time.  相似文献   


Permanent 3D microstructures are created within a gel using holographic optical tweezers. The micron-sized particles are arranged in a precise geometry within an appropriate liquid, and become fixed in position upon polymerisation of the surrounding media. The flexibility of the holographic approach enables any structural arrangement to be produced, dependent upon application. We demonstrate the technique by creating structures within a biocompatible host, enabling future applications in biotechnology.  相似文献   

We analyze the effects of partial coherence in the image formation of a digital in-line holographic microscope (DIHM). The impulse response is described as a function of cross-spectral density of the light used in the space-frequency domain. Numerical simulation based on the applied model shows that a reduction in coherence of light leads to broadening of the impulse response. This is also validated by results from experiments wherein a DIHM is used to image latex beads using light with different spatial and temporal coherence.  相似文献   

光镊中米氏微粒子的捕捉力仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了使所建立的光镊中粒子捕捉力的数学模型适宜任意形状粒子,将米氏粒子表面离散为多个微面元,基于几何光学理论得到光线与微面元相互作用产生的光辐射压力及光线追迹方程.基于所建立的数学模型,实现了对任意形状米氏粒子(球形、圆锥形、多面体形和任意形状光滑曲面粒子)受力的计算机仿真.经过仿真分析,验证了仿真软件的正确性,从而为光镊技术在纳米测量和微细加工等的应用提供了有利的分析和设计工具.  相似文献   

A new information encryption system is presented, based on phase-shifting interferometry and virtual optics. Three-step phase-shifting interferometry is used to record a digital hologram of the input data and a virtual optical system based on the scaled optical fractional Fourier transform is used for encryption of the recorded digital hologram. In the virtual optical system, the digital hologram to be encrypted is fractional Fourier transformed two times, and a random phase mask is placed at the output plane of the first fractional Fourier transform. Both the encryption and decryption processes are performed digitally. The encrypted data and the keys for decryption can be stored and transmitted in a conventional communication channel. Numerical simulations are presented to verify validity and efficiency.  相似文献   

When a digital holographic reconstruction is performed, digital diffraction effects occur at the borders when the hologram amplitudes at the two opposite border points are different on each vertical or horizontal line. We propose a method of digital hologram extension to reduce such diffraction effects. The method consists of extending the size of the digital hologram and of filling the extended part by complex values that minimize, according to a numerical criterion, the highest spatial frequencies. The theoretical aspects of the method are given and the results from a demonstration are provided.  相似文献   


We present a digital method for the compensation of the aberrations appearing when a lensless hologram of a microscopic object is reconstructed. The digital hologram of the microscopic object is recorded on a relatively low resolution device (CCD sensor). An expansion of the hologram by interpolation of the recorded intensity is performed in order to increase the number of pixels. For digital reconstruction of the wavefronts the expanded hologram is multiplied by the reference wave followed by simulation of the diffraction using the Rayleigh-Sommerfeld propagation relation. Experimental results are presented.  相似文献   

High-resolution long-time force measurements by optical tweezers are often limited by low-frequency (1/f) noise. A dual-trap technique is presented that can reduce such noise in the force signal. It incorporates a second trap (a reference trap) that probes the noise in the system and it is based upon the assumption that the low-frequency parts of the noise from the two traps are correlated. A subtraction of the low-frequency signal from the reference trap from the signal from the force measuring trap will therefore yield a net signal that is significantly less influenced by noise. It is shown that this dual-trap technique can reduce the noise in the force signal up to 60% depending on detection bandwidth.  相似文献   

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