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The paracloacal glands are the most prevalent scent glands in marsupials, and previous investigation of their secretions in the brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) has identified many odorous compounds together with large amounts of neutral lipids. We have examined the lipids by LC–MS, generating ammonium adducts of acylglycerols by electrospray ionisation. Chromatograms showed a complex mixture of coeluting acylglycerols, with m/z from about 404 to 1048. Plots of single [M + NH4]+ ions showed three groups of lipids clearly separated by retention time. MS–MS enabled triacylglycerols and diacylglycerol ethers to be identified from neutral losses and formation of diacylglycerols and other product ions. The earliest‐eluting lipids were found to be triacylglycerol estolides, in which a fourth fatty acid forms an ester link with a hydroxy fatty acid attached to the glycerol chain. This is the first report of triacylglycerol estolides in animals. They form a complex mixture with the triacylglycerols and diacylglycerol ethers of lipids with short‐ and long‐chain fatty acids with varying degrees of unsaturation. This complexity suggests a functional role, possibly in social communication.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) formed between plants and AM fungi (AMF) can alter host plant quality and thus influence plant-herbivore interactions. While AM is known to affect the development of generalist chewing-biting herbivores, AM-mediated impacts on insect behavior have been neglected until now. In this study, the effects of Rhizophagus irregularis, a generalist AMF, on phenotypic and leaf metabolic traits of Plantago major plants were investigated. Further, the influence of AM-mediated host plant modifications on the development and on seven behavioral traits of larvae of the generalist Mamestra brassicae were recorded. Tests were carried out in the third (L3) and fourth (L4) larval instar, respectively. While shoot water content, specific leaf area, and foliar concentrations of the secondary metabolite aucubin were higher in AM-treated compared to non-mycorrhized (NM) plants, lower concentrations of the primary metabolites citric acid and isocitric acid were found in leaves of AM plants. Larvae reared on AM plants gained a higher body mass and tended to develop faster than individuals reared on NM plants. However, plant treatment had no significant effect on any of the behavioral traits. Instead, differences between larvae of different ages were detected in several behavioral features, with L4 being less active and less bold than L3 larvae. The results demonstrate that AM-induced modifications of host plant quality influence larval development, whereas the behavioral phenotype seems to be more fixed at least under the tested conditions.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that mammalian herbivores detoxify different classes of plant secondary compounds via separate metabolic pathways and that generalist herbivores maintain broad diet breadth to avoid overloading individual detoxification pathways. We tested the hypothesis that a generalist marsupial herbivore, the common brushtail possum, Trichosurus vulpecula, can maintain a higher intake of food when allowed to select from two diets containing different profiles of secondary compounds (phenolics and terpenes) than when given access to the diets individually. Diets consisted of a fruit and vegetable mash to which was added ground leaves of either Eucalyptus melliodora or E. radiata. E. melliodora and E. radiata differ in their concentrations and types of secondary compounds. Brushtail possums include these eucalypt species as part of their natural diet. We measured food consumption and detoxification metabolites of possums on these diets. Consistent with the hypothesis, animals presented with a choice of both diets consumed more food than animals given diets singly. One of the two indicators of detoxification, acid load in urine, differed significantly between diets while the other, glucuronic acid, did not. These results provide partial support for the hypothesis that diet breadth is governed by detoxification abilities.  相似文献   

The effect of diet on sequestration of iridoid glycosides was examined in larvae of three lepidopteran species. Larvae were reared upon Plantago major, or P. lanceolata, or switched from one to the other in the penultimate instar. Junonia coenia is a specialist on iridoid glycoside-producing plants, whereas the arctiids, Spilosoma congrua and Estigmene acrea, are both polyphagous and eat iridoid-producing plants. All species sequestered iridoids. The specialist J. coenia sequestered from three to seven times the amounts sequestered by the two generalist species. Junonia coenia iridoid glycoside content depended on diet, and they sequestered from 5 to 15% dry weight iridoid glycosides. Estigmene acrea iridoid glycoside sequestration was relatively low, around 2% dry weight and did not vary with diet. Spilosoma congrua sequestration varied with diet and ranged from approximately 3 to 6% dry weight.  相似文献   

