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We report on the performance of four HDL-cholesterol assays: a homogeneous method based on polyethylene glycol-modified enzymes/alpha-cyclodextrin sulfate (PEGME; Kyowa); a homogeneous method based on polyanion-polymer/detergent (PPD; Daiichi); the usual precipitation method with phosphotungstic acid/MgCl2 (PTA); and an ultracentrifugation (UC) procedure. The homogeneous HDL-cholesterol assays (performed with automated analyzers) were precise and correlated well with the PTA and UC assays. The specificity and accuracy of the PEGME method were better than those of the PPD method.  相似文献   

Dysphonic voices are often analyzed using automated voice analysis software. However, the reliability of acoustic measures obtained from these programs remains unknown, particularly when they are applied to pathological voices. This study compared perturbation measures from CSpeech, Computerized Speech Laboratory, SoundScope, and a hand marking voice analysis system. Sustained vowels from 29 male and 21 female speakers with mild to severe dysphonia were digitized, and fundamental frequency (F0), jitter, shimmer, and harmonics- or signal-to-noise ratios were computed. Commercially available acoustical analysis programs agreed well, but not perfectly, in their measures of F0. Measures of perturbation in the various analysis packages use different algorithms, provide results in different units, and often yield values for voices that violate the assumption of quasi-periodicity. As a result, poor rank order correlations between programs using similar measures of perturbation were noted. Because measures of aperiodicity apparently cannot be reliably applied to voices that are even mildly aperiodic, we question their utility in quantifying vocal quality, especially in pathological voices.  相似文献   

The optimal heart rate in the immediate period following acute coronary occlusion has been controversial from the standpoint of arrhythmias and the extent of ischaemic injury. In the present study we have examined the effect of heart rate on both local myocardial contractile ability and ischaemia in 10 open chested dogs using strain gauge arches and epicardial electrograms. After sinus node destruction, atrial pacing was instituted for rate control at 100/min and increased randomly to 150, 175, and 200/min. Before coronary occlusion, total tension and rate of tension rise progressively increased at higher rates while ST segments demonstrated no significant changes. After coronary artery occlusion, total tension and rate of tension rise in the ischaemic zone decreased markedly and showed no significant change with increments in pacing rate. In the border zone, after the initial decrease in tension, pacing at 150 beats/min improved tension without a change in ST segments. However, when the rate was increased to 175 and 200 beats/min, although border zone tension increased further, ST segments rose significantly. Thus, a heart rate between 100-150/min provides the optimal range for increasing contractile ability in the nonischaemic and border zones without adversely affecting the degree of ischaemic injury.  相似文献   

The draft, "Revised Guide for Respirable Mass Sampling," prepared by the AIHA-ACGIH Aerosol Hazards Committee, recommends five respirable mass sampling devices that sample in accordance with the "Los Alamos" respirable dust criterion. The spectrum of recommended sampling rates for these devices ranges from 1.8 to 430. liters per minute. A study was conducted to determine if simultaneous measurements with these devices yielded comparable respirable mass concentrations. The penetration characteristics of the first stage separators were also evaluated and compared.  相似文献   

生产用于石油和天然气工业的厚钢板需要最高质量等级的半成品,如钢坯。炼钢过程结束时的钙处理是非常必要的。在此生产过程中,非金属夹杂物的成分会发生变化。直读光谱仪的脉冲鉴别分析技术(OES-PDA)使所有钢铁样品的统计研究成为可能。采用OES-PDA检测基本的显微洁净度参数,例如含量和组成。采用定向、自动的光栅电子显微镜-能量色散X射线荧光光谱法(REM-EDX)为非金属夹杂物提供更详细的信息,并验证OES-PDA的数据集。研究表明,两种方法测得结果的组合可以为过程提供一些新的、更细节的信息,尤其是钢坯凝固过程中含氧化镁夹杂物的信息。  相似文献   

