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A hybrid power system based on a fuel cell (FC) and an energy storage system appears to be very promising for satisfying the high energy and high power requirements of automotive applications in which the power demand is impulsive rather than constant. This paper deals with the use of a hybrid energy storage system with the battery (BAT)/ultracapacitor (UC) as ancillary power source in FC electric vehicles. The energy management strategy (EMS) is one of the most important issues for the efficiency and performance of such systems. The designed EMS uses a splitting method, allowing a natural frequency decomposition of the power demands. It takes into account the slow dynamics of FC and the state of charge of the UC and BAT. A simulation is conducted using MATLAB/SIMULINK software in order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy. It confirms the performance of the control method and also demonstrates the robustness and stability of the control strategy with good tracking response (transient performance), low overshoot, zero steady‐state error, and control flexibility during a power demand cycle. © 2014 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

随着大量可再生能源并入电网,火电机组越来越频繁地参与到电网调频中。针对火电机组自身二次调频能力不足的问题,采用由飞轮储能阵列和锂离子电池储能阵列组成的混合储能系统来辅助火电机组的二次调频。首先根据火电机组功率和自动发电控制(automatic generation control,AGC)指令获得混合储能系统的充放电功率指令,然后提出了基于小波包分解(wavelet packet decomposition,WPD)方法的各储能阵列充放电指令分配方法。接着根据各储能阵列充放电指令分配方法,以火电机组二次调频综合指标提升二倍为目标,提出了一种混合储能系统容量配置优化方法。最后,通过某额定装机容量250 MW的火电机组实际输出功率数据,仿真验证了本文提出的混合储能系统容量配置优化方法的有效性。  相似文献   

随着可再生能源的大规模开发,以风能为代表的可再生能源大量并入电网,且渗透率不断提高.一方面,由于惯性时间常数较小的风电机组替代了传统发电机组,系统的总体惯量减少;另一方面,由于风能本身所具有的间歇性、随机性,系统的频率特性发生改变,调频能力随之减弱.风电参与调频是解决风电上网约束的有效手段之一.为此,对风电参与调频领域的研究进行综述,首先以双馈风电机组和永磁直驱风电机组这2类最常用的变速风电机组调频控制策略为例,综述风电机组转子超速控制、桨距角控制、虚拟惯量综合控制、虚拟同步发电机控制,储能与风电调频以及多控制策略联合的原理、优缺点和发展趋势等;然后针对风电场参与系统调频的若干问题进行分析;最后对本领域未来可研究的问题进行展望.  相似文献   

风电场经直流汇集-直流送出的风电全直流输电系统中,直流系统的存在会解耦风电场和受端电网的频率耦合,在传统控制策略下对受端电网频率支撑能力弱。为此,提出一种针对风电全直流输电系统的一次调频变下垂协调控制策略。首先,提出基于Logistic函数的电压-频率变下垂频率传递策略,以直流系统电压为媒介,建立起电网频率与风电场功率的耦合关系。基于该频率传递策略,构建了由受端换流站的变下垂虚拟同步发电机(virtual synchronous generator, VSG)控制、直流升压站的改进双闭环控制及风力发电机的变下垂减载控制组成的风电全直流输电系统一次调频协调控制策略,实现系统无通信传递频率并参与电网一次调频。最后,利用Matlab/Simulink软件搭建风电全直流输电系统仿真模型,在不同工况下进行仿真验证。仿真结果表明,所提控制策略能使风电场在不依赖远端通信的情况下实现对电网的一次调频,同时,有效减小了调频过程中直流电压的波动幅度。  相似文献   

The uncertainties associated with multi-area power systems comprising both thermal and distributed renewable generation (DRG) sources such as solar and wind necessitate the use of an efcient load frequency control (LFC) technique. Therefore, a hybrid version of two metaheuristic algorithms (arithmetic optimization and African vulture’s optimization algorithm) is developed. It is called the ‘arithmetic optimized African vulture’s optimization algorithm (AOAVOA)’. This algorithm is used to tune a novel type-2 fuzzy-based proportional–derivative branched with dual degree-of-freedom proportional–integral–derivative controller for the LFC of a three-area hybrid deregulated power system. Thermal, electric vehicle (EV), and DRG sources (including a solar panel and a wind turbine system) are connected in area-1. Area-2 involves thermal and gas-generating units (GUs), while thermal and geothermal units are linked in area-3. Practical restrictions such as thermo-boiler dynamics, thermal-governor dead-band, and generation rate constraints are also considered. The proposed LFC method is compared to other controllers and optimizers to demonstrate its superiority in rejecting step and random load disturbances. By functioning as energy storage elements, EVs and DRG units can enhance dynamic responses during peak demand. As a result, the efect of the aforementioned units on dynamic reactions is also investigated. To validate its efectiveness, the closed-loop system is subjected to robust stability analysis and is compared to various existing control schemes from the literature. It is determined that the suggested AOAVOA improves ftness by 40.20% over the arithmetic optimizer (AO), while frequency regulation is improved by 4.55% over an AO-tuned type-2 fuzzy-based branched controller.  相似文献   

