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Mapping LAI in a Norway spruce forest using airborne laser scanning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study we demonstrate how airborne laser scanning (ALS) can be applied to map effective leaf area index (LAIe) in a spruce forest, after being calibrated with ground based measurements. In 2003 and 2005, ALS data and field estimates of LAIe were acquired in a Norway spruce forest in SE Norway. We used LI-COR's LAI-2000® Plant canopy analyzer (“LAI-2000”) and hemispherical images (“HI”) for field based estimates of LAIe. ALS penetration rate calculated from first echoes and from first and last echoes was strongly related to field estimates of LAIe. We fitted regression models of LAIe against the log-transformed inverse of the ALS penetration rate, and in accordance with the Beer-Lambert law this produced a linear, no-intercept relationship. This was particularly the case for the LAI-2000, having R2 values > 0.9. The strongest relationship was obtained by selecting ALS data from within a circle around each plot with a radius of 0.75 times the tree height. We found a slight difference in the relationship for the two years, which can be attributed to the differences in the ALS acquisition settings. The relationship was valid across four age classes of trees representing different stages of stand development, except in one case with newly regenerated stands which most likely was an artifact. Using LAIe based on HI data produced weaker relationships with the ALS data. This was the case even when we simulated LAI-2000 measurements based on the HI data.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the ability of small footprint, multiple return and pulsed airborne scanner data to classify tree genera hierarchically using stepwise cluster analysis. Leaf-on and leaf-off airborne scanner datasets obtained in the Washington Park Arboretum, Seattle, Washington, USA were used for tree genera classification. Parameters derived from structure and intensity data from the leaf-on and leaf-off laser scanning datasets were compared to ground truth data. Relative height percentiles and simple crown shapes using the ratio of a crown length to width were computed for the structure variables. Selected structure variables from the leaf-on dataset had higher classification rate (74.9%) than those from the leaf-off dataset (50.2%) for distinguishing deciduous from coniferous genera using linear discriminant functions.Unsupervised stepwise cluster analysis was conducted to find groupings of similar genera at consecutive steps using k-medoid algorithm. The three stepwise cluster analyses using different seasonal laser scanning datasets resulted in different outcomes, which imply that genera might be grouped differently depending on the timing of the data collection. When combining leaf-on and leaf-off LIDAR datasets, the cluster analysis could separate the deciduous genera from evergreen coniferous genera and could make further separations between evergreen coniferous genera. When using the leaf-on LIDAR dataset only, the cluster analysis did not separate deciduous from evergreen genera. The overall results indicate the importance of the timing of laser scanner data acquisition for tree genera separation and suggest that the potential of combining two LIDAR datasets for improved classification.  相似文献   

Tree species identification is important for a variety of natural resource management and monitoring activities including riparian buffer characterization, wildfire risk assessment, biodiversity monitoring, and wildlife habitat assessment. Intensity data recorded for each laser point in a LIDAR system is related to the spectral reflectance of the target material and thus may be useful for differentiating materials and ultimately tree species. The aim of this study is to test if LIDAR intensity data can be used to differentiate tree species. Leaf-off and leaf-on LIDAR data were obtained in the Washington Park Arboretum, Seattle, Washington, USA. Field work was conducted to measure tree locations, tree species and heights, crown base heights, and crown diameters of individual trees for eight broadleaved species and seven coniferous species. LIDAR points from individual trees were identified using the field-measured tree location. Points from adjacent trees within a crown were excluded using a procedure to separate crown overlap. Mean intensity values of laser returns within individual tree crowns were compared between species. We found that the intensity values for different species were related not only to reflective properties of the vegetation, but also to a presence or absence of foliage and the arrangement of foliage and branches within individual tree crowns. The classification results for broadleaved and coniferous species using linear discriminant function with a cross validation suggests that the classification rate was higher using leaf-off data (83.4%) than using leaf-on data (73.1%), with highest (90.6%) when combining these two LIDAR data sets. The result also indicates that different ranges of intensity values between two LIDAR datasets didn't affect the result of discriminant functions. Overall results indicate that some species and species groups can be differentiated using LIDAR intensity data and implies the potential of combining two LIDAR datasets for one study.  相似文献   