28 18–46 yr old female bulimics, who binged and vomited at least twice weekly, participated in a study to examine the relative efficacy of 2 group treatments (cognitive-behavioral and nondirective) for bulimia. All Ss completed an eating-history questionnaire before treatment to determine the duration and severity of bulimia, and they used standardized food records to monitor their eating and vomiting for 1 wk prior to and 1 wk following treatment. The following questionnaires were administered before and after treatment: Beck Depression Inventory, State-Trait Personality Inventory, Eating Attitudes Test, an assertion inventory, and an eating disorders inventory. Both treatment groups met weekly for 16 wks. The cognitive-behavioral group was instructed to make specific changes in their eating and vomiting behavior, whereas the nondirective group was given no such instructions. Results indicate that the cognitive-behavioral treatment had fewer dropouts and yielded significantly greater decreases in bingeing and vomiting than did the nondirective treatment. At 3-mo follow-up, 38% of the cognitive-behavioral and 11% of the nondirective Ss continued to abstain from bingeing and vomiting, but these differences were not statistically significant. (28 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

10-min audiosegments from 42 group therapy sessions were rated using 4 Hill interaction matrix variables (W. F. Hill, 1971) and the Truax-Carkhuff (C. B. Truax and R. R. Carkhuff, 1966) variables of empathy, immediacy, self-exploration, and confrontation. Canonical correlation analysis suggested that the 2 systems converged along a dimension labeled Initiating Skills. Factor analysis suggested 3 underlying factors of group process labeled Initiating Skills, Responding Skills, and Discussion Skills. Factors 1 and 3 suggest a multidimensional structure of immediacy clarified by the Hill variables. Factor 2, with high loadings on empathy and self-exploration, identified a qualitative dimension of group process not tapped by the Hill matrix. (6 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two nested PCRs for the detection of Mycobacterium ulcerans were compared by using a collection of 65 clinical specimens. The first method amplifies the gene coding for 16S rRNA, and the second method amplifies a repetitive DNA sequence. The sensitivities of bacterioscopy, culture, 16S rRNA gene PCR, and repetitive-sequence PCR were 29, 34, 80, and 85%, respectively. Compared to the 16S rRNA gene PCR, the repetitive-sequence PCR was faster, easier to perform, and less expensive.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The in vivo radiographic features of two commercially available formulations of barium used as contrast media in dedicated small-bowel series were compared. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Fifty-six consecutive outpatients referred for a dedicated small-bowel series were randomly administered either E-Z-Paque or Entrobar. Representative survey radiographs from each examination were randomized and reviewed by six gastrointestinal radiologists from three institutions. Each observer assigned a numeric score (1 = poor, 2 = fair, 3 = good, and 4 = excellent) that rated the quality of the radiograph with respect to these characteristics: definition of fold pattern, translucency, distention, and integrity of the barium column. Statistical analysis was performed for each characteristic using Wilcoxon's two-sample rank sum test. RESULTS: All six observers found a statistically significant difference between the two barium formulations for mean scores for definition of fold pattern and translucency. Mean scores for fold pattern were 3.3, 3.0, 3.2, 3.6, 3.3, and 3.4 for Entrobar and 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 3.2, 2.6, and 2.7 for E-Z-Paque. Mean scores for translucency were 2.5, 2.7, 2.8, 3.1, 2.7, and 3.3 for Entrobar and 1.6, 1.7, 2.1, 2.3, 1.9, and 2.7 for E-Z-Paque. No statistically significant difference was found for mean score for distention or integrity of the barium column. CONCLUSION: On radiographs, Entrobar was found to have superior characteristics for visualization of fold pattern and translucency but offered no advantages for distention or integrity of the barium column. Improved translucency and definition of fold pattern may translate into improved sensitivity and confidence in diagnosing small-bowel abnormality.  相似文献   