近年来,大规模电池储能参与电网二次调频控制是其继调峰之后最具潜力的应用方向之一,但是传统的二次调频控制策略无法区分不同电池储能技术特征的差异,进而难以充分发挥其调频优势,造成资源浪费。为此,提出一种计及电池储能技术特征的电网二次调频控制策略。受传统机组的调频成本模型启发建立电池储能调频成本函数,定量描述具有不同技术特征的储能在承担调频责任时所对应的调频成本。以调频成本最小化为目标,配置储能调频责任以满足电网二次调频需要。利用MATLAB/Simulink搭建含多个电池储能的区域电网动态模型,验证所提二次调频策略的可行性,并与其他2种调频策略进行对比分析。仿真结果表明,所提控制策略能够充分考虑不同电池储能的技术特征,从而精确地调度储能以满足电网调频需要,并实现荷电状态的均衡控制。  相似文献   

为解决大规模风电并网带来的系统频率不稳定问题,在分析储能系统、风电机组、火电机组调频特性的基础上,提出了风储火联合调频策略。在一次调频中,以所提出的分频系统自动确定风储火的有功出力,提高了系统调频速度和调频质量。二次调频是在考虑一次调频容量的需求条件下,提出了计及机组备用大小、经济性、安全性、区域控制要求的联合调频策略,减轻了火电机组调频负担,提高了系统的频率调整速度和频率稳定性。通过仿真试验分析,结果表明所提出的联合调频策略较传统调频方式更适合于高风电渗透率的电力系统调频。  相似文献   

在传统虚拟同步发电机(virtual synchronous generator, VSG)控制的光储系统中,电池通过频繁充放电处理波动的光伏功率,易出现早衰问题。为优化电池运行,提出一种考虑功率最大输出与储能协调的光储VSG控制策略。首先,建立输出频率与直流侧电容电压偏差的比例关系,实现光伏功率的最大输出与VSG的惯性支撑。其次,利用下垂特性控制电池功率输出,在实现系统一次调频功能的基础上提升电池能量管理的灵活度。然后,设计一种稳定直流侧电压的分段控制方案,确保系统正常工作时直流侧电压在合理范围之内。最后,通过仿真实验验证所提方法不仅保留了VSG的惯性支撑和一次调频功能,还实现了光伏功率的最大输出,减少了对电池的依赖。  相似文献   

针对配电网线路阻抗大、分布式光伏并网系统无功调压能力有限,导致光伏电源在有功出力较大时并网点(PCC)电压越上限问题,在深入分析光伏系统PCC电压特性基础上,提出一种光伏逆变器有功和无功协调控制策略。在该控制策略下,光伏系统实时跟踪监测PCC电压变化,PCC电压不越限时,逆变器按最大功率点跟踪(MPPT)输出;PCC电压越上限时,优先利用逆变器剩余容量进行无功调压,若剩余容量不足,调节逆变器有功输出,并动态计算有功、无功最佳输出值,保证将PCC电压调节至满足要求的前提下,实现逆变器有功输出最大化、无功输出最佳化。算例结果验证了控制策略的有效性。  相似文献   

针对直流微电网互联变换器提出一种能根据两端直流母线电压判断自身传输功率方向与大小的智能控制策略。该策略首先将两个直流微电网之间的互联变换器作为微电网潮流控制器(MicrogridPowerFlowController,MPFC)来控制互联线路上的潮流。然后提出一种微网自适应功率下垂控制方法使MPCF与分布式储能协同控制直流母线电压。最后使用Matlab/Simulink仿真验证该控制方法能够有效提高系统的稳定性和效率,并且能够减小因不需要的功率流动所带来的功率损耗及储能的充放电次数。  相似文献   