Characterizing forest structure is an important part of any comprehensive biodiversity assessment. However, current methods for measuring structural complexity require a laborious process that involves many logistically expensive point based measurements. An automated or semi-automated method would be ideal. In this study, the utility of airborne laser scanning (LiDAR; Light Detection and Ranging) for characterizing the ecological structure of a forest landscape is examined. The innovation of this paper is to use different laser pulse return properties from a full waveform LiDAR to characterize forest ecological structure. First the LiDAR dataset is stratified into four vertical layers: ground, low vegetation (0-1 m from the ground), medium vegetation (1-5 m from the ground) and high vegetation (> 5 m). Subsequently the “Type” of LiDAR return is analysed: Type 1 (singular returns); Type 2 (first of many returns); Type 3 (intermediate returns); and Type 4 (last of many returns). A forest characterization scheme derived from LiDAR point clouds is proposed. A validation of the scheme is then presented using a network of field sites that recorded commonly used metrics of biodiversity. The proposed forest characterization categories allow for quantification of gaps (above bare ground, low vegetation and medium vegetation), canopy cover and its vertical density as well as the presence of various canopy strata (low, medium and high). Regression analysis showed that LiDAR derived variables were good predictors of field recorded variables (R2 = 0.82, P < 0.05 between LiDAR derived presence of low vegetation and field derived LAI for low vegetation). The proposed scheme clearly shows the potential of full waveform LiDAR to provide information on the complexity of habitat structure.  相似文献   

Biomass fractions (total aboveground, branches and foliage) were estimated from a small footprint discrete-return LiDAR system in an unmanaged Mediterranean forest in central Spain. Several biomass estimation models based on LiDAR height, intensity or height combined with intensity data were explored. Raw intensity data were normalized to a standard range in order to remove the range dependence of the intensity signal. In general terms, intensity-based models provided more accurate predictions of the biomass fractions. Height models selected were mainly based on a percentile of the height distribution. Intensity models selected included variables that consider the percentage of the intensity accumulated at different height percentiles, which implicitly take into account the height distribution. The general models derived considering all species together were based on height combined with intensity data. These models yielded R2 values greater than 0.58 for the different biomass fractions considered and RMSE values of 28.89, 18.28 and 1.51 Mg ha1 for aboveground, branch and foliage biomass, respectively. Results greatly improved for species-specific models using the main species present in each plot, with R2 values greater than 0.85, 0.70 and 0.90 for black pine, Spanish juniper and Holm oak, respectively, and with lower RMSE for the biomass fractions. Reductions in LiDAR point density had only a small effect on the results obtained, except for those models based on a variation of the Canopy Reflection Sum, which was weighted by the mean point density. Based on the species-specific equations derived, Holm oak dominated plots showed the highest average carbon contained by aboveground biomass and branch biomass 44.66 and 31.42 Mg ha− 1 respectively, while for foliage biomass carbon, Spanish juniper showed the highest average value (3.04 Mg ha− 1).  相似文献   

Mapping tropical forests to a sufficient level of spatial resolution and structural detail is a prerequisite for their rational management, which however remains a largely unmet challenge. We explore the degree to which a forest canopy height model (CHM) derived from airborne laser scanning (ALS) can discriminate between five forest types of similar height but varying structure or composition. We systematically compare various textural features (Haralick, Fourier transform-based, and wavelet-based features) and various classification procedures (linear discriminant analysis (LDA), random forest(RF), and support vector machine (SVM)) applied to two sizes of sampling units (64 m × 64 m and 32 m × 32 m). Simple height distribution statistics achieve at best 70% classification accuracy in our sample set comprising 120 sampling units of 64 m × 64 m. Using w avelet-based features, this accuracy increases to 79% but drops by 10% with smaller sampling units (32 m × 32 m). Classifier performance depends on the texture feature set used, but SVM and RF tend to perform better than LDA. High discrimination rates between forests types of similar height indicate that the ALS-derived CHM provides information suitable for mapping of tropical forest types. Wavelet-based texture features coupled with a SVM classifier was found to be the most promising combination of methods. Ancillary data derived from laser scans and notably topography could be used jointly for an improved segmentation scheme.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the applicability of small footprint, high sampling density airborne laser scanners for boreal forest change detection, i.e. the estimation of forest growth and monitoring of harvested trees. Two laser acquisitions were carried out on a test site using a Toposys-1 laser scanner. Three-dimensional canopy height models were calculated for both data sets using raster-based algorithms. Object-oriented algorithms were developed for detecting harvested and fallen trees, and for measuring forest growth at plot and stand levels. Out of 83 field-checked harvested trees, 61 could be automatically and correctly detected. All mature harvested trees were detected; it was mainly the smaller trees that were not. Forest growth was demonstrated at plot and stand levels using an object-oriented tree-to-tree matching algorithm and statistical analysis. The precision of the estimated growth, based on field checking or statistical analysis, was about 5 cm at stand level and about 10–15 cm at plot level. The authors expect that the methods may be feasible in large area forest inventories that make use of permanent sample plots. Together with methods for detecting individual sample trees, the methods described may be used to replace a large number of permanent plots with laser scanning techniques.  相似文献   