Comparison of two question sequences for assessing pregnancy intentions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Unintended pregnancies can have serious health, social, and economic consequences. Such pregnancies may be unwanted (a baby is not wanted at any time) or mistimed, yet wanted (a baby is wanted eventually). Intended pregnancies are those conceived when desired. Reproductive health survey respondents' understanding of these concepts and validity of survey results may be affected by question order and wording. Using a randomized crossover design, National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG) and Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) intendedness questions were asked in a 1993 survey of Arizona women aged 18-44 years. Of 2,352 ever-pregnant respondents, 25% gave discordant responses to DHS and NSFG questions about the most recent pregnancy. Age, marital status, household income, education, parity, time since pregnancy, and outcome of pregnancy were significantly predictive of discordant responses. DHS and NSFG questions yielded similar prevalence estimates of intendedness and wantedness; but young, unmarried respondents gave more "mistimed" responses on whichever question was asked later. Classifying pregnancies as intended, mistimed, or unwanted may be a problem for women who have not decided on lifetime reproductive preferences. Approaches to improving survey validity include addressing ambivalence, clarifying the definition of "unwanted," and, for young, unmarried women, not attempting to classify unintended pregnancies as mistimed or unwanted.  相似文献   

目的:了解1%(体积分数)盐酸和10%(体积分数)硝酸脱钙液对多种抗原免疫组织化学染色效果的影响.方法:选择伴有灶状钙化的软组织标本包括甲状腺乳头状癌、乳腺癌、前列腺癌、结肠癌和淋巴结各3例,骨组织标本包括活检和尸检病例共9例,将样本分为3组,一组分别用10%(体积分数)硝酸处理24、42和48 h,另一组分别用1%(体积分数)盐酸处理1、2和3 h,还有一组不用酸处理作为对照组,同时进行多种抗原免疫组织化学染色,其中乳腺癌组织作ER、PR和Ki-67染色,甲状腺癌组织作TTF-1染色,前列腺癌作34βE12和P504s染色,结肠癌作AE1/AE3、P504s和Ki-67染色,淋巴结作CD3、CD20和Ki-67染色,骨组织作CD3、CD20、CD68、CD235a、MPO、Ki-67、AE1/AE3和TTF-1染色.结果:伴有钙化的软组织和骨组织内多种抗原免疫组织化学染色阳性程度均随酸处理时间的延长而有不同程度的下降,骨组织对酸处理的耐受力比软组织强;不同抗原对酸处理的敏感性不同,TTF-1和Ki-67最为敏感,ER、CD3、和CD20耐受性较好.结论:大多数情况下,盐酸和硝酸处理都会降低组织免疫组织化学染色的敏感性,但是对不同抗原的影响程度不同.大块骨组织可以采用10%(体积分数)硝酸脱钙,软组织比例较高的骨组织和骨髓活检组织尽可能使用1%(体积分数)盐酸脱钙.  相似文献   

Three different devices were used to close secundum-type atrial septal defects in 28 patients. The "Amplatzer" is associated with an easier and shorter procedure than are the "Sideris Buttoned Device" and the Microvena "Angel Wings" devices.  相似文献   

A sensitive measure of the in vitro blood damage potential of a medical device is the rate at which hemoglobin is released into the plasma from red blood cells flowing through the device. Presently there is no one widely accepted method for measuring the plasma hemoglobin concentration. Nine currently used assays, classified as either direct optical or added chemical techniques, were evaluated for accuracy, reproducibility, sensitivity, interference effects, and ease of use by adding hemoglobin (1-200 mg/dl) to saline, lipid, and bilirubin solutions and to normal cow plasma. Most of the assays displayed good linearity, accuracy, and reproducibility down to 1 mg/dl when interferents were absent. However, representative of the effects caused by interferents, the endogenous hemoglobin concentration of a typical cow plasma sample measured by the 9 techniques ranged from -2 to 39 mg/dl. Although used by fewer organizations, some of the direct optical spectrophotometric methods (e.g., the Cripps and Harboe baseline correction methods) are safer, easier, and more precise and accurate than the chemical addition methods used to measure plasma hemoglobin concentration from in vitro blood damage testing of medical devices.  相似文献   

