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三维立体显示综述   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
按基本工作原理是否为双目视差将三维立体显示分为两大类。基于双目视差原理的三维立体显示主要有眼镜/头盔式立体显示和光栅式自由立体显示,这类三维立体显示的技术相对成熟并有相应产品;非基于双目视差原理的三维立体显示主要有全息立体显示、集成成像立体显示和体显示等,这类三维立体显示的技术较不成熟,大多没有相应产品。对这些三维立体显示的器件结构、工作原理以及各自的特性进行了阐述。  相似文献   

In observing a virtual 3D object displayed stereoscopically on a large screen, there is often a difference between the calculated depth and the perceived depth. This paper presents a method for reducing such differences of depth. To do this, we modify both the viewing position and the screen position in the stereoscopic calculation. The optimal amount of modification was determined from sample values of depth differences. The effectiveness of the proposed method is discussed on the merits of the experimental results. This technique decreased the average difference from 4.3 mm to 1.3 mm.  相似文献   

通过研究立体液晶显示器的图像获取及显示接口,完成了从摄像到显像的整体数字系统的电路部分设计。  相似文献   

Software which permits an IBM AT and two IBM Professional Graphics Displays to be used to display high-quality three-dimensional space-filling stereoscopic images of macromolecules is described. Stereo image pairs generated on two screens are visually fused using a simple mirror system to provide binocular depth perception. Images are colored to identify atomic type, residue type, charge or hydrophobicity according to user-specified codes and can be rotated and rescaled. Macromolecules containing over 16,000 atoms can be rapidly drawn using Brookhaven Protein Data Bank or user-supplied coordinates.  相似文献   

Many different types of stereoscopic display devices are used for commercial and research applications. Stereoscopic displays offer the potential to improve performance in detection tasks for medical imaging diagnostic systems. Due to the variety of stereoscopic display technologies, it remains unclear how these compare with each other for detection and estimation tasks. Different stereo devices have different performance trade‐offs due to their display characteristics. Among them, crosstalk is known to affect observer perception of 3D content and might affect detection performance. We measured and report the detailed luminance output and crosstalk characteristics for three different types of stereoscopic display devices. We recorded the effect of other issues on recorded luminance profiles such as viewing angle, use of different eye wear, and screen location. Our results show that the crosstalk signature for viewing 3D content can vary considerably when using different types of 3D glasses for active stereo displays. We also show that significant differences are present in crosstalk signatures when varying the viewing angle from 0 degrees to 20 degrees for a stereo mirror 3D display device. Our detailed characterization can help emulate the effect of crosstalk in conducting computational observer image quality assessment evaluations that minimize costly and time‐consuming human reader studies.  相似文献   

C. Schmandt 《Displays》1984,5(2):89-92
Several techniques are described to obtain spatial registration between three-dimensional input devices and a stereoscopic video display. A video monitor is viewed through a half-silvered mirror, with left and right eye views time-multiplexed through video interlace and viewed with electronic shutter glasses. A magnetic six-degree-of-freedom digitizer and an ordinary magnetostrictive graphics tablet were used as input devices.  相似文献   

Abstract— Stereoscopic and autostereoscopic projection‐display systems use projector arrays to present stereoscopic images, and each projector casts one parallax image of a stereoscopic scene. Because of the position shift of the projectors, the parallax images have geometric deformation, which influences the quality of the displayed stereoscopic images. In order to solve this problem, a method based on homography is proposed. The parallax images are pre‐transformed before they are projected, and then the stereoscopic images without geometric distortion can be obtained. An autostereoscopic projection‐display system is developed to present the images with and without calibration. Experimental results show that this method works effectively.  相似文献   

Accurate distance estimation is essential for effective user interaction with objects appearing in the virtual space. Research has shown that the distance estimation in the virtual space is not as accurate as that in the real world. The inaccuracy phenomenon is almost exclusively documented for estimating objects appearing straight ahead of the eye. A collection of the accuracy data for targets located in different angles of view in the visual field may be useful in aiding the design of user‐virtual object interaction. This study collected the object to object distance estimation accuracy for targets displayed stereoscopically. There are five horizontal and two vertical viewing angles and three depths, resulting in a total of 30 locations in the virtual space. The distance estimation for any of the 30 object pairs were performed with or without the aid of spatial cues. Significant factors influencing the accuracy and time of distance estimation were identified. Implications of the finding were discussed with respect to the stereoscopic display environment.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the virtual display effects on direct interaction performance metrics such as accuracy, task completion time, and comfort. Eighteen participants performed tapping (pointing) tasks in the coronal plane by directly reaching for tapping targets at three egocentric distance levels, with three indices of difficulty at each egocentric distance. The position data and severity of cybersickness symptoms were collected with a motion system and a symptom questionnaire, respectively. The results indicated that accuracy was higher with the stereoscopic widescreen display than with the head mounted display. However, no significant differences in task completion time, throughput, and cybersickness were observed between the two VR displays. In addition, increasing the egocentric distance improved accuracy and lengthened the task completion time, whereas increasing the task difficulty lengthened the task completion time but did not affect the accuracy. The findings are important and informative for users in choosing between the two virtual reality displays. Generally, the stereoscopic widescreen display can be recommended for tasks requiring high egocentric distance accuracy in the coronal plane. Furthermore, developers may refer to these findings in designing interfaces that allow a more natural way of interaction for users.  相似文献   