Airborne laser scanner systems provide detailed forest information that can be used for important improvements in forest management decisions. Planning systems under development use plot-survey data to represent forest stands in large forest holdings which enables new flexible methods to model the forest and optimize selection of silvicultural treatments. In Sweden today, only averages of forest stand variables are used, and the survey methods used do not provide plot-survey data for all stands in large forest holdings. This is a task possibly solved using airborne laser scanner data. Various measures can be derived from laser data, each describing different forest variables, such as tree height distribution, vegetation density and vertical tree crown structure. Here, imputation of field plot (10 m radius) data using measures derived from airborne laser scanner data (TopEye) and optical image data (SPOT 5 HRG satellite sensor) were evaluated as a method to provide data for new long-term management planning systems. In addition to commonly applied measures, the semivariogram of laser measurements was evaluated as a new measure to extract spatial characteristics of the forest. The study used data from 870, 10 m radius field plots (0 to 812 m3 ha− 1) surveyed for a 1200 ha large forest estate in the south of Sweden. At the best, combining measures derived from laser scanner data and SPOT 5 data, stand mean volume was estimated with a root mean square error (RMSE) of 20% of the sample mean and stem density with 22% RMSE. Bias of stem density estimates was 5%, and stand stem volume 4%. Although these accuracies are sufficient for operational application, estimates of tree species proportions and within-stand variation were clearly not.  相似文献   

In this paper, we developed a scanning laser system, which allows rapid processing of freeform multi-layered microstructures. More importantly it enables rapid prototyping of three-dimensional (3D) microdevices at low cost. The capabilities of three-dimensional manufacturing, inclined patterning, and multi-layered manufacturing have been demonstrated. Specifically, both in-plane and out-of-plane processing is feasible using spot-by-spot controllable laser pulsing. The laser processing perpendicular to the specimen surface is realized by fine tuning the focus level and laser intensity. A large number of microfluidic components such as cantilever beams, embedded channels and other shapes requiring gaps between layers are demonstrated in a single layer. Compared to the existing manufacturing techniques, our direct laser writing method greatly simplifies fabrication processes, potentially reducing the design-to-fabrication cycle to a few hours.  相似文献   

Forest inventories based on single-tree interpretation of airborne laser scanning (ALS) data often rely on an allometric estimation chain in which inaccuracies in the estimates of the diameter at breast height (DBH) propagate to other characteristics of interest such as the stem volume. Our purpose was to test nearest neighbor imputation by the k-Most Similar Neighbor (k-MSN) and the Random Forest (RF) methods for the simultaneous estimation of species, DBH, height and stem volume using ALS data. The predictors included computational alpha shape metrics and variables based on the height and intensity distributions in the ALS data. Separate data sets covering 1898 and 1249 dominant to intermediate trees in a typical Scandinavian stand structure were used for training and validation, respectively. RF proved to be a flexible method with an ability to handle 1846 predictors with no need for their reduction. Classification of Scots pine, Norway spruce and deciduous trees showed an accuracy of 78%, and the estimates of DBH, height and volume had root mean square errors of 13%, 3%, and 31%, respectively, when evaluated against the validation data. The two selection strategies implemented here reduced the number of candidate variables effectively without any substantial effect on the accuracy relative to the use of all predictors. Differences in k-MSN and RF imputations were marginal when the reduced sets of variables were used. Estimation accuracies could be maintained practically unchanged with only 12.5% of the initial reference data (237 trees), provided the distribution of the observations was similar in the reference and target data. Since we used information collected in the field for extracting the ALS point clouds for individual trees, our results represent an optimal case and should nevertheless be validated against automated tree delineation.  相似文献   