The common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) is a generalist herbivore whose diet includes Eucalyptus leaves that are well defended by plant secondary metabolites (PSM) such as the terpene 1,8-cineole (cineole). We accustomed possums to a terpene-free diet, then challenged them with the addition of 2% cineole to the diet. Initially, there was a 50% reduction in total overnight food consumption associated with a marked decrease in the mass of the major feeding bout. After nine nights, however, cineole tolerance had developed as total food consumption had returned to the control amount. Compared to the control diet, the cineole diet was eaten in a larger number of smaller bouts, which were also eaten at a slower rate. The experiment was repeated with animals that had been accustomed to day-time feeding to take blood samples during feeding sessions. Feeding variables and blood concentration data for cineole were compared on the first and seventh day of the cineole diet. Although the total food consumed increased 2.5-fold after 7 days of the cineole diet, there was no increase in average blood cineole concentration, measured as the area under the concentration–time curve. This indicates that induction of liver enzymes resulted in greater pre-systemic metabolism of cineole and reduced bioavailability. The maximum tolerated blood concentration of cineole also increased, suggesting some adaptation of the central nervous system to the cineole aversive effects. This appears to be the first report in a vertebrate herbivore that consumption of a dietary PSM leads to metabolism induction and that this contributes to development of tolerance to the PSM. Overall, herbivores adapt to newly encountered dietary PSMs by immediate changes in feeding behavior followed by development of increased metabolism of PSM and probably diminished cellular responsiveness to effects.  相似文献   

Host-plant genotype, environment, and ontogeny all play a role in determining plant resistance to herbivory, yet little is known about the nature of the interactions among these factors. We investigated resistance of cucumber plants Cucumis sativus to the generalist herbivore Spodoptera exigua in a manipulative experiment involving three factors. In particular, we tested the effects of bitter (cucurbitacins present) vs. sweet (cucurbitacins absent) plants (genotype), with or without previous herbivory (environment), and cotyledons vs. true leaves (ontogeny). Contrary to our expectations, S. exigua growth was 54% higher on bitter plants than on sweet plants; growth was 63% higher, however, on undamaged plants compared to damaged plants, and 59% higher on true leaves compared to cotyledons. Moreover, all two-way interaction terms between genotype, environment, and ontogeny were significant. For example, S. exigua performance was higher on bitter than on sweet plants; however, this effect was strongly influenced by whether the tissue consumed was a cotyledon or true leaf and also whether it had been previously damaged. An examination of leaf nutritional chemistry revealed that some of our results could be explained by genotypic, environmental, and ontogenic differences in foliar nitrogen content. In contrast, the cucurbitacin content of plants did not appear to affect caterpillar growth. Our results provide evidence for the importance of interactions between genotype, environment, and ontogeny in determining herbivory and illustrate the value of manipulative experiments in revealing the complexities of these interactions.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation has been increasing in temperate latitudes in recent decades and is expected to continue rising for some time. Enhanced UV-B radiation can change plant chemistry, yet the effects of these changes on mammalian herbivores are unknown. To examine the influence of enhanced UV-B radiation on nutrition of a specialist and generalist hindgut fermenter, we measured nutritional and chemical constituents of three common North American range plants, big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata), yarrow (Achillea millefolium), and bluebunch wheatgrass (Pseudoregneria spicata), and how these changes influenced in vitro dry matter digestibility and in vivo digestibility by pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis) and eastern cottontails (Sylvilagus floridanus). Forages were irradiated for 3 mo with ambient (1×) or supplemental (1.6×) UV-B radiation representing a 15% ozone depletion for Pullman, WA, USA. Enhanced UV-B radiation had minimal effects on the nutritional content and the tannin-binding capacity of forages. Similarly, the terpene concentration in sagebrush and yarrow was not affected by higher UV-B irradiances. Flavonoid compounds increased in sagebrush but decreased in yarrow. Rabbit preference and intake was not affected by treatment levels for any forage species and no differences were found between treatments for dry matter, fiber, protein digestibility, and apparent digestible energy.  相似文献   

The blood concentration of 1,8-cineole and its metabolites was measured in six male brushtail possums while they voluntarily fed on diets laced with varying concentrations of cineole for 3 d. On the third day, blood samples were collected during and after each bout of feeding for 3 hr. Blood cineole was measured by using headspace solid-phase microextraction (SPME), while cineole metabolites were measured by liquid–liquid extraction followed by gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy. Feeding patterns were measured by continual recording of residual food weight and time. Cineole absorption was rapid, resulting in a peak blood concentration at the end of each feeding bout. The blood concentration of cineole did not exceed a critical value (51.8 ± 14.1 μmol/l) regardless of the concentration in the diet. Food and, therefore, cineole intake was regulated. The amount of food ingested in the first feeding bout decreased from 236 ± 52 g on the control diet to 36 ± 20 g on the 4% cineole diet. The amount of cineole ingested in the first bout (1.18 ± 1.10 g) was the same regardless of the dietary concentration and was controlled by the size of the meal. Total food eaten during the 7-hr feeding session decreased by 64% from 368 ± 94 g (control diet) to 131 ± 52 g (4% diet). Total cineole intake increased from 2.47 ± 0.60 g (1% diet) to 5.05 ± 2.41 g (4% diet). Cineole metabolites accumulated throughout the sampling period and were generally still rising at the end of blood sampling period. Blood levels of metabolites were at least 10-fold higher than cineole levels. The immediate control of feeding seems to be regulated by blood levels of cineole, whereas metabolites are likely to be more important in regulating the chronic ingestion of cineole.  相似文献   

