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The parallel interference cancellation for multi-carrier DS-CDMA (which is termed FDC-PIC) is proposed by integrating frequency diversity combination. The simulations are made over FDC-PIC with respect to different decision ways hard, soft and linear decisions, respectively, and we conclude that FDC-PIC acquires superior performance improvement over correlation reception of multi-carrier DS CDMA. With an increase in interference cancellation stages, the system performance is improved further. The initial 2 stages bring about the most dominant performance improvement, but up to the 3rd stage the system performance is improved little. It is also shown by the simulation results that FDC-PIC with soft decision would exhibit the best performance with a high implementation complexity, while FDC-PIC with linear decision acquires performance comparable to that of FDC-PIC with soft decision with a reduced-complexity if the number of the interference cancellation stages is the same, which indicates that FDC-PIC with linear decision has optimal performance/complexity tradeoff and therefore will be suitable for practical application in future.  相似文献   

1Introduction Duetotherobustnesstomultipathfading,highrate,lowincostandsmallpowerconsumption,UWBcom municationisapromisingtechniqueforshortrang,high speedwirelessapplications[1-8].ButUWBsystem designhasmanychallenges.Oneofthemainchallenges isdealingwithal…  相似文献   

Asthemeansforcommunicationofusersindiferentcommunicationnetworksandnetworkresourcesharing,communicationnetworkinterconnection...  相似文献   

The packet reservation multiple access with hindering state (PRMA-HS) is a protocol suitable for LEO satellite mobile communication. Although working well with light system payload (amount of user terminals), the protocol imposes high channel congestion on system with heavy payload, thus degrades the system's quality of service. To controlling the channel congestion, a scheme of enhanced PRMA-HS protocol is proposed, which aims to reduce the collision of voice packets by adopting a mechanism of access control. Through theoretic analysis, the system's mathematic model is presented and the packet drop probability of the scheme is deduced. To testify the performance of the scheme, a simulation is performed and the results support our analysis.  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - In recent years, Smart Cities and Smart Homes have been studied as an important field of research. The design and construction of smart homes have flourished so...  相似文献   

Recently, researchers have discovered unexpected bumps in the detection rate curve of yet another steganographic scheme (YASS). We refer to this abnormal phenomenon as non-monotonic security performance. This paper first analyzes this abnormality and points out that it is caused by the non-uniformity in probability of coincidence of \(8\,\times \,8\) embedding blocks and \(8\,\times \,8\) JPEG blocks. Based on this observation, we propose that further randomizing data embedding positions can overcome the non-monotonic security performance. Experimental results have demonstrated a complete removal of bumps in the detection rate curve of YASS after further randomization.  相似文献   

The performances of nonlinear WDM systems with different duty cycle are compared by means of numerical simulation.The numerical results show that the optical pulse with duty cycle of 0.5 is superior to the conventional NRZ modulation schene.The conclusion is different from that of some references.The reason is that inter symbol interference is not included in some references.In fact,inter symbol interference plays an important role in monlinear WDM system.Although the larger the duty cycle is,the stronger the effect of the cross-phase modulation and self-phase modulation on nonlinear WDM is however,the larger the duty cycle is ,the stronger the inter symbol interference is.  相似文献   

Some previous works concluded that weather conditions impact on the performance of outdoor IEEE 802.11b/g links. They show high correlation coefficients between the number of control frame errors and the weather conditions. However, these previous studies do not consider grouping weather conditions into ranges and it would provide very valuable information in this issue. Knowing the weather conditions ranges where the weathers’ impact is really significant would be very useful for future outdoor networks. Thus, we have carried out a deep study on an experimental IEEE 802.11b/g setup in order to extract real conclusions. It is composed of two outdoor radio links of different lengths transmitting traffic continuously. Results show that in spite of covering a lower distance, the short distance link is more susceptible to the weather conditions. It is due to the modulation scheme used in that case. Moreover, they show different correlation coefficients depending on the groupings of weather conditions.  相似文献   