This study presents and compares new methods to describe the 3D canopy structure with Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) waveform data as well as ALS point data. The ALS waveform data were analyzed in three different ways; by summing the intensity of the waveforms in height intervals (a); by first normalizing the waveforms with an algorithm based on Beer–Lambert law to compensate for the shielding effect of higher vegetation layers on reflection from lower layers and then summing the intensity (b); and by deriving points from the waveforms (c). As a comparison, conventional, discrete return ALS point data from the laser scanning system were also analyzed (d). The study area was located in hemi-boreal, spruce dominated forest in the southwest of Sweden (Lat. 58° N, Long. 13° E). The vegetation volume profile was defined as the volume of all tree crowns and shrubs in 1 dm height intervals in a field plot and the total vegetation volume as the sum of the vegetation volume profile in the field plot. The total vegetation volume was estimated for 68 field plots with 12 m radius from the proportion between the amount of ALS reflections from the vegetation and the total amount of ALS reflections based on Beer–Lambert law. ALS profiles were derived from the distribution of the ALS data above the ground in 1 dm height intervals. The ALS profiles were rescaled using the estimated total vegetation volume to derive the amount of vegetation at different heights above the ground. The root mean square error (RMSE) for cross validated regression estimates of the total vegetation volume was 31.9% for ALS waveform data (a), 27.6% for normalized waveform data (b), 29.1% for point data derived from the ALS waveforms (c), and 36.5% for ALS point data from the laser scanning system (d). The correspondence between the estimated vegetation volume profiles was also best for the normalized waveform data and the point data derived from the ALS waveforms and worst for ALS point data from the laser scanning system as demonstrated by the Reynolds error index. The results suggest that ALS waveform data describe the volumetric aspects of vertical vegetation structure somewhat more accurately than ALS point data from the laser scanning system and that compensation for the shielding effect of higher vegetation layers is useful. The new methods for estimation of vegetation volume profiles from ALS data could be used in the future to derive 3D models of the vegetation structure in large areas.  相似文献   

The advent of mobile laser scanning has enabled time efficient and cost effective collection of forest structure information. To make use of this technology in calibrating or evaluating models of forest and landscape dynamics, there is a need to systematically and reproducibly automate the processing of LiDAR point clouds into quantities of forest structural components. Here we propose a method to classify vegetation structural components of an open-understorey eucalyptus forest, scanned with a ‘Zebedee’ mobile laser scanner. It detected 98% of the tree stems (N = 50) and 80% of the elevated understorey components (N = 15). Automatically derived DBH values agreed with manual field measurements with r2 = 0.72, RMSE = 3.8 cm, (N = 27), and total basal area agreed within 1.5%. Though this methodological study was restricted to one ecosystem, the results are promising for use in applications such as fuel load, habitat structure, and biomass estimations.  相似文献   

Using simple models derived from spectral reflectance, we mapped the patterns of ecosystem CO2 and water fluxes in a semi-arid site in southern California during a period of extreme disturbance, marked by drought and fire. Employing a combination of low (∼ 2 km) and high (∼ 16 km) altitude images from the hyperspectral Airborne Visible Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS), acquired between April 2002 and September 2003, and ground data collected from an automated tram system, several vegetation indices were calculated for Sky Oaks field station, a FLUXNET and SpecNet site located in northern San Diego County (CA, USA). Based on the relationships observed between the fluxes measured by the eddy covariance tower and the vegetation indices, net CO2 and water vapor flux maps were derived for the region around the flux tower. Despite differences in the scale of the images (from ∼ 2 m to 16 m pixel size) as well as marked differences in environmental conditions (drought in 2002, recovery in early 2003, and fire in mid 2003), net CO2 and water flux modeled from AVIRIS-derived reflectance indices (NDVI, PRI and WBI) effectively tracked changes in tower fluxes across both drought and fire, and readily revealed spatial variation in fluxes within this landscape. After an initial period of net carbon uptake, drought and fire caused the ecosystem to lose carbon to the atmosphere during most of the study period. Our study shows the power of integrating optical and flux data in LUE models to better understand factors driving surface-atmosphere carbon and water vapor flux cycles, one of the main goals of SpecNet.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify candidate features derived from airborne laser scanner (ALS) data suitable to discriminate between coniferous and deciduous tree species. Both features related to structure and intensity were considered. The study was conducted on 197 Norway spruce and 180 birch trees (leaves on conditions) in a boreal forest reserve in Norway. The ALS sensor used was capable of recording multiple echoes. The point density was 6.6 m− 2. Laser echoes located within the vertical projection of the tree crowns, which were assumed to be circular and defined according to field measurements, were attributed to three categories: “first echoes of many”, “single echoes”, or “last echoes of many echoes”. They were denoted FIRST, SINGLE, and LAST, respectively. In tree species classification using ALS data features should be independent of tree heights. We found that many features were dependent on tree height and that this dependency influenced selection of candidate features. When we accounted for this dependency, it was revealed that FIRST and SINGLE echoes were located higher and LAST echoes lower in the birch crowns than in spruce crowns. The intensity features of the FIRST echoes differed more between species than corresponding features of the other echo categories. For the FIRST echoes the intensity values tended to be higher for birch than spruce. When using the various features for species classification, maximum overall classification accuracies of 77% and 73% were obtained for structural and intensity features, respectively. Combining candidate features related to structure and intensity resulted in an overall classification accuracy of 88%.  相似文献   