In stereoscopic images, the crossing point of the viewing directions of the two eyes determines the perceived depth. Assuming that accommodation is affected by the positions of the crossing point, the effect of crossing point on minimum angle of resolution (MAR) was investigated. For 40 participants, MAR was measured by two‐alternative forced choice where Snellen optotype E of up and down directions were used as two kinds of stimuli. As the crossing point of the viewing direction of the left and right eyes moves farther from the sample display, the ability to identify the direction of letter E decreases at the optotype of the same line thickness. The change of MAR shows linear trends with respect to the optical power change that are the reciprocal of the distance from the participant to the crossing points located out of screen and on screen.  相似文献   

Stereoscopic displays are becoming popular in entertainment and industrial applications. We characterize the spatial resolution and noise properties of a stereoscopic display with a half‐mirror and passive polarizing glasses. The upper display images reflected off the mirror have slightly degraded sharpness and reduced high spatial‐frequency noise resulting in modulation transfer functions (MTFs) of 0.59 and 0.50 at the Nyquist frequency with corresponding noise power spectra (NPS) values of 4.79 × 10?6 and 5.17 × 10?6 mm2 at 10 mm?1 in the horizontal and vertical directions. These results are compared to the characteristics of the individual displays with MTF values of 0.64 and 0.53 and NPS values of 6.24 × 10?6 and 5.87 × 10?6 mm2. The polarizing glasses cause minimal reduction in sharpness and high‐frequency noise. The MTFs in the upper images observed with glasses are decreased to 0.54 and 0.47, while the NPS are decreased to 2.86 × 10?6 and 2.01 × 10?6 mm2. When both displays are turned on and using the mirror and glasses, the observed luminance for each eye is increased from the luminance of the individual displays owing to crosstalk. We find that sharpness and noise are not affected by the interaction between the displays at the particular geometry tested in this study.  相似文献   

针对人体对真实空间中三维立体虚拟图像的成像和直接交互问题,提出了包含虚拟立体成像和基于线绳的力反馈设备的立体交互系统设计方法。立体图像的产生方法是通过编程建立一个VC工程,实现了三维对象模型的导入和左右视差图像的产生;人手指末端位置的检测是通过电机的增量式光电编码器测量出线绳长度,进而利用线绳的空间几何关系求出的;根据手指末端位置与虚拟图像的位置关系,利用空间几何关系来合成线绳拉力。在系统中导入对象模型并且进行交互的实验表明:系统具有良好的成像效果和交互效果。  相似文献   

Abstract— A new method that can present fine depth increments in a stereoscopic display is proposed. In typical stereoscopic displays, depth can be presented by binocular disparity, but binocular disparity of less than one pixel cannot be displayed because, in general, electronic displays have discrete pixels. We combined binocular disparity and modulation of the edge luminance in DFD (depth‐fused 3D) displays. In an experiment, the perceived depth could be continuously changed by modulating the edge luminance only. Therefore, continuous depth can be produced by combining binocular disparity and modulation of edge luminance distribution.  相似文献   

This work presents an image displacement measurement by using a box pattern and the edge spread function analysis in the polarized based stereoscopic displays. The measurement determines to identify three factors (i.e., box size, image displacement, and spatial frequency response (SFR)) from the box patterns. The polarized based stereoscopic displays might sacrifice pixels for producing 3D images, which might produce errors in the image displacement and then affect the depth perception indirectly. Based on the measurement, the errors can be quantified by using the three factors. Owing to the light leakage distorting the edge spread function to obtain an inferior SFR, exactly how light leakage affects the edge spread function can be resolved on the basis of the SFR results, especially at a frequency (1/display pixel) of 1.9 in the case of the horizontal displacement. Light leakage also induces the error of the box height in even and odd intervals of the vertical displacements more than 2 pixels and 0.5 pixels, respectively. The image displacement measurement provides a simple and comprehensive means of evaluating the optical characteristics, disparity, and sharpness of the stereoscopic displays, via the three factors.  相似文献   

文章对旋转式显示技术进行研究,介绍了旋转式显示基础以和显示控制方法,详细分析了旋转式显示的原理和技术难点.最后对旋转式显示的应用进行了展望.  相似文献   

A novel augmented reality display is proposed to achieve a field of view of 100°, while maintaining a good form factor with a glass‐thin waveguide combiner. The out‐coupler consists of an array of off‐axis diffractive lenslets with extremely low f‐number. A breadboard system is built and its performance characterized, combined with analysis and discussion of further improvement.  相似文献   

基于Java3D的立体显示技术及其在仿真中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出用虚拟环境建模API Java3D产生场景左右眼图像的关键技术,以及用Java3D如何控制影响立体显示效果的主要因素,这些主要因素是左右图像视差、虚拟眼睛视场宽度和虚拟眼睛到显示平面的距离。这些技术已成功应用于Java3D开发的汽车驾驶仿真系统中以实现立体显示。这些技术为用Java3D开发视景仿真系统和三维立体视觉游戏软件提供支持。  相似文献   

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