Compared with the traditional and inter-chip networks, on-chip networks (NoCs) have enormous wire resources which can be traded for improving other performance requirements. This means that much wider data links can be used for NoCs. This paper focuses on the area costs for on-chip routers under four different data-link widths: 8 bits, 16 bits, 128 bits, and 256bits. Firstly, a virtual-channel based on-chip router is introduced. Secondly, the components of the router are implemented by Verilog HDL models and synthesized by Quartus II 4.0 in a FPGA device. Finally, the area costs are analyzed. It can be seen from the results that data-link width has great influence on area costs of buffers and crossbar while has no influence on area costs of arbiter.  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - In this paper, a wireless cooperative network, with two sections, operating over multipath mobile-to-mobile interference-limited fading channel is considered. The...  相似文献   

Herein a novel Dyadic Green's Function (DGF) is presented to calculate the field in ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) chamber. Due to the difficulty of simulating the whole chamber environment, the analysis combines the DGF formulation and the FEM method, with the latter deals with the reflection from absorbers. With DGF formulation for infinite periodic array structures, this paper investigates electromagnetic field in chamber with truncated arrays. The reflection from the absorber serves as the virtual source contributing to the total field. Hence the whole chamber field calculation can be separated from the work of absorber model set-up. Practically the field homogeneity test and Normal Site Attenuation (NSA) test are carried out to evaluate the chamber performance. Based on the method in this paper, the simulation results agree well with the test, and predict successfully the victim frequency points of the chamber.  相似文献   

A sorting algorithm based on the Batcher’s algorithm is presented. An 8×8 multistage interconnection network(MIN) is constructed. Applying wavelength division multiplexing(WDM) technology and integrating control mode, the designed network can realize non-blocking communication. The time delay of the MIN and the switches needed are also analyzed in theory, the deduced result conforms that the MIN designed previously is feasible. In the case of the same communication quality guaranteed, MIN uses the least switches and completes the communication more efficiently.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionTheexplosivegrowthofInternettraffichasim posedtremendousstressontoday srouters,howtoimplementhighspeed ,scalableandlargeprocessingcapabilitywhileprovidinggoodserviceshasbecomethekeyissuetodesignmodernrouterfacilities.La bel switchingtechnol…  相似文献   

Performance Analysis of MC-CDMA in the Presence of Carriers Phase Errors   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1 IntroductionRecently ,greatattentionhasbeenpaidtothedesignofwirelesssystemsforhighdatarateapplica tions.Amulticarrier (MC)CDMAsystem[1~ 4] em ployingorthogonalfrequencydivisionmultiplexing(OFDM) [5~ 1 0 ] isamoresuitablecandidateforhigh bit rateapplications,becau…  相似文献   

1Introduction LEOMicro Satellitesatelliteisespeciallyusefulfor wide areadistributeddatacollectionincasesofmarine exploration,geologicalorecologicalsurveillance,etc.,andforalternatetemporarymobiledatacommunications inspecialcircumstances.Arandomaccesspacke…  相似文献   

The process of analogue circuit optimisation is mathematically defined as a controllable dynamic system. In this context the minimisation of the processor time of designing can be formulated as a problem of time minimisation for transitional process of dynamic system. In order to analyse the properties of such a system, it is proposed to use the concept of Lyapunov function of dynamic system. Using this function and its time derivative, the special functions have been built that allow us to predict the total processor time for circuit optimisation by analysing the initial interval of the optimisation process. Numerical results indicate the possibility of predicting the processor time of different strategies for circuit optimisation.  相似文献   

Zhang  Yinjun  Chen  Mengji 《Wireless Networks》2022,28(8):3787-3800
Wireless Networks - The advancement of technology, specifically the development of information technology (IT) has had a great influence on everyone life. Due to the rapid development of...  相似文献   

1 IntroductionIntheOrthogonalFrequencyDivisionMulti plexing (OFDM ) ,datasymbolsaretransmittedinparallel,andthewholetransmissionbandwidthisdividedintomanynarrowsubchannels.Moreover,OFDMcanalmosteliminateInterSymbolInterfer ence (ISI)forhighratedatatransmissionovertimedispersivechannelsifasuitableguardintervalischo sen[1 ] .Comparedtothetraditionalsinglecarriertransmission,thestructureofOFDMissimple,bandwidthefficiencyofOFDMishigher,andOFDMisrobusttotimedispersionfadingandim pulsen…  相似文献   

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