Remote sensing plays an important role within the field of forest inventory. Airborne laser scanning (ALS) has become an effective tool for acquiring forest inventory data. In most ALS-based forest inventories, accurately positioned field plots are used in the process of relating ALS data to field-observed biophysical properties. The geo-referencing of these field plots is typically carried out by means of differential global navigation satellite systems (dGNSS), and often relies on logging times of 15–20 min to ensure adequate accuracy under different forest conditions. Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) has been proposed as a possible tool for collection of field data in forest inventories and can facilitate rapid acquisition of these data. In the present study, a novel method for co-registration of TLS and ALS data by posterior analysis of remote-sensing data – rather than using dGNSS – was proposed and then tested on 71 plots in a boreal forest. The method relies on an initial position obtained with a recreational-grade GPS receiver, in addition to analysis of the ALS and TLS data. First, individual tree positions were derived from the remote-sensing data. A search algorithm was then used to find the best match for the TLS-derived trees among the ALS-derived trees within a search area, defined relative to the initial position. The accuracy of co-registration was assessed by comparison with an accurately measured reference position. With a search radius of 25 m and using low-density ALS data (0.7 points m?2), 82% and 51% of the TLS scans were co-registered with positional errors within 1 m and 0.5 m, respectively. By using ALS data of medium density (7.5 points m?2), 87% and 78% of the scans were co-registered with errors within 1 m and 0.5 m of the reference position, respectively. These results are promising and the method can facilitate rapid acquisition and geo-referencing of field data. Robust methods to identify and handle erroneous matches are, however, required before it is suitable for operational use.  相似文献   

Vegetation classification is a fundamental task in several applications such as forest management, remote sensing-based crop monitoring, and mitigation of plant diseases, digital prototyping of plants, and plant phenotyping, among others. We propose a novel supervoxel-based methodology to accurately detect vegetation from small-footprint full-waveform airborne laser scanning data in urban and mountainous scenes. Mathematically, the full-waveform decomposition and fitting model based on multiple kernels is presented to generate high-density 3D point clouds and their relevant attributes. The homogeneous supervoxels are then generated by using an enhanced probability density clustering (PDC) algorithm. For each supervoxel, we employ latent Dirichlet allocation to obtain supervoxels features through generalisation of geometric and full-waveform features of point clouds. The Support Vector Machine (SVM) and ensemble classifier random forest (RF) are used to classify these supervoxels into vegetation and non-vegetation. Our experiments on urban and mountainous scenes demonstrate that our approach achieves an overall accuracy of 98.27% and 96.47% respectively by RF classifier and achieves an overall accuracy of 98.16% and 97.67% on the same data sets by SVM classifier. By integrating full-waveform information and more meaningful generalised features, our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods at preserving a trade-off between missing alarm rate and false alarm rate.  相似文献   

Formerly, tree height has been more difficult to measure accurately in the field than tree diameter at breast height. As a consequence, models to predict height from diameter measurements have been widely developed in the forestry literature. Through the use of airborne laser scanning technology (e.g., LiDAR), tree variables such as height and crown diameter can be measured accurately, a development which has spawned the need for models to predict diameter from airborne laser-derived measurements. Although some work has been done for fitting such models, none have incorporated spatial information to improve the accuracy of the predicted diameters. Using a simple linear model for predicting tree diameter from laser-derived tree height and crown diameter measurements, we compared the performance of ordinary least squares (OLS), generalized least squares with a non-null correlation structure (GLS), linear mixed-effects model (LME), and geographically weighted regression (GWR). Our data were obtained from 36 sample plots established in Norway. This is the first study to examine the use of spatial statistical models for tree-level LiDAR data. Root mean square prediction errors in tree diameter with LME are 3.5%, with GWR are 10%, and with OLS and GLS are 17%. LME also exhibited low variability in predicting performance across all the validation classes (based on laser-derived height). Giving the difficulties of using parametric statistical inference (such as maximum likelihood-based indices) for GWR, we used permutation tests as a way for detecting statistical differences. LME was significantly better than the other models, as well as GWR was to OLS and GLS. Our results indicate that the LME model produced the best predictions of tree diameter from LiDAR-based variables to a degree that has previously not been possible.  相似文献   