Sampling environmental chemicals to reveal prey and predators and to provide information about conspecifics is highly developed in lizards. Actively foraging lizards can discriminate between prey chemicals and control stimuli, but ambush foragers do not exhibit prey chemical discrimination. Recent experiments on a few species of herbivorous lizards have also demonstrated an ability to identify plant food chemicals. We studied chemosensory responses to chemicals from prey and palatable plants in two species of actively foraging, insectivorous lizards. Both the lacertid Takydromus sexlineatus and the teiid Cnemidophorus gularis exhibited strong responses to prey chemicals, but not to plant chemicals. These findings increase confidence in the relationship between prey chemical discrimination and foraging mode, which is based on data for very few species per family. They also provide data showing that actively foraging insectivores in two families do not respond strongly to plant cues. Such information is essential for eventual comparative studies of the relationship between plant diet and responses to food chemicals. The traditional method of presenting stimuli by using hand-held cotton swabs worked well for T. sexlineatus but could not be used for C. gularis due to repeated escape attempts. When stimuli were presented to C. gularis on ceramic tiles and no experimenter was visible, the lizards responded readily. Presentation of stimuli on tiles in the absence of a visible experimenter may be a valuable approach to study of food chemical discrimination by active foragers in which antipredatory behavior interferes with responses to swabs.  相似文献   

Studies in crop species show that the effect of plant allelochemicals is not necessarily restricted to herbivores, but can extend to (positive as well as negative) effects on performance at higher trophic levels, including the predators and parasitoids of herbivores. We examined how quantitative variation in allelochemicals (iridoid glycosides) in ribwort plantain, Plantago lanceolata, affects the development of a specialist and a generalist herbivore and their respective specialist and generalist endoparasitoids. Plants were grown from two selection lines that differed ca. 5-fold in the concentration of leaf iridoid glycosides. Development time of the specialist herbivore, Melitaea cinxia, and its solitary endoparasitoid, Hyposoter horticola, proceeded most rapidly when reared on the high iridoid line, whereas pupal mass in M. cinxia and adult mass in H. horticola were unaffected by plant line. Cotesia melitaearum, a gregarious endoparasitoid of M. cinxia, performed equally well on hosts feeding on the two lines of P. lanceolata. In contrast, the pupal mass of the generalist herbivore, Spodoptera exigua, and the emerging adult mass of its solitary endoparasitoid, C. marginiventris, were significantly lower when reared on the high line, whereas development time was unaffected. The results are discussed with regards to (1) differences between specialist and generalist herbivores and their natural enemies to quantitative variation in plant secondary chemistry, and (2) potentially differing selection pressures on plant defense.  相似文献   

The performance and behavior of herbivores is strongly affected by the quality of their host plants, which is determined by various environmental conditions. We investigated the performance and preference of the polyphagous shoot-infesting aphid Myzus persicae on the host-plant Arabidopsis thaliana in a two-factorial design in which nitrate fertilization was varied by 33 %, and the root-infesting cyst-nematode Heterodera schachtii was present or absent. Aphid performance was influenced by these abiotic and biotic factors in an interactive way. Nematode presence decreased aphid performance when nitrate levels were low, whereas nematode infestation did not influence aphid performance under higher nitrate fertilization. Aphids followed the “mother knows best” principle when given a choice, settling preferentially on those plants on which they performed best. Hence, they preferred nematode-free over nematode-infested plants in the low fertilization treatment but host choice was not affected by nematodes under higher nitrate fertilization. The amino acid composition of the phloem exudates was significantly influenced by fertilization but also by the interaction of the two treatments. Various glucosinolates in the leaves, which provide an estimate of phloem glucosinolates, were not affected by the individual treatments but by the combination of fertilization and herbivory. These changes in primary and secondary metabolites may be decisive for the herbivore responses. Our data demonstrate that abiotic and biotic factors can interactively affect herbivores, adding a layer of complexity to plant-mediated herbivore interactions.  相似文献   

Journal of Chemical Ecology - Insect herbivores frequently must balance host plant quality and the risk of attack by their natural enemies when making oviposition decisions. Yet, which factor is...  相似文献   