A 12-item questionnaire measuring neuroticism and extraversion was developed using a sample of 1600 adults equally divided into 8 groups on sex, an age dichotomy, and a social class index. Factor analysis yielded factors identical with those of a previous study. Statistically significant score differences were found on the 3 sampling dimensions, but only the sex differences were important. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We compared the wound healing process on Sprague-Dawley rats between Argon Laser and Krypton Laser, and calculated the laser actual doses after correction on wound healing on rats and estimated the clinical doses on wound healing for human skin. SUMMARY BACKGROUND DATA: Laboratory work provided some support for the use of low-intensity laser radiation in wound healing. Some studies found that laser irradiation may either enhance, inhibit, or has no effect on the function of a variety of microorganisms and cells. Animal studies also offered some basis for treatment. Improvements, particularly in the earliest phases of wound healing, have been reported following laser irradiation. METHODS: We used Argon Laser (488-514 nm) and Krypton Laser (670 nm) in the study. The laser beam was delivered through a system of fiber optic in Argon Laser and reflector in Krypton Laser. The rats treated were restrained in a Plexiglas cage without anesthesia during the laser irradiation period. The percentage of the wound healing acceleration in days and size, actual doses, and estimated clinical doses were calculated as follows: AccD = (1-TD/CD) x 100%, AccS = (1-TA/CA) x 100%, AD = D(in) - D(gl) - D(SR) and ECD = AD = D(sr), respectively. RESULTS: The acceleration effects of wound healing in days (AccD) were 22.93% and 14.54%, size reductions (AccS) were 41.93% and 30.41% at the optimal stimulative incident dose of 20 J/cm2. Zero bioactivation shown at the incident doses of 80 J/cm2 and 100 J/cm2. The inhibitory effects of wound healing in days were -7.72% and -3.37%, in size reduction were -13.35% and -12.88% at the maximal inhibitory incident dose of 140 J/cm2 for Argon and Krypton Lasers, respectively. The actual doses were 5.21 J/cm2 and 4.03 J/cm2, the estimated clinical doses were 5.50 J/cm2 and 4.25 J/cm2 at optimal stimulative incident dose 20 J/cm2 for Argon and Krypton Lasers, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Low power laser therapy at the appropriate dosimetric parameters can provide the acceleration effects of wound healing on rats. The effects were dependent with the doses and laser wavelengths used. In this experiment, the optimum stimulative dose was 20 J/cm2 and the Argon Laser with 488 nm was more effective than the Krypton Laser with 670 nm. The zero bioactivation and inhibition effect of wound healing on rats occurred in Argon Laser and Krypton Laser.  相似文献   

An understanding of the functional significance of the newly identified estrogen receptor (ER beta) in the brain will require definition of its expression pattern and relationship to ER alpha. Using an antibody generated against the C-terminus of rat ER beta, we report the presence of ER beta immunoreactivity in the lateral septum, medial amygdala, hippocampus and paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of ovariectomized rats. Double labelling studies in the PVN revealed that approximately 35% of oxytocin neurons located principally in the medial and lateral parvocellular divisions of the caudal PVN were immunoreactive for ER beta while vasopressin, somatostatin and magnocellular oxytocin neurons exhibited no ER beta staining with this antibody. No ER alpha immunoreactive cells were identified in the caudal PVN. These observations provide direct evidence for the differential expression of ER sub-types within neurons and indicate that ER beta may be of physiological significance in the regulation of hypothalamic parvocellular oxytocin neurons by estrogen.  相似文献   

废弃生物质热解的两种反应模型对比研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
建立了废弃生物质热解的一级反应、平行反应两种模型。根据实验分别确定了动力学参数:反应的表观活化能E和表观频率因子A.两种模型预测值与实验测量值进行比较,表明平行反应机理模型更适合废弃生物质热解的反应机理.  相似文献   

Summary The advantages and drawbacks are discussed of two models of powder mixtures: The model based on single-particle approximation and the concentric sphere model. Calculated values obtained by using both models are compared with experimental data.Translated from Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, No. 1, pp. 23–24, January, 1968.  相似文献   

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