Canopy height distributions were created from small-footprint airborne laser scanner data collected over 133 georeferenced field sample plots and 56 forest stands located in young and mature forest. The plot size was 300-400 m2 and the average stand size was 1.7 ha. Spruce and pine were the dominant tree species. Canopy height distributions were created from both first and last pulse data. The laser data were acquired from two different flying altitudes, i.e., 530-540 and 840-850 m above ground. Height percentiles, mean and maximum height values, coefficients of variation of the heights, and canopy density at different height intervals above the ground were computed from the laser-derived canopy height distributions. Corresponding metrics derived from the two different flying altitudes were compared. Only 1 of 54 metrics derived from the first pulse data differed significantly between flying altitudes. For the last pulse data, the mean values of the height percentiles were up to 50 cm higher than the corresponding values of the low-altitude data. The high-altitude data yielded significantly higher values for most of the canopy density measures. The standard deviation for the differences between high and low flying altitude for each of the metrics was estimated. The standard deviations for the height percentiles ranged from 0.07 to 0.30 cm in the forest stands, indicating a large degree of stability between repeated flight overpasses.The effect of variable flying altitude on mean tree height (hL), stand basal area (G), and stand volume (V) estimated from the laser-derived height and density measures using a two-stage inventory procedure was assessed by randomly combining laser data from the two flying altitudes for each individual sample plot and forest stand. The sample plots were used as training data to calibrate the models. The random assignment was repeated 10,000 times. The results of the 10,000 trials indicated that the precision of the estimated values of hL, G, and V was robust against alterations in flying altitude.  相似文献   

While forest inventories based on airborne laser scanning data (ALS) using the area based approach (ABA) have reached operational status, methods using the individual tree crown approach (ITC) have basically remained a research issue. One of the main obstacles for operational applications of ITC is biased results often experienced due to segmentation errors. In this article, we propose a new method, called “semi-ITC” that overcomes the main problems related to ITC by imputing ground truth data within crown segments from the nearest neighboring segment. This may be none, one, or several trees. The distances between segments were derived based on a set of explanatory variables using two nonparametric methods, i.e., most similar neighbor inference (MSN) and random forest (RF). RF favored the imputation of common observations in the data set which resulted in significant biases. Main conclusions are therefore based on MSN. The explanatory variables were calculated by means of small footprint ALS and multispectral data. When testing with empirical data the new method compared favorably to the well-known ABA. Another advantage of the new method over the ABA is that it allowed for the modeling of rare tree species. The results of predicting timber volume with the semi-ITC method were unbiased and the root mean squared error (RMSE) on plot level was smaller than the standard deviation of the observed response variables. The relative RMSEs after cross validation using semi-ITC for total volume and volume of the individual species pine, spruce, birch, and aspen on plot level were 17, 38, 40, 101, and 222%, respectively. Due to the unbiasedness of the estimation, this study is a showcase for how to use crown segments resulting from ITC algorithms in a forest inventory context.  相似文献   

Methods for using airborne laser scanning (also called airborne LIDAR) to retrieve forest parameters that are critical for fire behavior modeling are presented. A model for the automatic extraction of forest information is demonstrated to provide spatial coverage of the study area, making it possible to produce 3-D inputs to improve fire behavior models.The Toposys I airborne laser system recorded the last return of each footprint (0.30-0.38 m) over a 2000 m by 190 m flight line. Raw data were transformed into height above the surface, eliminating the effect of terrain on vegetation height and allowing separation of ground surface and crown heights. Data were defined as ground elevation if heights were less than 0.6 m. A cluster analysis was used to discriminate crown base height, allowing identification of both tree and understory canopy heights. Tree height was defined as the 99 percentile of the tree crown height group, while crown base height was the 1 percentile of the tree crown height group. Tree cover (TC) was estimated from the fraction of total tree laser hits relative to the total number of laser hits. Surface canopy (SC) height was computed as the 99 percentile of the surface canopy group. Surface canopy cover is equal to the fraction of total surface canopy hits relative to the total number of hits, once the canopy height profile (CHP) was corrected. Crown bulk density (CBD) was obtained from foliage biomass (FB) estimate and crown volume (CV), using an empirical equation for foliage biomass. Crown volume was estimated as the crown area times the crown height after a correction for mean canopy cover.  相似文献   

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