Natural organic matter (NOM) can simultaneously act as the initiator, promoter and inhibitor in water ozonation. This study presents an explicit method that can be used to determine these rate constants via the integration of the transient steady-state hydroxyl radical (?OH) model, the Rct concept and the pseudo first-order ozone decomposition model. The theoretical background of this method was provided, and the method was validated with model compounds. The rate constants of three NOM isolates were determined using the developed method. With these rate constants, the influences of NOM on the degradation of ibuprofen, an ?OH-reactive pharmaceutical compound, can be quantitatively described. [Supplementary materials are available for this article. Go to the publisher's online edition of Ozone Science &; Engineering for the following free supplemental resources: tables, figures, and equations.]  相似文献   

Recent work has shown the potential for enhanced efficacy of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) through their attraction to herbivore induced plant volatiles. However, there has been little investigation into the utilization of these attractants in systems other than in those in which they were identified. We compared (E)-β-caryophyllene and pregeijerene in the highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) agroecosystem in their ability to enhance the attraction of EPN to and efficacy against the system’s herbivore, oriental beetle (Anomala orientalis). The relative attractiveness of (E)-β-caryophyllene and pregeijerene to a local isolate of the EPN species Steinernema glaseri was tested in a six-arm olfactometer in the laboratory to gather baseline values of attraction to the chemicals alone in sand substrate before field tests. A similar arrangement was used in a V. corymbosum field by placing six cages with assigned treatments and insect larvae with and without compound into the soil around the base of 10 plants. The cages were removed after 72 h, and insect baits were retrieved and assessed for EPN infection. The lab results indicate that in sand alone (E)-β-caryophyllene is significantly more attractive than pregeijerene to the local S. glaseri isolate Conversely, there was no difference in attractiveness in the field study, but rather, native S. glaseri were more attracted to cages with G. mellonella larvae, no larvae, and cages with the blank control and G. mellonella larvae.  相似文献   

The ability to cope with plant defense chemicals differs between specialist and generalist species. In this study, we examined the effects of the concentration of the two main iridoid glycosides (IGs) in Plantago lanceolata, aucubin and catalpol, on the performance of a specialist and two generalist herbivores and their respective endoparasitoids. Development of the specialist herbivore Melitaea cinxia was unaffected by the total leaf IG concentration in its host plant. By contrast, the generalist herbivores Spodoptera exigua and Chrysodeixis chalcites showed delayed larval and pupal development on plant genotypes with high leaf IG concentrations, respectively. This result is in line with the idea that specialist herbivores are better adapted to allelochemicals in host plants on which they are specialized. Melitaea cinxia experienced less post-diapause larval and pupal mortality on its local Finnish P. lanceolata than on Dutch genotypes. This could not be explained by differences in IG profiles, suggesting that M. cinxia has adapted in response to attributes of its local host plants other than to IG chemistry. Development of the specialist parasitoid Cotesia melitaearum was unaffected by IG variation in the diet of its host M. cinxia, a response that was concordant with that of its host. By contrast, the development time responses of the generalist parasitoids Hyposoter didymator and Cotesia marginiventris differed from those of their generalist hosts, S. exigua and C. chalcites. While their hosts developed slowly on high-IG genotypes, development time of H. didymator was unaffected. Cotesia marginiventris actually developed faster on hosts fed high-IG genotypes, although they then had short adult longevity. The faster development of C. marginiventris on hosts that ate high-IG genotypes is in line with the “immunocompromized host” hypothesis, emphasizing the potential negative effects of toxic allelochemicals on the host’s immune response.  相似文献   

利用转矩流变仪分析了稀土稳定剂、CPE、CaCO3对PVC-U共混体系的影响,测得的实验数据对PVC-U配方设计和改进有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

In this Editorial, I comment on the exciting and original topic of plant neurobiology, focusing on natural products whose biosynthesis is shared by animal and plant organisms, i.e., indoleamines (melatonin and serotonin) and catecholamines (dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine).  相似文献   

余朋 《云南化工》2022,(1):114-116
根据2017年7月-12月中国环境监测总站提供的空气质量指数(AQI)数据,通过ArcGIS数据处理软件,获得河北省空气质量的时空分布格局。结果表明:研究期间河北省11个城市的空气质量2017年下半年整体呈现逐月降低的趋势,并且省内城市的空气质量存在一定程度的南北差异,即北方城市优于南方城市。河北省11个地级市的空气质量在各月内存在不同的变化,空气质量越好的城市AQI分布越集中,反之AQI分布越分散。  相似文献   

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