为了提高停电后电力系统负荷恢复效率,具有调控优势且响应速度快的储能参与系统恢复已经成为必然趋势。现有研究中,储能主要是作为可再生能源的辅助电源,平抑可再生能源出力波动;大规模储能也可作为黑启动电源,为待恢复机组提供启动功率。但上述研究都侧重于利用储能的输出功率,而忽略了储能调频能力在提高系统安全性方面的作用,未能更大程度地提高系统的恢复效率。为此,文中提出了考虑电网侧储能调频能力的电力系统负荷恢复策略。以恢复尽可能多的重要负荷为目标,考虑储能的功率特性、频率响应特性和其他安全约束,构建电力系统负荷恢复模糊机会约束模型;进一步通过清晰等价类将其转化为确定性0-1规划问题,并采用人工蜂群算法进行求解;以IEEE 39节点系统为例进行仿真分析,仿真结果表明文中所提策略能够提高负荷恢复效率。  相似文献   

考虑电池储能系统自身容量限制下提升一次频率响应的自适应性,提出一种计及荷电状态(SOC)的电池储能系统一次调频综合控制策略.建立电池储能系统一次调频动态模型,对比分析了虚拟惯性与虚拟下垂控制对电网频率偏差的调节特性.设计考虑SOC的电池储能系统一次调频自适应综合控制策略,并引入一种由综合考虑频率偏差及其变化率的输入系数与计及电池储能系统SOC的反馈系数相结合的自适应因子,输入系数由模糊逻辑控制器自适应调节,反馈系数通过回归函数自适应调节.最后搭建仿真模型进行阶跃和连续负荷扰动工况下不同控制策略对比分析,仿真结果验证了所提控制策略能自适应控制电池储能系统出力,有效提升一次调频效果.  相似文献   

This paper focuses Load Frequency Control (LFC) mechanism for multi-generating two areas interconnected power systems with energy storage system in a deregulated power environment. The two areas, demarcated as Area-I and Area-II, consist of thermal, hydro and gas power units. This paper also incorporates the economic load dispatch mechanism into the LFC for economical division of load during load deviation. Small signal stability analysis through participating factor has also been done to determine the oscillation state of the system, i.e., frequency deviation in both areas. Therefore, proper controller is required to reduce the oscillation of the system. The optimum value of the integral gain of the integral controller has to be selected to achieve the goal. Hence, Opposition-based Harmonic Search (OHS) technique is used for the optimization purpose. During major disturbance in the areas, primary and secondary controllers are not sufficient to reduce the frequency and tie-line power oscillation due to slow response of the governor mechanism. Therefore, energy storage system, i.e., Redox Flow Battery (RFB), is used for improvement of the dynamic response of the system which has very small time constant and quick response. The proposed control mechanism has been analyzed in a deregulated power environment with the help of different simulation case studies to find out improved dynamic performance over integral control strategies.  相似文献   

电池储能系统(Battery Energy Storage System, BESS)以其控制精度高、响应速度快等优势被广泛应用于电网中。为充分发挥BESS参与电网一次调频的优势,提出一种基于荷电状态(State Of Charge,?SOC)与频率偏差的综合控制方法。首先,为了改善电池循环寿命,设计基于荷电状态SOC的下垂系数与虚拟惯性系数。引入基于频率偏差的加权系数将下垂出力与虚拟惯性出力相结合,在频率偏差较小时增加虚拟惯性出力权重以稳定频率,在频率偏差较大时增加下垂出力权重以快速调节频率偏差,并在频率偏差超过一定限度后进行故障穿越时的频率支撑,而当电网状态变好且SOC较低或较高时进行SOC恢复。其次,提出BESS参与电网一次调频的评价指标以定量评估所提策略的调频效果及SOC维持效果。最后,基于PSCAD/EMTDC搭建BESS仿真模型,并在阶跃负荷扰动、随机负荷扰动、瞬时性短路故障及光伏间歇性出力扰动工况下仿真验证所提策略的调频效果及SOC维持效果。仿真结果表明,所提策略能实现较好的调频效果并将SOC维持在合理区间内。研究成果为BESS成套设备生产厂家合理设计控制保护参数提供参考,对提升BESS涉网性能具有实际意义。  相似文献   

Distributed generation (DG) may result in voltage fluctuation by changing line flow and reactive power injection, especially DG that generates power from renewable energy resources. To cope with this problem, this paper proposes an optimization process to optimally regulate the system voltage profile to lie close to the desired values by using the adaptive Tabu search (ATS) algorithm. The system voltages will be regulated by using dispatchable DG and voltage control devices, i.e. voltage regulator and capacitor. Moreover, probabilistic load flow calculation by using Monte Carlo simulation is chosen to evaluate the uncertainty of DG powered by renewable energy resources. The number of switching operations of the voltage regulator and capacitor are also accounted for in the optimization constraints, as excessive frequent switching operations can damage these devices. The optimal sizes and locations of dispatchable DGs and capacitors are considered as the optimization variables. The proposed method is demonstrated in an IEEE 34‐bus distribution test system and a modified 21‐bus Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) system (Thailand). © 2014 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

In this paper, a collaborative online algorithm is proposed to estimate the state of charge (SOC) and state of health (SOH) of lead-carbon batteries that participate in frequency regulation of a power system with a high proportion of renewable energy. The algorithm addresses the inaccurate estimation of energy storage battery states caused by continuous and alternating charging and discharging over a short period. Analysis of lead-carbon battery chemistry and materials reveals that the resistance of the diaphragm is the most influential factor in battery aging. In addition, the hysteresis characteristics of an energy storage battery vary significantly between the charging and discharging stages. A second-order RC equivalent circuit model is proposed that considers the contact and diaphragm resistances, and hysteresis characteristics. Based on this, models for constant current charging interaction, constant voltage charging interaction, and dynamic discharging interaction are developed. The adaptive forgetting factor recursive leassquare (AFF-RLS) method is used to identify the parameters of the interactive models. Then an interactive multiple model with the embedded unscented Kalmanfilter (UKF) is used to estimate the SOC of the energy storage battery. The membrane and contact resistances identified by the interactive multi-model (IMM) are used to estimate the SOH, and online collaborative optimization of the SOC and SOH is achieved. The error of the proposed SOC estimation method is experimentally verified to be within 2%, which is less than 5% of the standard value, and the error of SOH estimation is within 0.5%, demonstrating the high accuracy of the proposed method.  相似文献   

To meet ever increasing load demand in a sustainable way, reinforcement of photovoltaic (PV) array, wind turbine (WT) and capacitor bank in distribution network is proposed in this paper. A comprehensive planning model is presented to determine location and required installation capacity of multiple PV array, WT and capacitor units in an electric power distribution network under heavy load growth situation. Intermittent power generation of renewable energy sources (RESs) are quantified with suitable probability distribution functions and incorporated in the planning model. The planning approach considers several welfare areas in the distribution systems, viz., increment of profit margin, reduction of carbon-di-oxide emission, minimization of distribution power losses, enhancement of voltage stability level and improvement of the network security considering power flow, voltage limit, line capacity, RES penetration, capacitor penetration and utility economy constraint. Non-dominated sorting based multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm along with fuzzy decision making criteria is used to find the best allocation alternative for mix RES and capacitor planning problem. The effectiveness of the proposed model has been tested on a typical 28-bus Indian rural distribution network. The results show that more efficient techno-eco-environmental optimization can be obtained from combined RES and capacitor planning model.  相似文献   

While adding distributed energy resources (DER) to a distribution circuit will affect numerous aspects of operation, bus voltage is a critical aspect that must be maintained within acceptable limits. It is therefore critical to: (1) quantify how DER installation will affect the voltage, (2) visualize the voltage change, and (3) predict the voltage change of the alternatives within the DER operational space. These three goals are achieved through the development of a simple voltage change potential (VCP) visualization method that can be determined using the basic characteristics of an inverter-based DER installation. The VCP results compare favorably with equivalent complete non-linear Matlab/Simulink™ models of DER implementation in distribution circuits at a fraction of the computational time. Calculation of VCP also enables a new control method that uses circuit information and simple equations to provide situation-dependent and optimal voltage regulation.  相似文献   

在直流微电网中,混合储能系统被用于改善可再生能源发电系统的性能,维持网内的整体功率平衡。合理的控制策略是充分发挥不同储能器件特性、保证系统安全稳定运行的关键。综述了直流微网混合储能系统控制策略的最新进展,从基本控制思想、动态响应能力提升方法和考虑荷电状态的控制策略三个方面进行了总结研究,并以表格形式直观地展示其优点和不足。针对现有控制策略的局限性,并结合相关领域技术进展,对其未来发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

在风电机组并网处安装储能装置可以有效平滑功率波动,提出了变分模态分解-模糊控制策略平抑风电功率波动。首先通过滑动平均滤波获得储能系统参考功率,采用变分模态分解(Variational Mode Decomposition, VMD)将储能系统参考功率分解后,分别将高频信号和低频信号分配给超级电容器和锂电池。结合超级电容器和锂电池当前荷电状态与其参考值偏差,经模糊控制规则修正储能系统设备的充放电功率。最后利用Matlab/Simulink仿真,结果表明该控制策略不仅能够满足风电场最大输出功率变化率限制要求,还可以保持荷电状态(SOC)维持在合理范围,避免过充和过放的发生。  相似文献   

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